Will Ming

Chapter 398 Kill!

(Thanks to Wudao 521 for the monthly pass, and thanks to Qing Kuang for the reward, please!)

Chapter 390 Eighth Kill!

Li Xian heard Zhang Wancheng say Ma Saifei's words again, he sat on the big black horse and pondered for a while, then smiled and said: "Auntie's words are very good, come out of your mouth, don't think about it." Charm, I guess if Li Mi heard it, he would be so angry that his lifespan would be cut in half."

"You don't want to think about what Li Mi is plotting, and you are still in the mood to joke?"

Zhang Wancheng gave him a blank look and said.

Li Xian looked at Ma Saifei's people who were still waiting in place, he smiled and asked Zhang Wancheng: "Auntie, what does Li Mi want to do?"

Zhang Wancheng thought for a while and said, "I can't think of anything else except him being an idiot."

Li Xian asked Qin Qiong again: "Brother Qin, what do you think?"

Qin Qiong also didn't understand how Li Mi would come up with such a way, it really seemed a bit of a joke.When the two armies are at war, there is no dispute between gentlemen.No matter what the process is, no matter what strategy is used, whether it is a conspiracy or a conspiracy, even if the fight is despicable and shameless, as long as it can win, it is the best strategy.What kind of dispute between gentlemen is agreed in this way, it is not like a confrontation between two armies, but rather a discussion between two people.

"I always feel that there is something wrong. Li Mi is definitely not an idiot. There must be a man who is worthy of a great name. This man was famous all over the world when he was young. How could he be so arrogant on the battlefield? He must have a plan, but his subordinates I couldn't think of what it was for a while. It stands to reason that Wagang Village has 10,000+ troops coming from afar, so we should try to make a quick decision. Doing so is purely a waste of time. What good will it do for Wagang Village?"

"wasting time."

Li Xian smiled and said: "This sentence is the correct answer, Li Mi wants to delay."

He glanced at the cavalry in the Wagang village on the opposite side, and then at the dust and smoke far away.

"Speaking of it, it is actually not difficult to know what he is planning. He delays time to buy time for others. The reason is extremely simple. But we don't know now, who is he delaying for? He is currently on the north bank of the Yellow River Chen Bing's Wang Fubao? Or Jibei County Zhishilang Wang Bo? Or, there is another team in Wagang Village with other plans?"

Zhang Wancheng rubbed the corners of her brows that were a little sore and said: "This military matter is really a headache. I still think the duel between the rivers and lakes is more enjoyable. If two people have feuds, they just fight. Those who have the ability to revenge, those who have no ability The situation on the battlefield is ever-changing, and there are too many things to consider for the commander-in-chief, such as astronomy, geography, human behavior, and even the thoughts of the opponent's commander-in-chief, which is not suitable for me, and it is too trivial and troublesome."

Li Xian nodded and said: "If I were alone, without Yanyun Village, without 10 people to follow, without millions of people to support, I would have killed Yang Guang in Jiangdu that day. But think again, if I didn't One hundred thousand soldiers, without Yanyun Village, how can I get close to Yang Guang easily?"

"Since I have taken on this burden, I naturally have to think more about it."

Li Xian smiled and said: "However, people's hearts are the most unpredictable. It is said that the celestial phenomena are unpredictable and unpredictable, but compared to people's hearts, it is far behind. It is difficult to think what the other party thinks. The biggest advantage of Li Mi It will leave a way for himself, so all the people he assisted in the past few years have died, but he is still living freely and happily. It is even more difficult to think about what he is thinking."

"There are no shortcuts on the battlefield. The so-called shortcuts actually appear only after a lot of preparation. If there is no preparation, even the wide road will become rough and difficult. So we still have to do things in a down-to-earth manner and be serious. Thinking is the only way, even if you want to take a shortcut, you must be prepared to take a shortcut."

"What are you trying to tell me by saying this?"

Zhang Wancheng asked a little puzzled: "Why do you talk more and more confused?"

Before Li Xian could answer, Zhang Wancheng asked again: "Just tell me, have you already guessed what Li Mi is planning?"


Li Xian said seriously.

Zhang Wancheng said angrily: "Then did you think of a shortcut to win? Or, a shortcut to learn about Li Mi's plan?"

Li Xian glanced at Ma Saifei again, and suddenly smiled: "There is a shortcut, but I don't know if it works or not.

He turned around and asked Qin Qiong: "Chen Que'er's navy is still watching the other team in Wagang Village? Has there been any news in the past few days?"

Qin Qiong said: "Yesterday there was news that Chen Que'er said that a group of troops from Wagang Village was stationed on the bank of the Yellow River and found thousands of ships. Although there were not many real warships, there were a lot of them. Amazing. It seems that the people in Wagangzhai want to rush over by water to join Dou Jiande's men."

"This is weird..."

Li Xian muttered something, then urged the horse to go out: "I'll go and see if the shortcut works."



On the south bank of the Yellow River, east of Zhencheng, and west of Fan County, boats can be seen going back and forth everywhere, whether they are civilian ships or warships, and in some places the river can almost be blocked.Especially on the Yellow River in the northeast of Zhencheng, most of the thousands of boats collected from Wagangzhai stop here, and the continuous stretch looks like a forest with masts.

It's just that there are not many warships in the fleet of Wagangzhai, and there are very few large ships. Therefore, although the Yanyunzhai navy that blocks the river to the west of Fan County has only a few hundred ships, the people in Wagangzhai dare not act rashly. .In Chen Que'er's fleet of [-] ships, more than half of them are small ships, and some of them are broken ships used to ram enemy ships. There are only less than [-] real warships, but even so, Wagangzhai People still dare not break through.

There is no other reason, the fleet on the Wagang village is also insufficient. There are more than 1000 boats, of which [-]% are small fishing boats that cannot carry a few people, and [-]% are grain ships and cargo ships. There are not many warships that are really usable, and compared to the seventy-eighty percent of the ships in Yanyunzhai. Ten yellow dragon clippers are not as good as a five-toothed ship.

According to Li Xian's order, there are quite a few dilapidated boats in the Yanyunzhai navy that are specially used to ram enemy ships, all of which are equipped with ramming angles. Once the enemy ship is aligned, the helmsman will stabilize the ship on its course, and then abandon ship and escape.

There is dry firewood and vegetable oil piled up on the ship, which can quickly burn into a raging fire once ignited.

In fact, these dilapidated ships are not very useful for fierce battles. After all, the enemy ships are not standing still.But it is just right for blocking the river.

Since Zhu Yishi arrived at Yanyun Village, he has been busy building ships non-stop.In the past two years, more than a hundred Huanglong clippers have been built, but only two five-toothed ships have been built.Compared with the navy of the Sui Dynasty, it is still far behind.

Fortunately, Li Xian extorted [-] five-toothed ships and [-] yellow dragon clippers from Jiangdu, all on the river between Fan County and Yanggu, blocking Wang Fubao's army from going south.As long as Chen Que'er is in danger, it will take less than three days for Yuwen Shiji's reinforcements to rush over.

Chen Que'er stood on the bow of the five-toothed ship, holding in his hand the clairvoyance designed by the general and carefully crafted by the artisans of the five parts and two parts of the flying tiger. .

"Wang Zuo, have you sent someone to investigate carefully? Didn't the people in Wagang Village go by land?"

His subordinate Bie Jiang Wang Zuo nodded and said: "I sent scouts to check, and more than a thousand ships in Wagang Village are parked on the river in the northeast of Zhencheng, and the scouts can see many soldiers from Wagang Village going back and forth in the camp. Walking back and forth, I can also see Zhai Rang's banner, and I also met the ranger scouts in Wagang Village, and even broke a few hands."

Chen Que'er nodded, and said with some puzzlement: "Zhai Rang personally led the troops here, tens of thousands of troops, more than a thousand ships, the daily consumption is so huge, he doesn't want a quick battle, this is inappropriate The general said that if things go wrong, there will be demons, Zhai Rang can't be so procrastinating!"

He thought for a while and ordered: "The general asked us to guard the river, but we can't just look at the river. If the people from Wagang Village go around us, even if the general doesn't blame us, what face do you and I have?" Go back to see the general? You lead the people yourself, send more scouts, expand the scope of the search, and send people to cross the river, and the north bank will also be searched!"


Wang Zuo responded, and then got off the boat to prepare.

Just sixty miles away from the Yanyunzhai fleet, the Wagangzhai fleet is still parked there.In the big camp on land, soldiers can indeed be seen walking back and forth.However, there are only people walking around.The camp was almost empty, and there were many straw figures in clothes on the boats, so there was no army!



Li Xian galloped out and galloped directly towards where Ma Saifei was.Qin Qiong personally led hundreds of cavalry to follow closely behind, and the cavalry had already raised their crossbows.

Ma Saifei waited for half an hour but did not see any movement from Yanyun Village. He was impatient and was about to turn around and go back when he suddenly saw the big flag with the word Li floating towards him.A general in black armor came riding a huge black horse.

She had heard of Li Xian, the leader of Yanyun Village, and of course she had also heard of the black armor, black horse and black sword.

Li Xian arrived in front of Ma Saifei, glanced at her and couldn't help being slightly startled.He said in his heart that this woman was indeed quite pretty, and there was a hint of charm between her brows.Such a woman only makes a provocative smile. If she has never tasted a woman, she will be as hard as iron.

"But General Lee?"

Marseille Feimei asked with a smile.

Li Xian nodded and said, "Pusan ​​promises to fight against me, a gentleman?"

Looking at Li Xian's handsome face, Ma Saifei couldn't help but her heart beat faster. She has seen countless people. She thought Li Mi was the most handsome and handsome man in the world, but she didn't expect Li Xian to be more handsome than Pu Shangong. Be handsomer.


Ma Saifei blinked, pursed his lips and said with a smile: "General

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