Will Ming

Chapter 371

(Fight in August, please!)

Chapter 370

When Li Xian went north, he took five thousand cavalry and killed one back and forth on the grassland from east to west, and from west to east. I can't count on my hands.A year later, there were more than 200 cavalry left with him, but he brought back a full [-] horses from the grassland.The elite soldiers brought by Xiong Kuohai traveled for several months before they arrived in Saibei, and when they returned, each of them was responsible for at least five horses.

This is a huge fortune for the Central Plains people, not to mention the teams on the green forest road, even Luo Yi, the general manager of Youzhou, could hardly bear to look at the invisible horse herd brought back by Li Xian. Can't help but want to keep some.If Luo Shixin hadn't brought back a lot of good horses when he returned to Youzhou, Luo Yizhen, the chief executive, would have been able to do this.

Next to the wide and straight official road three miles south of Youzhou City, there is a slightly dilapidated see-off kiosk.I don't know how many years this pavilion has been built. The paint on the pillars has fallen off, and it looks mottled. It's just that General Luo wants to see off guests here, so someone wiped the pavilion clean early in the morning. Even the pavilion The weeds on it have all been pulled out, and the stone tables and benches have been wiped down like a mirror.

There are a few small dishes on the stone table, the dishes are ordinary but exquisite, the wine is a full 20 years old wine, when it is poured out, it is so thick that it can almost pull out filaments, it looks like an amber color A different kind of luster.

Seeing that Luo Yi's eyes were always looking towards the horses, Li Xian sighed and said, "I think I'd better go first, although the general's wine looks very attractive, I'm afraid I won't be able to drink it."

"Stingy! Villain!"

Luo Yi reluctantly looked away from the horses, cast a blank glance at Li Xian and said, "I'm here to greet you in this pavilion, do I still ask you for wine money?"

Li Xian smiled and said, "I won't give you what you want."

It was the beginning of April in the 12th year of Daye, and there happened to be a wild peach tree beside the see-off pavilion.It was a good time when the leaves were green and the flowers were red. The peach blossoms were blooming gorgeously and beautifully. Twenty or thirty peach blossoms in full bloom were hanging on a crooked branch. Smell the flowers.

It was rare to be in good spirits, and I casually read two lines of poems by Tang Yin, a great talent of later generations.

"The car dust and horses are full of rich people, and the wine calendula branches are poor."

Hearing this, Luo Yi was slightly startled, then smiled and said: "If you are poor, how dare you call yourself a rich man? Throughout the ages, I have never seen anyone who was so generous and robbed tens of thousands of horses from Saibei in one go. "

Li Xian smiled lightly: "The artistic conception, this is the artistic conception."

"There is an artistic conception of fart."

Luo Yi curled his lips and said with a smile: "Why did you come back from killing countless people on the grassland, but you have provoked the anger of a whole bunch of literati."

Li Xian waved his hands and said, "Rough man, the general is a rough man."

"If I were really a brute, I would have ordered you to snatch your tens of thousands of good horses back to Youzhou City. Do you have a way to snatch them back?"

Li Xian said angrily: "I just said, it will never be good for you to invite me to drink this meal."

He sat down beside the stone table, picked up the full wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, smacked his lips and said yes, then picked up the wine pot and didn't pour it into the beautiful jade cup, but He poured it directly into his own mouth, and saw his Adam's apple kept rising and falling, and actually drank a pot of 20-year-old wine in one breath.Putting down the jug, Li Xian picked up the chopsticks and ate without hesitation. He ate up the two delicate dishes in front of him in a short while.

"You still call me vulgar?"

Luo Yi glared at him and said: "Steal my wine, don't leave me a drop, eat my food, don't leave me a bite, how can there be a guest like you."

"I'm afraid I'll lose too much in a short while, so I'll eat a little back first. If you cheated me a lot and I didn't even enjoy the food and drink, wouldn't it be a bit unfair."

"Surely shameless."

Luo Yi laughed and said: "Who is going to blackmail you? Why didn't I see it."

Li Xian drank all the wine and ate all the dishes like a cloud, then wiped his mouth and said: "Now I am more at ease, if you have anything to do with the general, let's just say it."

"You have so many war horses to take back to Juyeze in Dongping County. If others don't tell you, you may not be able to pass the test of Dou Jiande?"

Luo Yi said with a smile.

"I'll say it!"

Li Xian said angrily: "General Luo's wine is definitely not for nothing."

"I can send [-] cavalry to help you send the horse back."

Luo Yi smiled.

"I wouldn't give it to you even if I was a horse."

Li Xian answered seriously.

"As long as you promise."

Luo Yi said seriously.

"I like women, really."

Li Xian said distressedly: "Why do you want me to make a promise? I won't make a promise in return."

"Can't you be serious?"

Luo Yi said angrily.

Li Xian smiled and said: "If Dou Jiande goes north to attack Youzhou, I will hit him from behind. If he goes south to attack Qilu, you will hit him from behind. In short, the two of us will hit him, regardless of whether he dares to go north and destroy him. If you want to make a bad idea or go south, we both will beat him to death, is this promise enough?"



The reason why Li Xian didn't go around Youzhou was because he was worried about Dou Jiande in Hebei.After all, the temptation of [-] horses from the prairie is too great. To build a cavalry of tens of thousands of people is an irresistible temptation for any hero on the green forest road.For these [-] horses, not to mention fighting against Yanyun Village, even if it is a fight to the death, it is worth it.There are many plains in Hebei and Henan. There is no doubt that whoever has more cavalry will have enough confidence to speak.

Ships from the south and horses from the north, if you want to dominate the north in the Sui Dynasty, you can definitely run wild with a cavalry of tens of thousands of people under your command. Think about it at the foot of Mount Dai, Li Xian's five thousand elite cavalry can make Wang Bo bully want to cry without tears .

So he would rather be hacked by Luo Yi for some benefits than to take advantage of Dou Jiande.

When he heard that Luo Yi only wanted a promise, he was relieved. If such a thing was worth money, he would not exchange it for 10,000 horses.When it's worthless, a meatloaf can buy an ox cart.Of course, Li Xian's promise to Luo Yi was serious and serious, and it was by no means a perfunctory one.Hebei Dou Jiande has recovered his strength in just a few months, with [-]+ troops, which must not be underestimated.

Moreover, this man is extremely capable. Gao Jibo was attacked by Yang Yichen, Gao Shida was killed, and a hundred thousand people were scattered as monkeys. He only escaped with a hundred people. After killing Yang Shanhui, the famous general who guarded Qinghe County, Yang Yichen, the ambassador of the six counties, was transferred back to the imperial court by Yang Guang to serve as Minister of the Ministry of War. No one in Hebei could restrain him anymore. right.

He also has Wang Fubao, Yin Qiu, Shi Zan, Cao Dan and several brave generals under him, and now it can be said that he has enough soldiers and food.Just a few days ago, Dou Jiande proclaimed himself the king of Changle, set up hundreds of officials, and set up prefectures and counties, just like an emperor who dominates one side.Although Xue Shixiong, the general guarding the left guard of Zhuojun County, led [-] troops to the south, he did not fight to the death. Instead, he stationed troops a hundred miles north of Dou Jiande's territory.

In fact, Xue Shixiong was just putting on a show for Luo Yi to see, so that the two of them could coexist peacefully.The emperor appointed Luo Yi as the general manager of Youzhou, and Xue Shixiong as the governor of Zhuo County, the meaning of which is self-evident.

Li Xian and Xue Shixiong had some friendship, and with Luo Yi's [-] fine riders, it was not difficult to bring the war horses back safely.

When it came to Youzhou Luoyi, Dou Jiande had to be more cautious.The [-] Youzhou cavalry were Luo Yi's attitude, and Dou Jiande naturally understood the meaning.The alliance between Youzhou and Dongping Yanyunzhai is not a good thing for him.One south and one north, clamping him like iron tongs.

With those [-] elite riders from Youzhou, Dou Jiande definitely did not dare to act hastily.If he makes a move, Xue Shixiong, who is only a hundred miles away, will definitely not sit idly by.In this way, Luo Yi, Xue Shixiong, and Li Xian will be offended, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Li Xian crossed the Yellow River safely under the escort of Youzhou Jingqi and entered the ground of Jibei County.Zhishilang Wang Bo of Jibei County had no time to hide from him at this time, so how could he take the initiative to provoke him.Today's Zhishilang is so downcast that people feel a little pitiful. The once powerful figure now has less than [-] troops, and he is huddled in Jibei County and dare not go out easily.Li Xian is not interested in stealing his Jibei County, he already recites Amitabha every day.

After crossing the Yellow River, Li Xian did not return to Yuncheng, but let Xiong Kuohai take half of the horses back to Juyeze, and he took [-] cavalry to protect half of the horses and went directly to Licheng.The three places south of the Yellow River, Dongping County, Qi County, and Lu County are all owned by Yanyun Village, so there is nothing to worry about along the way.Now that the reputation of Yanyun Village has already spread, who would dare to come to provoke them so easily.The journey was lackluster, and after walking for half a month, I finally arrived at Licheng, Qi County.



After arriving in Licheng, Qi County, what shocked Li Xian was that Zhang Xutuo had been dead for less than half a year, and there were still many people wearing filial piety on the streets of Licheng!How much contribution does a person make to a place, so that the people here love and admire it so much?

After receiving the news that Li Xian was coming, Xu Shiji led Niu Jinda and Hou Junji, and just after entering the Martial Arts Academy, he was summoned by Wu Yun, who Xu Shiji wanted to come out, and Qin Qiong, who had thrown into Yanyun Village half a year ago, waited early at the north gate of Licheng outside.Knowing that the general of Yanyunzhai was coming, many people rushed to the streets spontaneously.After Xu Shiji and others publicized it, the people of Qi County knew that it was General Zhang Xutuo who entrusted Qi County to Yanyun Village when he was leaving.Now the new guardian of Qi County, chosen by the old general Zhang Xutuo, is here, and everyone is eager to see what he looks like.

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