Will Ming

Chapter 388

Chapter 380 Hide

Fang Xiaozhou is a canary hidden by the emperor. It seems to be a good name to describe him, although he does not look like a canary in the laundry room. He washes a lot of clothes every day, so his hands are always He looked pale and even swollen, but the emperor really liked him, otherwise he wouldn't want to promote him just after he died.

The reason why Fang Xiaozhou is said to be a canary is because he is Yang Guang's plaything.When he first entered the palace, he was a handsome young man with red lips and white teeth. Yang Guang liked him very much the first time he saw him.Yang Guang originally planned to promote Fang Xiaozhou and let him enter Longtingwei for training, but Wen Jie didn't like Fang Xiaozhou very much, and found an excuse to kill him.Yang Guang had no choice but to send Fang Xiaozhou to the laundry room to avoid the disaster of killing him.

But Fang Xiaozhou was not reconciled, very unwilling.

He knew that the emperor couldn't bear to kill himself, so it proved that he still had a chance to stand up.So he tried his best to gain the trust of the emperor, crying about the injustice he encountered.It has to be said that Yang Guang really valued him.He said to the emperor, I don't have what we have, I don't have anything, and I have to change clothes and suffer, so the emperor decided to reward Fang Xiaozhou with a plaything in order to make Fang Xiaozhou happy.

So there are dark guards, just like Longting guards because of Wen Jie, the dark guards were actually established from the beginning, and they were just a toy given to Fang Xiaozhou by the emperor.

But Wen Jie can play with his toys openly, and the more he plays, the more beautiful he becomes.But Fang Xiaozhou can't play blatantly, he can only play in secret, the more he plays, the more unwilling he becomes, and the more he plays, the more he feels aggrieved, so his character becomes more and more deformed and split, so that in the end he almost no longer looks like a people.

Fang Xiaozhou, who was in the dark and dirty, became even darker and dirtier. He and Wen Jie were both incomplete people, but Wen Jie was far more dazzling than him.So he made up for it in other ways. He designed bright red dark guard costumes to show his brilliance. When he knew that Wen Jie was dead, he was so excited that he hid in the secret room and danced happily. singing and laughing loudly.

He knew that his opportunity had come, but what he didn't expect was that the emperor had completely forgotten about him in the past two years.It was precisely because of Wen Jie's death that Yang Guang thought of him again, and in Yang Guang's eyes at this time, Fang Xiaozhou was not only a plaything, but also a tool.A tool to avenge Wen Jie, so Fang Xiaozhou officially stepped onto the stage.

But as soon as the curtain that belonged to him was pulled up, Li Xian cut it down with a single knife.

With broken limbs, no ears, and wounds all over his body, Fang Xiaozhou was still alive for a while. His mouth was smashed by Li Xian's punch, all his teeth fell out, and a part of his tongue rotted off.But he just refused to die, looking at Li Xian with vicious eyes, roaring like a wild beast, struggling and wriggling like a disgusting maggot.

Li Xian did not intend to let him die, because Li Xian felt that it was not enough.

He squatted down beside Fang Xiaozhou, looked at the already ugly face that could no longer be ugly, and said calmly: "I know you are unwilling, you are not convinced, you think you should be the winner. I am also a little unwilling , so I hope you don’t die so quickly, because I still need you to do something. But to be honest, you are too far behind Wen Yidao. Wen Yidao is in front of me, I will feel the danger, you are In front of me, I treat you as a clown."

Fang Xiaozhou stared at Li Xian fiercely, and his mouth let out the kind of roar that wild dogs make when they are fighting for food.He wanted to sit up and bite Li Xian's neck, but how could he sit up without his limbs.

Li Xian stood up, walked back to Jiaer and said, "You and Wang Qinian are waiting for me here, I have something to do, I will be back soon, don't worry."

Jia'er nodded, seeing that Li Xian was about to leave, she couldn't help asking, "Where are you going?"

"Go and vent your anger."

Li Xian smiled, then turned and left.

At this time, a carriage came along the river, and dozens of guards followed behind the carriage, but they were soldiers of the Sui Dynasty in armor and clothing.The carriage stopped beside the big boat, and the curtain of the carriage was lifted by the servants. Yuwen Shiji first looked out, and then stepped down from the carriage.He didn't wear any armor, and a light blue brocade suit made him even more chic and handsome.

He frowned slightly as he looked at the dead bodies all over the ground, and at the teams of fine-armored archers and blue-shirted swordsmen, and followed the roaring sound to see the flesh-worm that was still wriggling on the ground.

Li Xian walked slowly in front of Yuwen Shiji, clasped his fists and said, "Brother Shiji, don't come here unharmed."

Yuwen Shiji also clasped his fists, sighed and said, "Can you not go too far? You said that you only take a few guards and take a small boat. How many people do you have in Yanyun Village? What is the boat in your Yanyun Village?" So big? Do you think it’s enough, because you don’t hesitate to owe me and Pei Ju a favor for such a small person who can’t get on the stage, don’t you feel it’s a bit of a loss?”

"Not enough..."

Li Xian smiled and said, in fact, the first thing I did this time was not to make the women around me wronged.The second thing is to meet Pei Ju to see how sincere he is.But after meeting you, I feel that seeing Pei Ju has become meaningless. "

"That is to say, you didn't intend to see me at all before you came?"

Yuwen Shiji said with some annoyance.

Li Xian smiled and said, "I didn't know you were in Jiangdu before."

Yuwen Shiji said: "Can't you not tell lies?"

Li Xian smiled and said, "Why are you so boring now that you don't even want to make jokes?"

"What time is it now!"

Yuwen Shiji said: "Where am I in the mood to joke with you?"

"It seems that you are not doing very well in Jiangdu."

Li Xian said with emotion: "Then what do you think about the matter I sent someone to talk to you a while ago?"

Yuwen Shiji thought for a while and said, "It's not yet time."

Li Xian shook his head and said, "When you arrive, it might be too late for me?"

Yuwen Shiji was taken aback, then nodded.



Yang Guang doesn't like living in a palace, because he insists that no matter how grand and magnificent the palace is built, it is a dead thing after all, immovable and unchanged.He likes a colorful life, so he would rather live on a big dragon boat and watch the rivers, mountains and fishing boats. Even if he does not patrol, the scenery along the river will never be the same every day.It is far more comfortable than looking at the unchanging rock garden in the palace.

Jiangdu is better than Luoyang and Chang'an, because it is beautiful here, and because it is safe here, no matter how many rebels are rampant, they will not be able to beat Jiangdu.

The dragon boat was parked by the river, surrounded by regimental guards of the navy, and not far from the shore was the camp of the Jiangdu soldiers. Ten thousand Jingjia soldiers had been stationed here for a long time to guard the dragon boat.

Navy General Liu Zhongshan's five-toothed boat was parked a few hundred meters away from the dragon boat, but he didn't worry about his drunkenness at all, because the emperor wasn't in the mood to summon him, and he wasn't in the mood to deal with state affairs, let alone , Pei Ju, the big man who controls the government, is now sitting with him drinking.

Yuwen Shihe left first on the pretext of inspecting the city defense, Liu Zhongshan was a little drunk, got up to see off the guests, and then rushed back to continue drinking with Pei Ju.

When Liu Zhongshan re-boarded the boat, he glanced at the huge and magnificent dragon boat in the distance, brightly lit, and didn't know what the emperor was doing now.Everyone said that the emperor was not a womanizer, but Liu Zhongshan scoffed at it. If he could have such a beautiful and beautiful figure as Empress Xiao by his side, he would not be in the mood to find other women.Although the queen is no longer young, she is still the most beautiful woman in the world in Liu Zhongshan's eyes.

He sighed, turned and walked into the boat building.

If he turned around more slowly, he might see a strange thing.It was already midnight, but a small boat slowly approached the dragon boat.

Indeed, Yang Guang hadn't fallen asleep yet, he sat on a chair and stared at Jiang Se outside the window in a daze.Empress Xiao Yizhen fell asleep on the bed, her breathing was steady, and her face was slightly flushed. Although she was over 40 years old, she still looked charming.It was midsummer, and Xiao Yizhen, who was only wearing a tulle nightgown, was not covered with a quilt, and her figure curves were faintly visible through the tulle.She was lying on the bed, looking alluring like a mermaid.

But Yang Guang is not in the mood to appreciate his wife's beauty now, what he thinks about is a headache.

He asked Fang Xiaozhou to assassinate Li Xian, and then secretly dispatched Dongdu to stay behind Qu Tongtu and led 5 troops to attack Juyeze in Dongping County, and secretly dispatched the general of the Donglai Navy to protect his son and go up the river to block Yanyunzhai The escape route for the rebels to go north and hide.That's right, that's what Pei Ju suggested, and Yang Guang refuted him at the time, but Yang Guang did it secretly.He refuted Pei Ju because Yang Guang knew that Pei Ju was unreliable.

If you tell Pei Ju about this matter, maybe the people of Yanyun Village can buy this decree from Pei Ju with not much money.He knew that Pei Ju could do it, but he didn't intend to punish Wen Jie.There are not many courtiers who are still by his side now, and it is very rare for someone like Pei Ju and Yu Shiji to stay by his side.

As long as Fang Xiaozhou can kill Li Xian, taking advantage of the internal turmoil in Yanyun Village, Dongdu and the Navy's troops will encircle and suppress, and nothing will go wrong.

Yang Guang frowned thinking, then smiled wryly.

He knew that this was not what he was worried about, what he was worried about was that Qu Tongtu and Lai Hu'er didn't understand at all!

All it takes is an excuse that banditry is rampant along the way and that the emperor's order has not been received at all, and this matter can be evaded.Qu Tongtu has soldiers in his hands, this is the foundation of his foothold, Lai Huer has soldiers in his hands, this is also the foundation of his foothold, now it is difficult for the two of them to travel thousands of miles to suppress bandits!

When he was worrying, he suddenly heard someone outside say in a strange tone: "Juye Zewu from Dongping County

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