Will Ming

Chapter 383 I have to do something

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Chapter 380 The third is to do something

Fang Xiaozhou stood up from the roof, and then jumped down lightly. The bright red brocade clothes swayed, and the cloak danced with the wind. It looked like a deep flame rising quietly in the dark night.His speed was extremely fast, but he couldn't see how fast his feet were moving. He followed the spy far away, with a gentle smile on his face all the time.

The spy was also running very fast, but he had already started to pant heavily.He ran back to the long street from the palace, and turned into a small alley habitually, instead of returning directly to Shenji Rice Store, he started to walk back and forth in the alleys of Jiangdu Dongcheng.Fang Xiaozhou seemed to follow behind at ease, and became more and more interested in the people in Yanyun Village.

When sweat drenched his clothes, the spy suddenly stopped in front of him.He stood on the long street and turned around slowly.

"How did you find me?"

Fang Xiaozhou tightened his cloak, and habitually retracted his hands into the cloak.

"I didn't see you."

The spy looked at Fang Xiaozhou coldly and said, "Have you ever been followed by a dog? If you have, you will know why I know you followed me."

Fang Xiaozhou's smile turned cold: "Aren't you people in Yanyun Village all idiots?"

The spy slowly pulled out the horizontal knife tied behind his back, walked slowly towards Fang Xiaozhou, and said as he walked: "Some guys who follow other people's buttocks and think they are very proud are the real idiots."

"I'm getting more and more interested in Li Xian."

Fang Xiaozhou said.

"You don't have the qualifications yet."

After the spy finished saying this, he jumped up and slashed at the top of Fang Xiaozhou's head.The secret agents of the three parts are very skilled, especially those who are responsible for rescuing the assassins. Everyone is a real master.The knife was ready to go, and the speed was already staggering.Fang Xiaozhou just stepped aside and said with a smile, "Too slow!"

The secret agent's blade turned, thinking about Fang Xiaozhou's throat.Fang Xiaozhou's right hand suddenly protruded from the cloak, pinched the horizontal knife and pulled it towards him.The spy couldn't control his figure, and was pulled closer by Fang Xiaozhou.Fang Xiaozhou let go of his fingers, clenched his fist, and slammed hard on the spy's chest.With a bang, the spy's body flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.Flying straight out for four or five meters, the spy landed with a bang.

Fang Xiaozhou stepped forward and stepped on the spy's chest.

"Food market, which one?"

he asked.

"You - mother's house."

The spy replied.

Fang Xiaozhou was stunned, and then exerted force on his feet, and with a click, two of Secret Agent's ribs were crushed.Severe pain came from the chest and abdomen, and the secret spy couldn't help frowning, but he held back firmly and didn't cry out.He quickly pulled out a dagger from the strap of his calf, and stabbed Fang Xiaozhou's calf.Fang Xiaozhou raised his leg, then lowered it, and stepped on the spy's hand holding the dagger fiercely. With a few soft sounds, the bones of his hand were broken a lot by him.

"You don't need to say it, the big deal is that I will clean up all the stores in the vegetable market."

"I said, I can keep you alive."

Fang Xiaozhou said seriously.

"I knew you were going to die!"

The secret agent twisted his body violently, pointed his left hand together and slashed at Fang Xiaozhou's leg bone.However, Fang Xiaozhou's movements were faster than him by not one or two minutes. He kicked him in the lower abdomen, and the kicked secret agent bent over and rubbed sideways on the ground, making a teeth-stinging rubbing sound.

Just when Fang Xiaozhou was stepping forward to continue to question, two crossbow arrows were suddenly shot from the roof of the roadside, one was shot at Fang Xiaozhou's heart, and the other was shot at the secret spy's heart.Fang Xiaozhou fended off the crossbow with a wave of his cloak, but couldn't block the other one.The spy was shot through the heart by an arrow, he convulsed a few times and then died, but before he died, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, which was intriguing.

Fang Xiaozhou knew where the crossbow was shot, but only saw a repeating crossbow.No one could be seen fleeing in the night, and he did not hear footsteps when he listened attentively.Fang Xiaozhou's face immediately became gloomy, and he jumped down from the roof, crushing the sleeping family of four in this folk house to death.

Just when Fang Xiaozhou jumped into the small courtyard, the burly man in the shipyard appeared next to the dead spy. He squatted down and took a closer look, and saw that the secret spy wrote "Jiang" on the ground before he died. Character.There is still a word in the back that has not been written, and I can't see what it is.The man erased the writing with his foot, then turned and fled into the darkness.



An hour after the old shopkeeper left, Jiaer, who was sitting by the window, sighed, with a trace of sadness flashing across her brows, she got up and walked to the window, tied the package she had packed behind her back, and went downstairs to face her. The six or seven secret agents who were sitting and waiting for the news nodded, and the secret agents stood up, each with a sad look on their faces.They knew that the old shopkeeper might never return to this rice store again.

Less than half an hour after Jiaer left with the spies, a group of dark guards in red robes swarmed in.They escorted a secret spy who was wounded in many places, but couldn't bear the torture after all, to here.The spy glanced at the signboard of Shenji Rice Store in shame, then raised his finger with difficulty.

Fang Xiaozhou nodded, and a large number of red-robed dark guards broke into the door.

I searched Shenji Rice Store all over, but couldn't find a single person.Fang Xiaozhou's face was slightly cold, and the smile that often hung on his face gradually froze.


He said two words coldly.

"The houses are connected to each other. If they are set on fire, the people in other shops will probably be burned to death. I'm afraid that Jiangdu Prefecture will investigate. When the time comes..."

The brigade leader of the dark guard who was talking suddenly stopped, and Fang Xiaozhou threw a bloody tongue on the ground, and then crushed it into a puddle of meat with his feet: "Speak up."

He said two words lightly.

The dark guards at the back didn't dare to speak any more, took out the fire pocket, got into the rice shop and lit it around, and the flames rose up after a while.Fang Xiaozhou watched the Shenji rice shop turn into a big fireball, then slowly turned around, and then walked towards the palace, while walking, he ordered: "From today onwards, the dark guards will no longer only live in the dark, I want the red robe to burn all over Jiangdu like a raging fire. You go back and kill all the people in the laundry room, and don’t keep any of them. If someone dies, the palace will send someone to make up for it soon. Your Majesty, I will naturally explain .”


Hundreds of dark guards responded in unison, and then quickly ran towards the palace.In the dark night, under the firelight, they swept past like a red cloud.

After the dark guards left, many people woke up because of the fire.People shouted and fled, and some people wailed from time to time, and their family members were still in the room.Among the crowd, the burly shipyard craftsman clenched his fists, then turned and walked away slowly.He was thinking while walking, what does Jiang mean?

Just as he turned to leave, Jia Er, who had changed into another clothes, also turned and left in the crowd.She frowned, thinking about the words of that red robed evil man.

Dark guard?

She frowned slightly, feeling a little worried in her heart.



After Pei Ju learned that his most trusted butler, Huashan, was missing, he immediately sent someone to inform Jiangdu County Governor Wang Jiushan.The housekeeper in Mr. Pei Ju's mansion was missing, Wang Jiushan naturally didn't dare to delay, immediately summoned all the yamen servants of Jiangdu Mansion overnight, and ordered them to search for it immediately.When he was called up in the middle of the night, the yamen servants scolded Wang Jiushan's [-] generations of ancestors in their hearts.It's just that they didn't dare to neglect and evade, after all, he was the housekeeper of Mr. Pei Ju's mansion.

The yamen servants who scattered in all directions didn't find anything yet, but they saw the flames appearing from the vegetable market.Several headhunters hurried over with their apprentices to help, and when they arrived, Shenji Rice Store had been burned to ashes.There was not a single corpse in the rice store, but many people in the adjacent houses were burned to death.

Not long after, Wang Jiushan, governor of Jiangdu County, came in person.After appeasing the people, he was about to go back to the mansion to rest, when suddenly a helper ran over panting, saying that he had found Huashan, but what he found was a corpse.Wang Jiushan hurriedly led people to the place where the body was found. It turned out to be in an abandoned and uninhabited yard in the alley at the back door of Pei's residence.Huashan had obviously been beaten, with scars all over his body, the fatal part being his neck, where someone cut his throat with a knife.

The clothes on Huashan's body were torn in a mess, and all the valuables on his body were looted.Based on his years of experience, Wang Jiushan judged that this was a bad case of murder and robbery.

Pei Ju didn't believe it, Huashan was the housekeeper of Pei Mansion, almost everyone in this place didn't know him, who among the hundreds of households around here didn't know that he was from Pei Mansion?Knowing that it belongs to the Pei family, who would dare to kill people and rob money?

His first reaction was that Huashan was killed by someone sent by Wang Qinian.But he couldn't think of why Wang Qinian would do this. At this moment, someone came to report that the Xianxiang Building was set on fire.When Wang Jiushan discovered Huashan's corpse, thick smoke rose from the Xianxiang Building a few hundred meters away. By the time people arrived, the flames had already risen quite high.

There was not a single charred corpse in the building, which made Pei Ju feel a little scared.He didn't know what happened, but he was worried that those thugs in Yanyun Village would do something against him.

Just when Wang Jiushan led people into the abandoned yard to check the corpse, Fang Xiaozhou brought dozens of red-robed dark guards to Xianxiang Building.

Fang Xiaozhou was surprised when he entered the door. It was late at night, but the main hall of Xianxiang Building was lit. There was a letter on the table not far from the light. On the letter was written a very ugly line: word.

"Yang Guang's lackeys, you are late. If you have the ability, go to Dongjun to find me, welcome at any time. OK

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