Will Ming

Chapter 385

Chapter 380 Five Rolling Heads All over the Floor

Lu Xiu'er died in a hurry, because he was still afraid after all.He was afraid that he would not be able to bear the torture and confess something, because he knew the brothel flower boat, and he also knew that even if Miss Jiaer was not on the flower boat, Wang Qinian would definitely be there. It may be a disaster in the hands of the court.

He endured for a day and a night, tricked the dark guards, endured the severe pain and hung up his arms. Originally, he wanted to commit suicide immediately, but Fang Xiaozhou came back at this time.So he pretended to be asleep, but he wasn't asleep at all. No matter who had a skinned corpse in front of him, he wouldn't fall asleep.What's more, he watched that old eunuch Zheng Baocheng being skinned alive.Furthermore, he felt that his throat was blocked, and it was uncomfortable, really uncomfortable.

But he still died, endured it all night, and secretly connected his arm. His greatest achievement was suicide. It cannot but be said that there is a poignant sadness in it.Sometimes, it becomes extremely difficult to want to die.

Perhaps Lu Xiuer's biggest regret before she died was that she didn't really find out anything useful.In his opinion, although Fang Xiaozhou is a perverted talker, his words are a bit annoying, but Lu Xiuer knows that the reason why Fang Xiaozhou talks so much is because he is sure that he will never bring any news. In Fang Xiaozhou's eyes, he was already a dead person.He hasn't killed himself yet, just because that pervert hasn't played enough.That guy has lived in the shadows for so long, and his heart has already been distorted like a devil.

But Lu Xiuerdao found out later that she was also a very scary person.

In the past two days and one night, he discovered many things and wanted to understand many things.

He smelled the smell of the river, which meant that he was right by the river.At the moment when the dark guards caught Zheng Baocheng in and opened the door, Lu Xiuer vaguely heard the familiar chant, which was not far away.So he confirmed one more thing, this place is very close to Jiangdu Shipyard.By the river, you can hear the shouts of the craftsmen, and you can see the top of the tallest mast. This place is actually very well confirmed.

It is estimated that every prisoner who is locked here, as long as he is not an idiot, can guess where he is.But that's pointless, because none of them ever made it back alive.Lu Xiu'er even confirmed that no complete corpse has ever left here.

What he knows is limited but useful, but how to send this limited news?

Unfortunately, he hadn't expected that Fang Xiaozhou would come back.

When Lu Xiuer's body was found, it was already the evening of the fourth day after he was arrested.And really, as Lu Xiuer thought, there was not a whole body thrown out from the camp of the dark guards.Lu Xiu'er's body was cut into six sections, hands, feet, head and body were smashed into cloth bags and thrown on the burnt ruins of Xianxiang Building.

Fang Xiaozhou arranged people to watch secretly to see if anyone came to pick up these broken corpses.Gai You knew that the dark guards were watching, so he didn't move.He lay on a weeping willow tree in Peiju's mansion opposite Xianxiang Building for two days and two nights, barely moving.After two days and two nights, Fang Xiaozhou withdrew the dark guards, because he didn't wait for anyone to come to Yanyun Village, but he waited for three wild dogs, who ate one of Lu Xiu'er's thighs, and ripped open the belly of his body and ate them all. offal.

Fang Xiaozhou felt very sick, so he stopped waiting.

On the morning of the third day after the broken body was thrown on the ruins, Gai You stretched his body on the big tree and jumped down. He rummaged through the torn cloth bags, but found nothing useful.He rummaged through the rotten pieces of meat with an expression on his face, his hand was stained with blood, after searching for about 10 minutes, he was sure that Lu Xiuer had not left any clues, so he turned and left.He didn't intend to take the broken body away, because that might reveal his tracks.

Just as he turned to leave, he suddenly saw something strange in a pile of shit.Then he knelt down, reached out and rummaged in the shit, and found a small piece of brick.He stuffed the egg-sized brick into his sleeve, and then left quickly.After making sure he wasn't being followed, Gai You took off the wine bag in a secret place and rinsed the brick with wine.

A line of handwriting can be vaguely seen on the bricks and stones, very shallow, but recognizable.

Shipyards, big ships, thorns.

Gai You didn't know what Lu Xiu'er used to carve these six characters on the brick, and it was even more difficult to imagine how he swallowed such a big brick.

But he knew that Lu Xiuer was a respectable person.

So he knelt down and kowtowed three times towards Xianxianglou.

The brick was Lu Xiuer who found a broken brick under the stone table in the secret room, and he dug it out when no one was around.Then he knocked out two of his teeth with this brick and carved these six characters on the brick with his teeth. At this moment, Fang Xiaozhou came back, so he pretended to be asleep and stuffed the brick into his mouth .

He didn't know if his companions in Yanyun Village would find out what he did, but he knew he had tried his best.

Gai You knew the meaning of the six words carved by Lu Xiuer, shipyard, big ship, thorn.

Lu Xiu'er could vaguely hear the sound of the chant, and inadvertently saw a mast erected, so he was sure that it was building a big ship. As for the thorn, these two words were the easiest to understand.



With these six-character reminders, the people Gai You sent to search the shipyard found the place without too much difficulty.Standing on the mast of the five-toothed ship, a secret agent found red figures walking back and forth in the deepest part of the shipyard.

After discovering this place, Gai You decided to take revenge.

He is the leader of Feilong Secret Agent in Jiangdu, and his task is to clean up the traitors in Feihu Secret Agent.But he will not tolerate the brutal killing of Flying Tiger Secret Agent's brother.He could ignore picking up the broken corpse, and ignore the wild dogs devouring Lu Xiu'er's corpse, but he had to take revenge, because the one who died was his brother.

There are only nine Secret Agents of Feilong in Jiangdu Shipyard, but he is confident that nine of them can avenge Lu Xiuer.He didn't intend to tell Wang Qinian and Jia'er, because in his opinion, Wang Qinian's skill was too poor. As for Jia'er, it was only because she was a woman, and she was a young and beautiful woman.

That night, Gaiyou gathered all the flying dragon secret agents in his thatched shed.

He sat on a bearded stool and poured a gulp of spirits into his mouth.

"Since we have found out, we can't just sit idly by."

He looked at his palm, sighed and said, "I have already contacted the Flying Dragon Secret Agent in Jiangdu City, and sent the news back to the village as quickly as possible."

His hands have been washed very clean, but he still seems to be able to see the minced meat sticking to his hands and the sticky blood that doesn't flow.

"Team leader, actually...we don't have to do this. The assassination is the work of the third part of Feihu, and there are also people in the second part who are dedicated to poisoning and setting up ambush."

The one who spoke was a young man of eighteen or nineteen, the young craftsman who was grabbing a drink with him.His name is Chu Zhen, and he is actually a few years younger than he looks. In fact, he is only sixteen this year.

"The mission of our Flying Dragon Secret Agent..."

Gai You interrupted him in the middle of his words: "I know, I know better than any of you what the mission of our Flying Dragon Secret Agent is."

He recounted the situation that he speculated that Lu Xiu'er had brought out the clue, and after he finished speaking, he found that his nose was sour even though he was obviously hard-hearted.He put the brick on the table, looked at it and said: "He swallowed this stone into his stomach. I checked his body, and there are two missing teeth in his mouth. The writing should be written with teeth." engraved."

After he finished speaking, he fell into silence until he drank a pot of strong wine.

"If Lu Xiu'er leaks what's going on in the village, then I will never show mercy when I kill him."

Gai You sighed and said: "He didn't, so I will never show mercy to avenge him."

Gai You stood up, wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth and walked out: "I'll go see the head of the third department and ask them to withdraw from Jiangdu City early tomorrow morning. Although those bastards in red robes are hiding deep, But they are people after all. People need to eat and drink water. You keep an eye on the meat and vegetables sent to the shipyard. As long as you keep an eye on the way to eat and drink, it is not difficult to kill them. The poison prepared by Mr. Dugu in the second part , so do we."

"Pay the debt!"

Gai You roared hoarsely: "Killing for life!"



When Gai You arrived at the brothel and flower boat by the river, he had already lighted the lanterns, and sat down in front of Jia Er, he straightened his words, glanced at Wang Qinian and said, "I found it."


"It's in the innermost part of the shipyard."

"Lu Xiu'er is dead?"

Wang Qinian asked.


"Where's the corpse?"

"Swallowed by wild dogs."

Wang Qinian was startled, then clenched his fists tightly.

"You leave early tomorrow morning. I will arrange someone to escort you out of the city, take the waterway, and go back to Yanyun Village as quickly as possible. Tell the general that the imperial court will send someone to assassinate him recently. Be careful. Those people are called dark guards, Bi Wen The Longting Guard is even more difficult."

"What about you?"

Jiaer asked.

"I didn't expose, so I have to stay."

"We have all withdrawn, what are you people from the five departments doing?"

"We have other tasks at the shipyard"

Jiaer stood up, shook her head and said firmly, "I won't go!"

"Must go!"

Gai You frowned.

At this time, a corpse was suddenly smashed in from the outside, smashed through the window, and the corpse fell to the ground with a plop.It was the secret spy that Jiaer arranged to guard outside, and his neck was broken.killing

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