Will Ming

Chapter 380 Flying Dragon Secret Spy

(Thank you for the monthly ticket of the uninhibited handsome guy, I sincerely ask)

Chapter 380 Flying Dragon Secret Spy

The carriage passed through the busy market, passed by many people, passed by the long street, passed by soldiers patrolling the city, passed by the palace gate, and passed by the inner guards of the Imperial Army.There were two people in the carriage, a young man in a bright red brocade jacket, smiling and looking at another young man lying on the carriage and twitching in front of him.

The brocade clothes were too bright, and the koi embroidered on the chest of the clothes seemed to be swimming realistically. Because the clothes were red, the koi seemed to be swimming in a pool of blood.The red brocade clothes, fair face, and the somewhat unique high crown on his head made this man look evil.The evil spirit, which is stronger than Wen Jie, makes people shudder.And the most frightening thing is his smile.

Wen Jie always had a calm and indifferent appearance, as if nothing would cause his heart to churn.And this young man, he was always smiling.

He lifted Lu Xiuer's jaw, and he was smiling.He took off Lu Xiuer's two arms, and he was laughing.He broke Lu Xiuer's legs, and he was laughing.

His smile is always so gentle and kind, and the corners of his eyes are bright, as bright as the brightest stars in the sky, but the stars are frozen with a layer of ice, so his eyes are not only bright, but also cold.Lu Xiu'er couldn't move her limbs. Although her shoulder was removed, the pain at the shoulder joint seemed insignificant compared to the pain at the broken part of her leg.Both of his calf bones were crushed, to be precise, they were crushed by the hands of the red-robed man.

Lu Xiu'er couldn't speak or move, but he could still see and hear. Although he couldn't see outside in the carriage, he could guess where he was probably from the changes in the voices of the crowd outside the carriage.He could feel it when he crossed the busy city and the long street, and he knew it even when he passed the shipyard, because he heard the craftsmen carrying the timber and shouting in order.

This guy is from the palace, Pei Ju betrayed us.

This is the judgment Lu Xiuer made after arriving now, but he quickly denied the second point.There's no need for Pei Ju to betray, he can take Xianglou first.

"What are you thinking?"

The man in the red robe smiled and asked gently: "It can be seen that you are a very persistent person. I broke your leg, but you didn't struggle. This shows that you are calm. Are you thinking that I will Where are you taking? You must be listening to the voices outside to determine where you are, right?"

His face suddenly became apologetic, and he apologized: "I forgot, you can't speak now."

He leaned over and reached out to hang Lu Xiuer's chin: "Now you can speak, scold, and yell, you know, if you torture a person, and the tortured person doesn't shout or scream Not resisting, like wood, this is a very boring thing. I don't like it, I like to be lively."

He leaned back, and retracted his hands into the large red cloak embroidered with silver thread flowing clouds.

"What's your name?"

he asks.

Lu Xiu'er gave him a cold look, moved her jaw and sighed, "It really hurts."

He didn't answer, but the man in the red robe didn't seem angry.

"It's okay if you don't tell me your name. I like to hear the truth, so I'm not in a hurry. Because I know the truth is often told when it has to be told, and I'm waiting for you when you have to tell it .”

"My name is Fang Xiaozhou."

He said in a kind tone: "Square and square, big and small, boats like boats."

"you are an idiot."

Lu Xiu'er looked at Fang Xiaozhou and said very seriously: "Did you stay in the grave for too long and couldn't find anyone to talk to? Don't you think you are idiotic and silly talking to yourself like this? ? You think you can scare me by saying these things, and at worst, you will die. At most, the process will be more difficult. What else can you do to me?"

Fang Xiaozhou watched Lu Xiu'er slowly put away her smile, and said solemnly: "You guessed it, I really have been in a dark place for too long, because of my status, I rarely talk to people. I won’t say a word for a whole day, ten days, or a month. Because I want to remain mysterious and serious in front of my subordinates, I often only like to chat with prisoners, do you know why?”

Lu Xiuer didn't answer, although he knew the answer.

Fang Xiaozhou sighed quietly: "You are the funniest prisoner I have ever seen. Unfortunately, you have heard too much, and you will die after all."

Lu Xiu'er asked: "Don't you think it's not good for you if you tell my ending in advance? I know the ending, why should I say something you want to know?"

Fang Xiaozhou smiled, looking very bright: "Don't you know that there are many kinds of death?"



The carriage stopped at the entrance of a small courtyard that looked messy and dirty, and it was not the main entrance of the small courtyard.Fang Xiaozhou got out of the car, and stepped on the back of a red-robed guard when he got out of the car.The boots on his feet were clean, not a speck of dirt on the soles.

Then Lu Xiu'er was taken off the carriage and dragged into the courtyard.The arm was taken off, and it looked limp like noodles, perhaps because it had been in pain for so long that it was a little numb.Before Lu Xiuer was dragged into the house, she found that there were many kinds of clothes hanging in the yard, including men's and women's clothes.

But before she had time to pay more attention, Lu Xiuer was dragged into the room.

After entering the house, he turned into a secret road and walked a long way before entering a courtyard that looked quite spacious.Lu Xiu'er was already a little confused at this moment, she didn't know where she was at all.It's just that after leaving the secret passage, there is a feeling of enlightenment, and the yard is a bit ridiculously large.

On both sides of the aisle, hundreds of men in bright red embroidered koi brocade clothes saw Fang Xiaozhou come in, and immediately bowed to salute.

"I have seen the executive envoy!"

Hundreds of people bowed their heads and spoke at the same time, as neatly as one person.

Fang Xiaozhou nodded slightly, and walked into the main hall without stopping.He pointed to the back, and then walked straight to the inner hall.Two red-robed dark guards carried Lu Xiu'er directly into the backyard, opened a stone room and threw Lu Xiu'er in.Not long after, Fang Xiaozhou walked in, sat down on the chair and waved his hands.The dark guard in the stone room immediately turned and left, leaving only him and Lu Xiu'er in the room.

Lu Xiuer struggled to sit down on the pillar, and looked down at her legs.Nothing could be seen through the clothes, and there was no blood.

"You are a caring person."

Fang Xiaozhou smiled and said: "When you entered the door, you pretended to bow your head and endure the pain, but you have been observing. I can tell you that the first place to enter the door is the laundry room of the Xinggong, which is the place where the most lowly and lowly people in the palace stay. The people there are either old eunuchs or demoted court ladies and concubines."

"Do you think it's mysterious?"

He looked at Lu Xiuer and said: "My people are called dark guards. As the name suggests, they are a group of people who live in the dark. No one knows our existence except Your Majesty. I used to work in Longtingwei, but because of a certain I aroused Wen Jie's jealousy over these things, so he wanted to kill me. His Majesty was also reluctant to let me die, so he had to send me to the laundry room. I have spent the past five years in the laundry room. Wen Yidao thought I was in the laundry room. Suffering, in fact, how does he know that I am not only suffering, but suffering."

"I'm here to talk to you, but I can't stay too long. Because I have to go back to work. On the surface, I'm still a little eunuch who was demoted because I offended the powerful. You don't know, the one in the laundry room The old eunuch in charge is so ruthless, if I go back late, I will be whipped."

"I have worked in the laundry room for five years, but I have been beaten a lot. Because I work meticulously, I wash the clothes of the maids and concubines. You may not believe it, women's clothes are also very smelly." In five years, seven of the stewards of the Huanyifang changed, all of whom were killed by me, and all of them died in this courtyard. Only His Majesty knew about it. The leader of the dark guards?"

He smiled proudly: "I know you are from Yanyunzhai. I am very happy that you Yanyunzhai killed Wen Yidao. That's why I talked so much with you. I want to meet your big boss when I have a chance. , I must personally say thank you before killing him."

"Just take a rest here and come to talk to you after I finish my work."

Fang Xiaozhou stood up, smiled and said, "I haven't talked to you enough, so don't worry that I will kill you."

He walked out of the room, and immediately several red-robed dark guards came up and waited for him to change, and changed into a low-level eunuch costume that looked dirty and despicable.He stood there, and several dark guards helped him put on his clothes nimbly.Fang Xiaozhou looked back at Lu Xiu'er, smiled, then turned and left.



Lu Xiu'er didn't know why she suddenly had a nauseous feeling like eating a dead mouse. Thinking about what Fang Xiaozhou said, the more she thought about it, the more she felt a churning in her stomach, but she still couldn't hold back her vomiting.Because he couldn't move his body, he vomited on himself.But looking at the sticky things on his body, he also felt that the things he spit out were cleaner than Fang Xiaozhou who was wearing a red robe and had no trace of dust on his boots.

After spitting it out, the feeling of nausea is slightly reduced.Lu Xiu'er carefully looked at the arrangement in the stone room, and then sighed.

He knew that he was bound to die. As Fang Xiaozhou said, he heard a lot of things he shouldn't hear and saw a lot of things he shouldn't see.But before he died, he knew he had to do something.After calming down, he began to seriously think about how to get the news out.

It's hard because he knows he can't get out.

He closed his eyes, lost in thought.

Shen Kee Grain Store remains the same

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