Will Ming

Chapter 395 The First Battle

(Thanks to Songliang for the monthly pass, please.)

Chapter 390 Five First Battle ([-])

The big black horse standing upright by that man was too majestic, exuding a sense of violent beauty from top to bottom. Its mane was longer and thicker than ordinary war horses and danced in the wind, full of the beauty of masculine strength.Time seemed to freeze at this moment. The big black horse, and the black-armored general with his bow and arms on his back, looked like a majestic sculpture.

The big black horse let out a proud cry, and shook its head a few times triumphantly.

After Li Xian fired his arrow, he didn't continue to shoot. His eyes were fixed on the cavalry team of about 200 people a hundred steps away.The cavalryman in the front spurted blood from his neck, his body shook a few times and fell slowly, and fell to the ground with a plop. The horse jumped aside in fright.Then, Wang Bodang with an armor-piercing cone pierced into his helmet appeared in Li Xian's sight.

If Uncle Wang had been a little slower in dodging, the arrow would have pierced his head.Feather Arrow cut a wound in the middle of his head, his scalp was cut open, and blood flowed profusely.Four or five streams of blood flowed out from the leather helmet, slid down his face, and the blood dripped onto the armor on his chest.

Wang Bodang's face was ugly and his expression was stiff.

He slowly raised his hand and wiped it on his forehead, blood stained his hand.Looking at the bright red blood, the dullness in Wang Bodang's eyes slowly dissipated, replaced by a deep unwillingness and an unconcealable fear.He couldn't figure it out, obviously he aimed at Li Xian, why was he the one who was injured?It looked like he was almost there, just a little bit away.

He raised his hand slowly, and slowly pulled out the armor-piercing cone stuck in the helmet.As the feathered arrow was pulled out, a stream of blood gushed out from the hole in the leather helmet.


Uncle Wang let out a loud cry, and then put the armor-piercing awl that nearly killed him on his hard bow of two and a half stones. His whole face was covered with blood, and he looked extremely horrifying.He let out an unwilling and angry roar, which was also a roar that suppressed the fear in his heart, and suddenly pulled the hard bow away with both arms, and with a whoosh, the armor-piercing awl pierced through the air and went straight to Li Xian.

After Li Xian shot the first arrow, he had already pulled out the second armor-piercing awl from the quiver. He was not in a hurry to draw the bow and set the arrow. When the armor-piercing awl that Wang Bodang shot was approaching him, he Raising his hand violently, he pushed the armor-piercing cone away with the arrow shaft in his hand, and then put the feather arrow in his hand on the iron tire bow, pulled his right arm back suddenly, and stretched his left arm forward. The fetal bow was pulled down, and as his right hand was released, the armor-piercing cone flew out like lightning.

"You all get out of the way!"

Uncle Wang roared hoarsely, and urged the horse to take a step forward to avoid the feathered arrow.He took out two spiked arrows from the quiver and put them on the bow, and shot the two spiked arrows while urging the horse forward.

Li Xian sneered and urged the big black horse forward.He also drew out two armor-piercing cones, and sent the Feathered Arrow without aiming.The two arrows flew forward in parallel, heading straight for Wang Bodang.Wang Bodang quickly leaned over and let the two feathered arrows go, and then drew the bow again to fight back.

Both of them threw off the guards and rode forward, shooting arrow after arrow at each other.

I saw that the movements of their two hands were as fast and precise as a machine. They took the arrow, opened the bow, shot the arrow, took the arrow again, and opened the bow to shoot the arrow.While shooting arrows, they also have to use their legs to control the horses to dodge.The distance between the two also became closer and closer, from about a hundred steps at the beginning to about fifty steps.Feather arrows drew black trails between the two people, which was incredibly fast.

One arrow followed another, and soon the two shot at least twenty arrows at each other.

Both of them are excellent at archery, and they are equally flexible in avoiding feather arrows.From the time when Wang Bodang started shooting arrows to the present, in just 5 minutes, both of them almost emptied the feather arrows in the quiver.Thirty feathered arrows would be enough to fill a quiver, and they had already shot more than twenty arrows at each other.It seems that no one can do anything to anyone, but they all know that as long as they are not careful, they will be shot down by the other party immediately.

As the distance between the two sides shortened, it became more and more difficult to dodge the arrows.

Li Xian's eyes became brighter the more he shot, and he couldn't help laughing at the end.Ever since he became successful in archery, until today he has not met anyone who can match him.This Wang Bo's martial arts skills are average, but his archery skills are really worthy of the four-character comment.The movements of his hands are extremely fast, almost on par with Li Xian.When the distance between them was less than 27 steps, Wang Bodang shot 25 arrows and Li Xian shot [-] arrows.

The reason why he shot two fewer arrows than Wang Bodang was because Li Xian became more and more interested in Wang Bodang later on, so he simply stopped shooting feather arrows, wanting to see how many times Wang Bodang could draw his bow. How many shots can you hit.

He never thought at first that someone could escape his 25 arrows.Although if the feather arrows shoot at each other like this, it is not difficult to avoid it.But if you are not good at archery, you will definitely not pay so much attention to dodging arrows.Dodging arrows is actually not too difficult, after all, feather arrows are not bullets, there are traces to follow, and the distance between the two sides is a hundred steps at first, no matter how fast the feather arrows are at this distance, the flying time is enough for both sides to dodge.

It's just that at the distance of thirty steps, it is really difficult to avoid it.

Seeing that Li Xian stopped firing arrows, Uncle Wang yelled frantically: "You look down on me?!"

Li Xian laughed loudly, turned his horse and walked back: "Come again!"

Wang Bodang also pulled his horse back and ran back. After running a dozen steps, he turned his head and shot an arrow. This was the last spike arrow in his quiver.After shooting, he didn't stop, but continued to urge the horse to run back, but he kept looking back at the feathered arrow, but he didn't see the scene where the sneak attack succeeded.The moment he turned around, as if he felt it, Li Xian also turned around and drew his bow, and shot out with an arrow.

With a bang, Wang Bodang's arrow was shot down by Li Xian, and the two feathered arrows collided in mid-air with a crisp sound, sparking a string of sparks.

Wang Bodang was startled, subconsciously touched the quiver again, and then woke up. He quickly lowered his body, trying to leave quickly.It's just that he didn't expect that Li Xian still had reservations about his shots before, but now he shot the arrow so quickly!

One arrow shot Wang Bodang's feathered arrow into the air, and while the two colliding feathered arrows were still swirling in mid-air, Li Xian's second arrow had already been shot, and the two arrows were separated by only a blink of an eye. Wang Bodang just lowered his body, and the armor-piercing cone arrived.It's just that this arrow didn't shoot a person, but pierced a hind leg of Wang Bodang's war horse.The horse neighed, and when its hind legs hit the ground, it couldn't force it and fell down. Uncle Wang was thrown far away and rolled over several times.



Li Xian registered the iron tire bow, pulled the horse and turned back to catch Wang Bodang.Wang Bodang's more than two hundred cavalry immediately rushed over to save him, and the hundreds of cavalry behind Li Xian also rushed over.When the two sides fought, Wang Bodang's personal soldier, the lieutenant, gritted his teeth and ordered most of the cavalry to stay behind to stop him. He himself brought three or four people to lift Wang Bodang on his horse and turned around and ran away.

Li Xian killed six or seven people in a row, and was about to chase after them, but saw dust and smoke flying in the distance, but Li Mi sent the female snitch Ma Saifei and two thousand cavalry to support, Qin Qiong killed Wang Bodang's left wing troops, After reuniting with Pei Renji, she also killed and stopped Ma Saifei's cavalry. This woman did not dare to fight to the death knowing Qin Qiong's name. After saving Wang Bodang, she led the troops and retreated.

This Ma Saifei is a woman in her twenties, and she is also somewhat pretty.It's just that he is dissolute and vicious, and is notorious in Jiyin County.Wherever she led the troops, she really didn't leave a blade of grass, and she was a bit more vicious than Zhishilang Wang Bolai.She led an army to break through the county seat, and all the middle-aged men were arrested and forced to join her team, and all the others were killed, no matter if they were old people or children, even babies who were not yet born.

Moreover, this girl is extremely dissolute, and after three or five days of playing with the man she fancy, she becomes bored, and then her tendons are skinned, her body is chopped up and fed to the dogs.

Ma Saifei knew that he was definitely not Qin Qiong's opponent, so he simply fired arrows for a while, and then retreated after rescuing Uncle Wang. Not long after, Li Mi led an army of tens of thousands to come, and Li Xian had to order to retreat to the camp for the time being.

The outcome of this battle was indistinguishable, because Pei Xingyan fell from his horse with an arrow, and Pei Renji retreated with his troops and almost collided with the main formation. Stop it, maybe there will be a defeat today.Although Wang Bodang lost a lot of men and horses, and he was seriously injured, the whole army was not wiped out. If Marseilles could not fly, Li Xian would take advantage of the victory to pursue the victory, and Wang Bodang's vanguard army of 1 might turn defeat into victory. Many people were wiped out, but Li Mi's army came very quickly and failed to swallow the opponent's troops. From Li Xian's point of view, they were invincible.

Undefeated and invincible, this battle was a bit of a waste.

After the troops of Yanyun Village gathered together, they formed an formation and retreated slowly. Li Mi didn't dare to attack rashly when he arrived here.

When Li Xian returned to the big tent, Pei Xingyan had already woken up.Relying on his strong body and strong armor, although the arrow pierced deep, it did not hurt the internal organs. This kind of red wound is nothing to a soldier.However, the fall from the horse was severe, the nose was broken, and half of the face was swollen.

He, Pei Renji, and Qin Qiong entered the big tent together. Knowing that he had made a mistake, he stood there awkwardly with his head bowed, not daring to speak.

Li Xian stood in the big tent, and the soldiers helped him take off the black armor. At this time, there was still blood flowing down the iron armor, and even Li Xian's clothes were soaked in blood.

"Pei Xingyan"

After Li Xian took off the armor, he went to the chair and sat down and called out. Pei Xingyan immediately went out and clasped his fists and said, "This subordinate is here!"

"Do you know what mistake you made?"

Li Xian asked in a flat tone.

which is

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