Will Ming

Chapter 386 Have you asked me?

(Thanks 丨 Danzhen for the reward, and thanks for the monthly ticket of the night shift angel, please.)

Chapter 380 Six Have You Asked Me?

"Fair fight with me!"

Gai You stepped forward, looked into Fang Xiaozhou's eyes and shouted loudly.

"A fair fight?"

Fang Xiaozhou smiled when he heard this sentence, then nodded and said: "Yes, I like to do fair things the most, the more fair I like it."

He waved his hand, and dozens of red-robed dark guards took off the crossbow from behind, then pulled the trigger, and dozens of crossbow arrows shot towards Gaiyou quickly.This happened very quickly, and the distance was so short that the crossbow arrow arrived in front of Gai You almost instantly.Gai You only had time to dodge to one side, but the arrows were too dense, at least five arrows hit him, and one hit his left shoulder, which was not far from his heart.


Gai You snorted angrily.

"This is fair."

Fang Xiaozhou spread his hands and said with a smile: "You are only one person, you try your best to fight me. There are forty people around me, and I will try my best to fight you, isn't this fair?"

Gai You sneered, clenched the steel knife tightly and rushed forward.A dozen red-robed dark guards immediately drew out their straight knives and surrounded Gai You.Gai You is the team leader of Feilong Secret Spy. Although his status is not high, his martial arts are indeed outstanding. More than a dozen dark guards besieged him, and he was injured, but he beheaded three dark guards one after another.It's just that there are too many red robes on board, no matter how strong Gai You is, he can't get out.

Fang Xiaozhou seemed a little bored watching it, stood up and clapped his hands and said, "Catch the living."

After saying these three words, he walked to the side of the boat and jumped off.He landed firmly on a small boat, then grabbed the pole and poked it into the water.With a whimper, the boat slid towards the shore like an arrow flying off the string.When he was approaching the shore, Fang Xiaozhou jumped onto the river bank with his feet.On the shore, no less than [-] red-robed dark guards surrounded Jia Er and Wang Qinian.

Fang Xiaozhou walked over slowly, and the red-robed officers spontaneously made way for him.

Walking into the crowd, Fang Xiaozhou chose not to look at Wang Qinian, but looked at Jia'er greedily.He looked at it carefully, from head to toe, very focused and serious, and there was an undisguised desire in his eyes, but this kind of desire had nothing to do with lust, although it was also a desire for possession.

“Really beautiful”

Fang Xiaozhou smiled and said: "I heard that you are the least attractive woman around Li Xian, but you have already made my eyes shine. Speaking of which, that guy seems to be really good-looking."

Jia Er jumped into the water just now, but when she swam to the shore, she still couldn't escape.The shore was already full of red-robed guards, apparently they had been ordered to be captured alive, and did not attack them. Jiaer knew that if those red-robed officers thought about it, she and Wang Qinian would soon be shot into hedgehogs by Liannu.

Fang Xiaozhou's eyes wandered greedily on Jia'er's drenched body. He found that this woman is not only beautiful, but also has a good figure, which makes people reluctant to look away.Because the dress was soaked and stuck tightly to her body, Jiaer's figure was exposed.Especially the slender waist and plump and round buttocks, which looked very attractive under the light of the torch.

Wang Qinian glanced at Jia'er, then at Fang Xiaozhou.He walked up to Jia'er and blocked her behind, and then Fang Xiaozhou said seriously: "I don't know how shallow my family's general's love is, but I do know that your love must be shallow."

Fang Xiaozhou was not angry, but his face was full of curiosity: "How did you guess that?"

Wang Qinian said solemnly: "Because I look at you like a helpless eunuch, no matter how you look at it."

Fang Xiaozhou actually laughed happily, then nodded and said: "You guessed it right, I'm really a eunuch. So please rest assured, if you fall into my hands, at least I can't do anything to you. "

The last sentence, he said to Jiaer.

Wang Qinian still kept Jia'er behind him tightly, and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "I-fuck...why would Yang Guang send eunuchs to do things?"

Fang Xiaozhou smiled and said: "If you are brave enough, just say eunuch again and I will listen."

"Eunuch, eunuch, eunuch, eunuch, eunuch..."

Wang Qinian said it a dozen times in one breath, then smiled triumphantly and said, "I've never seen you so cheap, and you actually rushed to let me call you an eunuch. It seems that you can beat like a dead eunuch Wen Jie, don't you?" I can't beat you, and I can't scold you? If you don't scold me a few more words, wouldn't it be a shame if I die in a while?"

After scolding Fang Xiaozhou a few words, Wang Qinian turned his head and said in a low voice, "I have poison on me."

Jiaer nodded and said, "I have it too."



Fang Xiaozhou pointed to Wang Qinian and said with a smile: "You are such an ugly guy like a wild dog. If I take you down, I will tear your tongue and eyeballs off with my own hands."

"Your father is a wild dog!"

Wang Qinian scolded angrily: "You eunuch, wild dogs are stronger than you."

He turned around and asked Jia'er, "Miss Jia'er, can I be a little more rude and unrestrained?"

Jiaer nodded vigorously and said: "Even if you scold, we won't survive today anyway, so we might as well scold bravely and happily. Don't you want to save the rest of your life for scolding and take it to the underworld?"


Wang Qinian laughed loudly, pointed at Fang Xiaozhou's nose and cursed loudly: "Wild dogs? Wild dogs are much better than you fucking! The wild dogs are still fucking mating in February and August, and the wild dogs are fucking better than you!" There is a dick peeing standing up, you squatting peeing dead eunuch, you seem to be so proud of not having any eggs? I guess your parents would have died early, otherwise you will see what you are doing now You don’t look like you’re so angry? What’s your last name? Zhao Qiansun Li Zhou Wu Zhengwang? Are you fucking worthy of Zhao Qiansun Li’s ancestors!”

"Still laughing, you still laughing when I scolded you, do you think you are cheap? Seeing that you are so silly-forced when you laugh, do you think you are quite beautiful? That's right, you are the same as Wen Jie. Damn it's a semi-cripple who trades his ass for an official position, I just figured it out now, Yang Guang originally liked the eunuch's ass the most?"

After he finished scolding, he turned around and smiled at Jia Er and asked proudly, "How was the scolding?"

Jia'er's face was already flushed with embarrassment, but she nodded vigorously and said, "It's so exciting!"

Wang Qinian smiled triumphantly, and suddenly his expression changed and he asked pitifully, "Will the general avenge us?"

Jiaer nodded vigorously again and replied: "Naturally, we will avenge us. Throw the dead eunuch across the street into pieces and throw them into the river to feed the bastard."

"The bastard is innocent."

Wang Qinian laughed out loud, took out the pill from his sleeve, squeezed it and said, "I'll take a step first, Miss Jiaer, you know, I'm a timid person, today's thing has already been done by Lao Wang in my life." The most intense. It’s not too shameful to die, I’m really afraid that the dead eunuch tore off my tongue and gouged out my eyes, even though I’m not beautiful, I can’t die without a whole body.”

Fang Xiaozhou's face changed greatly when he was scolded by Wang Qinian, but the more angry he was, the more kind the smile on his face became.But the cold light in his eyes became colder and colder, he stared at Wang Qinian like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Wang Qinian squeezed the pill and was about to put it in his mouth when several red-robed dark guards rushed over.

Jia'er pulled Wang Qinian and kicked a dark guard away.He stabbed the throat of a dark guard with a sword, and with a swirl of the sword, he cut the throat of the third dark guard, and then pierced the fourth man's heart with his sword.These few strokes were clean and neat, and even Fang Xiaozhou couldn't help but praise: "Good skill, it's rare for a woman to be able to fight, and it's even rarer to be able to fight beautifully."

It's just that Wang Qinian was pulled away by her to avoid the hand of the dark guard, but the pill also fell to the ground.Wang Qinian immediately knelt down and groped on the ground, annoyed as he groped: "It's the first time for me to muster up the courage to die, how can I pay his mother so many fates?"

Jia'er didn't have time to listen to Wang Qinian's nonsense anymore, she casually squeezed out the poison from her cuff and handed it to Wang Qinian, the long sword in her right hand forced back the attack of the dark guards again.

"Eat mine first!"

Jiaer said anxiously.

Wang Qinian took it subconsciously, hesitated for a moment and asked, "Then why are you still dead?"



Jia'er kicked a dark guard away, pulled out the dagger from her waist with her left hand and said to Wang Qinian: "If you kill you, I will naturally die."

Wang Qinian responded, picked up the poison and was about to stuff it into his mouth.

But at this time, Fang Xiaozhou suddenly jumped over with a big stride, stretched out two fingers to clamp Jiaer's long sword, and twisted his fingers, Jiaer's tiger's jaw hurt, and the long sword dropped out of his hand immediately.After Fang Xiaozhou snatched the long sword, he stabbed forward with the hilt and hit Jiaer's left wrist. When his hand hurt, the dagger fell off immediately.

Grabbing the sword and the dagger, Fang Xiaozhou's palm was on Jia'er's shoulder, and Jia'er immediately fell backwards.Fang Xiaozhou stepped forward and kicked Wang Qinian's wrist, and the poison flew out with a whoosh.Wang Qinian looked back in surprise, Fang Xiaozhou kicked him on the jaw again, Wang Qinian's body was immediately kicked backwards and fell to the ground hard.

Fang Xiaozhou walked slowly in front of Jiaer, turned his long sword around and pointed at Jiaer's throat with a smile, "You can die if you want to?"

He stepped on Jia'er's forehead, and the sword flickered: "If you want to die, remember to ask me. If you don't ask me, how dare you die?"

Jiaer struggled a few times, but couldn't break free from Fang Xiaozhou's feet.

At this moment, a big boat approached the shore, and then a throwing spear came swiftly like a shooting star from the sky, it seemed like a flash

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