Will Ming

Chapter 399 Why fight with me?

Chapter 390 IX Why Fight Me?

I don't know when the wind blew up, and the yellow sand rolled up, blowing from the northeast direction, the big flag trembled and roared, and as the wind blew the big flag stretched, the big Li character was in the air. The bright red flag loomed, like an angry dragon churning in a sea of ​​blood.

The wind and sand blew up, making people unable to open their eyes, but the cavalry who controlled the horses in the wind and did not rush around did their best to open their eyes wide. No one cared whether the wind and sand could fascinate the eyes, and no one cared about the The beautiful woman's head was blocked by the wind and sand, and her eyes were dying. More than 200 cavalrymen under Ma Saifei were dumbfounded. No one thought that the young general, who was good at talking and handsome, would kill people so abruptly.

Ma Saifei's martial arts is not particularly good, but he has been fighting in bloody winds for several years.Since the rebellion in Jiyin County in the ninth year of Daye, countless people died at her hands.She calls herself a parachutist, and she is proficient in practicing 24 throwing knives. I don't know how many people have been stabbed to death.She kills without blinking an eye, and has a vicious heart. People in Jiyin County call her a she-wolf.

Ma Saifei has slept with countless men so far in her life, and she is even confident that she can see through a man's heart just by looking at his eyes.She enjoyed playing with men, but she didn't see clearly the murderous intent in that handsome young man's eyes.

People die eventually, some die well, some die unwillingly, the vast majority of people live a mediocre life, and those who die are mediocre and mediocre, without a trace of magnificence, only buried in seven feet of loess.Ma Saifei used to be a brothel girl. She knew that all men were fickle, but she didn't hate fickleness, only hated the injustice of the world.

She wants to find a backer so that she can live comfortably for the rest of her life.

She took refuge in Li Mi, thinking that she had chosen the right path.

She is conceited of her beauty, no man can withstand the temptation, naturally no man is willing to kill her, and she didn't feel a trace of murderous intent from Li Xian, but she happened to meet a willing one today.

Li Xian's black knife cut off Ma Saifei's head. The knife was so fast that Ma Saifei didn't even have time to exclaim, and he didn't even have time to take the flying knife out of the dart bag. This life is all here, and there will be no more. What happened before and after her life, what she killed, who killed her, she couldn't take it to hell for reincarnation.

Li Xian never liked killing people.

He is not addicted to killing, he only cares about what should be killed or not.

After returning from Jiangdu, Li Xian felt a little bit more violent.He concealed it very well, laughing and cursing, without a trace, but this violence was lurking in the bottom of his heart, and he could not vent it. After all, it became more and more day by day.The reason for this palpitating violence is that he cannot kill someone who should be killed.As he himself said, if he was alone and had no worries, he might have killed Yang Guang with one blow in Jiangdu.Of course, the premise is that he can escape unscathed.

Tie Futu and Xueqi's more than [-] life debts were repaid, and it would not be possible to suppress grief and anger in their hearts at this time.

The moment he let Yang Guang go home, he realized that he was too calm and hypocritical.If Yang Guang is killed, don't say that the other aristocratic families in the Sui Dynasty finally have an excuse to rise up and conquer the world. To express goodwill, but if Yang Guang died at the hands of Li Xian, Tang Guogong, who seemed kind and kind, would probably leave Taiyuan immediately.

The moment Li Xian let Yang Guang go, he really knew that if a person is too calm, he is hypocritical, and if he is too hypocritical, he is ruthless.

Li Xian felt that he was heartless, so he felt depressed and wronged.

Ye Huaixiu once said that in order to achieve great things, the wife can be abandoned, the parents can be killed, the relatives can be betrayed, and the friends can be bullied.A hero who regards himself as the world, and nothing else.With the rise of Yanyunzhai, some people say that Li Xian is the hero in troubled times, but the hero is ruthless, can happiness be obtained by being ruthless?He knows that he is not a hero, and that he can achieve what he is today, one is hard work, the other is luck, and the third is the help of followers.

No matter how much he kills, he is not the kind of numb person.

Not a tyrant, may he establish a foundation in troubled times?

The reason why Li Xian is violent is that he has seen through his own heart.

Have desires, have ambitions.

When he met Li Yuan in Yuyang County, he had thought at the time that this person was the great ancestor of the Tang Dynasty, really an emperor who would last forever.At that time, he was quite excited and even laughed at himself. The nasty old nun said that he was the reincarnation of a real dragon, but he happened to see a real dragon in Yuyang.Only he knew in this world that Li Yuan was the one who finally overthrew Da Sui and brought peace to the world.Many people believed what the old nun said, because the old nun once taught a founding emperor.Yang Jian was taken away by the old nun when he was young, and after he returned, he achieved hegemony after a storm.

The old nun also said that Li Xian was the reincarnation of a real dragon, but Li Xian himself did not believe it.

Five years ago, he lived only for the sake of living.Two years ago, he knew he had to live for many people.Now, he knows that he still has to live for himself after all.

He still doesn't believe the old nun's prophecy, because he is the only person in this world who knows it from birth.The Yang family should be destroyed, and the Li family should be prosperous. Everyone said that the Li family was referring to Li Mi, but he knew that it was Li Yuan who got the advantage.When he slapped Yang Guangzui and knocked him unconscious, he finally realized that history had already changed beyond recognition.

At this moment, he still didn't believe the old nun's nonsense, but whether he believed it or not, his mood had changed.

Since history has changed beyond recognition, why can't we fight for it?Change it, change it?give it a try?

So Li Xian felt turbulent in his heart.

His violence stems from guilt and ends in killing.



The wind and sand blocked Ma Saifei's eyes, and he could no longer see the panic and hatred in it.Grass and gravel blown by the wind sealed the broken neck, and the blood on the skull gradually solidified and turned black.After a while, the head looked like a lump of dirt, less bloody and more pathetic.

Ma Saifei's cavalry are all murderous thieves, but this does not mean that killing them cannot scare them.It only depends on who kills and who dies.

Li Xian cut down with the black knife, spilling a splash of blood.

The violence in his heart was vented a little, and his eyes immediately became clearer.

"Go back and tell Li Mi, I was born reckless, I don't know the art of war, I don't know strategy, how can I have the qualifications to compete with Pu Shangong? Since Pu Shangong is a gentleman, he can win by the law of a gentleman. I am reckless, naturally You want to win by brutal methods. As for the battle of gentlemen, it seems to me too nonsense. So I can smash his ass, but he can only talk about it. Go back and ask that gentleman for me, what is the ass like? Is it still hurting?"

Those horse thieves looked at each other, but none of them dared to answer.

Li Xian put away the black knife, staring at him.

Some of those horse thieves subconsciously put their hands on the horizontal knife at their waist, and the hand that was tightly gripping the handle of the knife turned white and blue.Those who hold the knife do not necessarily have the intention to fight, but only when they hold the knife will they feel a sense of steadfastness in their hearts.Li Xian raised his sword and retracted it. This simple action put a lot of pressure on them.Someone holds a knife, and naturally someone wants to turn around and run away.It's just that at this moment, those who hold the knife only hold the knife, and those who want to escape do not dare to escape after all.

The moment Li Xian's voice fell, the blood in Ma Saifei's neck cavity was spurted out, and the corpse was blown by the strong wind so that it could not sit still on the horse's back, and fell down with a plop.If you don't look at the bloody broken neck, just look at her still graceful figure.However, the corpse in the wind has become cold and stiff, and her leather armor is covered with blood and covered with dust. How can there be any beauty?

"Don't go, but want to fight with me?"

Li Xian looked at the cavalry in Wagang Village and asked.

Still no one dared to answer, no one dared to fight.Ma Saifei died, but none of his subordinates avenged her, even if they said a few vicious words on the scene, so that the deceased might be able to leave with more peace of mind.The world is so sad and cold. Li Xian looked at the corpse and knew that if one day he died unexpectedly, many people might cry in sorrow, much better than Ma Saifei, but sooner or later the people under his command would scatter in all directions. future.

The reason why they gather around me is because they feel that I can give them a bright future, and because they feel that they can rely on them.

In troubled times, things like loyalty always seem a little ridiculous.

What is loyal is interest, but there are too few people who are loyal to feelings.


I don't know who yelled first, Ma Saifei's cavalry turned around and fled back.None of them cared about the corpse on the ground, because they were afraid that they would become another corpse if they escaped too slowly. More than 200 cavalrymen pulled their horses hastily and panickedly. Some people collided and fell off their horses, begging their companions to help them, howling.

Li Xian looked at the cavalry fleeing in a hurry, narrowed his eyes slightly and said indifferently: "Go back and give Li Mi a message, why do we need so many people?"

Upon hearing this, Qin Qiong immediately ordered: "Blow the horn, attack!"

The humming horn sounded, and thousands of elite horsemen 120 steps behind Li Xian immediately urged their mounts to rush forward. Qin Qiong clasped his fists at Li Xian, Li Xian nodded slightly, and Qin Qiong immediately hung himself on the winning hook The four-foot-long horse lance was taken down, the lance pointed forward, and the cavalry rushed over like a tsunami.



In the dark night, the sound of the wind on the river was even more stern than in the daytime.The wind on the river is stronger than that on the land, and listening to it at night is even more terrifying like a hundred ghosts crying at night.It's just that on the Yellow River, a hundred miles northeast of Zhencheng, there are more than a thousand ships, large and small, moored together. There are many masts and bright lights. It is as spectacular as a city built on the Yellow River.

In the shadow of the night, a man in black and covered his face with a black scarf poked his head out from the grass by the river, carefully looked left and right to make sure there were no soldiers on patrol, he beckoned, and a dozen black-clothed men man from grass

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