Will Ming

Chapter 389 Insatiable Greed

(Thank you for worrying about no joy, Qingtian Yizhu for your reward, please, please collect.)

Chapter 380 IX Insatiable Greed

Yang Guang never thought that he would meet Li Xian on the dragon boat beside Jiangdu City, just as Fang Xiaozhou never thought that he would be in Yanyun Village thousands of miles away when he was killing people heartily by the river. The head of the family, Li Xian, will lead someone to kill him heartily.

None of Dragon Boat's guards thought that a rebel would dare to appear here blatantly.Li Xian, who was wearing the court uniform of the fourth-rank general Wu Benlang of the Sui Dynasty, still had a waist card in his hand that he needed to show when entering the palace.He only brought four soldiers with him, and they carried a water jar nearly one person high. The mouth of the water jar was sealed, but the aroma of wine could overflow.

The water tank was used to hold pickles on Li Xian's big boat, and it was a bit smelly, so Li Xian had someone fill it with half a tank of wine. It should be said that this tank is a great tonic.As for the waist badge, it belonged to Liu Zhongshan, General of the Jiangdu Navy.Although Yuwen Shiji is not used to stealing, and he doesn't have any great stealing skills, it is not difficult for him to get a waist card from a man who is so drunk that he can't even walk. As for why Yuwen Shiji helped Li Xian, in fact simpler.

Because Yuwen Shiji is a smart man, because he needs Li Xian's strength.

Some major events happened in Yuwen's family, so Yuwen Shiji felt the danger. He had to prepare a way out for himself. What's more, since the ninth year of Daye, Li Xian has never stopped wooing him.There has been correspondence between the two people, and both of them know what each other needs.

Li Xian showed his waist badge, coupled with the official uniform of the fourth-rank general Wu Benlang of the Sui Dynasty, and his calm and calm expression, the guards guarding the dragon boat did not see any flaws.

"General Li, what's in this tank?"

The imperial guards were asking with some concern.

Li Xian smiled and said: "I came to Jiangdu from the Donglai Navy. Your Majesty called me to go to Juyeze in Dongping County to suppress the bandits. This is the medicinal wine that the general of the Donglai Navy came to protect my son. It was the general who personally hunted and killed a four-foot-long shougong, which is rare in a thousand years, and found two seven-grade wild ginseng. This wine has been steeped for a year, and the general specially asked me to bring it to His Majesty.

He took out a bag of gold from his bosom, stuffed it into the hands of the team leader, and said gently: "I have been in the army all year round, and I have never had the chance to go to the palace to meet the saints. I only arrived today to wait on the boat of General Liu of the Jiangdu Navy." The summoner, who would have expected to arrive, General Liu told me that His Majesty has an order, and whenever I arrive in Jiangdu, I will immediately enter the palace to meet you, in order not to cause any misunderstanding, General Liu also gave me his badge."

How could the Imperial Guard fail to guess the weight of that heavy bag of gold?

He never thought that the polite person in front of him would be a traitor.

Li Xian stuffed the gold into the hands of the team leader, patted his forehead suddenly and said: "Look at me confused! There is no one else here, this wine is a rare treasure, I will take some for you to taste, just cut it Don't say it, or I can't afford to offend His Majesty."

"Don't, don't, what a shame."

The forbidden army is hastily waving their hands.

"It's okay, if you don't tell me, no one will know."

Li Xian smiled and took off the wine bag from himself, opened the lid and put his hand in, then filled a bag full and handed it to the team leader: "The most wonderful thing about this wine is that it smells like blood. The Great Shougong has been soaked for a year, but it is still full of blood and even wriggling. You can post it to listen, and sometimes you can hear the screams of the Great Shougong. By the way, don’t be too violent when you drink it. Yes, I will flush my nose."

"I know I know……"

The forbidden army was carefully taking over the wine bag, as if they had found a treasure.Li Xian said a few more words to him, turned around and went up the stairs.When the team saw Li Xian went up the boat building, they secretly untied the cloth bag and took a look, seeing that it was filled with golden gold, they immediately laughed. He hesitated for a while, then squeezed out a piece and handed it to the soldiers of the Imperial Army, saying: " Take it to buy wine and drink, no one is allowed to say if they heard about today's matter!"

He uncorked the wine bag, put it on his lips, took a sip, smashed his mouth and sighed: "Damn, the smell of blood is really strong, spicy enough! Fishy enough! Strong enough!"



Li Xian stopped at the door of the emperor's bedroom, and then said with a smile: "General Li Xian, General Juyezewu Benlang of Dongping County, please see Your Majesty."

He knew that Yang Guang would not call for help unless Yang Guang wanted to die faster.

Yang Guang replied in a flat tone, which was beyond Li Xian's expectation.

"You should say: Minister, Li Xian has an audience with His Majesty."

Yang Guang opened the curtain and walked slowly into the hall outside.

Li Xian smiled, turned around and asked the four soldiers under him to put down the water tank, and retreated to the door. He sat down on the water tank with his buttocks up, and said with a smile: "Emperor, did you disturb your sweet dreams?" ?”

Yang Guang walked slowly to the dragon chair and sat down. At this time, he suddenly found that the height of the dragon chair was about the same as that of the water tank. Sitting on the dragon chair, he was not taller than Li Xian at all.

"I haven't fallen asleep yet, so I don't have good dreams."

Yang Guang said calmly.

Sitting on the water tank, Li Xian swayed his legs, and asked playfully, "Why can't you fall asleep? As an emperor, what else is there to worry about?"

Yang Guang also smiled, and then said seriously: "I was thinking about how to kill you, so I couldn't sleep."

"I'm so sorry..."

Li Xian smiled apologetically and said, "I didn't expect me to give you such a headache, I really did it on purpose."

Yang Guang nodded and said, "I know you did it on purpose, and that you were thinking of rebelling before you went to Liaodong, so that's why I have a headache. Compared with other rebels, you worry me the most. Most People are rebellious without reconciliation, they are extremely hasty, and can't accomplish any great things. I only need to send a good general with three to five thousand soldiers to kill them all. There are still a few people who rebelliously rarely, and they seem a little embarrassed. It still only needs one good general with [-] fine armors to pacify. There are very few people who make plans and then move. The rebellion is so substandard that I really look down on you. But you are very good, plan and plan again Afterwards, he moved cautiously, although he was a little timid and aggressive, but he was a character after all."

"Because I'm afraid of death."

Li Xian said with a smile: "Rebellion will cost you your head."

"You want to be emperor?"

Yang Guang suddenly asked a question that was not unexpected.


Li Xian thought about it carefully and then replied: "What's so good about being an emperor?"

Yang Guang replied earnestly: "Wealthy world, lord of all people, supreme power in this world, you say one is one, you say two is two. If you say blood is black, countless people will join you It is said that blood is really black. You say that there is a moon in the daytime and a sun in the night, and you dare not be pointed at your nose and call you an idiot. You have the right to reward and punish, you have the power to open up territories, and you can wield thousands of troops Ma Bingfeng, in charge of the life and death of the common people, turning his hands into clouds and turning his hands into rain, pointing out the country and the country."

Li Xian hummed and asked: "No one pointed at your nose and called you an idiot, so does anyone call you an idiot in your heart? And you have to scold you a thousand or hundreds of times, and it's not just that you are an idiot." Simple. Has anyone ever complimented you and cursed you in their hearts?"

Yang Guang remained silent.

Li Xian smiled: "I can't answer this question for you. I will never tell others what I will do next, because it is a very idiotic thing."

Yang Guang nodded, then suddenly pointed to the water tank under Li Xian and asked, "What is that?"

Li Xian replied, "A gift for you."



"I'm afraid there will never be someone more kind-hearted than me in this world."

Li Xian pointed to his nose and said seriously: "You sent someone to kill me, but I repaid the grievance with virtue, sent the killer back to you well, and even talked with you here peacefully, I admire that." How did I resist not killing you directly?"

He jumped down from the water tank, lifted the lid, and pulled out Fang Xiaozhou, who was still roaring like a mad dog, and Fang Xiaozhou, who had lost his limbs, looked horrific, and the wine was dyed red. It flowed down with a splash, exuding a very strange color under the illumination of the lights.

Yang Guang frowned slightly, pointed to Fang Xiaozhou who was thrown on the ground by Li Xian and asked, "This is what you said, send it back to me properly?"

Li Xian spread his hands, and said innocently: "I want to send him back to you, but he doesn't agree. I can only guarantee that he will be fine as long as the damage is not too serious."

Yang Guang asked: "It's disgusting, can you kill him?"

Hearing this sentence, Fang Xiaozhou, who was still wriggling, suddenly froze, and looked at Yang Guang with resentment in his eyes, and Yang Guang was startled by the insidiousness in his gaze.

"Should you not just let me watch this thing?"

Yang Guang asked.

Li Xian kicked Fang Xiaozhou under Yang Guang's dragon chair, nodded and said, "Of course not, I'm here to ask for something that belongs to me."

"Something that belongs to you?"

Yang Guang asked, "What is it?"

Li Xian said: "Thirty thousand sets of armor and weapons for the government soldiers, and two hundred yellow dragon clippers."

"Why didn't you kill me?"

Yang Guang asked.

Li Xian burst out laughing: "I killed you? What a fool is willing to do a loss-making business. If I kill you now, no one in the world will know that I killed you. It won’t fall on me, too bad. If I kill you and declare it to the outside world, then I will lose my reputation, but anyone in the world who wants to rebel and become the emperor will immediately raise the banner of revenge for the emperor. I, Yanyun Village, will become the target of public criticism, which is even worse."



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