Will Ming

Chapter 370 The Biggest Cave

(Fight in August, please!)

Chapter 370 The Biggest Cave

Li Xian explained earnestly: "Although I, the Black Knife Khan, is not as strong as the old man Shibi Khan, at least I am a Khan worthy of the name. Many, but if you add the eight tribes of Khitan, the number of tribes now exceeds 20. If you pick one, there are at least [-] soldiers to fight. Therefore, it is not too much for my tribe to be called Wangting ?”

"Black Sword Court?"

Ashina Duoduo asked back: "You are a Han, but you want to be a khan on the grassland. I can guess the reason for the three caves of the cunning rabbit, but don't you think that naming a royal court is a bit pretentious? Ashina Duoji Although Shi Shi is old and the strength of the Turkic people is not as good as in previous years, he still will not allow another royal court to come out on the grassland. You are asking for trouble for yourself, I don't think you will be so stupid."

"So I'm just telling you about this matter, and I will never send people to spread it on the grasslands. I built another royal court. This is definitely not something a smart person should do."

Li Xian smiled and said: "What I mean is that Wang Ting is just a title. What you don't like is Ashina Dujishi, Ashina Quhu, not the whole grassland, nor the herdsmen on the grassland. "

"Just tell me, what do you want to do?"

Ashina Duoduo said seriously: "I'm not a very stupid woman, I need you to explain the truth in detail before I can understand. So you just need to tell me what you want to bring me here That's fine. If I don't understand, I will naturally ask you."

"It's actually quite tiring to talk to a woman who is too smart."

Li Xian said with emotion: "First of all, I need to let the smart woman know that I have no malicious intentions, and I don't just want to use her. Naturally, I have to explain clearly, but she is just impatient."

"Because she has self-respect."

Ashina Duoduo said in a calm tone.

"So I'm just negotiating."

Li Xian thought for a while and said: "Since you like the straightforward and simple way, I will try my best to express it clearly. You are a saint on the grassland, and not only the Turkic people, but also people from other tribes respect you very much. "

Ashina Duoduo pointed to his shoulder and said: "That's because of this, and this, after all, is just a lie, and the lie will be exposed sooner or later. The blood of the Han people is flowing on my body, so Because of the existence of this golden wolf head, Ashina Duojishi did not doubt my appearance too much, and his ex-wife is also a Han Chinese. Moreover, I don’t think this thing on the shoulder is something to show off. Maybe it seems to you."

Li Xian nodded and said, "I know that thing makes you very painful."

Ashina Duoduo said calmly: "Then please don't trample on this pain again."

"it is good!"

Li Xian replied seriously: "Then let's go back to the Central Plains together after a while."

He smiled apologetically and said, "I forgot, all scars hurt."

"You should still finish."

Ashina Duoduo said: "I admit that sometimes I am too rational, so that I always miss something. But I also admit that my curiosity is very strong. Even if I know it is not a good thing, I can't help thinking about it." To see clearly. For example, you, I shouldn't be curious about you in the first place. "

"The grassland of the Khitan people was divided into two parts by me. After the integration of the eight parts of the Khitan people, they lived in the south of Qingniu Lake. As for the Turks who followed me, I planned to let them settle down in the north of Qingniu Lake. The grassland here It is very fat, and it is no problem to feed 20 people."

"I understand."

Ashina Duoduo nodded and said: "You plan to let me rule those Turkic people as a Turkic saint, so that you can leave without any worries. I have to say, your plan is really beautiful. To be honest, I don't know if you came up with such a thing because you are too calm and rational, or because you are too crazy."

"Crazy arrogance is not necessarily a bad thing."

Li Xian said solemnly: "Sometimes madness and arrogance can turn dreams into reality. If you are too timid, you can only think about many things secretly in your heart."

"Ou Siqingqing will help you rule the Khitans, and I will help you rule the Turks."

Ashina Duoduo suddenly smiled and said, "Don't you want to be a heavenly khan like Yang Guang?"

"Tian Khan is a very beautiful word. Adding the word Yang Guang in front of it makes it very boring."

Li Xian said seriously: "I have finished what I have to say, and I am ready to be rejected by you. As for these Turkic people, you don't have to worry about it. Naturally, I can't have only one plan. The elderly, children and women stay in the The Khitan tribe lives mixed lives, and sooner or later they will adapt. As for the tens of thousands of wolf riders, it will also be a boost for me to bring them back."

"Why should I reject you?"

Ashina Duoduo smiled and said: "I am just a woman, but now there is a chance for a woman to be a khan and rule 10,000+ tribes. Why should I object? And... don't talk about bringing tens of thousands If the wolf rides back to the Central Plains, you are not an idiot, and I am not an idiot, how can you believe such nonsense?"

Li Xian smiled awkwardly and said, "Are you really willing to stay?"

Ashina Duoduo turned around and left in a chic way, and a voice came from afar: "I stay, it has nothing to do with you."

Li Xian said angrily: "If you say there is no one, then there is no one?"

It's just that Ashina Duoduo has already gone far, and I don't know whether he heard it or not.



Bloodthirsty people always think that killing is the most exciting thing in the world.And kind people always think that murder is the most terrifying and disgusting thing in the world.Li Xian is not a bloodthirsty person, and naturally he is not a kind person, so in his opinion, there is no distinction between good and evil in killing people, only what is needed and what is not needed.

If he wants Ou Siqingqing to rule the Khitan tribe, he needs to kill many people.So after all the eight tribes of Khitan were defeated, the first thing he did was to kill all the nobles in the eight tribes.The nobles on the grasslands are different from those in the Central Plains. Their method of ruling the herdsmen is not hypocrisy, but killing.They rule ordinary people by killing, so when they are killed, the herdsmen on the grassland will never have any sorrow.

Without sadness, there is definitely fear.

And the person who eliminated the fear in their hearts was Ou Siqingqing.After those nobles were slaughtered, when the herdsmen worried about whether Heidao Khan would not tolerate them, Ou Siqingqing stood up and announced like a holy and loving goddess that she had obtained Heidao Khan. Khan forgave the Khitan tribe for the crime of resistance, and Heidao Khan promised that as long as the Khitan tribe did not have the heart to resist, they would not kill them again.

Ou Siqingqing's words were like a gust of warm wind suddenly blowing in the cold winter.It made those Khitan people who were ready to become slaves feel warmth, a warmth they could not resist.

Some people began to ask, who is Ou Siqingqing?

Someone replied that Ou Siqingqing was Heidao Khan's wife, but she was also a Khitan, and she was the only daughter of Ejin Mohui of He Da He Department of Khitan.

She is a Khitan?

She is a Khitan!

This made all the Khitan people feel happy, because they finally found someone to rely on, that cold-blooded and ruthless Heidao Khan, whose wife was actually a Khitan, and came here from thousands of miles to keep the Khitan tribe, which is enough Let all slaves feel respect.

Li Xian kills only based on what is needed or not, and the Khitan people need him to kill, so when he kills, he will never be merciful, and he will not think of killing too much.On the Turkic side, there is no need to kill any more.Those who should be killed have already been killed, and coupled with Ashina Duoduo's identity as the Turkic saint and Shibi Khan's daughter, it is not difficult for those Turkic people to accept her, even easier than accepting Li Xian as Khan .

After all, Li Xian is a Han Chinese, and in the eyes of the Turkic people, Ashina Duoduo is a person of noble royal blood. She has no problem in ruling this new Turkic tribe.

And Li Xian divided the Khitan people's pasture into two, with Qingniu Lake as the boundary. The people in the south obeyed the order of Osi Qingqing, and the people in the north obeyed the order of Ashina Duoduo. The people on both sides did not get permission. , no one is allowed to cross the line easily.Of course, there are two people who are special.

Mohui and Chen Wanrong could only live on the north shore of Qingniu Lake, under the care of Turkic people.If Ou Siqingqing wants to meet her parents, she can take a boat to meet them face to face.Li Xian knew how much influence his parents had on his daughter. Since he couldn't kill her, he could only temporarily control her.

Ashina Duoduo naturally understood Li Xian's intentions, so she ridiculed Li Xian in a slightly contemptuous tone: "Anyone who can't bear to raise a butcher's knife because of a woman is definitely not a qualified hero. If this matter is changed by Ash That's good news, even if Ashina goes to Hu's hands, Qingqing's parents will definitely not survive."

Li Xian curled his lips and said, "So in your eyes, Ashina Quhu and Ashina Duoji are stronger than me? One is dead, and the other is dying. But I am still alive, and I am still alive." Will live happily physically and mentally for many, many years.”


Ashina Duoduo said.


Li Xian retorted.

"Are you human?"

Ashina Duoduo asked back.

Li Xian raised his jaw proudly and said: "There must be times when it should be there, and there must be no time when it shouldn't be."



It is by no means an easy task for a nation to completely surrender, and it is not something that can be done in three to five days or three to five months. Bloody killings can make people kneel down and obey their orders

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