Will Ming

Chapter 372 Price

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Chapter 370 The Second Price

Li Xian, Xu Shiji and others talked for a while at the gate of Licheng, and asked a few words about Zhang Xutuo's death in battle. After hearing this, Li Xian also sighed. He knew how Zhang Xutuo died in history. However, Li Xian just didn't expect that Zhang Xutuo would still die in the hands of Wagangzhai even though this period of history had changed.

At this time, Wagangzhai was completely changed, but Zhang Xutuo still hated Dongjun.Although Zhang Xutuo didn't die in the Dahai Temple, these slight deviations can be completely ignored.When a person dies, he is dead. No matter how much the deviation from history is, it seems that none of the things that should have happened have been avoided, and his dead head and bones are still hanging on the wall of Wagangzhai.I don't know what kind of desolate look the head of that person has suffered from the wind and rain after half a year.

Perhaps, there is only one skull left.

Xu Shiji asked about Li Xian's experience on the grassland, Li Xian said something briefly, Xu Shiji suddenly remembered something, smiled apologetically at the person behind him and said, "Look at me, the general only cares about old General Zhang when he returns. I forgot to introduce it to the sheriff, sorry."

He hurriedly let out the person behind him, and said to Li Xian: "General, this is Pei Caozhi, governor of Qi County. Mr. Pei and Old General Zhang are close friends, and he is also a clean and honest official respected by everyone in Qi County. It is precisely because of Lord Pei and Old General Zhang that Qi County can find peace in troubled times."

"I'm sorry!"

Li Xian clasped his fists together and said, "I only cared about asking Mao Gong and the others about Old General Zhang, and treated Mr. Pei slowly. Forgive me. I had two long conversations with Old General Zhang before. Every time General Zhang talked about Pei The adults are full of praise. Old General Zhang and Mr. Pei complement each other in both civil and military affairs, so that hundreds of thousands of fathers and elders in Qi County can be kept safe."

"The general has won the prize. I should have gone out of the city to welcome you, but the military adviser said that the general's least favorite thing is politeness and vulgarity. The more complicated and polite, the more phony it is. The general likes his subordinates to do things simple and straightforward, so the next official is better." I dare not summon the gentry and elders of the city, but..."

Pei Caozhi looked back and said, "The people in Licheng admire the general's majesty, so they spontaneously came to the gate of the city to greet him."

"Where is there any dignity, it's just a rough man in the mountains."

Li Xian waved his hands and said with a smile, "I'm sorry that Mr. Pei has been waiting for a long time."

"What is the general saying? After the old general Zhang left, if the general hadn't sent elite soldiers and strong generals to sit in Qi County, I don't know how many strong people would come to harass him. I should thank the general on behalf of the people of Qi County."

Li Xian smiled and said: "Master Pei, you are being polite. Old General Zhang and I are old friends. Although we have different positions, we have the same views. Lord Pei and Old General Zhang are also close friends. You and I don't have to be so polite when we speak in the future. Let's go, let's go into the city first, and I will go to the grave of General Zhang to pay homage first."


Pei Caozhi stepped forward and made a gesture of invitation.

Li Xian nodded and walked into the gate of Licheng without getting on his horse.

He was dressed in a white robe, his straight black hair was tied casually behind his head, his face was handsome, his figure was straight and slender, his steps were calm, and he looked handsome and graceful.Behind him, Pei Caozhi, Xu Shiji and others followed step by step.Behind them are the three hundred swordsmen in blue shirts from the fifth part of the flying tiger, all of whom are masters with good hands.The last ones to enter the city were the light armored cavalry of Yanyunzhai, who had three thousand distinctive armors, all of them raised their chests and looked up, looking energetic.The people are also vigorous, the horses are like dragons, and the cavalry in a strict formation entered the city like a long dragon, carrying a monstrous momentum.

After Li Xian entered the city, the people standing on the side of the street immediately let out an exclamation.


Someone sighed in amazement: "Some people say that General Li in Yanyun Village is a handsome young man, and he is indeed so when I saw him today!"

The people around him exclaimed: "I think he is more chic and calm than in the legends. I never expected that the famous General Li of Yanyun Village is such a handsome young man. Some people say that he is a strong man with blue face and fangs. Nonsense. Look, General Li's face is even more beautiful than ordinary women."

"It's just such a handsome young man, why did he get the reputation of killing people?"

"do not judge a book by it's cover."

There are also quite a few girls who secretly peeped through the windows of the wooden buildings on the street, and they couldn't help opening their cherry mouths.There was a strange look in Li Xian's eyes, and his heart couldn't help but jump up.A girl with cardamom covered her mouth, her eyes were wide open, and she refused to believe that what she saw was real.There is also a brothel girl on the half-immortal building, the brave ones even stood on the second floor jumping and cheering.

Li Xian's first appearance in Licheng was amazing, before three hundred swordsmen in green shirts.That young man is too handsome, too alluring, I don't know how many women have become nympho after today, and it is difficult to fall asleep thinking of that young man's handsome appearance at night.

Especially the women in the half-immortal building, their eyes were shining with excitement.

"I didn't expect General Li to be such an iconic young master. Everyone said that he was a murderer without blinking an eye. He didn't know that he had killed hundreds or thousands of people since his debut. He was said to be an ugly monster with a blue face and fangs. I think he said that. People are probably blind. Such a handsome man, at such an age, has already controlled the land of three counties, and has hundreds of thousands of soldiers under him. If he can fall in love with him overnight, his death will be worth it."

"Show the hoof, commit a nympho again."

A woman next to him smiled and said, "He is a figure in the sky, how could he be interested in a broken flower like you and me?"

"If I can have a good time with such a person, I would rather not charge him."

"You think it's beautiful, but even if you put all your belongings upside down, people won't necessarily pay attention to you."

Hearing the excited and presumptuous words of the brothel girl on the second floor, Li Xian blushed slightly no matter how thick-skinned he was.He coughed in embarrassment, and said to Pei Caozhi beside him: "The people of Qi County... are so enthusiastic."

Pei Caozhi was even more embarrassed than him, and he smiled again and again: "Yes, yes... the people of Qi County are really very enthusiastic..."



The young man entered the city in amazement, and he didn't know how long this matter would be remembered by the people of Licheng.I don't know how many nights of erotic dreams those brothel girls will have.

The street in front of the Licheng yamen has been put under martial law, and all three squads of police officers have been mobilized. There are no ordinary people on the street, only the yamen servants who are on guard with their knives.Even though it was spring season, the weeping willows on the street spit out new greenery, and a few swallows nested on the eaves of the government office were flying back and forth, but it was still hard to conceal the murderous aura on the street.

Three thousand fine riders went to the school grounds to rest, while Li Xian, Xu Shiji and others rode to the outside of the yamen.Someone had already prepared coarse incense and paper money, and Li Xian went straight to Zhang Xutuo's cemetery in the north of the city without stopping.After paying homage to Zhang Xutuo, Li Xian and others went to the racecourse to have a look, and the [-] good horses had already been driven here, waiting to be distributed to the soldiers of Yanyun Village.

"Brother Qin should worry more about Ma Jun's matter."

Li Xian looked at the war horses and said, "It's not easy to bring back these many horses. This is the foundation for you and my brother to gain a foothold in the future. If we can have a strong cavalry, we can come and go freely in the northern part of the Sui Dynasty."

"Don't worry, General!"

Qin Qiong couldn't hide his excitement when he saw the many war horses, and sighed: "Old General Zhang wanted to build a cavalry at the beginning, but the money and food allocated by the court were limited, and the squires of Qi County also suffered huge losses in successive years of war. It is too cumbersome, and the cavalry has not been formed after several years of preparation."

"Old General Zhang is the patron saint of Qi County."

Li Xian praised: "Being in Qi County, I don't know how deep and strong the people's respect and love for Old General Zhang are. It has been half a year now, and I can still see people wearing filial piety, which is very emotional."

"The general really intends to conquer Wagang Village himself?"

Qin Qiong hesitated and asked.

"We can't keep old General Zhang's head from going home."

Qin Qiong thought for a while and said: "Now Qilu and Lu are not stable. If the general is in a hurry to send troops, I am afraid that someone will take the opportunity to attack Qilu. There is no rush to avenge old General Zhang. It is better to wait for the cavalry to be formed. Send troops to Dongjun again."

Xu Shiji said: "General, Brother Qin is right. If our army marches westward with all its strength, and someone will attack at that time, the people of Qi County will definitely suffer disaster. I am afraid that General Zhang will be uneasy in the sky. Wagang Village We have to fight sooner or later, so it's better to wait for a while, and wait until Qilu and Shandong are completely stabilized before raising troops westward."

Li Xian thought for a while and said, "You can take revenge later, but General Zhang's head must be returned."

He frowned slightly and said: "Before I came to Licheng, I ordered Xiong Kuohai and Cheng Zhijie to lead [-] troops to Lei Ze, and Chen Que'er to lead [-] sailors and [-] warships to go west along the river. Return the head of Old General Zhang, just hit it, why are there so many scruples?"



The reason why Li Xian is so tough is to avenge Zhang Xutuo.The fundamental reason is that if he does not avenge Zhang Xutuo, he will not be able to truly win the hearts of the people in Qilu and Shandong in the shortest possible time.Qilu is rich and prosperous, and it is actually the best place for foundation.With Qilu present, it is possible to attack Dou Jiande in the north, but it is difficult to go straight to Jiangdu, win the hearts of Qilu people, and gain a foothold in troubled times.

In Luo Yi's study in Youzhou, Luo Yi frowned.

"Father, we have to avenge Lu Shisan's revenge. He is your right-hand man. He taught me martial arts when I was young. He died in Saibei. It was obviously Li Yuan's son."

Luo Shixin said with some excitement.

"I know."

Luo Yi nodded slightly and said: "Otherwise, why would I send ten thousand elite riders to help Li Xian send those tens of thousands of good horses back?"

"What does this have to do with Li Xian?

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