Will Ming

Chapter 390 The good son of the Yuwen family

(Thank you for the reward surnamed Li Zi'anzhi, thank you for worrying and no joy, baby long's monthly ticket, please sincerely)

Chapter [-] Yuwen’s Good Son

"When you were in Liaodong, you showed a lot of courage, not to mention the battles with the Goguryeo people, you just said that you had the courage to confront Yu Wenshu, and even wanted to counterattack and kill him. This is already courageous. It was surprising. But after a thorough investigation of you, I came to a conclusion that I didn't want to believe, that is, you are cowardly and pitiful. Tibetan."

Yang Guang looked at Li Xian, and asked in a puzzled way: "I believe in the sword the most. He said you are as cowardly as a mouse, and I guess that's the case. But today you are so brave that you punctured him." God, how dare you board my dragon boat so blatantly, how dare you blackmail me, how dare you threaten me! Don't you yourself think that you are a very contradictory person?"

Hearing what the emperor said, Li Xian didn't react yet. Fang Xiaozhou, who was lying motionless on the ground and seemed to be dead, suddenly became agitated. He turned his head sharply to look at Yang Guang, and opened his mouth hoarsely. A few unwilling growls.His mouth was almost rotten, half of his tongue was broken, and his teeth were all missing. That mouth looked like a bloody black hole. Every time he roared, a stream of blood gushed out of his throat.

Obviously already like this, but he just refused to die.

He was excited because he heard the emperor say that, I believe in one knife the most.Because of these words, Fang Xiaozhou, who was already dying, was so angry that he regained his energy. He rolled back and forth a few times like a maggot, turned from lying on his stomach to lying down, and looked at the emperor viciously. It's chilling.

Yang Guang frowned and glanced at him, then said to Li Xian with unconcealed disgust, "Why isn't this disgusting thing dead yet? Can't you give him a good time?"

Li Xian smiled and said, "What does it have to do with me if he doesn't want to die? Have you ever seen a person who is killed like this? I can't figure out what the key is for him not to die. Maybe it's because I can't bear you." Or maybe it’s because of nostalgia for this world? Or maybe it’s just that he’s afraid of death so he doesn’t die? But God has the virtue of loving life. Since I killed him to this point and he didn’t die, how can I deprive him of the right to live? Emperor, I I remember that a few years ago, the world said that you were the most benevolent and moral person in the world, and you had compassion for foreigners, why are you so cruel to the people around you now? You shouldn’t be happy if he’s not dead, right?”

"It's because I'm too benevolent..."

Yang Guang sighed and said, "Otherwise, how could there be so many rebels like you in the Sui world?"

Li Xian smiled, then looked at Fang Xiaozhou and said: "The traitor can sit and talk with the emperor face to face, and can call the emperor's name directly, but the emperor dare not get angry because of this, instead, he has to patiently talk to the traitor a lot of nonsense. You are close to the emperor, you are loyal to the emperor, you do what he asks you to do, you are like a dog that calls around by his side, when the emperor throws you a few bones when it is useful, you You are useless now, but the emperor has no mercy at all, wishing to throw you in a dirty and tattered place, so he won’t be disgusted if he can’t see it.”

"As a human being, if you don't have the roots to carry on the family line, you are not a complete person. You are sorry to your ancestors, and you are sorry to yourself. Your family has no descendants because of you, so it is said that you have failed in life. As a dog, you You can't even do your job of biting people for your master. Instead, your dog's legs were broken and your teeth were knocked out all over the place. The master not only doesn't give you sympathy, but wants your dog to die quickly. , so that he can get a new dog, so what you do as a dog is also a failure."

"You may have been a joke from the beginning, but now it has become a big joke."

What he said was serious, what he said was indifferent, and what he said seemed to make sense.Fang Xiaozhou's eyes became more and more frightened and panicked, and he subconsciously wanted to raise his arms to cover his ears.But he forgot that he still had two arms, and only a small piece of broken arm was left on both sides of the shoulder, moving up and down, like a grasshopper whose leg had been broken, which made people's teeth ache.

He couldn't close his ears, so he could hear every word Li Xian said clearly.His face was already as pale as paper due to excessive blood loss, but at this time, a sickly blush appeared due to excitement and anger.After hearing that, the anger in his eyes gradually dissipated, replaced by more and more pitiful begging.That means begging Li Xian not to continue talking, begging Li Xian not to poke his sore spot again.

"Man has dignity, and dog has dignity."

Li Xian ignored Fang Xiaozhou's eyes, and continued to speak in a calm tone: "A person without dignity will become lowly. If a dog loses dignity, what will it be scolded for? Your courage to live and Insist on being respected, but you look like a maggot now, do you still want to continue living in a stinky and dirty cesspit? You would rather live in a cesspit than reincarnate as a clean person, what are you doing? What are you asking for?"

After listening to these words, Fang Xiaozhou roared fiercely, and then a stream of black blood poured out from his mouth, mixed with a lot of minced meat.The minced meat was mixed with dirty blood, and it really looked like maggots that were still wriggling.

Yang Guang shrank back in disgust, fearing that the dirty blood would splash on his boots.

Fang Xiaozhou twitched a few times, then rolled his eyes up and died.

Li Xian was slightly stunned, then looked at Yang Guang and said with emotion: "Killing him can't kill him, but saying he is dead. This shows that a person's face is actually more important than anything else. A knife can't kill him, but he can die of shame. Humans are really good." When you are tenacious, you are like a cockroach; when you are weak, you are like a piece of tofu."

He raised his head to look at Yang Guang and said, "Now let me answer you, why sometimes I am so courageous and sometimes so timid."

He pointed to his handsome face and said: "Because I have a thicker skin than ordinary people. When it is good for me to take it, I will be bold. When it is not good, why should I be so bold? You can take it. This is regarded as a very beautiful character, how should this character be called... mercenary?"



While Li Xian and Yang Guang were chatting in the outer hall, Xiao Yizhen had already got up in the inner hall. Instead of hiding as Yang Guang wanted, she sat in front of the bronze mirror and began to dress up. Her hair was combed, very carefully, and she applied some powder makeup, and then she chose a palace dress for formal occasions to wear, looking at her still beautiful face in the bronze mirror, Xiao Yizhen smiled , Then turned and walked out of the inner hall.

When she went out, she was frightened by the corpse on the ground in front of her and her heart skipped a beat, but she was the most knowledgeable woman in the world after all, and blood could not really scare her.So she just took a breath slowly, and then walked to Yang Guang with a smile on her face.

"My concubine has seen Your Majesty."

She saluted generously, then got up and walked to the chair beside Yang Guang to sit down.

Li Xian looked at the calm and unhurried Empress Xiao with interest, and remembered some historical materials that he had seen in his previous life and did not know whether they were credible or not.It said that Empress Xiao was a very insightful and scheming person. She was graceful and magnanimous. From Yu Wenhuaji, after Yu Wenhuaji's death, she followed Dou Jiande, and was later taken to the grassland by Princess Yicheng to serve Shibi Khan together. After Shibi Khan died, they married Shibi Ke Khan's younger brother Ashina Elifo, also known as Chuluo Khan.It is said that in the end Li Shimin took him back from the grassland and brought him into the harem, but this is not credible. No matter how lustful Li Shimin is, he probably wouldn't covet a 58-year-old woman.

Li Xian looked at Xiao Yizhen a little rudely, so Yang Guang was a little angry.

"You are very rude."

Yang Guang frowned.

Li Xian smiled, looked away and explained: "It's only the first time I've seen the queen, so I'm inevitably a little curious."

"You are the rebel Li Xian of Yanyun Village?"

Xiao Yizhen asked.

When she said the word anti-thief, her tone was a little heavy, and she didn't seem to worry at all that she was in danger now.

"A traitor is still a courtier. In fact, sometimes it is difficult to tell. The courtier the day before yesterday became yesterday's traitor for some reason, and yesterday's traitor, the emperor also named Wu Benlang, a fourth-rank general, can also ascend to court. Yesterday The courtiers, who knows if there will be a rebellion tomorrow? Maybe the disaster of the emperor starts from the courtiers and ends with the courtiers."

Li Xian sighed: "The world is unpredictable, who can tell?"

"Since you consider yourself a courtier, why are you being rude to the emperor?"

Empress Xiao asked a question.

Li Xian smiled: "Where do I admit it? The emperor took the initiative to give me this title. I've always preferred the benefits, so naturally I wouldn't refuse them. But not refusing, doesn't mean I'm a minister."

"Then what are you going to do?"

Xiao Yizhen asked again.

"Come to ask for some benefits, and then ask the emperor and queen to escort me for another ride."

"It's that simple?"

Xiao Yizhen turned sideways slightly and said to Yang Guang: "Your Majesty, if you agree with him, don't lose the majesty of the emperor."

"That's beautiful!"

Li Xian stood up, applauded lightly and said to Yang Guang, "She is better than you."



The emperor got off the dragon boat and entered Jiangdu. There were not many people in his entourage, and it was very surprising that there was a navy general who came to report his duties from other places, which was greatly appreciated by His Majesty, and he was allowed to ride with him in the same car.The emperor lived on a dragon boat by the river, not far from the capital.But the city gate of Jiangdu has been closed, even if the emperor wanted to enter the city, he would not open the gate just by calling

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