Will Ming

Chapter 396

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Chapter 390 Six Tastes Enough

Li Xian walked out of the big tent quickly, and as he walked all the way, the blood on his robe dripped down, leaving a string of marks on the ground.He looked at the woman in red who was pinching her waist and glaring at the guards outside the door, and the corners of her mouth could not help but rise slightly.It has been several years since Juye Zeyi left, Hongfu and Zhang Wancheng are still so beautiful and charming, but for some reason, Li Xian suddenly felt that his aunt was a little older, and there was a kind of sad vicissitudes .

Her appearance has not changed much, and she is still the kind of woman who makes people's hearts flutter when they first meet.But Li Xian clearly felt that Zhang Wancheng was tired.


Li Xian opened his mouth, paused for a moment and finally called out.

Hearing the word aunt, Zhang Wancheng turned around and looked towards Li Xian. She almost subconsciously screamed, and then rushed to Li Xian's side and asked in surprise, "You...are you injured? ? Little bastard, tell me, who hurt you!"

Li Xian smiled embarrassingly, and looked down at Zhang Wancheng's hand that was holding his own.The temperature on her hands was very cold, as if the blood was no longer warm.

"As long as my aunt doesn't make a move, who can hurt me?"

Li Xian sniffled proudly and said, "Looking at the world today, regardless of the banks of the Yellow River or the north and south of the Yangtze River, besides Hongfu and Zhang Wancheng, who else can make me shudder when I hear the name? I just came from the battlefield. After the fight, I don't know that the blood belongs to dozens of people, but none of it belongs to me."

"Little bastard, you scared me to death."

Zhang Wancheng glared at Li Xian, and his face gradually recovered some color.When she suddenly saw Li Xian's blood all over her body just now, she was really shocked.Even though Li Xian is now a powerful man, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers under his command, he sits in charge of the three counties and supports millions of people.But in her eyes, Li Xian was still the guy she called a little bastard since she was a child, her nephew who was so hateful that it made the teeth itch, but also so cute that he couldn't help but want to rub his black hair.

So, in her eyes, how can Li Xian have the majesty and solemnity of a general?

After confirming that Li Xian was not injured, Zhang Wancheng chuckled, making Li Xian get goosebumps all over his body. He turned around and wanted to run, but Zhang Wancheng grabbed Li Xian's neck with his left arm, and raised his right hand to catch Li Xian. Li Xian's head was rubbed vigorously, and her long hair was suddenly turned into a chicken coop by her rubbing.

Zhang Wancheng smiled while rubbing her hair: "Little bastard, do you miss my aunt? If you dare to say that you don't, believe it or not, I'll take off your pants and hang you up to beat you right now?"


Li Xian was almost suffocated by being caught, and no matter what the majesty of the general was in front of the soldiers at the door, he almost did not hesitate or feel embarrassed, and said very sincerely: "I just don't want me. That cheap old man, if he doesn’t miss my villainous master, how could he not miss my aunt who is so beautiful? My aunt is the most gentle and virtuous woman in the world. I can’t sleep if I miss my aunt ten or twenty times a day. I feel that I can't eat without saying my aunt's name silently, and I will never forget the great kindness that my aunt has shown me..."

At this moment, Li Xian was leaning over like Wang Qinian.


Zhang Wancheng stared and said: "Why do I hear your last sentence with endless resentment, say, are you flattering me in your mouth and scolding me in your heart?"

As she asked, the movements of her hands became a little heavier, only rubbing Li Xian's scalp numb, making her want to die...

"Huang Tian, ​​the blue sky is the witness. The sky has eyes, and every word I say is true. It's just, aunt, you also know that I'm a clumsy person, and what I say is harder than what I think in my heart." One. I miss my aunt in my heart, how can I express it thoroughly in a few words?"


Zhang Wancheng asked fiercely.

Li Xian clearly saw that the witch's hand had already reached out to his belt.Others might not believe it, but Li Xian couldn't believe it any more. Zhang Wancheng really dared to take off his pants in public and give him a dazzling and exciting ass spanking.


With Zhang Wancheng clamping his head, Li Xian bent over in an extremely embarrassing appearance.He is tall and slender, Zhang Wancheng has only reached his shoulders, one can imagine how embarrassed he is at this moment.He pointed to the sky with one finger, and said word by word: "If there are false words..."

Before the next words could be said, Zhang Wancheng let go of him and said seriously: "Okay, even a thunderbolt from the sky won't break your face."

Li Xian smiled, then coughed and said seriously to the soldiers at the door: "Did you see anything?"

Several soldiers immediately waved their hands and said: "This subordinate has neglected his duty. This subordinate fell asleep just now. Please punish me, General."

Li Xian nodded in satisfaction, and then smiled obsequiously: "Auntie is tired, why don't you go in and have a rest?"



After entering the big tent, Zhang Wancheng sat down on the chair, looked Li Xian up and down again, and said displeasedly: "I'm not talking about you, what is your status now? There are [-] soldiers under your command, and you are in charge of three counties." With millions of people, can't you pick out a few who can fight? You have to fight yourself?"

What she said was a bit serious. Although the dozen or so generals standing in the tent, including Qin Qiong and Pei Renji, didn't know who this woman was, all she said were reddened.So the generals immediately clasped their fists together and said, "This subordinate has neglected his duty, please punish him!"

Li Xian waved his hand, smiled and said, "Today's battle situation has changed suddenly, so you don't have to blame yourself."

He hesitated for a moment and introduced: "This...is my aunt, my adoptive father's sworn sister. That...you all go back and rest first."

Qin Qiong and the others responded, saluted Zhang Wancheng one after another, then turned around and walked out of the big tent.

Zhang Wancheng smiled and said: "You guy, your aunt knows the importance and superficiality, so she won't talk nonsense in front of them, but as your elder, seeing you fighting in person, naturally you can't keep silent. I replied Juye Ze heard from my elder brother later that you have a good command, but you are a little bit benevolent. You will be rewarded for your merits, and you will be punished for your mistakes. Blind kindness will only make your subordinates more arrogant and less respectful. No matter what the reason is today , they must be dereliction of duty, since they are dereliction of duty, naturally they cannot be tolerated."

"Thank you, aunt, for your guidance. I understand."

Li Xian nodded.

Zhang Wancheng hummed, then smiled and said: "This is all your military affairs, I don't say much, I came today to see if there is anything that can help you, there are two elder brothers and lawyers in charge Juye Ze, it’s useless to have one more me over there, so I rushed to you.”

"I heard that Wagangzhai tried its best this time, and 10,000+ people came?"

Zhang Wancheng asked.

Li Xian nodded and said, "At least 15, and no more than [-]."

Zhang Wancheng asked again: "I also heard that Dou Jiande of Hebei sent his general Wang Fubao, with Su Dingfang and Cheng Mingzhen as deputy generals, to lead [-] troops southward, planning to attack Dongping County?"


"I also heard that Wang Bo, the Zhishilang of Jibei County, forced people into the army and sent 10,000+ troops to the east to attack Qi County and Lu County?"


Zhang Wancheng sighed, and then asked seriously: "Little bastard, how did you offend so many people at once?"

Li Xian couldn't help laughing, and then explained: "I have no grievances with Dou Jiande of Hebei. It was Li Mi, the military commander of Wagang Village, who asked him to send troops. Maybe this person thought it would be profitable, so he sent troops south. There are also two tigers staring at him, one named Luo Yi, the other named Xue Shixiong, so the enemies along the way are the least to worry about, as long as I fight Wagangzhai undefeated, they will not cross the river easily, Dou Jiande is now under his command There are no fewer than 20 troops, although the [-] troops led by Wang Fubao to the south are not elite soldiers under Dou Jiande's command, they are just waiting and watching, and they are worried about the two big tigers in the north."

"As for Wang Bo, Zhishilang of Jibei County, in my opinion, not to mention taking 10,000+ people into the army by force, even giving him 10,000+ elite soldiers, this person is nothing to worry about. That person is a two-sided wall grass, indecisive , capricious, with Xu Shiji in Qi County, he won't get a chance to get out. After I settle the matter in Wagangzhai first, I will go back and punish him, and take him back to his old nest in Jibei County."

Zhang Wancheng couldn't help but applauded and praised: "Okay, very good, Auntie is really happy to see that you have this awe-inspiring spirit of fighting three against one."

Hearing Zhang Wancheng's praise for the first time, Li Xian couldn't help feeling complacent. He rubbed his nose and said triumphantly, "What is this? I just beat up the emperor a while ago."

Just as he was talking, he suddenly heard the sound of a horn outside.Someone shouted outside the tent: "Report, my lord, Li Mi, the military commander of Wagang Village, sent people to call for battle outside the camp."



Li Xian changed his clothes, put on his armor again and left the gate of the camp. Zhang Wancheng insisted on following him, and Li Xian sent twenty soldiers to follow her closely.Without his general's order, the soldiers and horses of Yanyun Village did not leave the camp, and the archers had already drawn their bows and set their arrows. When the people of Wagang Village approached, they shot a rain of arrows.

Li Xian ordered 3000 troops to fight, Qin Qiong followed, and Pei Renji sat in the camp.

The men and horses in Yanyunzhai lined up, and Li Xian urged the horses to the front.

I saw all the cavalry in the Wagang Village opposite, and the formation was fairly neat.It seems that there are three to 4000 people, people screaming, and the cavalry looks quite sturdy. Most of the cavalry did not wear armor, some of them opened their clothes, and some were directly shirtless, revealing their chests. A clump of chest hair.In the middle of the team of cavalry, under a large flag, a group of tough men surrounded a general.

There is a horse character written on the big flag, but there is also a bright flower painted next to the horse character.

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