Will Ming

Chapter 393 The First Battle

Chapter 390 Three First Battle ([-])

Dao Wang Junke fought Pei Xingyan for more than fifty rounds, but he himself knew that Pei Xingyan was young and energetic, and he was by no means Pei Xingyan's opponent in terms of physical strength. If he continued to fight, he would eventually lose.He was thinking of using some kind of strategy to get away without losing face, when suddenly he saw a large group of cavalry roaring towards Yanyun Village, Wang Junke cursed shamelessly, but was happy in his heart, he stabbed three times Forced Pei Xingyan back, and then pulled his horse away.

Pei Xingyan was about to chase, but when he saw his father coming with troops, he felt displeased. He couldn't help complaining a few words. When Pei Renji said that the general had rushed back from Jiangdu and ordered the attack, Pei Xingyan immediately regained his energy.

"The general is back, so there is nothing to worry about, just fight."

He roared excitedly and urged the horse to rush forward.Before Pei Renji could finish speaking, his son had already galloped out with two hammers.Pei Renji yelled twice from behind, but Pei Xingyan pretended that he didn't hear, and immediately killed him.Wang Bodang has ordered more than a thousand archers to line up in the army formation at Wagang Village, just waiting for the cavalry from Yanyun Village to attack.

Pei Xingyan urged the horse forward first, throwing the cavalry behind for a distance, and when he rushed to the front with a buzzing sound of feather arrows, Pei Xingyan remembered an important matter.He hastily reined in his horse and jumped to one side, swinging his double hammers to knock down the incoming arrows.

The archers in Wagang Village had already fired their bows and arrows, and Pei Xingyan realized that he was reckless.There are no soldiers around him, no one to shield him from the arrows!His double hammers were heavy, and he suffered a great loss by swinging the hammer to block the arrow.Hammer dances are far less flexible than straight knives, and rushing like this is like being shot at by people.

Fortunately, he came to his senses quickly, otherwise he wouldn't have been shot down from the horse in Wagang Village.

Pei Renji caught up from behind and ordered his own soldiers to bring Pei Xingyan back.More than a dozen cavalry hurriedly urged their horses forward, holding up their shields to block the incoming arrows for Pei Xingyan.Pei Xingyan steered his horse back and said ashamed in his heart.At this time, Wang Bodang in the Wagangzhai army looked carefully, and then he stretched out his hand to ask for his hard bow from his own soldiers, took out a mace arrow and put it on the bow, and stretched his arms to draw the bow like a knife. Full Moon, aiming slightly, then let go suddenly.

Wang Bodang has a famous nickname in Wagang Village, and is praised by everyone in Wagang Village as the invincible arrow, and his archery skills are second to none in Wagang Village.His hard arched feet have the strength of two and a half stones, and ordinary people can't pull them apart at all.

He opened the bow and fired the arrow, and the spiked arrow came like a shooting star.It happened that when Pei Xingyan turned around, he didn't see this feathered arrow at all.The feathered arrow flew straight, swift as lightning.With a bang, the feather arrow hit Pei Xingyan's back. Fortunately, Pei Xingyan's armor was strong enough and the arrow didn't pass through his chest.But even so, the arrow still pierced deeply into Pei Xingyan's back.Pei Xingyan yelled, turned over and fell off the horse.

Seeing that his son was shot by an arrow, Pei Renji became anxious immediately.Urging the horse to rush over, leaning over and grabbing Pei Xingyan's back armor, he lifted him up and put him on his horse. Then Pei Renji yelled to retreat, and more than a thousand cavalry from Yanyun Village turned around and ran back.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Bodang saw the opportunity coming, and immediately ordered to pursue it.

"Wang Junke!"

Wang Bodang ordered: "You take a thousand cavalry to help the left wing, and I will personally lead the troops to chase Pei Xingyan!"

Wang Junke said he obeyed, and immediately led the cavalry to rescue the left wing.At this time, the left wing of Wagang Village was already entangled by Qin Qiong with two thousand cavalry, and Wang Junke rushed to support Qin Qiong with one thousand cavalry. Wang Bodang personally led the rest of the troops to pursue Pei Renji and his son.

Li Xian looked at the battle ahead, his eyes narrowed slightly.

His original intention was to let Pei Renji and his son make a feint attack and lure the troops from Wagang Village to fight. Most of them are civilians who have never fought in battle. After a short training, it is okay to let them form a defensive formation, but it is naturally worse to let them charge in a battle formation.Li Xian's original intention was to attract the people from Wagangzhai to confront them head-on on the plain, but he didn't expect Pei Xingyan to be overly excited to kill him for a while, and rushed over without his own soldiers so that he was shot and wounded.

This slight change may cause the war situation to get out of control.

When Li Xian squinted his eyes, it meant that he was a little angry.

Pei Xingyan was useless.

Li Xian sighed slightly in his heart, this person is brave enough but not smart enough, he can only be a general, but not a handsome talent.

He turned around and ordered: "Archers, get ready, follow my orders and shoot arrows immediately! Cavalrymen, raise your spears!"



Wang Bodang urged his horse forward and shouted loudly: "Stick on, stick on, chase after the Yanyunzhai cavalry and enter the enemy's formation, don't let their archers have a chance to shoot arrows! Follow them and kill quickly! !"

Following his order, more than [-] cavalrymen closely pursued Pei Renji's cavalry.

"Fire arrows!"

After Wang Bodang shot an arrow first, he ordered loudly, and the cavalry of Wagang Village who chased after the Yanyun Village cavalry had an absolute advantage. Following Wang Bodang's order, a feather arrow shot out.Wang Bodang was superb at archery. He shot a cavalryman in Yanyunzhai in the back of the neck with one arrow. The foot was still hanging on the saddle, and the war horse ran forward after being frightened. The corpse hanging on it was dragged away, and it was ground to bloody flesh after a while.

Wang Bodang led the Vanguard Army of Wagangzhai to fight Qin Qiong for more than ten days, but he couldn't find a chance to win. Now, seeing the opportunity coming, how could he let it go?

He holds a bow in his left hand and draws an arrow in his right hand, not long after, four cavalrymen from Yanyun Village were shot down by him.After the cavalry fell off their horses, they were trampled by the Wagangzhai cavalry who were chasing after them. In just a moment, the corpses that fell on the ground were trampled into meat paste.

Pei Renji knew that he had made a mistake, so he retreated in such a haste, breaking the army and attacking the formation, if he was not careful, the whole army would be defeated!Because Pei Xingyan fell off his horse before, he was already in a state of confusion. Seeing that his son's life was not in danger, he calmed down a bit. While rushing forward, he ordered loudly: "Don't return to the main formation, go around to the left wing, go around to meet him!" General Qin!"

It's just that at this time, the soldiers had run away and the organization was scattered, and his military orders could not be conveyed at all.Seeing that he was about to rush back to the formation, Pei Renji bit the pressure, slapped his horse's butt a few times, rushed to the front of the team, and turned to the side suddenly. The broken soldiers running behind him Out of inertia, she followed him and turned to one side without hesitation.Eight or nine hundred routs went around in a circle, brushed against the front of the army formation of Yanyun Village, and rushed out to one side. At this time, Li Xian had already ordered the archers to prepare to shoot arrows.

Li Xian put down his raised hand, and ordered loudly: "The archers retreat! Cavalrymen, follow me!"

Thousands of archers immediately retreated to the front line, Li Xian suddenly lifted the reins of the big black horse, and the horse, which seemed to smell the breath of war, let out two chirps, spread its hooves and rushed forward.More than a hundred of Li Xian's personal soldiers followed closely behind him, and after that came the few cavalry in the Yanyun Village army.In this battle, Qin Qiong brought 1 horses to fight, [-] cavalry, and [-] infantry. Now Qin Qiong led [-] cavalry to attack the left wing of Wagang Village. Pei Renji's [-] cavalry retreated, and Li Xian had only a thousand cavalry. people.

"Blow the horn! Tell Qin Qiong to withdraw!"

After Li Xian gave the order, he pulled down the visor and drew out the black knife.

A cavalry brigade leader of Wagangzhai who rushed to the front saw a general in black armor coming towards him, so he stabbed at him without thinking. The two armies clashed at a relatively high speed, so fast.In just a moment of trance, the horse lance had already stabbed in front of Li Xian. If this lance could be stabbed, Li Xian's head would have been pierced.

Li Xian turned his head slightly to pass the lance, and the blade of the black knife rested on Ma's lance.The blade cut forward against the pole, and the brigade leader in Nawagang village was so frightened that his heart stopped.It was just too fast, so fast that he had no chance to dodge at all, and the brigade only had time to close his eyes, and the blade of the black knife had already cut into his hand along the lance.

The black knife easily wiped off one hand, and then found the brigade's throat. The blade cut the chain armor around his neck like tofu, and wiped out a string of sparks, and cut his throat at the same time. .With a soft chirp, the blade cut out from the back of his neck again.

Because the speed was too fast, after the horse rushed forward three or four steps, the brigade leader's head fell off his neck, and as the head fell to the ground, the blood fountain in the neck cavity sprayed out.His head had fallen to the ground, but his body was still sitting on the horseback and galloping forward. The headless and blood-spitting corpse rode forward a long distance, looking particularly eerie and weird.

The black knife unscrewed a head, and in the next second, he found the arm of the second Wagangzhai cavalryman holding the knife.A black light splashed out from the black knife, and an arm holding the knife was cut off by Qi Gen.Regardless of this person's life or death, Li Xian has already faced the third enemy who charged straight at him.He cut open the cavalryman's neck with one knife, and removed half of the other man's shoulder with another knife.Li Xian's black knife shot like lightning, wounding people with the knife.



More than a hundred personal soldiers followed closely behind Li Xian, and two personal soldiers protected Li Xian's wings, one on the left and one on the right.Li Xian didn't care about the attacks from both sides at all, he just had to rush forward.A horse spear pierced Li Xian's shoulder obliquely. His personal soldiers raised their shields to block the horse spear, and then removed the arm with a knife.Suddenly, he saw a straight knife looking at the general's shoulder, and the soldier quickly blocked the straight knife with his shield, and cut open the enemy's neck with a single knife.


The soldier smiled, thinking in his mind how many people he had killed.As the general's personal soldiers, they must face the greatest danger on the battlefield, but they are also the ones who have accumulated the fastest military exploits.As long as you don't die for a year or two, the worst thing you can do in the army below is a school lieutenant after accumulating military merits.As long as you become a captain, you can be assigned a

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