Will Ming

Chapter 384 Hiding in My Heart

(Thanks to Qingtian Yizhu for the reward, please, it’s already the 21st, and there are still ten days left in August.)

Chapter 380 Four Hidden in My Heart

Wang Qinian looked at Jia'er and said seriously: "Although Lu Xiu'er was arrested, he obviously didn't confess. The people from Shenji Rice Store and Xianxianglou were all evacuated safely. People who don’t know, and the court won’t ask anything if they are arrested. Since you have already withdrawn safely, why do you need to go to investigate?”

"We can't just wait like this. Lu Xiu'er hasn't confessed yet, it doesn't mean he is dead, and Lao Shen and the others, as long as there is hope of life, they can't be discarded."

"I know that!"

Wang Qinian said angrily: "But you have to do what you can. With our current strength, it is impossible to rescue people in the palace. This matter should be done by Yang Guang, and even Pei Ju has kept it a secret. Even I don't hesitate to kill even Huashan, and you also saw that there is still a team in the palace, stronger than Longtingwei."

"I can't do it if I don't go to the palace?"

Jiaer insisted: "I just search the place where Lu Xiuer was arrested, to see if he left any clues."

"My aunt, can you not be so stubborn?"


Just as Jiaer was about to speak, a spy from outside knocked on the door: "Head, someone is looking for you. He said that he is also a secret agent from the fifth division of Flying Tiger, but he belongs to Leng Yi, the fifth division of the fifth division."

"The five ministries are in charge of supervising secret spies, why are they here?"

Wang Qinian said in surprise.

"Maybe they'll find something."

Jia Er stood up and said, "Please come in!"

The door was opened from the outside, and a strong man in common clothes walked in.This man looks to be about 30 years old, his complexion is very dark obviously because he has been exposed to the sun for a long time. He is about 1.9 meters tall, with a square face, and his arms are so muscular that he can even hold up his clothes. Extremely rare.

"I've seen the third gear."

"How do you know I'm the head of the third department?"

Jiaer was slightly startled, Li Piaoran was seriously ill a month ago, she came to Jiangdu after taking over the third department, it stands to reason that very few spies in Jiangdu know her identity.The burly man smiled and explained: "The five departments are in charge of supervising secret spies, and they will come to Jiangdu to do things just after taking office. So you don't know it yet."

Jia Er nodded and asked, "Are you sent by Leng Yi?"

The strong man hummed and said, "My name is Gai You. I have been ordered by the fifth leader to secretly assist the third leader in handling affairs in Jiangdu."

He lied because he wasn't a Five Secret agent.But Jiaer didn't know the existence of Feilong, so she wouldn't doubt it.

"In the dark?"

Jiaer ignored the true meaning of this secret, the five departments inspected the secret agents, the so-called secret support was actually mainly to monitor whether other secret agents betrayed Yanyun Village, and also supervised the military discipline of the secret agents.This is something that everyone in the five parts of Feihu knows, so Jiaer doesn't care about Leng and sends someone to monitor her.What she cares about is that what Gai You said secretly must have some other meaning.

"Last night, Lao Shen sneaked into the palace with people, and was ambushed by the dark guards in the palace. After Lao Shen and the other four spies broke up, he covered one person to escape, but the person who escaped was targeted by the leader of the dark guards. I want to find out where the Anbu of the secret agent is. I can't rescue the secret agent, so I have to kill him."

Jia'er's heart sank, she nodded and said, "Have you found anything?"

That's what Wubu does, and Jiaer knows that she can't blame Gai You.In case the secret spy who escaped was caught by the dark guards and couldn't bear to interrogate him, he was afraid that he would be caught by the dark guards before he could withdraw from the Shenji Rice Store last night.

"Before the secret spy died, he wrote the word Jiang on the ground with blood, and there is still one word left."


Gai You thought for a while and said, "I speculate that what he wants to write about is the riverside."

Wang Qinian stood up abruptly, frowned and said, "By the river? Could it be that the camp of the dark guards is not in the palace, but somewhere by the river?"

"But there aren't any big buildings along the river, and it's absolutely impossible for ordinary dwellings to house hundreds or even thousands of people. Did you make some mistakes in your guesses? For example, the home of a court official surnamed Jiang?"

"You only think about residential buildings, but you ignore such a big place."

Gai You said slowly: "Shipyard."

He looked at Jiaer and said, "I was hiding in the shipyard, but I never found out that there is a hole in the shipyard. This is my negligence, sorry. I came this time to tell you, don't act rashly, I am more familiar with the shipyard than you. , I’ll check. You can also look for it in other ways, such as an official surnamed Jiang. But never go near the palace or the shipyard, the dark guards are very strong.”

Jiaer is the head of the third department, and her position is much higher than that of Gai You, but she knows that she must listen to Gai You this time, because the other party has far more knowledge than herself.

"The shipyard is huge and noisy."

Gai You said: "It can cover up a lot of things. If the dark guards really set up their camp in the shipyard, I will definitely be able to find out. Give me five days."

"it is good!"

Jia'er nodded and asked, "What if you can't find it within five days?"

Gaiyou pondered for a while, and then solemnly said: "Then, you will take all the secret agents out of Jiangdu later. I will send different people to tell you that I am safe. Within five days, if one day does not If someone comes to report to you, or someone repeatedly appears in front of you to report, then you should leave immediately and don’t stay.”

Gai You said seriously: "I know too much. If I fall into the hands of the dark guards, it may be a disaster for the secret spies in Jiangdu City."



When Fang Xiaozhou walked into the stone room slowly, it was already the afternoon of the second day. After returning early in the morning, he didn't sleep well. After lying down for an hour, he got up and rushed to the palace to plead guilty with His Majesty.He slaughtered all the people in the laundry room, and naturally there was a corpse that looked like Fang Xiaozhou among them.He explained to the emperor that he slaughtered all the lowly people in the clothes room to vent his anger was to better hide his identity.

What is less suspicious than a dead person?

There were either old eunuchs in the clothes room, or those who had committed a mistake and were punished there to suffer. Yang Guang didn’t feel sorry for them even after they died. Hearing Fang Xiaozhou’s explanation, Yang Guang just said lightly: “You It’s too extreme, it’s not good.”

Fang Xiaozhou's answer was: "If extremes can relieve His Majesty's worries, I would rather be more extreme."

Yang Guang nodded and did not speak again.

Fang Xiaozhou stayed in the palace for an hour, and reported to Yang Guang what happened last night. He proposed to Yang Guang a plan to kill Li Xian, but Yang Guang did not agree to the life and death of a senior official in the court.Fang Xiaozhou didn't say anything else, he left and returned to the camp of the dark guards.

When he saw Lu Xiuer, Lu Xiuer was sleeping.And it seemed that he was sleeping very soundly, and there was a slight snoring sound coming out.On the stone table in front of him was a shockingly bloody corpse. The human skin had been peeled off, so the corpse looked particularly hideous and terrifying.There was a bloody smell in the stone room, and the stinking corpse was covered with a layer of flies, which made Fang Xiaozhou feel a little disgusted, but Lu Xiuer slept peacefully.

Fang Xiaozhou ordered people to carry the corpse away, then he sat down on the chair, propped his chin, and watched Lu Xiuer sink into deep thought.

Perhaps the voices of the dark guards waving to repel the flies were too loud, Lu Xiuer slowly opened her eyes and cursed in a low voice.When he saw Fang Xiaozhou sitting not far away, he was very annoyed and said to Fang Xiaozhou, "Are you moral? Didn't you see me sleeping?"

"I haven't slept all day and all night, why are you sleeping?"

Fang Xiaozhou smiled and said, "It's not fair."

Lu Xiuer took a look at Fang Xiaozhou, suddenly smiled and said: "It seems that you have a lot to say to me today, so I am one step closer to death."


Fang Xiaozhou nodded and said, "I killed a lot of people last night."

He waved his hand, and several dark guards came in pressing the two of them.One of them was the secret spy who couldn't stand the torture and confessed, that is, he brought the secret guards to Shenji Rice Store last night, his injuries were much more serious than Lu Xiuer's, and almost no part of his body was intact.But compared to the other person beside him, the injuries on his body are nothing worth mentioning.

"Old Shen?!"

Lu Xiu'er sat up straight suddenly, and looked at the dying old man.

Hearing someone calling him, Old Shen reluctantly opened his eyes and took a look. It took him a long time to realize that the person in front of him was actually Lu Xiu'er. He could still smile and asked in a hoarse voice, "Still alive?"

Lu Xiuer nodded and said, "It's still alive."

"Then you have to die quickly."

Old Shen said with some emotion.


Lu Xiu'er nodded and said, "You have to die quickly."

Fang Xiaozhou smiled and pointed to the secret spy who had already confessed, "He can die quickly, but you two can't. Because he has already told everything he knows, people who are no longer worthless can die faster .”

The secret spy who confessed was not afraid when he heard this sentence, but laughed happily: "Thank you, thank you!"

"You're welcome"

Fang Xiaozhou said to Lu Xiu'er proudly: "Look, I want to kill him, but he also said thank you, isn't it cheap?"

He waved his hand, and then the spy's head was twisted off.

"This man said that in Jiang

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