Will Ming

Chapter 374

(Thanks to Dan Yan, Qingtian Yizhu for the reward! I beg you)

Chapter 370 Four Killings

In the 12th year of Daye, Yang Guang lived in Jiangdu, and the emperor's order was useless within three hundred miles. The desolation of the emperor can be seen.

How could Yang Guang not know that Wen Jie was dead?How can you not know who died?

It's just that at this point, he is unwilling to pursue the so-called crime of deceiving the emperor anymore.I am afraid that the most common crime in this imperial court is the crime of deceiving the emperor, and the most common ones are those who deceive the emperor. The Sui Dynasty has been corrupted to this point, so what if the one who bullies the emperor does not deceive the emperor?Yang Guang ordered Yang Yichen, the ambassador of the six counties to be arrested, to be recalled to the court and promoted to Minister of the Ministry of War. When Yang Yichen went to Jiangdu to thank him, Yang Guang asked him if he knew how Wen Jie died.

Pei Ju thought he could hide it, and Yu Shiji also thought he could hide it.

What they didn't know was that the emperor was just so depressed that he couldn't arouse his anger to question the crime.That's right, Yang Guang lives in a peaceful world fabricated by a few so-called ministers of humerus, but he is not really stupid, stupid or idiot, he just doesn't want to face the truth of the collapse of the empire, he just doesn't want to To face my previous ambitions, I am unwilling to face the strong flames of war burning everywhere.

He actually knows everything, he just doesn't want to show that he knows.

"never mind……"

Yang Guang looked at Pei Ju and Yu Shiji who were kneeling on the ground, waved his hands and said, "You have been following me, and you may not know what's going on below. Local officials are very familiar with their affairs. You are closed in court. The truth can’t reach your ears. You know more about the truth in the memorial from the local newspaper than I do, so get out of your way. Give me Luo Yi’s memorial, and I want to see if he and Li Yuan want to What are you doing?"

"Thank you Your Majesty"

Pei Ju and Yu Shiji stood up carefully, and Pei Ju handed Luo Yi's memorial to Yang Guang with trembling hands.Yang Guang seemed to have really calmed down, and walked to the chair and sat down.Empress Xiao beckoned, and a court lady quickly brought up all the tea sets.Empress Xiao sat down next to the short table and made tea herself.

Yang Guang looked at her sideways and smiled slightly.

It has to be said that the action of women making tea has a pleasing beauty.Especially the feminine and dignified Empress Xiao, who was over forty years old but still had an eye-catching presence. Her movements were gentle and soothing, her wrists were lightly raised, and she poured a cup of tea for the emperor and Pei Ju Yu Shiji.The tea soup with a little salt is fragrant, and just smelling it makes people feel refreshed.

Yang Guang pointed to the Hu stool beside him and said, "You two are lucky to have the opportunity to taste the tea made by the queen herself."

Pei Ju and Yu Shiji sat down on the chairs with their buttocks on their backs, and thanked the emperor first and then the queen.

As if infected by his wife's tranquility, Yang Guang's face gradually calmed down.He looked at Empress Xiao with pity, and said softly: "From now on, let the servants do these things."

"It's not a tiring thing. Could it be that His Majesty thinks that the concubine is too old to move?"

Empress Xiao said with a smile.

"If you are old, wouldn't I be older?"

He is 12 years older than Xiao Yizhen. When she married him, Xiao Yizhen was 13 years old and he was 25 years old.

Yang Guang smiled, took a sip of the teacup and said: "When we were in Yanmen, Li Yuan's second son Li Shimin robbed Ashina's wife and children and came back. I knew it was not that simple. Zhou Jing rode northward and turned the grasslands upside down. That Li Shimin only brought more than a thousand troops, a young man who was only fifteen or sixteen years old, no matter how outstanding he was, how could he fight against the Turkic royal court?"

"Li Yuan thought I was confused, but I think he is. I can roughly guess what happened to Li Shimin's men and Luo Yi's men on the grassland. Forget it, I didn't intend to pursue it at the time, and I don't intend to pursue it now. It's just that neither of them is willing to suffer. I think Hexi and Youzhou are both at peace, and the two of them have nothing to do."

"Your Majesty Shengming."

Pei Ju quickly said: "As Your Majesty said, since the defeat of Ashina Duoji's troops, the north has been peaceful and there has been no war."

Yang Guang put down Luo Yi's memorial, thought for a while and said, "It's just that I feel wronged. Pei Ju, you draft an order to exempt the taxes of Hexi counties for another year, so that the people can recuperate. Li Yuan's eldest son Li Jiancheng It seems that he is only the county magistrate, the Marquis of Jin Township, and he can no longer be promoted. Sooner or later, he will inherit the title of Duke Tang. As for Luo Yi, he is already the chief steward of Youzhou. Allow him to expand the army by [-], and guard the gate of the Sui Dynasty for me!"

"The minister obeys the order."

Yang Guang thought for a while and said, "Also, are there any members of Li Yuan's family in Daxing City?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, many of Li Yuan's concubines and concubines' children are in Daxing City."

"That's good. Li Yuan dare not disagree with his children in the capital city. He said that Li Yuan has contributed to the country. He will be rewarded with three thousand guan and three thousand bolts of silk. They will be sent to the Li family in Daxing City and given to Li Yuan's family members. Let Dugu learn Keep an eye on it, people from the Li family are not allowed to leave the capital."


Yang Guang pondered for a while and said: "Zhang Xutuo died in battle, Qilu and Shandong counties must be left alone. Think about it, who is more suitable?"



That is to say, Pei Ju thought that the emperor didn't know who killed Wen Jie, so he dared to say something earth-shattering.That is to say, Yang Guang was in a depressed mood at this time, otherwise he might have ordered Pei Ju to be framed and punished.Maybe it was because of Empress Xiao's tea, maybe it was because of the disappointment of the opponent's courtiers, maybe it was because of the worry about the corruption of the Sui Dynasty. When hearing Pei Ju's words, Yang Guang didn't look angry at all!

"Your Majesty, forgive me for speaking bluntly..."

Pei Ju thought for a while and sorted out his words: "Your Majesty, there is no suitable candidate in the court for a while. The generals of each guard guard one side, so it is not easy to transfer them. In fact, the most suitable one is Xue Shixiong, the general of the left guard. There is a man named Dou Jiande who threatens Zhuo County with rebellion, and General Xue can't get away, and besides, General Xue, as the general guard of Zhuo County, naturally can no longer concurrently serve as the general guard of Qi County."

"You keep it simple."

Yang Guang took a sip of tea and said.

"I have a bold idea, and I ask Your Majesty to forgive me."

Yang Guang glared at him and said: "Bold and timid, as long as you are old-fashioned and uphold the words of the country, what do I blame you for? Could it be that I am a foolish king who doesn't understand the truth?"

"Your Majesty is an enlightened emperor, an emperor through the ages."

"Stop flattering me, tell me what you think!"

"I feel that... there may not be no real heroes in the green forest, but there are also loyal people in the grass. There is a grass bandit in Dongping County who occupied the mountain and became the king. He used to be a general in the army of the Sui Dynasty. He was appreciated by His Majesty in Liaodong. He made great achievements in Goguryeo many times. But because he offended Yu Wenshu later, he had to become a thief. However, as far as I know, this person has never changed his loyalty to the emperor and his patriotism, never harmed the place, and has a reputation for benevolence and righteousness..."

Because when Yanmen was trapped, Yu Wenshu's two incompetent sons, Yu Wenhuaji and Yu Wenzhiji, resold military rations and had connections with foreign countries. They even sold rations to Turks. The two men were killed, but thinking of Yu Wenshu's contribution, they were only stripped of their official titles and demoted to common people. By the way, even Yu Wenshu was relieved of his military duties and asked to live at home for the elderly.So Pei Ju didn't have any scruples about speaking at this time. In his opinion, it would be very difficult for the Yuwen family to turn around again.

Hearing Pei Ju's words, Yang Guang's eyes narrowed immediately.

As long as he is willing to think, no one can fool him.As long as he is willing to remember, there are not many things he can forget.Coincidentally, because of Wen Jie's death, he remembered the person Pei Ju mentioned very deeply, so when he heard Pei Ju mention this person, Yang Guang's heart immediately stirred up waves.

Yan Yun...

Yang Guang thought of this name in his heart.

His fingers holding the teacup tightened subconsciously, and his joints turned white.

Looking at Pei Ju's serious face and listening to his serious words, Yang Guang sighed and said, "I can let go of the hatred of a knife, as long as there is someone who can stabilize the country for me, I can let go of everything. I blame Yu Wenshu, too. A good general was forced by him to be a thief, even with a knife, why did he just hold on to him?"

Pei Ju and Yu Shiji turned pale with fright when they heard these words, and knelt down again with a plop.He kowtowed again and again, explaining that he had no idea that Wen Jie died at the hands of that person.

Yang Guang waved his hand, and slowly shook his head: "Get up, I only found out after asking Yang Yichen. It's not your fault if you don't know."

"Yan Yun is"

Yang Guang sighed and said: "If he really has the heart to serve the country, you can send someone to Dongping County to pass the decree and tell him that I can let the past go, but there is one thing... Let him go to Hebei to suppress Dou Jiande for me, and then kill Wa Gangzhai has been wiped out, and I will not be stingy with the position of Chief Qi County!"

Pei Ju knew that he had experienced a dangerous situation before, and he felt that His Majesty's reaction today was a little abnormal, but the joy in his heart was stronger. As long as this matter is accomplished, General Li in Yanyun Village will naturally not pretend to be deaf and dumb , A generous gift is in the bag for sure.

"The minister obeys the order, and the minister will send someone to do it."

Pei Ju and Yu Shiji withdrew, and Empress Xiao stood up and sat beside Yang Guang, saying: "Your Majesty, I still remember that young man named Yan Yun, who seems to be really capable. But this person is rebellious. If you can't say it, you will be against it, His Majesty really wants to use him?"


Yang Guang snorted coldly: "He hid in Juyeze, and if I wanted to kill him, I would have to pay the lives of many soldiers. If he is willing to agree to be an official, wouldn't it be much easier for me to punish him? Pei Pei

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