Will Ming

Chapter 392

Chapter 390

Zhishilang Wang Bo led an army of 12 across Jibei County and marched northeastward, and Xu Shiji, the military strategist of Yanyunzhai, led an army of [-] out of Licheng to fight.The two sides met on the plain between Changqing and Licheng. When they first met, they did not fight, and each retreated [-] miles to camp.Wang Bo didn't dare to attack rashly, so he sent people to monitor the movement in Dongping County, and only waited for the soldiers from Wagangzhai and Hebei Dou Jiande to arrive before he dared to lead the army to attack.

He was not in a hurry to fight, and Xu Shiji was even less in a hurry to fight.Behind the people of Yanyunzhai is Licheng, which is well supplied with food and grass.The Jinbei army came from afar, and more than half of the 12 horses were civilians who were forcibly captured. They searched all the way, and there was not enough food and grass.

After Li Xian returned to Yanyunzhai, he ordered Xiong Kuohai to lead [-] troops, and camped with Yuwen Shiji's troops on the south bank of the Yellow River, facing Dou Jiande's general Wang Fubao across the river.Dou Jiande's state army navy is weak, with only three to four hundred ships of all sizes, and most of them are civilian ships.But Yuwen Shiji now has [-] five-toothed ships and [-] Huanglong fast boats. They are so shocking that Wang Fubao dare not cross the river rashly.

Before Li Xian went to Jiangdu, Qin Qiong was the main general, Pei Renji and Chen Que'er were the deputy generals, and Pei Xingyan was the vanguard, leading an army of [-] horse infantry and more than [-] sailors to confront Wagang Village in Dongjun.From the beginning of August, Zhai Rang recruited people to join the army on a large scale. By the beginning of September, in just one month, the number of troops suddenly increased to more than [-].He personally served as the commander, with Li Mi as the military adviser and Wang Bodang as the vanguard, the troops went out of Wagang, and camped [-] miles away from the Yanyunzhai camp.

It was mid-September when Li Xian returned to Juyeze, and he only brought three thousand fine armored and light cavalry to Qin Qiong's army. The burden is small, but it does not give an inch.

When Li Xian arrived outside the camp, Pei Renji was already waiting outside the door.Chen Que'er's navy was about to block the river, and it was more than [-] li away from the army, so it was inconvenient to rush to meet them.

"Subordinate Pei Renji, I have met my lord!"

Seeing that Li Xian had arrived, Pei Renji cupped his fists and saluted.

Li Xian nodded, jumped off the big black horse and handed over the reins to the soldiers, and walked directly to the camp without stopping.

"Where are Qin Qiong and Pei Xingyan?"

Li Xian asked as he walked.

"We are fighting in front of the battle. Wang Bodang, the vanguard general of Wagang Village, led his army to call for the battle. His deputy Wang Junke is very skilled in martial arts. He is fighting with my son Pei Xingyan. General Qin is in front of the army. I heard that the lord has arrived. General Qin Let me come to meet him, he is in command in front of the army, so it is not easy to leave without permission."

"Wang Junke?"

Li Xian asked as he walked, "Why haven't I heard that there is such a number one person in Wagang Village before, and he can fight against Yuan Qing without losing the wind?"

Pei Renji said as he walked: "This man was originally from Wangjiazhuang, Boling County. Later, he gathered a crowd to rebel. At its peak, his army strength reached more than [-]. He was defeated by Luo Yi in Youzhou. Cao Dan led his army to leave in a rage because of being excluded, and when he heard that Li Mi was in Wagangzhai, he sent more than ten thousand troops to vote, and was sealed by Li as the vanguard lieutenant. This man rode a red and brown horse and was good at wielding a handle The Qinglong Yanyue Sword, with a face like a jujube and a long beard, Guan Yu has a good name in this world."

"So it's a character?"

Li Xian nodded and said, "Go, go and have a look at the front of the formation!"

He asked his own soldiers to bring the big black horse back, and instead of going to rest in the tent, he beat the horse and went straight to the front of the army. The big black horse hadn't fought for a long time, and at this moment, it seemed that it also smelled the smell of fighting on the battlefield, and suddenly became excited.It chirped twice, and jumped forward like a black shooting star. It didn't wait for Pei Renji and the others, and rushed towards the place where the drums were beating.Li Xian patted the head of the big black horse and said with a smile: "You have been idle since you came back from the grassland, and you want to go to the battlefield again?"

The big black horse seemed to understand Li Xian's words, and jumped a few times happily.

Pei Renji followed Li Xian with hundreds of cavalry, and when they arrived on the battlefield, Pei Xingyan and Wang Junke were still fighting inextricably.The battle drums of the two armies of Yanyun Village and Wagang Village were beating loudly. Qin Qiong rode on a yellow pussy horse and stood in front of the army, watching the two generals confront each other intently.

Pei Xingyan's bronze hammer was mighty, while Wang Junke's sword was sharp. The two of them had fought for no less than thirty rounds, and there was still no winner.On the opposite side of the battlefield, Wang Bodang, the vanguard general of Wagang Village, beat the drums himself, and the morale of the soldiers in Wagang Village was quite high.Originally, since Cheng Zhijie and Xu Shiji left Wagang Village, although Wang Bodang and Xie Yingdeng were also excellent in martial arts, they were still inferior in the end, and only Shan Xiongxin took the lead.But since Li Mi arrived at Wagangzhai, rebels on both sides of the Yellow River have come to vote. In addition to Wang Junke, there are also Liang Shitai from Liang County, and Ma Saifei, a female snitch from Jiyin County.They all voted for Wagangzhai in admiration of Li Mi's name. Because of this, Li Mi's prestige faintly surpassed that of Zhai Rang within a short period of time.

Li Xian rode the big black horse to the front of the army. Seeing Li Xian's arrival, Qin Qiong got off the horse to salute.

Li Xian waved his hand and asked, "How is the battle going?"

Qin Qiong said solemnly: "Li Mi personally went to the various counties to lobby. In just over a month, tens of thousands of people from the green forest roads voted for Wagang Village, and many of them were outstanding in martial arts. This king is difficult to deal with."


Li Xian frowned slightly and said, "The two armies are fighting, but only the generals?"

Qin Qiong was startled, and didn't understand what Li Xian meant for a while.



Li Xian rode the big black horse, watched the two fighting on the field for a while, and couldn't help but praise: "What a handsome bearded prince, Junke, that big sword is really good."

He looked over at Wagang Village, there were about ten thousand troops, the morale was high, and shouts kept coming and going.

Qin Qiong recounted today's battle situation again, and then asked with some concern: "Dou Jiande's state army is eyeing Hebei, the general has a countermeasure?"

Li Xian nodded and said: "I ordered the navy to seal off the river. The state army is short of warships, so there is no need to worry. With Xiongkuohai and Yuwen scholars guarding the south bank, even if the state army crosses the river, it may not be possible to get a bargain. .”

"Consort Yuwenshi and?"

Qin Qiong asked in surprise: "When did he arrive at our Yanyun Village?"

After a brief explanation, Li Xian said: "Some changes happened to Yuwen's family, and he had no choice but to vote for me."

Although Qin Qiong has never been an official in Qi County, his extensive experience must not be underestimated.After listening to Li Xian's words, he had already guessed a general idea in his heart.This is the way the aristocratic family speculates, and they will never hang themselves on a big tree.Although Yu Wenshu was old and seriously ill, he was never confused.He was loyal to the court and Yang Guang, but he would never let his three sons be buried with the Sui Dynasty.Yu Wenhuaji was originally rebellious, and Yu Wenshu was worried that one day the Yuwen family would be wiped out, so he always turned a blind eye to his second son, Yuwen Shiji, and did not force him to be loyal to the court.

Thinking of this, Qin Qiong no longer worried. Although the interest relationship is shallow, it is relatively solid. As long as Yanyunzhai survives, there is no need to worry about Yuwen Shiji's disagreement.

"Where is the military division?"

Qin Qiong asked again.

Li Xian smiled and said: "You are worried about what he will do, you should be worried about Wang Bo."

Qin Qiong smiled, then nodded.

Li Xiandao: "I asked Cheng Zhijie and Hou Junji to rush to Qi County to listen to the military commander's dispatch. There is no need to worry there. Although it seems that our Yanyun Village is now surrounded by enemies on three sides, with Wagang Village in the west, Zhishilang in the east, and Dou Jiande in the north. However, the root cause is that the biggest enemy is Wagangzhai, as long as Wagangzhai is defeated, Dou Jiande will retreat, Wang Bo is double-faced, as long as Wagangzhai is defeated, he will definitely run faster than a rabbit."

Qin Qiong nodded and asked, "Yuan Qing has fought for nearly fifty rounds, should we blow the horn to call him back to rest?"

Li Xian waved his hand and said, "The two of them are willing to fight, so let them fight. This is not a fight, it's clearly a contest. Tens of thousands of troops on both sides watched the two fight and play, this time delay? "


Li Xian's tone suddenly changed: "Qin Qiong, you lead two thousand light cavalry to attack the left flank of the Wagangzhai army, mainly to disturb the enemy, and restrain the soldiers and horses on the left flank from moving without authorization! Listen to my order to blow the horn and retreat immediately!"


Qin Qiong immediately clasped her fists and said, "Your subordinate obeys!"

Li Xian said again: "Pei Renji, you lead a thousand cavalry and kill them now. I'd like to see if the people in Wagang Village are still in the mood to see if there is a martial arts competition! After receiving Yuan Qing, they will charge forward, but they must not charge. Turn back when you get to the range of the ballista, if the people from Wagang Village come to chase, this battle will be easy."


Pei Renji responded, although he felt that the lord's order was a bit dishonorable, but he also knew that Yanyun Village was under attack from both sides, and the battle must be resolved quickly, the longer the delay, the worse it would be for Yanyun Village.He ordered a thousand cavalrymen, and rushed towards the two people who were still fighting in the field.

"Yanyun Village is shameless!"

Wang Bodang was beating the drums when he suddenly saw a group of cavalry from Yanyun Village coming to kill him. He immediately ordered: "Blow the horn, let Wang Junke come back, and the front army will line up to resist the enemy! Archers, stand up!" Go up. Push the ballista up, I want to see how dare the cavalry from Yanyun Village charge over!"

Following his order, the people in Wagang Village moved immediately.Thousands of archers quickly ran to the front of the spear formation, and more than a dozen ballistas slowly pushed to the front of the formation, waiting for the cavalry from Yanyunzhai to release their giant crossbows to kill people.

Li Xian rode a big black horse and stood in front of the army. Seeing that Yanyun Village had already changed his formation, he immediately ordered: "Archers, set the arrow on the string, and wait for my order!"

Pei Renji led a thousand cavalry to kill him. Wang Jun could have seen it a long time ago. He cursed, then hacked three times to force Pei Xingyan to retreat, and then turned back. Pei Xingyan didn't chase after him. Annoyed, he said: "I was fighting vigorously, why did my father bring troops to support? Bullying the few with the more, wouldn't this bring down the prestige of our Yanyun village?"

"This is the Lord's military order!"

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