Will Ming

Chapter 376

Chapter 370

Now Li Xian's identity is no longer the little general who was oppressed by Yu Wenshu at will in Liaodong. As for the dizzy Yuzhong.Yang Guang made him an empty promise, and casually appointed a fourth-rank general Wu Benlang just to play the trick of recruiting security. In Li Xian's view, it was really childish and ridiculous.

Juyeze in Dongping County didn't have that big banner to stand up for the heavens, and Li Xian naturally didn't have a surname of Song.

"How did Yang Guang come up with such an idiotic idea? Could it be that he didn't know that Wen Jie died at the hands of the general?"

Xiong Kuohai was one of the murderers who killed Wen Jie, so he didn't understand Yang Guang's idea.

Li Xian did not answer Xiong Kuohai's words, but said with some emotion: "Even the emperor has become a little daughter-in-law who has to endure humiliation after being angry. This emperor is really aggrieved. The time spent in that place in Jiangdu It’s been a long time, and I don’t know if there is rust in his brain.”

"It's not rusty, but I think it's because of the lard."

Pei Xingyan said sarcastically.

After being a thief for a long time, even the gangster spirit in him became stronger and stronger.A pretty good kid from a noble family, but after growing up with Li Xian, he was also infected with a whole body of stink problems.Li Xian despised the words that the emperor's lard was deceived.

"Do you think the emperor would be greedy for lard? That's too petty."

"The emperor doesn't eat lard?"

"Emperor, that's the one who eats beef every day."

"We also eat beef every day."

"So he's not being fooled by lard, but he's bragging in his own right."

Li Xian waved his hands and smiled and said, "If ten years ago, the emperor made an exception and promoted a grass bandit occupying the mountain to be a fourth-rank General Wu Ben, what do you think the grass bandit would be excited about?"

"It's probably going to go crazy."

"That's a bandit."

Pei Xingyan said seriously: "But we are not grassroots bandits."

Li Xian laughed and said, "That's beautiful, we are naturally not grassroots bandits."

Cheng Zhijie always felt that the general was a person whose thoughts were so complicated that people would have the urge to kneel and kowtow to him, and he also always felt that Pei Xingyan was the kind of person whose thoughts were so simple that people would have the urge to kneel and kowtow to him.So he never thought that the general and Pei Xingyan would say these boring things like two childish children.It sounds like two kids are talking bad things about another kid behind their backs.

He gives you a piece of mud, do you play with him?

It's only a piece of mud, so stingy, I won't play with him.

Then let's play together and ignore him.


What are you playing, piss and mud or farts?

Thinking of this, Cheng Zhijie shuddered, and the scene of the general and Pei Xingyan playing in the mud appeared in his mind, which made his skin crawl.Suddenly he remembered a word the general always liked to say before, and he became relieved.After thinking about it for the past few days, this is indeed the case, it hurts to be idle.

Xiong Kuohai showed off his chest muscles shirtless at the door of the big tent, holding up the stone lock as if he was holding a piece of tofu.Hou Junji was squatting on the ground outside the big tent, holding a small wooden stick in his hand and drawing something on the ground.Qin Qiong looked much more serious, and was practicing the formation of soldiers in the open space outside.At this time, a soldier suddenly ran over from the gate of the camp, ran outside Li Xian's tent, gave a military salute and said, "Report, General, Wagang Village has sent an envoy."

While discussing with Pei Xingyan tirelessly which is better, pork or beef, Li Xian smiled slightly, patted Pei Xingyan on the shoulder and said in a very kind tone: "Play by yourself, I'm going to get down to business..."

Pei Xingyan didn't react for a while, but Cheng Zhijie spit out the new wine that had just been poured into his mouth.He was finally sure that Pei Xingyan was by no means idle, but the general must be idle.

Li Xian stepped out and asked the soldier, "How many people have come and who is the leader?"

"The person here claims to be Zhang Liang, and he is an infantry commander in Wagang Village."



After Zhang Liang entered the camp, he looked back at the twenty or so soldiers he had brought, and then nodded without missing a trace.The team behind him was holding a wooden box, wrapped in white brocade, square and square, looking like a miniature coffin.In fact, it was indeed a coffin, and inside the coffin was Zhang Xutuo's boneless human head.

Zhang Liang looked calm and calm, but only he knew that the feeling of drumming in his heart was really bad.

I don't know if the people from Yanyunzhai were demonstrating on purpose. On both sides of the passage from Yuanmen to Li Xian's big tent, there were two rows of fine armored warriors standing straight.These soldiers are all strong men, and each holds a heavy and sharp Mo Dao in his hand.Although it was early summer when the willows were green and the willows were blooming, the air in the barracks seemed to be a little bit colder due to the chilling atmosphere.

It's not that Zhang Liang has never seen the world, and this kind of scene doesn't make him unable to walk.

It's just that the hostility and hatred in the eyes of those Yanyunzhai soldiers puzzled him. He always felt that these soldiers were holding back a murderous aura, and he didn't know when they would burst out uncontrollably. Well, they chopped up these Wagang Villagers into a big lump of meat.

Cheng Zhijie and Pei Xingyan stood at the door, seeing Zhang Liang approaching, Cheng Zhijie cupped his fists and said, "Head Zhang, long time no see."

Zhang Liang hurriedly clasped his fists in return and said, "General Cheng, long time no see."

"The general is waiting in the big tent, please"

Cheng Zhijie made a gesture of invitation, Zhang Liang tidied up his clothes and walked in slowly.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the handsome young man standing up with a smile.Zhang Liang met Li Xian once, but the second time he saw him, he was still very impressive.Li Xian was wearing a black robe, and his figure looked tall and slender.He quickly clasped his fists in salute and said, "Zhang Liang in Wagang village, I have met the general."

Li Xian smiled and said, "Master Zhang has been working so hard from afar, please sit down."

A soldier brought up fragrant tea, Li Xian smiled and said a few polite words, Zhang Liang answered a few words, then stood up and said solemnly: "This time Zhang was ordered by the head of my family, and Zhang Xutuo's The head was sent back. In fact, the head of the family had said a long time ago that he would send the head of General Zhang back, but you also know, the general, that the people of Qi County hate my people in Wagangzhai, and we dare not Sending people over so easily, it was out of good intentions but cost their lives.”

Li Xian smiled slightly, but did not expose Zhang Liang's lie.

"Of course I know the hatred of the people of Qi County towards Wagang Village."

Li Xian said with a smile: "When Mr. Zhang entered my camp, did you see the majestic soldiers holding swords lined up on both sides of the passage of our camp?"

Zhang Liang said politely: "The general manages the army well, and Zhang admires it."

"They are all children of Qi County, soldiers under the command of old General Zhang Xutuo."

Li Xian said lightly.

Zhang Liang was shocked when he heard this!

Li Xian has no good intentions!He let the children of Qijun stand outside, obviously there is no kindness, those Qijun children who hate Wagangzhai are afraid that the roots of their teeth are itchy. His eyes were obviously red and he wanted to eat people, so they were all Zhang Xutuo's soldiers!

"What do you mean by that, General?"

Zhang Liang asked with a frown.

Li Xian said with a smile: "There is no deep meaning, it's just that the children of Qi County are looking forward to taking the head of General Zhang Xutuo back to their hometown. They regard General Zhang as their father. I let them line up to welcome General Zhang Come back, do the filial piety of a nephew, it's that simple."

Zhang Liang sighed and said, "Since ancient times, when two armies have fought, dead people have never been more common."

He stood up, took out a letter from his pocket, and said: "This is a letter from our Wagangzhai military division to you, General. I was only talking for a while, but I forgot."

The soldiers took the letter and handed it to Li Xian with both hands. Li Xian shook the letter and looked at it, then laughed: "Enemies should be solved rather than tied. This is a beautiful saying. People say that Mr. Pu Shan is beautiful. Unexpectedly, the handwriting is also beautiful, and the words are even more beautiful..."

Zhang Liang was about to say something polite when he suddenly heard Li Xian ask in a different tone: "So, how does your military advisor plan to untie this knot?"

Zhang Liang was taken aback, he felt the cold killing intent in the idle tone.He suddenly understood that what Li Xian said about being beautiful actually meant, did Li Mi think too beautiful?



"What our master and military adviser mean is that the imperial court is tyrannical, the ruler is incompetent, and the people all over the world are revolting. Wagangzhai and Yanyunzhai are both rebels on the green forest road. Such a fight can only make those shameless people in the court He only cheered for him, but the dog emperor wished that our own people would beat our own people, but he was just reaping the benefits. The military adviser said, we are both rebels, our enemy is naturally the violent Sui, and killing each other will only damage us. The strength of the rebel army."

"War is worse than an alliance. What the military adviser means is that we are fellows in the green forest, so why is it too urgent to fight? The military adviser said that if the general intends to form an alliance with my Wagang village, he is willing to come and discuss it with the general in person."

"Why are you in such a hurry..."

Li Xian suddenly laughed when he heard this sentence, and then looked at Zhang Liang and said seriously: "Sooner or later, such things as interfering with each other will inevitably be avoided. To put it a bit farther back, in the future, the Bao Sui Dynasty will be overthrown. Will you still say this? I'm afraid that before that time, you military divisions will inevitably do something to fry each other, and the first one to be fired may be Zhai Rang."


Zhang Liang looked back at the two soldiers beside him, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.


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