Will Ming

Chapter 397 Wagang Village Is His

Chapter 390 VII Wagang Village Is His

Ma Saifei raised his foot and kicked the subordinate next to him: "Go, in the past, he politely and respectfully invited the head of Yanyun Village to come and talk to me. If I shoot you, I will cut your eggs first."

"My mother..."

Seeing the blood gushing from the neck of the corpse lying on the ground, the soldier swallowed and begged, "That Master Li is also a murderer without blinking an eye, my mother, I beg you, please don't let me die!" Can you let me go... I will die if I go, if you stay, I can still make your bed, wash your clothes and warm your quilt. Can you change someone, can you change someone?"

Ma Saifei scolded: "I'm your mother? Fuck your mother, my mother, I'm Jiao Didi, a girl's family, when did I give birth to such a big son like you. Fuck off, I don't want to say it again, believe it or not Should I have someone castrate you now?"

"Believe in letter!"

The soldier responded with a wry smile, bit the bullet and urged the horse forward. He shouted loudly as he ran: "Don't shoot arrows, don't shoot arrows, our parachutist asked Master Li to go over and talk. I am an envoy, and the two armies are at war." Don’t behead it!”

Li Xian smiled, put down the hard bow in his hand, turned around and asked Zhang Wancheng, "Auntie, how did the arrow go just now?"

Zhang Wancheng curled her lips and said, "It's not grand enough."

Li Xian asked in surprise, "Why isn't it grand enough?"

Zhang Wancheng said solemnly: "Why didn't you just shoot the enemy's general? That's enough grandeur. Could it be that you knew that Wagangzhai sent a woman, and you couldn't bear to shoot him to death?"

Li Xian rowed his forehead and said angrily: "Why do women make things difficult for women?"

Zhang Wancheng rolled his eyes at him and said, "You are a man!"

Li Xian smiled and said: "I just want to see what the hell Li Mi is doing. As soon as the troops in Wagang Village retreated, they immediately sent people to call for battle. If I shot the woman to death, I would rush to kill all the people under her command." If you want to fight, you can't just focus on the little things in front of you. You can't fight in vain, and try to maximize the victory. My aunt doesn't know me yet. , when you can take advantage of it, you will never give in politely."

Zhang Wancheng smiled and said, "Are you going to meet that woman?"

"I am the boss!"

Li Xian said seriously: "When Li Mi came, I didn't even have the honor to see him, it's just a woman, how could I go to see her?"

"Then what are you going to do?"

Zhang Wancheng asked curiously.

"Didn't my aunt want to help me? It is said that that woman has some skills. Why don't my aunt go and harm her?"

Zhang Wancheng glared at him. Li Xian was just joking, but who would have thought that Zhang Wancheng would actually nod her head and say, "Alright, I want to see, my aunt, I haven't been walking around the rivers and lakes in the past two years, why did I come out in a horse race?" fly?"

After speaking, she patted the horse and rushed forward.Li Xian was startled, and then ordered his soldiers to catch up and protect him.More than two hundred cavalry from Yanyun Village moved forward, closely following Zhang Wancheng.The distance between the two sides was only about 120 steps, and Zhang Wancheng arrived in front of the people in Wagang Village in a short while.She rode back and forth a few steps, looking at the female snitch who was wearing a leather armor and a big red cape.

"Are you Marseille?"

Zhang Wancheng asked.

Seeing that it was not Li Xian who came, but a beautiful woman, Ma Saifei immediately became angry, and said with a cold snort, "Where did you come from, Xiao Lang Hoof, your man didn't control you?"

Instead of being angry, Zhang Wancheng smiled and said, "I don't need to care if I have a man watching over me. I think you are very majestic. So many men watching over you, don't you? Thousands of people, you It’s really quite capable, bringing so many men out to find men.”

Ma Saifei's face turned cold, and he suddenly thought of one thing: "You are the woman who is the head of the Li family? He is a big man who dare not come out to see me, but let his own woman come out, don't you feel ashamed? Or are you not confident, afraid that I will take your man? snatched it?"

"Have you taken a fancy to Li Xian?"

Zhang Wancheng asked with a smile.

"I see it, what can you do?"

Marseille replied with a smile.

Zhang Wancheng smiled and said: "Okay, I will help you."

Ma Saifei was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "You are generous enough."

Zhang Wancheng smiled and said: "Naturally generous, the more women I marry my son, the happier I am. Even if it's a broken shoe that I throw away after wearing it once, that's my ability to be a son. Come on, call me mom."

Ma Saifei's expression changed, but he didn't know if Li Xian would frantically pull his hair out if he heard the word godson.



"court death!"

Ma Saifei's face turned cold, and he stretched out his hand to pull out the steel knife at his waist: "Don't think you are a woman, I can't bear to kill you. You have offended me, believe it or not..."

"Trust your ass."

Zhang Wancheng interrupted Ma Saifei's words and said with a sneer: "Don't scare people with a knife, do you know how to use that thing? Don't waste time, tell me, what did Li Mi send you here for?"

"I kill you!"

When did Ma Saifei, who was used to domineering in Jiyin County, suffer such injustice? Li Mi's confession had long been forgotten by her at this time. She lifted the horse forward and slashed at Zhang Wancheng's shoulder.The soldiers sent by Li Xian saw the opponent's attack, and raised their crossbows one after another.More than two hundred continuous crossbows flew towards Ma Sai, and she stopped immediately.With such a face-to-face distance, she knew how powerful the Liannu was.I'm afraid that if she takes another step forward, she will be shot by the hedgehog immediately.

"Kill it"

Zhang Wancheng sneered twice and said: "If you have something to say, hurry up, if you have something to say, go home and let it go."

Ma Saifei gritted his teeth, glanced at the fine armored cavalrymen holding the crossbow, and told himself to hold back, and sooner or later the woman would be torn to pieces.

"My military adviser asked me to tell the head of Yanyunzhai Li, who has long heard that General Li in Yanyunzhai is like a god. Our military adviser also highly respects General Li. The military adviser said that he wants to fight a gentleman's battle with General Li. The so-called The battle of gentlemen is a fair and aboveboard competition. The two sides agree on a charter and draw a road. For example, my military division will set up the formation, and your general Li will break the formation. It is also possible to change it. Your general Li will set up the formation and our military division will break the formation. .”

"The two sides designate a place and bring the same number of troops. Cavalry is good for cavalry, and infantry is good for infantry. In short, it is a fair fight. Of course, my military division will naturally not take advantage of your Yanyun village. How to fight , where to fight, you General Li can ask, and our military advisers will all agree. When the time comes, the two sides will engage in a gentleman's battle, and the outcome will depend on their own true abilities. How about it, General Li, dare you?"

Zhang Wancheng didn't expect Li Mi to come up with such a solution, she was slightly startled and then smiled.

"I don't know if General Li of our Yanyun Village dares or not, but I know that if he heard what you said, he would definitely say something..."

She looked at Ma Saifei and said solemnly: "Li Mi is an idiot?"

Ma Saifei turned pale with anger, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll just wait here, you go back and ask the head of your Yanyun Village if you have the courage to fight my military advisor Junzi, if not, my military advisor said I won’t make fun of General Li either. After all, General Li was born recklessly, he has never read military books, never practiced military formations, and he doesn’t know strategy or art of war, so it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

Zhang Wancheng didn't care about the levelless sarcasm, she smiled and said, "Li Mi really wants to have a fair fight with our General Li?"


Ma Saifei raised his chin and said: "My military adviser is the number one figure in the world, don't you think it's okay to talk?"


Zhang Wancheng steered the horse and walked back, Ma Saifei put his hand on the buckskin pouch beside his waist, really wanted to draw out the throwing knife and stab the woman in red, but she calmed down at this moment, she knew that if she ruined Li Mi's important matter, she would be afraid In the future, don't think about catching this koi that has not crossed Longmen.She is a woman after all, and she has to choose a destination for herself.Li Mi is the world-renowned Pu Shangong, the one who fulfilled the poem "Peach and Plum", even if he can only be a concubine in the future, he will have no worries about food and clothing.

She slowly left the dart bag with her hand, and sneered at the corner of her mouth.

Li Xian, do you dare to fight?



Three miles behind the Masai flying army formation, there is an army of 6 led by Li Mi himself.This time, he and Zhai Rang split up and each led half of the troops.Zhai Rang led [-] horses, with Xie Yingdeng as the vanguard and Liang Shitai as the vanguard and deputy general.Shan Xiongxin, as the deputy marshal, led the Ma Jun to take care of the troops from all walks of life.On Li Mi's side, there are cronies Zhang Liang, Ma Saifei, Wang Junke, and Wang Bodang.

Among the tens of thousands of troops, the team with the most orderly formation and the most dignified military appearance in the middle position is the [-] Pushan Public Camp selected by Li Mi. But in the name of training the team, he sent more than half of the remaining gray army troops trained by Xu Shiji for Zhai Rang.

Under the flag of Li Zi, there is a huge tent that needs [-] horses to pull. This is a huge tent that Li Xian asked craftsmen to build after he arrived in Wagangzhai. It is spacious enough and has everything for daily living.

On a large chair, a whole piece of white tiger skin was covered. Li Mi leaned in the chair, shaking a jade cup in his hand. Jun Ke obtained it after plundering a caravan from the north. He intended to dedicate it to Dou Jiande, but he suffered a lot from Dou Jiande.After arriving at Wagangzhai, Li Mi regarded him highly, so he gave everything including the fine Persian wine.

"This wine, when I was in Dongdu, there was a banquet hosted by Yang Guang once.

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