Will Ming

Chapter 394 The First Battle

Chapter 390 The First Battle ([-])

More than a thousand cavalry led by Li Xian and nearly three thousand cavalry led by Wang Bodang collided fiercely, just like two huge wild beasts collided head-on, and their heads were bloodied immediately. All the cavalry fell off their horses one after another, and their lives withered rapidly in the blood mist.

Li Xian's black knife is as agile and cold as if it were alive, and every time it is shot, an enemy soldier must fall.With his current status, if it weren't for the sudden change in the battle situation, he wouldn't be able to personally lead the army to charge.The cavalry of Wagang Village followed closely behind Pei Renji's rout. If they couldn't hold back, the infantry formation of Yanyun Village would be rushed away immediately.Even if the entire army is not defeated, I am afraid that today will suffer heavy losses.

Six or seven of the guards around him had already died in battle, and the guards behind him immediately replaced the ones who died in front.As it got deeper and deeper into the enemy's formation, the speed of the horse gradually slowed down.Li Xian kept searching through the visor, searching for the position of the enemy's chief general as he entered.Once the battle situation becomes a melee, killing the enemy's main general becomes the fastest shortcut to victory.

No matter who the enemy general is, Li Xian has nothing to worry about.Even if Shan Xiongxin led the troops, Li Xian didn't pay much attention to him.

He was looking for the chief general of Wagang Village, and at this time Wang Bodang was also looking for the chief general of Yanyun Village.

He knew that the leader of Yanyun Village was Qin Qiong, but the people holding the banner of Qin were fighting with his left-wing troops. Pei Xingyan was shot down by him, and Pei Renji led the army to retreat. He didn't know that it was Li Xian who was here. Take command of the battle yourself.If Li Xian came here in person, maybe Wang Bodang would not dare to kill him so directly.

Holding his own hard bow, he looked around for the position of the chief general of Yanyun Village under the guard of his own soldiers. Suddenly, a general riding a big black horse and wearing dazzling black armor appeared in his sight!

"It's Li Xian!"

Wang Bodang was so frightened that his heart trembled, his first reaction was that this was bad, since Li Xian led the army himself, there must be a large team from Yanyun Village behind him.Did he fall into Li Xian's trick to lure the enemy?He almost subconsciously ordered to retreat, but at this moment, Uncle Wang had a flash of inspiration.

No ambushes!

Wang Bodang looked at the leader of Yanyun Village who was wielding a black knife to kill people, and the panic in his heart was gradually replaced by excitement.

If there is really an ambush, there is no need for Li Xian to personally lead the army to kill!He was afraid that my cavalry would run into the infantry formation in Yanyun Village, so he had to lead his own troops to block my cavalry.Now there are only more than a thousand people around him, at this time... this is a rare opportunity to kill him!

Thinking of this, Wang Bodang's hands trembled slightly with excitement.

As long as Li Xian is killed, Yanyun Village will be in chaos.When the dragons have no leader, it is the time for Wagang Village to show off its prestige in one fell swoop.As long as Li Xian can be killed, it will be a great achievement for Wagang Village.In the future, no matter whether it is the elder brother Zhai Rang who takes over the world, or the military adviser Li Mi who ascends to the throne during the Ninth Five-Year Plan, his contribution is real, and he will definitely get a big enough future in exchange for it!

But when he thought of this, he suddenly felt agitated.

When military advisor Li Mi first came, he was humble and polite, and had a good relationship with the leaders of Wagang Village.But as more and more people came to vote in Wagang Village, the military division became a little different.That's right, those who came to Wagangzhai came for the name of Pu Shan Gong Li Mi, but if Zhai Rang, the head of the family, hadn't taken him in, Li Mi might have been killed by the army in Luoyang, the eastern capital. .Now that Li Mi is monopolizing power in the army, there is a faint tendency to replace Zhai Rang!

Now the village looks like a strong army, but in fact, the spearhead of internal fighting has emerged.

The newly recruited people, including Wang Junke under his command, and Ma Saifei, a female snitch from Jiyin County who led 6000 people to vote, only listened to Li Mi's orders. Wang Junke ignored it at all, and finally Li Mi came forward, and Wang Junke took the post of the vanguard lieutenant.

If I kill Li Xian, should I repay the merit to my eldest brother or to the military advisor?

Now the eldest brother Zhai Rang and the military adviser are each leading an army. If they report credit to the eldest brother, the credit for killing Li Xian, the leader of Yanyun Village, will eventually be credited to the eldest brother.But Uncle Wang was annoyed that he belonged to Li Mi's army, if he repaid his credit, would Li Mi take the credit for it?In Li Mi's army, he is the only old man in Wagang Village, and his situation is extremely delicate.

When he was hesitating, the black-armored general had already led the cavalry to fight a bloody path, and the Wagang village cavalry who blocked him all fell off their horses, and none of them could stop him from making a stab!

Can't hesitate any longer!

Wang Bodang took a deep breath, and thought what was wrong with him, what to do with so many thoughts, let's shoot Li Xian to death with an arrow first, is it possible that the military commander really dared to deny his own credit?

Thinking of this, he took out a mace arrow from the quiver and aimed it at the black-armored general.



Li Xian pierced through the Wagangzhai cavalry surrounding them, and when he rushed out of the siege, his black armor was already stained red with blood.Even the shiny black fur of the big black horse she sat on was covered with blood, turning into a horrifying color.It's just rushing back and forth among the Wagang Village army, killing dozens of people, Li Xian still hasn't found out where the leader of the Wagang Village is.

Wang Bodang

Li Xian recited the name in his mind, and said to himself that he was indeed a cunning person, who refused to show his face, and did not know where he was hiding and was watching.Thinking of this, Li Xian suddenly remembered something.In Wagangzhai, Wang Bodang claimed to be invincible with arrows, which shows his superb archery skills.

sneak attack?

Li Xian sneered coldly, reached out and pushed the visor up.The visor was covered with a layer of sticky blood, which was stained by Li Xian's hand.

He looked it over, but still didn't see Wang Bodang's banner.

"Kill through the enemy formation!"

Li Xian put down his visor again, and pointed forward with his black knife: "Follow me and fight from the cavalry in Wagang Village, let's go to the infantry in Wagang Village!"


The cavalry behind them responded loudly, and then shouted in unison: "Yanyun fine cavalry!"


The big black horse started up again, fierce like a black dragon writhing and fighting in the enemy's formation.Li Xian's black knife is too sharp and domineering, no one can stand in front of him.As he killed more and more people, those Wagang Village cavalrymen who had been rushing forward relying on their numbers were already frightened and kept retreating, no one wanted to provoke that killing god.

In the end, there was no need for Li Xian to charge and kill. No matter which direction the hundreds of cavalry he led rushed, the people and horses in Wagang Village avoided one after another, and they dared not confront him at all. Wherever the big black horse went, all the cavalry in Wagang Village Turn around and run away, as soon as they saw the bloody black armored general, they immediately scattered and fled to the distance.

Thousands of Wagangzhai cavalry, none of them dared to confront the black cavalry!

Thousands of troops and horses avoid black horses, domineering to the extreme!

But in this way, Li Xian's side seemed more and more empty.Wang Bodang, who was hiding in a team of cavalry, finally got the best opportunity. He saw Li Xian's purpose. After Li Xian broke through the siege, he rushed to the infantry formation in Wagangzhai, but Wang Bodang didn't care anymore. Now, Li Xian has been exposed to his sight, there is no need to worry about the safety of the infantry, because Li Xian is about to die!He looked at the black-armored general who was leading the horse and rushed forward, his eyes narrowed immediately, the hard bow in his hand had been drawn, and the arrow of the spiked arrow reflected a cold light in the sunlight.

Wang Bodang's eyes narrowed into a line, aiming straight ahead.

That majestic big black horse, that domineering general.

His hands were trembling slightly, he couldn't control the trembling, and he didn't know if it was because of excitement or because of inexplicable fear.He didn't know what he was afraid of. No matter how majestic the black-armored general was, he was just an ordinary person. He wasn't a god who fell from the sky, nor was he a demon from hell. If you let go, you can make a great contribution.

Wang Bodang took a deep breath and forced his hands to stop shaking.

He was sure that Li Xian hadn't seen him, that he would never have thought that he had targeted him.

At the moment when he was about to shoot the wolf-toothed arrow, he suddenly saw the black-armoured general rein in the big black horse and stop it. The local people stood up.



Li Xian reined in his horse and stopped suddenly. This was beyond Wang Bodang's expectation. His hand had already been released, and the wolf-toothed arrow had already shot out with a cold and faint brilliance.Because Li Xian was galloping on his horse, the feathered arrow he shot was aimed at the front of Li Xian. He carefully calculated in his heart, according to the speed of Li Xian's galloping horse, how much leeway should be left to shoot the arrow just right. pierced his neck.

He knew that Li Xian's black armor was too strong, he knew that Li Xian's war horse was too fast, and he knew that Li Xian's sword skills were too good, but he knew that no matter how strong the armor was, it could not block the neck, and the thin chain on the neck A, absolutely can't stop himself from this mortal arrow.His calculations were extremely accurate, as long as Li Xian gallops forward at the same speed as before, the Spike Arrow will never fail!

He calculated the flight trajectory of the feather arrow, the flight time, the speed of Li Xian's horse, and the ups and downs of Li Xian's body following the horse's running. He thought it was safe.

But what he didn't expect was that Li Xian stopped at this moment!

Li Xian is not a god, and will not predict danger.There was no movement in his heart, and he felt a killing intent.These are all nonsense and unreliable.

He was just careful enough, because he noticed that a group of cavalry from Wagangzhai a hundred paces away had stopped there unmoved from the beginning of the battle, and he also knew that Wang Bodang was best at not fighting on the battlefield, but

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