Will Ming

Chapter 367 Deadly Battle

ps: Decisive battle in August, fire at me!Please, please, please!

Chapter 360 Seven Deadly Battle ([-])

Although Zhai Rang is highly skilled in martial arts, he has almost no defeat in close combat, but he is really not very good at fighting in front of the two armies. Wagangzhai gathered together, and he was respected as the eldest brother. Husband's undeserved courage, the command of the battle is even assisted by Xu Shiji, he has never personally fought in battle in the past few years, how can he be the opponent of the veteran general Zhang Xutuo who has experienced many battles?

In fact, if two people compete in martial arts, the three Zhang Xutuo may not be Zhai Rang's opponent, but once they get on the horse and fight to the death, the two Zhai Rang may be able to draw with Zhang Xutuo.This is the difference between the heroes of the rivers and lakes and the masters of the army. Zhai Rang did not expect that Zhang Xutuo was still so brave in his fifties, nor did he expect that the horse Zhang Xutuo was sitting on was also cunning like a psychic sinister.

These two hooves kicked too hard, and Zhai let the horse fall over to one side with a mournful cry.How could Zhang Xutuo miss such a good opportunity?He urged the horse forward and shouted: "Zhai Rang, die!"

With enough strength in his hand, the iron gun stabbed straight at Zhai Rang's face.Zhai Rang was thrown so badly at this time, how could he react.Seeing that the spear was about to stab him in the face, a feathered arrow flew over quickly from the slanted stab.Although Zhang Xutuo heard the sound of the bowstring, the iron spear in his hand stabbed out and he couldn't take it back.

This armor-piercing cone hit Zhang Xutuo's right chest. Because the distance was too close, the arrow was extremely powerful. A gap was torn open in the iron armor, and the feathered arrow got in through the gap, and the blood immediately disappeared. Come out through the mouth.Zhang Xutuo was hit by the arrow and his body was shaken, and the iron spear that was stabbed in his hand was also deflected a little.

With a bang, the tip of the gun hit a stone next to Zhai Rang's face.In a series of sparks, the stone was shattered by the iron gun, and the flying gravel hit Zhai Rang's face, immediately drawing a lot of blood.Zhai Rang yelled in fright, and subconsciously rolled to one side and hid.Zhang Xutuo ignored the man who was shooting arrows at him, and urged the horse to shoot at Zhai Rang, who was rolling on the ground, one after another.

Zhai Rang never thought that one day he would be so embarrassed.

He was lying on the ground rolling and dodging the iron spear that Zhang Xutuo kept poking down, his bloody face was stained with a lot of dust and mud, and his rather gorgeous armor made a series of jingling crisp sounds as it rolled. There was a loud noise, and the breastplate fell to the side during the tumbling.

Zhang Xutuo endured the pain of the arrow wound on his shoulder, and frowned slightly. One shot was faster than one shot, but he didn't expect that after Zhai Rang fell to the ground, his martial arts were fully displayed. While rolling and kicking, Zhang Xutuo stabbed There were seven or eight shots, but only one shot cut Zhai Rang's ribs.It seemed dangerous, but Zhai Rang was able to dodge at the most critical moment.

Not far away, it was Xie Yingdeng who shot Zhang Xutuo with an arrow. Wang Bodang and Zhang Liang led people out of the east gate. command.He led his men to block the attack of Qi County's officers and soldiers, and when he turned around, he happened to see Zhai Rang being shot down by Zhang Xutuo.This blow scared Xie Yingdeng into a cold sweat, he immediately took off his hard bow, took a little aim and shot.

He has practiced martial arts archery since he was a child, and the distance is only more than [-] meters, this arrow will never shoot in the air anyway, but because of panic, it still missed a bit, and it did not hit Zhang Xutuo's heart, but shot in the middle of the chest. on the right chest.

Seeing that Zhai Rang was in danger, he immediately urged Ma Tingqiang to kill him.

"Old thief! Don't hurt my brother!"

Xie Yingdeng shouted loudly, raised Zhang Xutuo's iron spear, turned around and shouted: "Brother, go quickly, I'll kill this old thief!"

Zhai Rang, whose face was covered with mud and blood, was so frightened that he almost lost his soul at this time. He didn't care about the pain from the wound on his ribs. He got up and stepped back while shouting: "Yingdeng be careful, the old thief is very good at martial arts!"

Xie Yingdeng responded, set aside Zhang Xutuo's iron spear and swept it across, forcing him to retreat.Xie Yingdeng saw that Zhang Xutuo was injured and bullied him for being old, but he didn't take it too seriously, and urged his horse forward to stab Zhang Xutuo's throat.

Zhang Xutuo swung his spear to fend off Ma Qian, looked down at the feather arrow on his right chest and frowned slightly.

With the iron gun in his right hand, he stabbed three times like lightning, forcing Xie Yingdeng to retreat again and again.Then Zhang Xutuo raised his left hand to hold the arrow shaft, and snapped the feathered arrow with a forceful click on his wrist.Throwing half of the arrow shaft on the ground, Zhang Xutuo pointed his iron gun at Xie Yingdeng and asked, "Who will come?"

"Wagang, Xie Yingdeng!"

Xie Yingdeng replied, then urged the horse to kill again.


Zhang Xutuo said lightly, his eyes staring.

Xie Yingdeng was furious, and cursed, stepped forward and stabbed Zhang Xutuo's heart, Zhang Xutuo swung the gun to parry, and then stabbed out like lightning, knocking the iron helmet on Xie Yingdeng's head into the air. If you can't say anything, you will hate it.

Xie Yingdeng became more and more frightened during the Vietnam War, and after a dozen or so gathered, he felt powerless and slightly frightened.Although Zhang Xutuo is over fifty years old and still has injuries, his martial arts on horseback is really fierce and domineering. That iron spear can only attack but not defend, and every shot is as fast as lightning , the sound is like thunder, how can it look like an old man?

After more than a dozen rounds, Xie Yingdeng's previous vigor was gradually suppressed by Zhang Xutuo.After fighting for more than a dozen rounds, Xie Yingdeng's lances became more and more chaotic, and there was no way to fight back if he was only parrying.

Zhang Xutuo saw Luo Shi's envoy lance every day, so how could he take Xie Yingdeng's lance method seriously?

He spotted a flaw and shot Xie Yingdeng in the shoulder.When he stabbed Zhai Rang before, the tip of the iron gun pierced the stone and the tip collapsed, but even so, the iron gun still pierced into Xie Yingdeng's shoulder.This shot was too heavy, and Xie Yingdeng was directly thrown from the horse by the shot.

Zhang Xutuo urged his horse to chase after him, but Xie Yingdeng was rescued by several personal soldiers.

Zhang Xutuo assassinated three or four people one after another, Zhai Rang changed his horse and came to rescue Xie Yingdeng again.

The two fought together again, and this time Zhai Rang was more careful. Although he was still at a disadvantage, he would not be shot down again.



Xie Yingdeng was seriously injured, half of his shoulder was bloody and bloody, and he was unable to fight any more. His personal soldiers snatched him back, and one of the strong soldiers carried him on his back and ran out towards the stockade.The others stopped the cavalry under Zhang Xutuo's command, and the two sides killed each other fiercely like wild beasts biting.Bloody light kept flashing, and stumps and broken arms could be seen everywhere.

Zhai Rang has always been on the defensive. Although Zhang Xutuo was hit by an arrow, he became more and more courageous in the battle. Gradually, Zhai Rang was forced to parry.The general was brave, and the officers and soldiers of Qi County were aroused with murderous aura. They all rushed forward like tigers descending the mountain with red eyes.Zhai Rang personally led more than [-] elite gray-clothed troops in Wagang Village, but they were forced back again and again by the [-] county soldiers, and they were about to retreat back into the village.

Li Mi was shocked, he really didn't expect Zhang Xutuo to be so brave.He hurriedly mobilized the archers on the city wall, boarded the archery tower and tried to shoot arrows far away. Some of the thrown arrows fell into the crowd of Qijun soldiers, and many fell into the crowd of Wagangzhai soldiers. Someone was shot by a feathered arrow.

After shooting like this for a while, it actually tore a gap between the two sides.The people of Wagang Village who retreated again and again were finally able to take a breath, and Zhai Rang was also rescued by several soldiers rushing up.


Zhang Xutuo reined in his horse, looked at Zhai Rang calmly with his jaw raised, and said two words.

Zhai Rang blushed with embarrassment. Fortunately, his face was almost covered with blood and mud, so others couldn't see it, but the feeling of fever made Zhai Rang feel ashamed.

"Old thief, why are you so rampant?"

Zhai Rang scolded angrily: "I will let you die here today, with your head in a different place!"

"If you have the ability to kill yourself."

Zhang Xutuo said indifferently: "It's a pity you don't have this ability."

It's just that although he was calm and domineering, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He was really old, and his strength was insufficient after a series of bloody battles. The pain on the wound was almost unbearable. He couldn't stop the bleeding. strength is getting smaller and smaller.He wanted to beat the soldiers and horses from Wagangzhai out of the city in one go, but he didn't expect to be stopped in the end. If he wanted to win easily, it would be difficult.

What made him feel a little sad and pity the most was the rounds of feathered arrows shot down from the city wall.If someone hadn't acted decisively to tear the two sides apart, relying on the high morale of the officers and soldiers of Qi County at this time, it would not be impossible to enter the village, but the commander on the city wall could see this very clearly, which made Zhang Xutuo Sighing in my heart, it seems that this time I can only retreat for the time being.

He couldn't help but look towards the city wall, and saw a man in white clothes standing out from a distance on the city wall, who stood out among the gray-clothed soldiers on the city wall. The man was not wearing armor, but he was too far away to see his face clearly.

Zhang Xutuo ignored Zhai Rang's angry scolding, turned his head slightly to his opponent's subordinate general and said: "Today, we can't take down Wagang Village in one go. I will personally lead the army to charge for a while, and you take the rear team back to the camp. Remember, Walk in formation, not rush away.”


His deputy, Song Kaishan, responded, and then retreated to the rear.



"Zhai Rang!"

Zhang Xutuo pointed his iron gun at the abstract's face and said loudly: "Since you got out of that tortoise shell today, do you dare to fight me to the death!"

"How can I be afraid of you!"

Zhai Rang shouted angrily, and let out his anger.


Zhang Xutuo urged his horse forward, and all the soldiers behind him rushed out.Zhai Rang did not commit suicide himself, but urged his men to fight.The soldiers in Wagangzhai were more or less timid, and they were all intimidated by Zhang Xutuo, who was as fierce as a tiger.

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