Will Ming

Chapter 369 Cunning Rabbit 3 Cave

(Thanks to Beihai, Xinglinglian, qc Shangshan, Zhou Yangong, domineering little pig's monthly ticket, decisive battle in August, please!)

Chapter 360 IX

Zhang Xutuo's two mournful wailings before his death were probably the moment when his fifty-odd years of life marked the end of his life, and he felt the greatest resentment in his heart.

I'm sorry Qi County, I'm sorry Your Majesty.

These two sorry words were what the old man thought before his heart broke.Someone in later generations said that once Zhang Xutuo died, there would be no good generals in the Sui Dynasty.It's just that no one knows that the old man had these two regrets and one satisfaction before he died.That is, before he left, he handed over Qi County to the right person, a person who would not make him regret it.

Just when Shan Xiongxin chopped off Zhang Xutuo's head with a single knife, and laughed wildly while holding the bloody head.A cloud of dust and smoke rolled in from the northwest, and the loess was stirred up by horseshoes and covered the sky.Thousands of cavalry came swiftly in full suit. In front of the cavalry was a flaming Sui battle flag. Under the banner was an armored general riding a yellow horse.

Traveling day and night, almost without sleep, Qin Qiong came back late, and only less than an hour late.If he could arrive an hour earlier, Zhang Xutuo would not have to bring a few hundred troops back to attack Zhang Yuan. Although Qin Qiong's thousands of cavalry were tired, they could be regarded as a surprise army. No one expected that He will rush back at this time, and the cavalry under his command only need to bluff and charge, and the troops in Wagang Village will undoubtedly be defeated.Unfortunately, it's only an hour away.

Qin Qiong jumped on his horse and stood up. After killing a bloody road, he found the surviving army of Qi County who had been besieged. This was an exhausted army of only about 200 soldiers. Everyone was wounded. Most of the weapons have collapsed, and less than a third of them can still stand.

The appearance of Qin Qiong made these county soldiers who had almost exhausted their strength burst into cheers.

"Captain Qin is back!"


Qin Qiong glanced at everyone, and asked anxiously, "Where is the general?"

Someone pointed forward and said: "The general led his troops there, it should be to save General Song."

Qin Qiong nodded and asked, "Can you still walk?"


The disabled soldiers gritted their teeth and responded, helping each other to stand up and walk out.Qin Qiong left a team of cavalry to take care of the wounded, and took his own troops to kill the front.They killed through several enemy formations and rescued hundreds of county soldiers, but Zhang Xutuo was still not found.Someone pointed out that the general had returned to the west with less than ten riders, and Qin Qiong got on his horse again and went forward to look for it.Fighting all the way, finally saw the loudest shouting in front of him, Qin Qiong's heart tightened, and he urged Ma Ting to rush over.

Picking away a few Wagangzhai soldiers blocking the way, Qin Qiong and his Qingqi generals killed the surrounding enemy soldiers. When he saw the scene in front of him clearly, Qin Qiong almost fell off his horse with a cry.

Shan Xiongxin held the blood-stained head with white hair and beard in one hand, turned on his horse and looked at Qin Qiong provocatively.

"I didn't expect old thief Zhang to leave a back-up ambush when he died. It's a pity that he couldn't wait."

Shan Xiongxin said with a sneer.

Qin Qiong's tiger's eyes were about to burst, and he held the lever tightly with his hands. Because of the force, the veins on the back of his hands swelled up.

"Return General Zhang's head!"

Qin Qiong said angrily.

Shan Xiongxin smiled, raised the head in his hand and said with a sneer, "If you have the ability, just grab it yourself."


Qin Qiong shouted violently and urged the horse to rush forward.Shan Xiongxin threw the head to the soldiers around him, and stood up to meet Qin Qiong. The two fought back and forth for more than a dozen rounds. After rushing for a long time, the strength was insufficient, so after more than a dozen rounds, no one could do anything.Qin Qiong wanted to snatch Zhang Xutuo's head back wholeheartedly, and set off his horse to chase and kill the Wagangzhai soldier who was carrying the head.Shan Xiongxin chased after him again, and the scene became more and more chaotic.

A county soldier snatched Zhang Xutuo's headless body back, but was stopped by the people of Wagang Village.Qin Qiong rushed from left to right and killed many people but couldn't get back his head. Seeing that the county soldiers behind him were surrounded, he had no choice but to turn back and kill with a long sigh. Withdrew from the regiment.

In this battle, Wagang Village can be said to have won a great victory. Although Wagang Village also suffered heavy losses, it killed the famous Qi County Zhang Xutuo in the Great Sui Dynasty, and beheaded more than [-] officials and troops of Qi County. There is no doubt that with this battle, the reputation of Wagang Village will spread across both sides of the Yellow River, north and south.

Qin Qiong wanted to attack Wagangzhai again to take back the general's head, but his men were too exhausted to fight.He had no choice but to take the remnant soldiers and Zhang Xutuo's headless corpse and retreat back to Qi County. Now Qi County's officers and troops have lost too much, and only a quarter of the total [-] troops are left. He can't care less about staying behind The military order that Qu Tong can't destroy Wagang not to return to the army?

"Let's go home!"

Qin Qiong said solemnly: "The general's head, sooner or later I will snatch it back myself!"

Surrounding Zhang Xutuo's corpse on the carriage, more than 5000 county soldiers fell to the ground and cried loudly.

"Captain, when the general was leaving, he handed over Qi County to the guards of Yanyun Village. Xu Shiji, the strategist of Yanyun Village, personally brought [-] elite soldiers to Licheng. Can we... go back?"

"Of course I can go back!"

Qin Qiong thought for a while and said: "Qi County is your home and it's time to go home. People in Yanyun Village will not embarrass us."

In November of the 11th year of Daye, Qin Qiong, the governor of Qi County, led a western expedition of more than [-] remnant soldiers and sent them to Yanyun Village.



Just when more than [-] soldiers from the county, dressed in hemp and filial piety, escorted Zhang Xutuo's corpse into Licheng, and tens of thousands of people in Licheng were crying bitterly on both sides of the street, there was also a tragic fight by Qingniu Lake.The left-behind leaders of five tribes from the eight Khitan tribes rushed to Qingniu Lake to meet with Mohui to discuss jointly resisting the invasion of Heidao Khan.Unexpectedly, Mohui poisoned the wine, and all five Khitan leaders were poisoned to death. Hundreds of people accompanied Mohui to besiege Mohui. He led his guards back and killed them, slaughtering the hundreds of Khitan warriors.

On the same day, Li Xian divided his nearly 20 Turkic troops into three teams to attack the Khitan tribes.The war lasted for more than ten days. In the end, the scattered Khitan tribes who were fighting on their own were broken, and the tribes suffered heavy losses. The entire Khitan tribe lasted for less than [-] days before being wiped out. All the tribes were owned by Heidao Khan Li Xian .

On the day when the last tribe was wiped out, Xiong Kuohai led thousands of elite soldiers to escort Ashina Duoduo and Ou Siqingqing to this place.

In Li Xian's big tent, Ou Siqingqing and Mo Hui hugged each other and cried.

Ashina Duoduo, on the other hand, still looked at Li Xian calmly, neither sad nor happy. After entering the big tent, she sat on the side, but occasionally glanced at Li Xian, and there was still a hint of doubt.

"Anzhi, why are you doing this?"

Ou Siqingqing, who couldn't stop crying, looked at Li Xian sadly, and asked in a serious tone.

"I'll tell you about this later."

Li Xian nodded slightly to her, then turned to Kechaqin and Tilige, "What's the loss in today's battle?"

Ke Chaqin said: "Back to Khan, our troops lost 120 people and killed more than 4000 enemies. The remaining [-] Khitan troops surrendered."

Tilige said: "Back to Khan, our department will support, so the loss is not big, more than [-] soldiers were injured, and more than [-] enemies were killed."

"500 people..."

Li Xian sighed slightly: "Choose 500 people from all the Khitan tribes and chopped them down."


Both Tilige and Kechaqin were stunned for a moment, and then asked a little puzzled: "The Khitan tribe has just descended, and people's hearts are unstable. If they enter again, will it cause a civil uprising?"

"If there are fewer people killed, there will be a civil uprising."

Li Xian said indifferently: "After the first battle today, the Khitan people will not forget the pain of killing caused by resistance for 100 years. As long as they think of resistance, they will immediately fear. The Khitan people are fierce and changeable, and good governance is the future. Things, good governance now, they will think that they are very important, I dare not kill people. If they think I dare not kill, their heart must be arrogant. If I say kill, then kill, go."

Tilige and Ke Chaqin responded and walked out of the tent. After walking a few steps, Ke Chaqin suddenly stopped, turned to Li Xian and asked, "Should we pick out 500 young and strong men?" cut it?"


Li Xian was a little annoyed and said, "The young and strong men are all cut off, what use do I need this clan?"

"That's to kill... please tell Khan clearly."

Ke Chaqin bowed his head and said.

"It's very simple..."

Ashina Duoduo sighed, looked at Ou Siqingqing with some pity, and said calmly: "Naturally, all the Khitan nobles in those tribes were killed, and the herdsmen and slaves with low status don't have to be killed. The more The nobler the more you want to kill, it's that simple."

"Don't kill any more..."

Ou Siqingqing said almost pleadingly.

Ashina Duoduo looked at Ou Siqingqing, and said seriously: "Don't you understand what he asked you to come back for? Those nobles of the Khitan tribe are not dead, how can he leave steadily?"

Ou Siqing looked at Ashina Duoduo puzzledly, hesitated for a while and shook his head.Ashina Duoduo whispered close to her ear: "He wants to build another home in the grassland. If he loses in the Central Plains, he won't be homeless. I remember you told me that there is Li Xian The place where you live is your home. Now, when he takes you back to the grassland, he wants you to be the hostess of this family, and if those Khitan nobles who are capable of rebelling don’t die, he’s worried that you, the hostess, will be unstable.”


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