Will Ming

Chapter 391

Chapter 390

Yang Guang stood on the bow of the big five-toothed ship, looking at the river divided by the warships in front of him, he couldn't help sighing: "Back then, I led an army of 51 troops to attack Chen in the south. Ship, no matter how good my soldiers of the Sui Dynasty are at fighting, they can’t fight against the surging river, nor can they defeat the Nanchen Baizhan navy. When I crossed the river that day, I stood on such a big five-toothed boat, and pointed to the south bank of the great river to ask me Soldier Sui, what is that place?"

Yang Guang glanced at Li Xian and asked, "Do you know how my soldiers answered me?"

Li Xian leaned back on the chair and took a sip of wine, then shook his head.

Yang Guang took a deep breath, as if recalling the magnificence of the battlefield in the past, even his face turned red with excitement, and he said in a bold tone: "All the soldiers answer me, that is the new land of the Great Sui Dynasty! Nan Chen It is known as the number one navy in the world, but it was beaten into a mess by my Tai Sui navy that day. The five-toothed ship of the Great Sui Navy was rushing through the river at that time, and the Nanchenlou boat could not stop the five-toothed ship. One collision! The big ship I was on sank two enemy ships! I am fearless, because I know that I will destroy Nanchen!"

Li Xian smiled slightly, but still didn't answer.

Maybe it was Li Xian's indifference that made Yang Guang feel a little disappointed, he shook his head and said, "How could I tell such a traitor...how can you understand this?"

Li Xian put down the jug, walked to the side of the boat and watched the river go eastward, watching the river swirl and wash over the side of the boat, as if he saw wreckage, bones, and blood churning in the water.

"When people come to live by reminiscing about the past...it can only explain two things."

He turned around to look at Yang Guang, smiled, and was a little proud: "First, I was discouraged and felt that I was powerless, so I simply stopped caring about the things in front of me, and only thought about living a glorious life in the past. Second, I am old, I am so old that I have lost my will to fight and vigor, and only memories are left to spend the rest of my life."

"I am not old!"

Yang Guang said angrily.

"You're just discouraged."

Li Xian walked back to the chair and sat down. Looking at Yang Guang who had a rather ugly face, he said, "Some people scold you in their hearts and flatter you in front of you. Some people scold you behind your back because they can't see you. I don't want to scold you." , because I always feel that cursing is the most boring thing. It doesn't hurt, it doesn't itch, and it doesn't kill me. I don't want to say that officials-force-people-anti-people have to say something like this sounds boring. It makes sense, and I don’t want to worry about whether you played with the collapse or someone else dug it, because it has nothing to do with me. I’m just a small person who has revenge and revenge. If the world is peaceful, I will pay attention to rice and a few meats. Paying more attention to whether the rouge bought for women is good enough than paying attention to what earth-shattering events happened in the court."

"But what you did was an earth-shattering event!"

Yang Guang stared at him and said.

Li Xian shook his head and said, "You don't understand...how did I do something so earth-shattering?"

He took another sip of wine, and then said sadly: "It's just that I'm afraid of death. In order not to die, I had to climb up step by step. The climb was very hard and tiring. It's only today that I can barely guarantee my life. But you can’t live in peace.”

Yang Guang smiled disdainfully and said: "How can a person like you hold a hundred thousand soldiers? How can a person like you achieve today's achievements? If I am not the emperor, I will be happy to enmity and want to kill my people. He will definitely chop off his head with his own hands. Fear of death, what is the use of fear of death? Killing all the enemies, this is a manly act."

Li Xian was already a little drunk, he put down the jug and sighed: "It is because I want to kill but I can't kill now, so I feel ashamed of many people. In order to protect me, many brothers died because of me. "


Yang Guang said contemptuously: "With your current status and the power in your hands, you still can't avenge those who died because of you. I look down on you."

Li Xian stood up, walked unsteadily to Yang Guang and asked, "Do you think I don't want to kill the enemy? If it were you, the enemy would stand in front of you, but if you kill the enemy now, there will be more people How do you choose to die because of you?"

"Even if you can't kill him, can't you hit him? If you can hit him, just smash his nose with one punch!"

Yang Guang raised his jaw and said.

"it is good!"

Li Xian, whose eyes were already drunk, suddenly called out "Hello", and then punched Yang Guang on the nose.Although he was half-drunk, he controlled the strength of this punch very well, and it just happened to collapse his nose, and two streams of nosebleeds spurted out all at once.Before Yang Guang could react, Li Xian punched him on the left eye again, and Yang Guang was hit backwards immediately by the punch.

Li Xian walked over, grabbed Yang Guang's ankle and dragged him away, saying as he walked, "Thank you for enlightening me, since I can't kill him yet, let's beat him first."

Li Xian's footsteps swayed, and his mouth was full of alcohol: "I feel pain and guilt in my heart, and I'm sorry for the dead brothers. But if I kill you, I will put Yanyunzhai on the cusp of the hypocrisy of those aristocratic families. One by one, they will immediately jump out to help you avenge you, or support your heir to succeed you, or make yourself king as a hero of the Sui Dynasty. Only a madman would think."

"So I can only beat you temporarily and kill you later, okay?"



Yang Guang received a good beating, his nose was crooked, his eye sockets were bruised, and half of his face was swollen. After the beating, he realized that the enemy Li Xian said was himself.But he couldn't remember for a while, where did the enmity between Li Xian and himself come from?It's not that he is so confused that he can't remember the past, but because he believes in Wen Jie too much.

Perhaps the one thing Wen Jie regretted the most before his death was that he had lied to the emperor.After Yanshan chased and killed Zhang Zhongjian's Tiefutu, he told Yang Guang that the Li family boy had been eliminated.Yang Guang trusted Wen Jie very much, and he only cared about touring the world in the past few years. He had already forgotten the child surnamed Li that Emperor Wen Yang Jian mentioned back then.

Nine years after the great cause, Yang Guang became more and more lazy to deal with state affairs, and only cared about visiting the mountains and rivers, inspecting the vast lands and mountains he conquered.

After being beaten up by Li Xian now, he still can't remember what he did to make Li Xian so resentful.

Li Xian carried Yang Guang's ankles and walked forward. When he reached the side of the boat, he lifted him upside down and put him outside the boat.Even if he is the emperor, so what, the emperor is not afraid.No matter who is facing the river with his head down, he may fall into the water to feed the fish as soon as Li Xian lets go, and he will be terrified when faced with such a situation.

So Yang Guang cried for help and begged for mercy: "I promise you, the chief of Qi County, that you will not be held accountable for your rudeness today! I promise you the Duke of the country, and you will pull me up quickly. Make you king! I want to make you king!"

With all his strength, Li Xian lifted Yang Guang up and threw him on the deck.Looking at the emperor who was so frightened that his face paled, Li Xian curled his lips contemptuously: "It's really shameful..."

After he said these three words, he actually ignored the emperor who was so beaten that he couldn't see his true face and curled up in fright. He turned around, picked up his wine pot, and shouted loudly as he walked into the ship building, The shout was so loud that it pierced the sky, Jiaer and others who were standing not far away were startled, while Empress Xiao who was being held down by Jiaer had already turned pale with fright.She had seen the emperor and the rebel talking and chatting peacefully, but suddenly the rebel punched and kicked the emperor.If Jiaer hadn't held her down, she would have rushed over.

This beast-like roar lasted for a long time, and it didn't stop until Li Xian was so oppressed that he could hardly breathe.After roaring this, the annoyance and aggrievedness in his heart eased a little.He can only fight but not kill, he still feels puzzled.Li Xian looked up at the sky, his eyes blurred, those brothers who died tragically because of him, I'm afraid they will blame me now...

Li Xian returned to his dormitory and fell on the bed, wondering if he was too drunk and couldn't sleep.Lying on the bed, thinking of the hideous scar on Chen Que'er's body, he couldn't help but want to rush out and chop Yang Guang into seventy pieces, then throw him into the river to feed the fish and shrimp.

But he didn't move after all, just lying like this for a long time, Li Xian suddenly laughed at himself, and muttered to himself: "Li Xian, Li Xian...you are becoming more and more calm, if five years ago, you Maybe you would kill Yang Guang regardless of the consequences. If it was two years ago, you might really have some absurd idea of ​​coercing the emperor to make the princes, but today...you just beat him up and then let him go back .”


Li Xian smiled wryly: "After all, I lost some human touch."

Just at this time, Jiaer pushed the door open and entered.

"The general is suffering?"

Jiaer walked up to him and asked.

Li Xian shook his head and said, "There's no such thing as suffering, it's just a little hypocrisy."

Jiaer was startled, not knowing why.



As expected by Yang Guang, although Fang Xiaozhou sent people to Luoyang, the eastern capital, and the Donglai navy to meet Qu Tongtu and Lai Huer respectively, these two people really did not plan to send troops.The messenger sent to Luoyang, the eastern capital, was said to have been intercepted and killed by the rebels in Wagangzhai while passing through Dongjun. As for the secret order, Qu Tongtu naturally didn't see it.As for the person who delivered the order to the Donglai Navy, it is said that the ship broke down and fell into the water, and he didn't know where he died, so Lai Huer didn't see any secret order.It is common sense for the person delivering the decree to die, if he does not die, it can only be said that both Qu Tongtu and Lai Huer have become idiots.

Today, the rebels in various places in the Sui Dynasty are still dominated by people from the green forest, but some of those aristocratic families can no longer hold back.In the autumn of Daye's 12th year, it seemed that the smell of blood in the air became stronger.

Because Qu Tongtu and Lai Hu'er did not move, the crisis facing Yanyun village disappeared invisible.but now

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