Will Ming

Chapter 377

Chapter 370

Zhang Liang immediately changed his expression, and turned around to argue with Li Xian, but was stopped by Cheng Zhijie and Pei Xingyan, one on the left and one on the right, and hundreds of soldiers from Yanyun Village rushed up and knocked down the soldiers from Wagang Village. ground, and then pressed down and beat them violently until these people were crying for their parents.

Li Xian looked at the scene of those soldiers being beaten with great interest, and couldn't help but sighed: "I really want to play a game where I would rather kill the wrong than let it go, but I am unwilling. If I really want to be beaten to death like this Wouldn't it be very boring to play in the future?"

"General Li! What do you mean by this? Since ancient times, the two armies have not fought without killing each other. Even if you don't want to form an alliance with my Wagang Village, don't you feel that you have done such a thing..."


Li Xian interrupted Zhang Liang's words.

Zhang Liang was taken aback, not knowing what to say.

Li Xian said with a smile: "If I don't slap you or spank your ass, you don't want to talk anymore. It really makes me unhappy. I might even spank you too."

He walked slowly to Zhang Liang's side and said something in a low voice.

Zhang Liang's face changed after hearing this sentence, but soon turned into anger: "General Li, I don't know why you think so, but today's shame must be remembered by Zhang, unless the general now puts me in my heart." Kill him, or I will eventually pay back the shame of today in the future."

"You say that, are you forcing me to kill you?"

Li Xian said in a cold tone: "Come here, take this man out as well, and give him twenty sticks!"

"you dare!"

Zhang Liang scolded angrily.

For this kind of threat, Li Xian simply didn't even bother to respond.He smiled, turned around and walked outside and said to the Yanyunzhai soldiers who were beating people: "Beat carefully, the whiter the buttocks, the harder the beating. Don't feel sorry for the board. I won't buckle it if it breaks." Your military pay."

Zhang Liang roared and resisted, but Cheng Zhijie and Pei Xingyan couldn't hold him back. How could he still be able to move? Pei Xingyan got excited and took off Zhang Liang's pants by himself, and then his eyes lit up: "Hey! Come on, come on quickly Man, this ass is as white as a woman, beat this!"

Zhang Liang's complexion was dark, and he really didn't expect his butt to be so white.

Several soldiers rushed forward and held Zhang Liang's hands and feet. A strong soldier walked over with a grim smile, holding a military staff in his hand.He glanced at Zhang Liang's butt, smiled and said, "It's so fucking white, it must be very enjoyable to fight." After speaking, he picked up the board and started beating, very viciously, and there were only a few blows. Liang's buttocks were beaten to pieces, bloody and bloody.

Zhang Liang was struggling while cursing, but the more he struggled, the harder the board fell, and with the crackling sound, blood beads splashed everywhere.After struggling for a while, Zhang Liang snorted and passed out.The Wagangzhai soldiers who were beaten outside were also howling at first, and gradually a few of them lost their voices and passed out in pain.After the twenty military sticks were beaten, Li Xian waved his hands and said, "Let the people who are waiting outside in Wagang Village come in, and they will pull them back by themselves."

The Wagangzhai soldiers guarding outside could see their own people being beaten from a distance, but the soldiers in Yanyunzhai were heavily guarded, and they didn't dare to rush in rashly. After the inside calmed down, a general-looking man came out and ordered Open the gate and let in a hundred soldiers from Wagang village.The people in Wagangzhai carried out those comrades who were knocked unconscious. The strange thing is that these soldiers were not the first to rush to Zhang Liang, but to a soldier who was already limp.

Li Xian watched those people leave, his face gradually calmed down.

"Why not just kill it?"

Ye Huaixiu walked to his side and asked softly.

"Can't kill..."

The corner of Li Xian's mouth twitched: "If you kill him, who will kill Zhai Rang?"

"Why are you so sure that he will quarrel with Zhai Rang?"

Ye Huaixiu asked.

Li Xian glanced at her, and replied seriously: "I was born with knowledge, and I can foresee everything in the future, do you believe it?"

Before Ye Huaishu could answer, Li Xian smiled and said, "What is Li Mi? Come down. Zhai Rang's men are so capable, if they don't let them kill each other, how can it be so easy to attack Wagang Village? Even if Li Mi and Zhai Rang don't have a gap, wouldn't I think of a way to make them Is there a estrangement? In short, killing him now is a very irrational thing."

"Why do you always see something different from others?"

Ye Huaixiu sighed: "Li Mi entered Wagang Village and was reused by Zhai Rang. Everyone said that Zhai Rang was like a tiger with wings. Li Mi's reputation will naturally attract countless people to seek refuge. The strength of Wagang Village will inevitably expand. It will become stronger in the future. But you just feel that Wagang Village will become weaker in the future."

"I see it differently than other people because I'm smarter than most people."

Li Xian smiled and said, "Don't you think so?"

Ye Huaixiu rolled his eyes at him and stopped talking.

Li Xian sighed: "Besides, how can I make him feel at ease if I don't use a cruel trick. If I am willing to fight, he is also willing to suffer."

"I have always wondered why he would vote for our Yanyun village."

"Because he's a smart guy, very smart."



When Zhang Liang woke up, medicine had already been applied to his buttocks, but the burning pain was still unbearable, he struggled a few times and dared not move, but eagerly turned his head and asked the soldiers beside him: "How is Mi Gong? "

Seeing that he had woken up, the soldier hurriedly said, "Mr. Mi has already taken the medicine, but the leader of Yanyun Village is too disgusting. He only said that the buttocks are white and he will beat them hard. Who would have thought that the military master's buttocks would be so white?" The skin is torn apart, although I have applied medicine, but I don’t think I can’t get out of bed for a month or two.”

He glanced at Zhang Liang's butt, and subconsciously said, "It's whiter than your butt..."

"Help me to see the military division."

Zhang Liang glared at the soldier, gritted his teeth and said in pain.

The soldier quickly said: "The doctor said that you should not move around. If you hurt your muscles and bones, you will not recover well. You'd better lie on your stomach and rest. I went to see the military division just now. After taking medicine, you are still in a coma. .”

"Don't talk too much, help me go!"

Zhang Liang said solemnly.

The soldier had no choice but to call the carriage to stop, and asked several other people to carry Zhang Liang to the rear, stopped the carriage behind, and Zhang Liang was helped to climb up.He opened the curtain and got into the carriage, and when he heard the sound, Li Mi, who was lying on the bed dozing, looked gloomy, and looked back at him coldly.Zhang Liang hesitated for a moment, then slowly knelt down in the carriage.

"Senior...my subordinates are not doing enough to protect me, please punish me."

When he knelt down, Li Mi's face softened a little, and he looked at him and said, "Get up, no one would have expected that Li Xian would be so treacherous and vicious. Zhang Liang, let me ask you a question, and you answer me honestly. "

Zhang Liang didn't dare to get up, bowed his head and said: "Mr. Mi, please ask, and my subordinates will answer everything."

"Do you think there are spies sent by Li Xian hiding in Wagang Village, otherwise how would he know that I am pretending to be a soldier to go with you?"

Zhang Liang raised his head, thought for a while and said, "Mr. Mi, my subordinates think so too. It's just that I'm confused, and there's something I can't figure out."


Li Mi moved his body, and frowned in pain.

Zhang Liang thought for a while, and after sorting out his words, he said: "This subordinate feels that even if there are spies sent by Li Xian in our Wagang village, I'm afraid they won't be in a high position and won't get the most accurate news. Xian wouldn't just hit each person with twenty army sticks, if he really dared to confirm that you were by my side, he might...he might..."

Li Mi sighed and said, "You're right. Although I don't know why Li Xian hates me to the bone, if he knows that I'm pretending to be your follower, he might kill me."

Li Mi thought for a while and said: "In this way, there may not be any spies. He just saw that the people in Wagang Village were not pleasing to the eye, and he didn't want to kill them, so he beat them instead of killing them. If it was me , I knew that if Li Xian pretended to be an entourage and went to Wagang Village, I would have ordered them all to be chopped down. How could he do such a petty thing. Although Li Xian and I met for the first time today, I know that this person is a man of business. Vicious and vicious, since he won't kill, he is not sure that I am here."

Zhang Liang slowly shook his head and said: "The subordinates are only speculating, but they still feel that there is a high possibility of spies in Wagang Village, so we have to guard against it."

Li Mi glanced at Zhang Liang, and saw that he was frowning and talking, his face was as white as paper, and he was biting his lip when he spoke, apparently in unbearable pain.Looking down again, there was a puddle of blood running down the floor of the carriage beside Zhang Liang, which was shocking to see.

Li Mi sighed: "You didn't have to suffer this beating."


Zhang Liang raised his head and said sincerely: "How can you watch Migong suffer?"

Li Mi shook his head and said: "Zhang Liang, you are wrong. It is good that you are loyal to me, but there is one thing you have to remember. In the future, remember to be hard-hearted and cold-hearted. When it is a matter of life and death, even if It was your biological parents who were humiliated in front of you, you have to be able to bear it."

"Subordinates... can't do it."

Zhang Liang said earnestly: "Mr. Mi has shown kindness to his subordinates, and his subordinates dare not and will not do things that are wrong to Mr. Mi."

Li Mi smiled with satisfaction, and said softly: "Go back and rest, stop the bleeding first, I will never forget you for being loyal to me, and I will never forget you when you achieve great things in the future."

"My subordinate Xie Migong!"

Zhang Liang kowtowed, and when he lowered his head, there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, which was thought-provoking.

After Zhang Liang left, Li Mi's face turned gloomy

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