Will Ming

Chapter 382

Chapter 380 The second is not fun at all

Fang Xiaozhou looked at Lu Xiuer and said, "You have to do it yourself to experience the fun. Only by doing it yourself will you understand the hard work in the process. Only by doing it yourself will you cherish the achievements you have made."

He slowly stood up and walked in front of Zheng Baocheng who was already twitching in pain on the ground. The latter was lying on the ground struggling and making a whining sound. To be precise, the sound from his throat was very strange, like a wild dog. It's the sound it makes when it's frightened and draws its tail back.Zheng Baocheng's eyes were frightened and frightened, looking at Fang Xiaozhou as if looking at a devil.Fang Xiaozhou squatted down beside him, and Zheng Baocheng kept shrinking back in fright.

"Look, when horse thieves and robbers scare people, they always say that if you don't pay me, I will cut off your ears!"

Fang Xiaozhou smiled lightly: "But how do those low-level horse thieves and robbers know, what's the fun in cutting ears with a knife? It's more refreshing and exciting to tear them by hand."

He stretched out his left hand to pinch one of Zheng Baocheng's ears, and then slowly tore it aside.Because the movements were slow, there was no sound, and Zheng Baocheng's ears were torn off his face.Also, because the movement is slow, the blood does not spurt out but flows down slowly.His technique was very skillful, not a single drop of blood splashed on his slightly swollen hands.Fang Xiaozhou stood up, pinched that ear, walked to Lu Xiuer and squatted down, carefully observed the bloody ear and said: "Look, although the torn thing is not neat, the cut is beautiful, yes ?"

Lu Xiu'er didn't speak, but just looked at Fang Xiaozhou with disgust.

"You didn't eat at noon, you didn't eat at night, and you vomited a lot in the afternoon, are you hungry now?"

Fang Xiaozhou said sincerely: "If you are hungry, why don't you just eat this? Although it is less, it is still fresh meat, and you don't know, human ears taste better than pig ears, I dare you ensure."

"You have eaten?"

Lu Xiuer asked.

"Of course, as I said, I like to do many things myself, so that I can know what it's like."

He pinched that ear and looked carefully, frowned and said, "It's a bit dirty, I don't know if it hasn't been washed for a few days."

After finishing speaking, he took out a clean white cloth handkerchief from his arms, wiped the bloody ear carefully, then pinched the ear and slowly put it into his mouth, biting it with a click. When a small piece came down, he chewed it slowly, then spat it out and said, "Meat doesn't taste good when you get old."

He stretched out his right hand to pinch Lu Xiuer's chin, and stuffed most of his ear into his mouth.Lu Xiuer was forced to chew, and blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.At the beginning, Fang Xiaozhou forced his jaw to move back and forth, but later Lu Xiuer simply started chewing on her own initiative, and then swallowed it into her throat with a grunt.After swallowing it, he sighed comfortably and said, "Sure enough, it's better than pig's ears."

Fang Xiaozhou seemed to be very interested in such a stubborn prisoner. He smiled happily and said, "I like your attitude very much. I haven't met such a cute prisoner like you for a long time. Since you think it's delicious, why don't you eat another one?" ?”


Lu Xiuer happily replied.

With a soft chirp, Fang Xiaozhou tore off Lu Xiu'er's left ear, and then said with a smile: "Come, I'll treat you, eat more, you're welcome."

This tearing was extremely abrupt, and Lu Xiu'er didn't respond.There was only a blur in front of his eyes, and then a sudden pain on the side of his face.When he felt the pain, his ear had already been torn off by Fang Xiaozhou.Even though Lu Xiuer was a Flying Tiger spy who had undergone hard training, he still couldn't hold back the sudden pain.

With a cry, Lu Xiu'er's face immediately turned pale.Bright red blood flowed down his pale face, like a plum blossom falling on the snow.

"Don't eat?"

Fang Xiaozhou frowned and said, "How can the guest refuse the master's treat?"

"Did I tell you not to eat?"

Lu Xiu'er gave Fang Xiaozhou a contemptuous look, then stretched out her mouth to catch her ear, opened her mouth wide and swallowed it directly, and then chewed it.While chewing, blood foam splashed out.There was also a stream of blood flowing down the corner of his mouth, dripping down.

Fang Xiaozhou frowned slightly, put away his smile and asked, "Can you really eat?"

Lu Xiuer nodded: "Human ears taste good, especially my own ears. They taste crisp, fragrant and fresh. I bet it's much better than the beef soup dumplings I ate in the morning. Did you say that?" Wrong, people always have to do it by themselves. If you don’t taste it yourself, you won’t know the wonderful taste. But speaking of it...you claim to try everything by yourself, but I also dare to bet that you have never eaten your own ears. "

Fang Xiaozhou was startled, then nodded and said, "I'm not as good as you."

Lu Xiu'er smiled and said: "Look, I'm just a young man from Yanyun Village, but you're not as good as me."

Fang Xiaozhou said angrily: "I am not as good as you because I haven't reached the time when I have to eat my own ears. When it really comes, do you think I will be so stupid that I would rather die than eat?"

Lu Xiuer suddenly smiled, very happily.

He looked into Fang Xiaozhou's eyes and said seriously: "After all, you are inferior to me. For example, under the same circumstances, we must eat our own body. If I eat ears, you dare to eat them. I eat noses. You dare to eat it, I ate my tongue, you dare to eat it, but if I ate my own dick, what would you eat?"



Fang Xiaozhou sighed, stood up and said: "Today I finally met someone who I really admire. Don't worry, I will not kill you easily. You make me very happy and excited. If you Yanyun Village If they are all people like you, then I will be happier, because I will have many people dying slowly, very slowly. I have killed many people, not to mention the fastest ones, I remember the ones I killed the most The slow one killed for thirteen days. That man was also a tough guy, but he died on the fourth day. I hope you can persist for a few more days, at least not less than thirteen days, otherwise I will disappoint you. "

Lu Xiu'er nodded and said, "Don't worry, if it's less than thirteen days, I'll be disappointed in myself."


Fang Xiaozhou asked: "You don't want to die soon?"

"I don't want to"

Lu Xiu'er said seriously: "One more day to live is one day. Even if it is painful, I am conscious and aware of my existence. But when I die, I am ignorant, how boring? I don't even feel the pain, It's boring to think about it."

"Well, what you said makes a lot of sense."

He turned around and told the two red-robed dark guards: "Peel Zheng Baocheng carefully, don't damage the skin. I have already saved more than [-] human skins, and a few more can be used to paste the human skin." , it must sound loud."

"Master Execution Envoy, skinned dead or alive?"

The red-robed dark guard asked cautiously.

"Didn't you hear what the strong man said just now?"

Fang Xiaozhou pointed at Lu Xiu'er and said displeasedly: "Living is beautiful, because there is awareness, even pain is a kind of enjoyment to prove existence. When you are dead, what is there to enjoy?"


The red-robed dark guard nodded.

"Right in front of him."

Fang Xiaozhou pointed at Lu Xiuer: "Let him watch carefully, let him see clearly every cut. If your hands shake and break my skin, I will peel you off with my own hands."

Just when a bloody and tragic scene was unfolding in the stone room, the old shopkeeper of Shenji Grain Shop changed into a black night suit, and took five powerful spies to the outside of the high wall of the palace quietly in the night. The body is straight now, and the whole person looks much taller.He turned around and glanced, then made a few gestures.The spy behind him nodded, and then sneaked towards the palace door of the laundry room.

There is a small door for the laundry room to leave the palace, which is the same door as the one for sending the incense room out of the palace to dispose of excrement.The defense here is the weakest, and the number of soldiers patrolling back and forth on the palace wall is the least.The five spies stopped near the small gate, and then quickly and cleanly began to stack Arhats.The person at the bottom is a strong man with a height of 1.9 meters, and the other four stand on the shoulders of their companions one by one.After the five people stood against the wall, the old shopkeeper took a breath and climbed up, and reached the highest point with only four or five pushes.

He took a noose from his bosom and swung it three times before hanging on the wall.After tugging to make sure the rope was secure, the old treasurer quickly climbed up, and the spies below climbed up the palace wall one by one along the rope.The strong man who came up last hung the rope on the other side of the palace wall, and then spontaneously found a secret place to hide.

The old shopkeeper led the other four people to slide down the rope and quickly entered the palace wall.



In the lowest room of the laundry room, there is a secret passage leading to the camp of the red-robed dark guards.It was not difficult for the old shopkeeper to find this secret passage, because he found the mark left by his own people.This made him a little sad, he didn't know under what circumstances Lu Xiuer could still leave these marks.What he knew was that Lu Xiuer must have been in a very bad condition at the time.

The notation is very simple, and it is not an agreed-upon notation.But the old shopkeeper can recognize it at a glance, it must be left by Lu Xiuer.At that time, Lu Xiuer's arms were taken off, and his two lower legs were pinched and broken, but the part of his legs above the knees was still movable, so before entering the secret passage, he endured the severe pain and kicked a few times, and put the arm resting on his back. A red-robed dark guard staggered at the entrance of the secret passage.

The entrance to the secret passage was a little narrow, and the clothes of the dark guard who hit the wall were scratched, leaving a mark on the wall, which was reddish, but you could see it if you looked closely.

Perhaps it was a kind of intuition, the old shopkeeper firmly believed that the secret passageway was here.So he tried to make the walls of this house

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