Will Ming

Chapter 387 6 knife

(Thanks to aethercat, Tianya Wangxue, Luanfawu's cold winter monthly pass, and nonsense de smiles, book stalls, and rewards for shower gel. Please, there are still eight or nine days left at the end of the month. I hope you will support me a lot! Thank you very much!)

Chapter 380 Seventeen Swords

I have to say that Fang Xiaozhou's dark guards are all skilled in martial arts. These people are self-prohibited soldiers, carefully selected from the palace guards, and some are from the Sixth Army of the Son of Heaven. They have been with Fang Xiaozhou for a long time. Everyone has a dark and cruel aura. When they kill people, they are expressionless and show no mercy. They have learned the ability to torture people from Fang Xiaozhou, but this does not mean that they are very strong in group battles. .

The Imperial Palace Army and the Sixth Army of the Son of Heaven are known as the most elite troops of the Sui Dynasty, but during the second eastward expedition to Goguryeo, Yang Xuangan rebelled in Liyang, and Yang Guang withdrew his troops hastily. The world's most powerful Sixth Army of the Son of Heaven was chased and killed by the horse thief Liu Jizhen from Yanshan for a while, and almost all the rear troops of the Sixth Army of the Son of Heaven were wiped out. It can be said that this is a great shame.

The rear army's cavalry was wiped out, and Liu Jizhen snatched all the horses.After succeeding, Liu Jizhen fully demonstrated the speed of his nickname Gust of Wind, and led the robbed war horse into Yanshan Mountain in one breath.From this, it can be seen that the combat power of a team that looks extremely majestic and mighty may not be directly proportional to their appearance.

In terms of walking in the queue, it is estimated that the Sixth Army of the Son of Heaven is the best in the world.

The red-robed dark guards' personal martial arts skills are not bad, but Fang Xiaozhou is not from the army after all. He can teach those dark guards many ruthless methods, but he can't teach the army formation tactics to kill people like a meat grinder.Looking at the three hundred swordsmen in green shirts at Yanyunzhai, their fighting strength in group battles is definitely not comparable to those of the dark guards.

Every six swordsmen in green shirts form a small formation of plum blossoms. The five swordsmen on the outside are the petals of the plum blossom, and the one in the middle is the stamen. In the small formation, it is impossible to come out alive.Each of the dark guards facing the small formation of plum blossoms seemed to have only one person facing them, but in fact he might be facing six people.

The three hundred swordsmen in green shirts formed a big plum blossom formation. If you look down from the top, the small plum blossom formations are spinning one by one, like countless whirlpools suddenly appearing on the sea.The small plum blossom formation was spinning, and the big plum blossom formation was also spinning, while those red-robed dark guards were sucked into the vortex one by one, and it was difficult to get out.

A brigade leader of the dark guards considered himself to be extraordinary in martial arts, and swung his knife to kill a small plum blossom formation. He had just rushed to the front of the small plum blossom formation, and was facing his blue-clothed swordsman and slashed at his head. The saber stand opened and was about to counterattack, but the green-clothed swordsman who was facing him had already turned to the other side. He was only surprised for a moment. The next green-clothed swordsman had already stabbed him with a knife, and the red-robed brigade quickly dodged away. With this knife, the enemy he was facing changed again when he looked at it again.

He had no chance to fight back with a knife at all, so he could only block one knife at a time.However, he had only blocked three swords, and suddenly he found that he couldn't retreat. He didn't know when he had been drawn into the formation by the green-clothed swordsmen who were spinning alternately. There are also.

With a bang, he was stabbed in the back of the neck, almost cutting his neck open. The red-robed brigade gave a scream, and quickly turned around, only to turn around and was stabbed in the back again. He followed like a spinning top. Xiaomeihua turned around, and in just a moment, he was stabbed thirteen or four times. When he fell down, his neck was broken, both arms fell off, his lower abdomen was cut open, and his intestines were squeezed out.

Realizing the horror of this large formation, the remaining red-robed dark guards began to run back in panic.Only at this time, the second big ship had also docked, and hundreds of archers in black armor jumped out of the ship. Each of them held a hard bow in their hands, three throwing spears were tied to their backs, and they were tied on their left arms. He took off his buckler, and his quiver was slung across his waist.

The three hundred fine armored archers quickly formed a semicircle, blocking the retreat of the red-robed dark guards. Following the order of the commander of the archers, the three hundred armor-piercing cones were shot out almost simultaneously. Hearing the humming sound of the bowstring, the feathered arrows smashed through like a meteor shower under the light of the torch.

The dark guard who fled backward was covered by feather arrows, and was torn off layer by layer from the outside to the inside.In an instant, the remaining sixty or seventy dark guards were all shot down to the ground.

At this moment, the brothel flower boat where Jiaer and the others were hiding slowly docked, and dozens of corpses of the red-robed dark guards were thrown down. The bodies that fell into the water were like dumplings in a pot, sinking after a while into the river.Gai You, who was covered in blood, was helped out of the boat, and a group of elite swordsmen in green shirts came over neatly, with their swords tied behind their backs, their faces solemn.

Dead bodies in red robes were everywhere, only Fang Xiaozhou, whose face turned pale and could no longer smile, was surrounded by groups.


Fang Xiaozhou shouted angrily: "If you commit crimes in Jiangdu, don't you be afraid of being discovered by the city defense soldiers and kill all of you! The Jiangdu navy is not far from the shipyard, and none of you will be able to leave!"

His high crown fell off while dodging the spear, and his hair was disheveled, looking like a madman.

On the bow of the big ship, Xiong Kuohai stood there looking at the lunatic in a big red robe, with a calm face. Beside him, two soldiers were holding six or seven throwing guns, and their gazes at Fang Xiaozhou were full of mischief. .



"You are Li Xian?!"

Fang Xiaozhou, with disheveled hair, pointed at Li Xian with the broken sword in his hand and asked.

His eyes were wide open, perhaps because of extreme unwillingness, or perhaps because of fright, so his expression was extraordinarily ferocious.He glanced at the corpses all around him, and a sense of desolation and despair rose in his heart.He couldn't imagine how the rebels who were far away in Dongping County dared to come to Jiangdu so blatantly?The emperor is here, the Jiangdu navy has at least [-] warships, why did they let the rebels' big ships dock?

Also, although this place is by the river, it is not far from Jiangdu City. It is impossible for the soldiers in the city defense to hear the movement. Why hasn't anyone come yet?There are [-] elite soldiers in Jiangdu City, and the Sixth Army of the Son of Heaven beside His Majesty. How dare these rebels be so bold!

Fang Xiaozhou told himself that something must have gone wrong.Even if the soldiers of the city defense government cannot go out of the city without receiving the military order, what about the navy, the navy has a habit of searching for rivers on time, how could they let go of the big ships in Yanyunzhai?

Although he couldn't figure it out, Fang Xiaozhou knew that it would be difficult for him to leave here alive today, so he was unwilling.Originally, he was the one who had the absolute initiative and advantage, so he dug out the hiding places of those people in Yanyun Village with only a little trick.Lu Xiu'er's body was thrown in the ruins, and he sent someone to find some wild dogs to let them go.Gai You, who had been hiding in the big tree for two days and two nights, was still fooled, losing step by step.

Tonight, Fang Xiaozhou knew that he would capture Li Xian's woman.As long as you take him down, you won't have to worry about finding out Li Xian's weakness, and then plan to kill him, get rid of Li Xian, and you will completely surpass Wen Jie!

Tonight, he knew that he would take the first step to reach the pinnacle of his life.

Tonight, as long as there are no accidents, he knows that he will be brilliant every step of the way.

But the accident came after all, and it was the accident that he couldn't accept the most.Li Xian, the leader of Yanyun Village thousands of miles away, why did he appear in Jiangdu?

There are bandits in the court!

Fang Xiaozhou's heart was shocked, and then he thought of a terrible possibility.The more than 2 Jiangdu city defense soldiers were ordered to change defenses after His Majesty arrived in Jiangdu. Because of his outstanding military exploits at Yanmen Pass, his son-in-law, Yuwen Shi, was promoted to General Wu Benlang, and opened the mansion to guard Jiangdu!Yuwen Shiji is the only member of the Yuwen family who has not yet fallen.Yu Wenshu was seriously ill, Yu Wenhuaji and Yu Wenzhiji were demoted to common people because of selling military rations, the Yuwen family was supported by only the second son!

Yuwen Shiji and Li Xian used to be in the same army!

Thinking of this, Fang Xiaozhou's face was ashamed.

"Li Xian...you are really impressive! But don't be complacent, even if I die, I will drag you to hell with me!"

He growled like a beast.

Li Xian ignored him at all, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, brushed away the somewhat messy hair on Jiaer's forehead, and gently wiped the dust off her forehead.Jia'er's eyes were red, and the tears couldn't stop streaming down. She looked at Li Xian, neither spoke nor cried, but the special emotion in her eyes made people's heart skip a beat.

"Take it!"

Hou Junji ordered loudly.


Dozens of archers in fine armor pressed forward, aiming their feather arrows at Fang Xiaozhou who looked like crazy, three or four swordsmen in green shirts strode forward, forcing Fang Xiaozhou to back again and again, but now he is surrounded by groups, Where is there a way out?Seeing the encirclement of the green-shirted swordsmen getting smaller and smaller, Fang Xiaozhou suddenly roared loudly: "Li Xian, if you are not a coward, dare you fight me fairly!"



Standing beside Li Xian, Cheng Zhijie gave Fang Xiaozhou a cold look, and he felt disgusted when he saw this lunatic: "General, I'll kill him."

Li Xian shook his head slowly but did not answer him, but asked Jiaer softly: "Did he hit you?"

Jiaer was startled, then nodded.

"Which hand?"

Li Xian asked.

"Two hands."

Jiaer replied.

"He stepped on your forehead with his left foot?"

Li Xian asked again.

Jiaer nodded.

Li Xian straightened her messy hair, and said softly, "Then I'll chop off both his hands and his left leg, okay?"

Jia'er nodded vigorously with tears in her eyes, but suddenly shook her head again: "Why did the general do it himself? He was chopped into pieces by random knives, and Lu Xiu'er was chopped into six pieces by him, then his body should be chopped into ten thousand pieces. "

"Who is Lu Xiuer?"


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