Will Ming

Chapter 373 The crime of deceiving the king

Chapter 370 Three Crimes of Deceiving the Emperor


Li Yuan sat on the chair, the teacup in hand, Tingting, was steaming.Next to the teacup was a letter, Luo Yi's handwritten letter.Xin Luo Yi had already finished reading, so the anger on his face became more and more intense.I don't know how long I sat there like this, Li Yuan slammed the table, and with a bang, the teacups on the table jumped up.

"Go and call Li Shimin for me!"

Finally unable to hold back his anger, Li Yuan yelled loudly, and the servants at the door trembled in fright, and went to look for the second young master in a panic. It had been a long time since they had seen Mr. Tang so grand.Tang Gong's good temper is recognized by everyone, but the more he is like this, the occasional anger is really thunderous.

Several servants ran out in a panic, and found the second son Li Shimin who was practicing archery with Liu Hongji and Tang Gong's son Li Jiancheng on the school grounds, and told him that Tang Gong invited him over.Seeing the panicked expressions on the faces of these servants, Li Jiancheng and others felt a little surprised.Li Shimin responded, wiped the sweat from his forehead, took his clothes, put them on, and rushed to the study.Li Jiancheng was a cautious person, he kept Li Shimin and asked those servants: "How is your father feeling now, please tell the truth."

The leading servant hesitated for a moment and said: "In the morning, someone came from Youzhou and sent a letter to Mr. Tang. After reading the letter, Mr. Tang sat alone in the study, and just now he was so angry that he dropped his teacup."

"Someone from Youzhou?"

Li Shimin's heart was shocked, and even Li Jing who was standing in the distance changed color.

"I'm afraid that Luo Yi sent someone to ask about the fact that you saved Ashina and went to his wife and children on the grassland."

Li Jiancheng pondered for a while and said, "Second brother, you should be careful what you say, and don't anger father."

"I know, thank you brother for reminding me."

Li Shimin thanked him sincerely, then sighed and said, "I'm afraid that Luo Yi doesn't believe me, but it's no wonder, that day, only Ashina's wife and children who went to the hut were saved, and none of the people from Youzhou could do it." I didn't save them, but the people in Youzhou were all dead at that time, and I only found out the identity of the mother and son after besieging those Turks. I kindly transported the corpses of the Youzhou people back to Youzhou. Why is Luo Yi so ignorant? ?”

Li Jiancheng sighed: "When my father went to Huaiyuan, Luo Yi was very helpful to our Li family. His favorite general died in Saibei, so he was naturally sad and angry. Maybe it's just a letter to ask, and you don't need to pay too much attention to it, just be truthful Just say it. Although our Li family is cautious, we are not afraid of others casually."

"Don't cause trouble, don't be afraid of trouble."

Li Jiancheng patted Li Shimin on the shoulder and said, "This is what my father taught."

Li Shimin responded, and quickly walked over to Li Yuan's study after making a confession.Li Jing thought for a while, then took a few steps and followed behind him.

"Second Young Master, if Mr. Tang asks you later, how do you plan to answer?"

"Pharmacist, what do you pay attention to?"

Li Shimin asked in a low voice as he walked.

"Didn't you just think about it when you came back from the grassland? No matter how much Mr. Tang presses you, just follow the story we made up. Are those soldiers not afraid of Mr. Tang's anger after doing such a big thing? I have given each of them Shiguanrou is good, tell them, if something happens to the second son, none of them will survive. Don't worry, the second son, just don't admit it."

Li Shimin nodded and said: "I see, you go to the army to watch. If your father sends someone to investigate, you should be careful."

Li Jing took the order and left, Li Shimin sorted out his thoughts and knocked on the door to enter Li Yuan's study.

"Father, what did you call me for?"

Li Shimin bowed and asked.

Li Yuan looked at him coldly, grabbed the letter on the table and threw it on Li Shimin's face angrily: "Look for yourself!"

Li Shimin took a step back, picked up the letter and looked at it, then his expression changed drastically, he knelt down on the ground with a plop and kowtowed: "Father, Luo Yi is spitting blood! The boy sent back the corpses of his soldiers with good intentions, how could he do that?" Such a reversal of black and white, no distinction between right and wrong!"

"To shut up!"

Li Yuan said angrily: "Do you think I really don't know what you did?"

"Luo Yi asked me to find the murderer and pay for Lu Shisan's life. You can solve this matter by yourself. The disaster is caused by yourself. If you have the ability to cause trouble, you must have the ability to solve it yourself. Don't expect your father to be Tang Gong. With the help of the family, if you can't think of a way, you can go to Youzhou and Luo Yi to defend yourself."

After finishing speaking, Li Yuan got up and left without giving Li Shimin a chance to explain!

This was unexpected, and Li Shimin was stunned.

Li Yuan left with an angry face, but the anger on his face disappeared after he went out and returned to the dormitory.Dou was lying on the bed, seeing Li Yuan coming in and struggling to sit up, Li Yuan quickly walked over to help her, and sat down beside the bed.

"You really don't care about Shimin's affairs?"

With tears in her eyes, Dou said: "I don't believe Shimin can do such a thing. Although he lives alone in the old house freely, his temper is as kind as built. How could he have such a scheming plan? I think It must be that Luo Yi sees Shimin robbing him of his achievements and holds a grudge, deliberately making things difficult."

Li Yuan sighed and said: "When Shimin came back, I was suspicious. How could there be such a coincidence? He saved Ashina's wife and children, but none of Luo Yi's soldiers could save them. Do you think this is possible, if Shimin has never met Lu Shisan, how would he know that the mother and son are Ashina Quhu's wife and son? The Turks themselves would say it?"

"Then what can we do?"

Dou couldn't help crying again: "Shimin just came back to us, you can't be so cruel and really take him to death."

"how can that be?"

Li Yuan said: "He is my Li Yuan's son after all. He is just one of Luo Yi's subordinates. If he dies, he will die. If Luo Yi's son dies, will I use my own son to pay for my life? Not qualified for that!"

He paused for a moment, then sighed, "I'm angry. I'm angry that the people of the world have acted too hastily. They thought they were doing things impeccably, but in my opinion, they are clumsy! Now that you have done it, you should do it thoroughly, and simply send Ah Shi Na Quhu's wife and children were all killed, so what if he planned to kill all the five or six hundred cavalrymen under him? If he came back with only a few guards and the heads of the mother and child, wouldn't Luo Yi still dare to talk nonsense? ? Doing things by yourself is stupid, and you want me to help him deal with the aftermath!"

Li Yuan said angrily: "I just teach him a lesson, let him know, don't try to hide anything from him, I think I did it delicately and meticulously, without me, he can't do anything after all!"

He patted Dou's hand and said: "I have already written back to Luo Yi, asking him to show evidence, if he can't produce evidence, don't talk nonsense, am I still afraid that he will fail?"




Empress Xiao Yizhen sat beside the bed, quietly sitting there looking at the scroll in her hand.She glanced sideways at His Majesty the Emperor who was lying on the bed taking a nap, and suddenly found that His Majesty had a lot of gray hair on his temples.She stared at Yang Guang's face, carefully watching, whether there were a few more wrinkles on His Majesty's face, and she didn't know what the sleeping Yang Guang had dreamed of, and his brows were furrowed tightly.

Xiao Yizhen looked at Yang Guang's brow and felt a slight pain in her heart.

After returning from Yanmen Pass, His Majesty became even more worried because he didn't see any smiles all day long.Although he didn't say it, Xiao Yizhen knows that His Majesty has a pain in his heart that others cannot share. He is no longer the high-spirited young man who led an army of 50 to destroy Nanchen, and he is no longer the one who had big plans for the world when he first ascended the throne. Great ambition.

Da Sui is too big, so big that His Majesty has more than enough heart but not enough strength.

His Majesty personally established this empire that unified the north and the south, but later he was unable to control the direction of the empire.

Xiao Yizhen stretched out her hand and gently smoothed Yang Guang's frowning brows. She couldn't help remembering that when she was living a poor life, she was pleasantly surprised by the news that she was going to marry the Prince of Sui.The two have been in love with each other since they got married, and to this day, she is still the woman Yang Guang loves the most.

Those ordinary people who don't know the truth say that the emperor is licentious and immoral, which is simply the most wronged thing in the world.His Majesty only loves himself from the beginning to the end. There are indeed many beauties in the palace, but the emperor hardly ever stays with others.For so many years, no matter where His Majesty is going, she is always with her.

She gently stroked Yang Guang's face with her fingers, and suddenly heard footsteps outside.Xiao Yizhen turned around and looked, she was very disgusted with the people who disturbed His Majesty's rest at this time.When he looked back, he saw that Pei Ju and Yu Shiji had come together, and Pei Ju was still holding a wooden box in his hand, and the expressions of both of them were a little anxious.What kind of characters are the two of them, if they show uneasiness, it must not be a small matter.

Xiao Yizhen looked back at Pei Ju and Yu Shiji, slowly shook her head and said softly: "Your Majesty had a headache again, so he took medicine and fell asleep."

"Let them in."

Yang Guang turned over and sat up from the bed, rubbed his sore forehead and said, "I have a terrible headache, how can I fall asleep?"

Pei Ju and Yu Shiji rushed in to salute, Yang Guang rubbed his forehead and asked, "What's the matter?"

Pei Ju opened the wooden box in his hand, took out a memorial and said, "This is the memorial sent by Li Yuan, the Ambassador of Hexi Propaganda and Consolation, in a hurry. Please read it yourself, Your Majesty."

"Li Yuan?"

Yang Guang took the memorial and unfolded it for a look, then said angrily, "Nonsense!"

He stood up abruptly, paced back and forth in the room, and said, "He sued Luo Yi for treason, but he couldn't produce any evidence. Anyone in the world can rebel against me, but Luo Yi can't! How do I treat Luo Yi? He is a child from a poor family, I have given him the greatest honor, how could he

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