Will Ming

Chapter 368 Deadly Battle

(Fight in August, please!)

Chapter 360 Eight Death Battle ([-])

"Come here, tell Song Kaishan to take the rear team back to the camp, you wait and follow me to rescue Geng San and Zhang Yuan, we children of Qi County will not leave a relative behind!"


His soldiers responded immediately, followed Zhang Xutuo and made a bloody path, rushing towards the east gate.Song Kaishan, his deputy general, was reorganizing the army formation at this time, and he was startled when he received Zhang Xutuo's general order. At this time, Zhang Xutuo had only less than five hundred soldiers around him, and most of them were on his side. The general only brought the Hundreds of people went to rescue Geng San and Zhang Yuan, how could he rest assured?

He ordered Lieutenant Cui Xiaoshen to lead 500 men and horses, and personally lead more than [-] county soldiers to support Zhang Xutuo.Li Mi saw Zhang Xutuo's intentions, and immediately waved the flag on the city wall to issue orders. Zhai Rang then led his men and horses to bite from behind fiercely. The Wagangzhai soldiers who saw the hope of victory also burst out their potential at this time. , The depression of being pressed and beaten before was swept away. They screamed, brandishing horizontal knives and spears like wolves, chasing and biting behind the Qi County army, tearing off layers of flesh and blood one by one.

After the school lieutenant Cui Xiaoshen led 500 people to break through, he only persisted for less than half an hour before being torn apart by Zhai Rang's troops. Thousands of people killed them. Disappeared like a stone.Cui Xiaoshen died in a bloody battle, and the five hundred county soldiers were wiped out.

Before Song Kaishan and his troops could catch up with Zhang Xutuo, the rear team was overtaken by the people from Wagangzhai.He was worried about Zhang Xutuo's safety, so he had to divide his troops to resist the pursuers again, and led more than [-] people to continue chasing Zhang Xutuo.The nearly [-] county soldiers left behind by the rear may have known that it was impossible for them to return to their hometown alive, so they killed the enemy extraordinarily fiercely. The county soldiers kept retreating in a counterattack.

It's just that there are too few county soldiers left after all. After the people in Wagangzhai withstood the counterattack of the county soldiers, the advantage of being large and powerful was immediately brought into play. The county soldiers did not command, and soon the defense line was divided into sections At that time, two thousand soldiers from the county fell into the heavy siege of Wagangzhai people and horses.


A school lieutenant shouted loudly: "We can't retreat anymore, those bastards will be able to see the general's back! Even if we all die here, as long as the general can return to Qi County, we in Qi County still have hope! With the general here, Qi County will have no worries, and without the general, Qi County will perish! For our parents, for our parents and children, we swear to the death not to take a step back!"

"For the general! For Qi County!"

The hundreds of county soldiers gathered around the captain glanced at each other's companions, then walked against the current with their heads held high and singing loudly.They were surrounded by people from Wagangzhai, but none of them retreated timidly.The horizontal knife in their hands has a gap, but their hands are still tightly holding the handle.The leather armor on their bodies has been damaged, but the blood in their bodies has not been drained.

They strode forward and sang to kill.

"Hao Erlang, the forward soldiers are mighty!"

"Hao Erlang, spill your blood on the battlefield!"

"Hao Erlang, you have a knife and a gun in your hand!"

"Hao Erlang, kill the thief and protect your hometown!"

"Kill the thief and protect the hometown!"

The school lieutenant sang this sentence, and then stabbed the enemy in front of him to death, but the soldiers in Nawagang village were extremely brave, they threw away their weapons and saved him.The Wagangzhai soldiers from behind rushed up like crazy, and chopped him and the Wagangzhai soldier with one knife after another. Soon, the corpses that fell on the ground became mutilated, and both of them were killed. Chop it into a meat paste, mix it together without distinguishing each other.

Hundreds of good children, Tage kills blood every step of the way.

Zhai Rang kept urging the soldiers forward angrily. In front of that line of defense, corpses were piled up layer after layer. Afterwards, the weapons in the hands of the county soldiers had been smashed, and they fought with the people of Wagangzhai with bare hands. , fists saw blood, exposing white bones.One by one their enemies fell, and their robes fell one by one.At the last moment, there were no weapons, no strength, and there were only more than 100 people left in the two thousand county soldiers. They looked at each other, and they didn't know who laughed wildly, and then shouted the name of their hometown in a hoarse voice. .

"Qi County! There are my parents!"

"Qi County, for my hometown!"

The last more than 100 people stood in a row holding hands. They had no weapons, but they still had their own flesh and blood. They clasped the hands of their robes tightly. each other.The hand and hand were held so tightly that they seemed to be stuck together by blood and could not be separated.

On the ground, there was an extra row of corpses who died side by side. They were still connected to each other, their hands and hearts were connected. Their corpses were trampled to pieces by the rushing Wagangzhai brigade, but they still seemed to be standing proudly. standing.

This piece of yellow land was infiltrated by blood and gradually turned into a palpitating black. Later, the earth seemed to be unable to absorb so much blood, and the blood was still bubbling in puddles and puddles, and then shattered. .Every blood bubble seems to be a dying life, irreversible.



Zhai Rang did not expect such a big loss in chasing and killing those Qi county officials and soldiers from behind. With nearly 8000 troops besieging less than [-] county soldiers, he paid a higher price than the opponent, at least [-] Wagang It is unbelievable that the soldiers in the village died in battle.

If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, you can't imagine what kind of state those county soldiers are fighting.Like madness, like madness, like wild beasts.

Under the siege, the loss of Wagang Village was actually greater than that of the other party. In any case, this is also the shame of Wagang Village, a shame that will never be washed away.On the contrary, it was the pride of those soldiers who died in the county. When Li Xian heard the whole story of the war later, he couldn't help being slightly stunned, and then said with emotion: "I always thought that the saying "death is a glory" is very important. It's [-]% nonsense, what is there to say about death? If you die, you are dead, even if you erect a temple and cast a stele, it is useless. But for those Qijun soldiers who died in battle, I really can't find anything more good words to describe."

When the soldiers of Wagangzhai rushed over, they stepped on the pile of corpses.Among the piled up corpses were their robes and their enemies.But there is no doubt that those who are dead are worthy of respect.

Geng San and Zhang Yuan were trapped, and the [-] county soldiers under them were almost killed and scattered. It was difficult to organize and break out of the encirclement together. They were fighting everywhere, and the county soldiers and the Wagang village were completely mixed together.

Geng San's legs and shoulders were injured, and his horse was also stabbed to death by the soldiers of Wagangzhai. If Zhang Yuan hadn't rescued him in time, he would have turned into a stabbed corpse.When the two get together, the soldiers around them add up to less than 500 people. This is already the largest strength of the county soldiers after they were surrounded and divided, so there are also the most Wagangzhai soldiers surrounding them.

"There are our people over there!"

Geng San pointed forward and shouted loudly.

"Kill the past and save the brothers!"

Zhang Yuan let out his own soldiers to help Geng San. He clenched his long spear and rushed to the front. More than five hundred people followed behind him, rushing forward with all their might. They were clearly not far enough from the besieged soldiers in front of them. Thirty steps, but it took less than half an hour to rush over, and lost more than a hundred county soldiers, but when they got there, all they saw was a pile of corpses.

"Go out and kill!"

Zhang Yuan shouted loudly: "Don't rush back and forth anymore, or we will all die here!"

It's just that it's not easy to rush out. More and more Wagangzhai soldiers are surrounding them outside, just like a circle of city walls that are constantly thickening, shrinking and crushing, crushing the people inside to pieces.

"Geng San! Zhang Yuan! Don't panic!"

At the most critical moment, Zhang Xutuo took over sixty cavalrymen who were covered in blood and killed them.The old general was covered in blood, but the iron gun in his hand was still fierce and domineering.The iron gun sticks out like a phoenix and nods, like a dragon goes out to sea, none of the soldiers standing in front of him can stop him from shooting.Even the war horse he was sitting on turned red, and the hot air from the horse's nose smelled of blood.

The iron gun swept across and overturned the last Wagangzhai soldiers standing in front of him. Zhang Xutuo leaped in and rushed in. He glanced at Geng San and Zhang Yuan and shouted: "Follow me, let's fight out!" .”


When hundreds of soldiers from the county saw Zhang Xutuo, it was as if a lost child had found his father. With tears in their eyes, they swung their horizontal knives and splashed a path of blood.Zhang Xutuo's iron gun was covered with blood and minced meat, and the barrel of the gun became sticky and hard to hold tightly.He was covered in blood, as was his face, but his face was frighteningly white, the arrow wound was still bleeding, and the old general in his fifties had already exhausted all his potential.

After killing the rebels in front, Zhang Xutuo pointed forward with his iron gun and said, "Go over there to find Song Kaishan, and then return to the camp."

"Where are you, General!"

Geng San asked eagerly.

"You can't leave a brother behind, they all came out to fight with me!"

Zhang Xutuo's tiger eyes widened, then he gave a loud shout, and led the remaining dozens of cavalrymen back and killed them again.Facing the overwhelming enemy, Zhang Xutuo led the cavalry forcefully tore open a hole, and rescued another two or three hundred trapped county soldiers.He directed those county soldiers to find Song Kaishan, and then led them into the enemy's formation again.

When the sun was setting to the west, Zhang Xutuo, who had lost too much blood, could hardly wield the iron spear. He rescued nearly a thousand people including Geng San and the others three times, but at this time, he was so tired that he could hardly hold the iron spear. Gun, eyelids became more and more heavy, after the third time he came out, his only six remaining soldiers pulled him, saying nothing to allow the old general to rush into the enemy's line again to save people.At this time, Geng San and Zhang Yuan, who had already been killed, retreated again. It turned out that Song Kaishan's strength was greatly damaged after the two divisions, and finally

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