Will Ming

Chapter 379

Chapter 370 IX You Will Live Better Than Death

Pei Ju returned to his house from the palace, he was not in a hurry to see Wang Qinian, nor did he send someone to contact him, but he did not see anyone again after entering the study.After he came back from the palace, he entered the study and fell into deep thought. The lady sent a maid to urge him several times, but he didn't go to dinner.In the end, the wife had no choice but to send someone to deliver the food to his study.

The food was still on the table, and Pei Ju was still frowning and sitting on the chair.

There was something he couldn't figure out, so there was a faint fear in his heart that he couldn't shake off.Yan Yun asked for [-] sets of weapons and armor, and [-] Huanglong clippers. Pei Ju knew that this was just testing the court's bottom line.Even he didn't take it seriously, but the emperor took it seriously, and actually agreed, even though it was given in three installments.

Pei Ju didn't understand for a while what the emperor's intentions were.If it is simply to recruit a traitor, then naturally there is nothing to worry about.But is the emperor an idiot?Even if he is getting more and more confused and lazy, if the emperor is willing to use his brain, no one in this world can fool him!

So Pei Ju was worried, is this the emperor testing himself?

If it is, the emperor has become suspicious of himself, and the crime of colluding with rebels is enough for him to never recover, then he must find a way to deal with it.I also blame myself for being too greedy, being tempted by the benefits promised by Yanyunzhai, and because of the emperor's trust in the past two years, I have indeed become a little careless and frivolous.Until today, when the emperor easily agreed to Yan Yun's request, Pei Ju suddenly thought of this while being complacent.

The emperor should have disagreed with Zhao'an Yanyun. Wen Yidao's death was there. The emperor's heart has never been broad-minded, and it is not easy to let go of it.

The more Pei Ju thought about it, the more frightened he became. He was afraid that the emperor would see that he had taken advantage of Yanyun Village.

"Come on!"

Pei Ju gave a loud hello.

The trusted follower, Hua Shan, hurried in from the door, bowed and asked, "My lord, what can I order?"

Pei Ju said in a low voice: "Send a few competent people to secretly watch Wang Qinian's Xianxianglou. Be careful, and never let him escape in secret. As long as he doesn't leave Jiangdu, there is nothing to do. If he escapes signs, take it down immediately."

"As ordered."

Hua Shan responded.

Pei Ju thought for a while and said, "I'm going to Xianxianglou to eat soup dumplings early in the morning. You send someone to tell Wang Qinian that you want the fillings for this morning... Tell him, I want to see the people from Yanyunzhai tomorrow morning. people."

Hua Shan nodded in agreement, and hurried out to do some business.

Pei Ju pondered for a long time, but decided to wait and see before talking.After all, the benefits promised by Yanyun Village are too tempting, how could he not see clearly that Da Sui is getting worse day by day.In the event that the day of overturning really comes in the future, it will definitely be a great thing for the Pei family to have a team like Yanyunzhai in their hands.As for whether the emperor has become suspicious, let's go to the palace tomorrow to try it out.

At the same time, in the palace, Yang Guang leaned on the reclining chair and closed his eyes to rest his mind, but the slight frown showed that he was not at ease.

An eunuch who looked seventeen or eighteen years old stood beside him with a bow and a humble attitude.This man has a handsome face, especially his eyes have a bit of a woman's charm.She has an oval face, fair skin with some blush, if you don't look carefully, you will really think that he is a woman.If you look carefully, you can vaguely see the shadow of Wen Jie on his face.Looking at the eunuch's attire on him, he doesn't even have a rank, obviously he just entered the palace not long ago.It's just that he stood there quietly, but there was no panic on his face.If it was an ordinary young eunuch who had just entered the palace, how could he be so calm when he saw the emperor.

After an unknown amount of time, Yang Guang slowly opened his eyes.

"Has the secret decree been sent out?"

he asked slowly.

"Return to Your Majesty, two copies, the servants have already sent the secret guards to send them to Qu Tongtu and Donglai Navy to protect the children urgently."

Yang Guang nodded, and after a moment of silence asked, "Xiao Zhou, how long have you been in the palace?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, six years, one month and twelve days, the maidservant entered the palace at the age of 13."

"Well... When you entered the palace, I admired you very much and asked you to follow me, but who knew that he didn't like you. That's why I let you set up a dark guard alone, and I didn't even hide it. Now you die with a knife. Yes, I intend to hand over his position to you. But after all, you do not have the qualifications of a sword, so if you are allowed to lead the courtiers of Longtingwei, you will still object. Make a few contributions first, and then I will promote you."

"My servant only wants to be able to do things for His Majesty. As for the official position... this servant has never thought about it."

"You are better than a knife, I am very pleased."

"Before you attack, Qu Tongtu and Lai Huer's army will not rush to Dongping County, are you afraid?"

Yang Guang asked.

The eunuch named Xiaozhou smiled shyly and said: "The servant is naturally afraid, but the servant is even more afraid that His Majesty will be unhappy."

"Go and keep an eye on Pei Ju first to see if he is secretly colluding with the people in Yanyun Village."

"Slaves obey orders"



Hua Shan poked his head out from the back door of Pei's mansion to have a look, and seeing that there was no one in the alley, he breathed a sigh of relief and walked out of the courtyard gate. Go and tell Wang Qinian that he will be making steamed stuffed buns with shrimps and fresh mushrooms tomorrow morning, and it's not to steal chickens and dogs.He laughed at himself, and said in his heart that even he was suspicious of being influenced by adults.

After exiting the back door, he walked slowly to the Xianxiang Building, more than [-] meters away.Looking at the sign, Hua Shan couldn't believe that Wang Qinian could think of the name of Xianxianglou.Although it is not very elegant, it is plain and straightforward. Just looking at the brand will greatly increase people's appetite.

"Hey, why are you here? If you need anything, send a servant to tell you what to do, and you'll have to make a trip yourself."

The little buddy of Xianxianglou welcomed Huashan into the store graciously.

"Close to vermilion is red, and close to ink is black. Your treasurer Wang is a smooth-talking, and you are also full of sycophants with you. Servant, in Mr. Pei's place, you and I are both servants, but your lord It’s more pleasing to the eye than me.”

"Brother Hua, you can't say that. Think about it, Mr. Pei is the emperor's valued person, a unique figure in the court, and you are valued by Mr. Pei, the unique figure in Pei's mansion."

"Ha ha"

Hua Shan laughed loudly, and asked the young man, "Where is your shopkeeper Wang?"

"I got up too early today, I should be sleeping upstairs at this moment."

"He's very comfortable... I won't go up, you go and tell him that tomorrow morning, adults will eat soup dumplings with shrimps and fresh mushrooms, and make another pot of lotus seed porridge. Today's heat is getting old, don't want it tomorrow." It's been so long."

He said it loudly, then looked left and right to see that there were no outsiders, he lowered his voice and said: "Your Excellency will see your people from Wagang Village tomorrow morning, there is something to be done in the palace, you must remember to tell Wang Qinian, don't miss it. "

The little guy quickly replied loudly: "Okay! Tomorrow morning, there will be soup dumplings with fresh mushrooms and shrimps, and a pot of lotus seed porridge!"

Hua Shan smiled, turned his head and walked out of Xianxiang Building.As soon as he left, the young man hurried up to the second floor and told Wang Qinian the news from Huashan.Wang Qinian couldn't sleep well, he was sitting on a chair drinking wine.The general sent him to Jiangdu this time, and the order was sent back from Saibei. He wanted to plead with the general and had nowhere to go, so he had no choice but to take over from the original Five Flying Tigers and open this Xianxianglou.

However, the general agreed to him, and after this mission was over, he was allowed to retire, build a big mansion in Juyeze, and marry a few concubines to live a leisurely life.It's best to be able to fiddle with and produce a son, then this life will be regarded as a consummation of merit and virtue.Thinking of this, he felt a lot of joy in his heart, and at this time the little boy went upstairs.

After listening to the boy, Wang Qinian nodded and said: "You go now, be careful on the road, don't be careless, and be careful not to be watched."

"Don't worry. You still don't understand what I do?"

The little guy smiled, then turned and left.



Hua Shan planned to go back to Pei's mansion immediately, but when he left the door, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't gone to Zuiyue Tower to see Hui Hong for a long time, and when he thought of the enchanting tricks of that little showy hoof on the bed, his stomach felt hot.After thinking about it, it was still early anyway, Hua Shan simply turned his head and walked in the direction of Zuiyue Tower.

Zuiyue Tower is a short distance from Pei's Mansion, and it takes at least half an hour to walk through the street.If you take a small path and enter from the back door of Zuiyue Tower, it will take only ten minutes.

Turning into a deeper alley, Huashan's pace involuntarily quickened a bit.He just turned into the alley and didn't take a few steps, when suddenly someone climbed over the wall from behind him, covered Hua Shan's head and face with a sack, and beat him hard a few times, and after feeling Hua Shan passed out, the man picked up Hua Shan and went Throw it into the wall.Inside the low wall, there were four or five men in bright red brocade clothes, who lifted Mount Hua and left without saying a word.

The clothes on these people were bright and eye-catching, bright red brocade clothes, a koi embroidered on the chest, black belts, and a white sheathed straight knife hanging from each person's waist.

The young man under Wang Qinian is called Lu Xiu'er, the woman's name, but she is a clever young man, and also a secret spy of the Five Flying Tigers.He is one of Wang Qinian's most trusted people in Xianxianglou, and it is very likely that he will be transferred to the army after this mission.He carried a vegetable basket, whistled and walked towards the vegetable market.

The people sent by Yanyunzhai live in the grain store on the street of the vegetable market, which is also one of the strongholds of the five flying tigers.It's just that compared with Xianxianglou, Xianxianglou is in the open, and Pei Ju and others know it, but this Shenji grain store is in the dark.Lu Xiu'er hummed a ditty and entered the vegetable market, and carefully selected some fresh vegetables. When he was about to go to the grain store, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

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