Will Ming

Chapter 375

Chapter 370

Being an emperor doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. Governing a big country is like cooking a small dish. There must be some rules. Whether it's salt or sugar, you can't leave it alone or add too much, otherwise the dishes will be unpalatable.It's just that if a dish is fried, it's a big deal to throw it away and not eat it, or if it's fed to pigs and dogs, it's not too wasteful.But if the emperor has no rules, the country will be ruined.

Yang Guang didn't follow the rules, didn't follow the rules, and didn't talk about ethics, so the collapse of his empire became inevitable.So much so that at this point, the majestic emperor had to make calculations if he wanted to kill a little pony thief.This is the sorrow of an empire, and even more so, the sorrow of an emperor.As a queen, Xiao Yizhen could feel the sadness and helplessness in Yang Guang's heart.Even though the emperor spoke passionately and with great momentum, he could not conceal the loss and sadness in his heart.

Yang Guang said, if I wanted to kill someone, I could have caused a bloody wave many years ago, and I can still do it now.

Xiao Yizhen didn't doubt the authenticity of these words, she just felt that the emperor wanted to use such imposing words as a pretense.Does the emperor need bragging?Is it necessary for the emperor to speak big words?

The emperor is supreme and the master of the world.

Compared with Yang Guangchu who could destroy a country with a single word when he came to the throne, killing a person is so impassioned, Xiao Yizhen really felt the sadness contained in it.

"Your Majesty...if you are tired, lie down and rest for a while."

That's all she can say, that's all she can persuade.

Yang Guang shook his head slowly and said: "Although I have a headache today, I feel refreshed. After a while, I will have someone present all the memorials of these days. I want to see for myself. I trust Pei Ju and Yu Shiji, although they will do something behind the scenes. Small tricks, greedy for some small money, but generally responsible to me. Let them sort out the important things and send them to the garden. The room is very stuffy, and I want to sit in the gazebo."

"Bring some fresh fruit and new wine, and this concubine will serve you."

Xiao Yizhen said with a smile.

She was happy, really happy.The emperor wants to see the memorial, which is simply good news that couldn't be better.When was the last time His Majesty saw the memorial?Xiao Yizhen couldn't remember clearly. It seemed that after the third Eastern Expedition to Goguryeo, the emperor handed over the government to Pei Ju and Yu Shiji. Those two people reported good news but not bad ones, so the emperor didn't bother to ask about anything.

Today His Majesty is going to personally review the memorial, Xiao Yizhen is so happy that she doesn't know how to express it.

She could see that His Majesty's eyes had a kind of brilliance, which was the kind of brilliance that He only had when His Majesty first became the emperor many years ago. As long as His Majesty wants to deal with state affairs, he is the most wise monarch in the history of this world. .Xiao Yizhen told herself that it's not too late, really it's not too late, as long as the emperor is willing to govern the empire that belongs to him, even if the empire is riddled with holes, the emperor can still prevent the worst thing from happening.It doesn't even take too long, Xiao Yizhen firmly believes that in just three years, His Majesty will be able to get the empire back on track, and the old trees will spit out new greenery.

Yang Guang's mood today was great anger at first, then great sadness, and after he calmed down, he was very sober, and his heart was very peaceful.So he decided to deal with some state affairs and let his courtiers see his demeanor.He needs to prove that he is not old, not old at all.

Yayang Guang changed into a black dragon embroidered uniform, and walked slowly to the gazebo on the rockery beside the lotus pond in the back garden.It's only April, and the lotus hasn't bloomed, but the pool is green and looks refreshing.Yang Guang took a deep breath of the cool and clean air, and sat down in the gazebo.

Not far from him, Empress Xiao cooked wine herself, smiling at her husband who was full of vitality today.

Yang Guang picked up a memorial and looked at it, then nodded and said in a low voice: "The governors of several counties on both sides of the Yellow River jointly signed the memorial. Now that the flood season has come, please allocate money and food to repair the embankment. This is a big deal. There can be no delay."

He handed the memorial to Yu Shiji, who stood cautiously on the side, and said, "Tell them a few, that this year's taxes don't have to be handed in, and all localities will raise funds to repair the river embankments. If the money in the treasury of each locality is not enough, let them submit a letter to reconcile the money." The imperial court wants it. The people's livelihood cannot be taken lightly, Yu Shiji, you pick a few capable officials from the Ministry of Households to watch at the local government, and you can't let them waste money and food."

Yu Shiji said in his heart that sending people to the place to keep an eye on them would be a real waste of money and food.The officials sent by the imperial court to the local area probably put more money into their own pockets than they used to repair the embankment.Besides, where are those counties rich in money and food?Your Majesty has a good idea, but unfortunately, Your Majesty no longer understands the current Sui Dynasty.

"According to the order."

Although Yu Shiji thought so in his heart, he showed admiration on his face.

Picking up another memorial and looking at it, Yang Guang slightly frowned and said, "Auspicious? Why did someone come up with such a trick again? This time it's good. Boling County also produced auspicious signs, and colorful big birds circled the city for three days... ...Yu Shiji, draw up an edict to dismiss the governor of Boling County, confiscate his house, and use whatever money is stolen to pay for the Yellow River embankment.”

"According to the order."

Seeing the confident look of the emperor, Xiao Yizhen couldn't help feeling a little excited.It has been a long time since the emperor dealt with state affairs so seriously, and she seemed to see His Majesty ten years ago again.

Yang Guang processed six or seven memorials one after another, and gradually lost his patience.

"Why are these trivial matters, so there is nothing to worry about in Da Sui?"

Yu Shiji quickly said: "The world is peaceful, there are no natural disasters and man-made disasters, so things are all trivial, but it is a headache."

"I've always had a headache, so I don't have the time to care about such trivial matters. Take it away, take it all away, I'm tired."

He waved his hand, then lay down on the deck chair in the gazebo, closed his eyes, and fell asleep not long after.

Xiao Yizhen sighed slightly in her heart, His Majesty is just tired, isn't today many times stronger than before, and will gradually get better.Your Majesty also said just now that he doesn't want to be a foolish emperor, and the Great Sui cannot fall into His Majesty's hands.He was just tired, and he would continue to deal with state affairs as soon as he woke up.

Yang Guang slept soundly this time, and it was already dark when he got up.

"After a good night's sleep, you feel refreshed. Empress, why don't you go for a walk along the river with me? Dajiang Yingyue, don't have a wonderful feeling."

Xiao Yizhen's heart sank, but there was a smile on her face.



It was already the middle of May in the 12th year of Daye when Yang Guang entrusted Li Xian, the leader of Yanyunzhai, as the fourth-rank Wu Benlang to transfer the will to Dongping County.Unfortunately, Li Xian was not in Yuncheng of Dongping County, nor in Juye Ze. A few days ago, after returning to Dongping County from Licheng of Qi County, Li Xian took Qin Qiong, Pei Xingyan, Hou Junji and others together. Qian Jingqi rushed to Lei Ze to join Cheng Zhijie and Xiong Kuohai.

At the end of April, Li Xian ordered Xiong Kuohai and Cheng Zhijie to lead an army of [-] troops out of Juyeze to Lei Ze to station troops, and the soldiers pointed at Wagang Village.Chen Que'er led a navy of [-], and [-] warships sailed up the Yellow River, blocking the crossings of the Yellow River in Dongjun.

After the arrangements were made, Li Xian sent out the letter written by Li Xian to Zhai Rang.When the Yellow River was blocked by Chen Que'er and Lei Ze's troops lined up in Dongjun, the letter reached Zhai Rang.I don't know if Li Xian is too lazy to write more words, or if he doesn't have much to say to Zhai Rang.On the entire letter paper, there are only four big characters written in wild cursive script, which makes people jump in fear.

fight back

These are two choices, Li Xian poses the question and Zhai Rang answers it.

When Li Mi saw the letter, his expression was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the first person to avenge Zhang Xutuo was not the army dispatched by the court, but a rebel.It would be ridiculous to tell anyone that the traitor took revenge on the court general.However, neither Zhai Rang nor Li Mi could laugh.

It is true that Wagang Village has just gone through a fierce battle, and it is true that Zhang Xutuo, a famous general of the Sui Dynasty, was killed.Too many veterans who were good at fighting died in battle. Of the 1 elite soldiers Xu Shiji trained before, there are now less than [-] left.After Li Mi arrived at Wagangzhai, he selected [-] elite recruits from among the recruits and formed the Pushan Camp.These [-] people will be the foundation of his future foothold, and the strength of the team just formed can be imagined, so Li Mi is reluctant to fight with it.

If Li Mi was still gambling in the battle that defeated Zhang Xutuo, he would no longer gamble with the strength of Wagangzhai now.Zhai Rang obeyed him, and even gave him the right to set up the Pushan Camp, where he has a status no less than that of Zhai Rang, and any more betting is betting on his own things.

Seeing Li Xian's letter, Li Mi pondered for a while and said: "This matter is not non-negotiable. Li Xian won Qi County. If he wants to buy people's hearts, he naturally wants to avenge Zhang Xutuo. But he really wants to do it before he sees it in his heart." Fight, after all, his losses will not be small."

"What does Mi Gong mean, is this how we confessed?"

Shan Xiongxin asked with a frown.

"How does this count as cowardice?"

Li Mi smiled and said: "A man who can bend and stretch can be a man. If you blindly try to be brave, it's just a man's courage. Brother Shan, did you forget the humiliation of Han Xin's crotch? Did you forget the shame of Han Gaozu for giving up Xianyang? Think about it later, Han Xin ruled the world, Liu Bang has made great achievements. Now we are just giving Qi Jun a dead head, so what have we lost?"

"Zhang Xutuo's head has been hanging on the city wall for so long, something is really wrong."

Xie Yingdeng proposed a long time ago that it would be enough to hang Zhang Xutuo's head on the city wall for a few days.But Shan Xiongxin refused, Zhai Rang also refused, Zhang Xutuo forced Wagang Village too hard, and they all had a bad breath in their hearts that they couldn't vent.

Wang Bodang did not approve of hanging people's heads. To achieve great things, one must stand on the height of morality. Treating the corpses of the enemy like this, killing all the captives of Qi County officials and soldiers, who will dare to surrender in the future?

It's just that the two of them don't

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