Will Ming

Chapter 400 The most serious crisis.

Chapter [-] The most serious crisis.

There were only two Flying Tiger secret spies who escaped from the Yellow River. A group of twelve people sneaked in and discovered the secret of the Wagangzhai water army. When they withdrew, they were discovered by patrolling Wagangzhai people, knowing that the secret could not be leaked out. , those Wagangzhai soldiers rushed forward like crazy, and the secret spies who were broken were killed one after another. In the end, only Chen Hu and his group led two people to kill them.

A regiment of three hundred cavalry from Yanyunzhai who was in charge of the response was twenty miles away. When they came, no one knew that the water army in Wagangzhai was just an empty shell, so they didn't dare to get too close. When Heji and Zhong Chao rushed out of the woods to send out the signal, they both had at least a dozen injuries on their bodies.

The moment the fireworks rose in the night sky, both of them lost their strength and fell down on the grass.The pursuers were already very close, and the shouts of the pursuers could be vaguely heard, and both of them had lost their strength and could no longer get up.

Chen Hu was lying on the ground panting heavily, looked sideways at Zhong Chao and suddenly smiled.

"You fucking still have the heart to laugh?"

Zhong Chao cursed hoarsely.

He could feel that his chest was about to explode, and the sound of his breathing was so heavy that he could get goosebumps all over his body. The sound was like pulling a broken bellows.He greedily breathed the cold air in the night wind, feeling as if his limbs were broken.

This rough-looking man didn't have the energy to speak after finishing his curse.

"I kicked your ass."

Chen Hu smiled triumphantly, as if he didn't care at all that the pursuers were right behind.He looked at Zhong Chao, remembering that when he first received training, the group leader kicked his ass a lot, and this time he finally found a chance to give him back, and he felt very happy.It's not that he doesn't know that he might die, it's not that he hates Zhong Chao, maybe he just doesn't want to leave any regrets.

After all, Chen Hu was young and still had the strength to speak: "Leader, do you think our people came first, or the pursuers from Wagang Village first?"

After waiting for a while, Zhong Chao breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It is estimated that the pursuers from Wagang Village arrived first, rest for a while, and run away when the pursuers approach, and I will cut off the rear."

"group rate"

Chen Hu smiled and said: "After I die, your body is not as good as mine."

"Because you run fast, you have to run. When we joined the Flying Tigers on the first day, what did the regiment tell you and me? We are paid three times higher than other soldiers, and we don't have to accumulate Twenty acres of Xuntian will be allocated to military meritorious service. Our pension after death is higher than that of ordinary soldiers, because we face great dangers and must always be prepared to die. The regiment leader said that our life is precious, that is because Our mission is more important."

Zhong Chao said while panting.

"But you violated the regulations."

Chen Hu chuckled: "The first military rule of Flying Tiger Secret Agent is mission first. Choose between the life of your companions and the completion of the mission. The mission will always come first. Team leader, why did you come back to save us?" ?”

"If I can go back alive, I will confess my mistakes to the regiment leader."

Zhong Chao sat up, picked up the knife and said, "But... I don't think I need to confess anything."

The people from Wagang Village not far away had rushed over. Zhong Chao wiped the sweat from his eyes and said to Chen Hu, "The reason why I went back was because I didn't want to see you die in front of me."

He smiled, then kicked Chen Hu's ass.

"Now you can go."

He yelled, then raised his knife and killed the pursuers in Wagang Village.Chen Hu's eyes widened in an instant, and the eyeballs were bloodshot.He touched the knife beside him and struggled to stand up.He was just about to rush over to fight side by side with Zhong Chao when he suddenly heard the sound of rumbling horseshoes from behind.Looking back suddenly, I saw a group of cavalry rushing under the moonlight at a glance.

"Team leader! Our people are here!"

He shouted in surprise, his body miraculously filled with strength.He ran towards Zhong Chao, but stopped after only a few steps.His body gradually stiffened, and the horizontal knife in his hand slowly fell to the ground.Just a dozen meters in front of him, Zhong Chao was surrounded by dozens of pursuers from Wagang Village, and the knives fell on Zhong Chao like a rainstorm. Soon, the rough man fell down, a bloody The arms are still stretched upwards as much as possible, as if trying to grab something at the last moment of life.

Three hundred cavalrymen stepped over with iron hooves, and the pursuers of Wagang Village were trampled into meat paste under the iron hooves.Chen Hu watched the fighting scene in front of him with a dull expression, and then slowly knelt down.

The group rate is not a qualified group rate, but the group rate is a good brother.



It was already very late at night, Li Xian put on a piece of clothing and stood in the big tent, frowning slightly as he looked at the huge sand table on the table, his eyes were always fixed on the Yellow River.He just stared at the sand table for a long time, motionless, like an old monk in meditation.People from all walks of life have not noticed any changes in the people in Wagangzhai, so it is difficult to guess who Li Mi is buying time for by delaying time.

Ye Huaixiu came in from outside the tent, and looked at Li Xian with distressed expressions in her eyes, but she put away this distress, as she didn't seem to want Li Xian to know her true feelings.Although she was already his woman, Ye Huaishu never regarded himself as his woman.

She sighed and said, "The secret agents of the five ministries are all investigating, and the order to send more scouts to expand the search area has also been sent out."

Li Xian nodded, and suddenly gave a wry smile and said, "Sometimes I wonder if my enemies are really too many? Could it be that there are not only three armies here, but also others? Li Mi Zhai Rang's team is on the Yellow River, Wang Fubao's team is on the north bank, and Wang Bo's team is in Qi County. Will there be others?"

"Li Mi is not a god"

Ye Huaixiu thought for a while and said: "He can recruit more than [-] horses in a short period of time, and can make many heroes on the green forest road go to him, but he is not a god after all, and it is impossible to turn beans into soldiers."

"You mean, his men are still the same ones, but one of them is a surprise soldier, it's an accident."

"Words will come back soon."

Ye Huaixiu comforted him.

"I can't wait anytime soon!"

Li Xian frowned and said, "It feels bad that I'm not in control of this situation, very bad. I can't see the knife stretched out from the dark, I'm not at ease. This feeling is like walking in Saibei, you back and forth All I could see on the left and right were endless grasslands, and I knew there was a wolf hiding in the grass, but I didn't know whether the wolf was in front of me or behind me."

"There is a proverb on the prairie."

Ye Huaishu paused and said, "When a wolf is about to eat a person, it always goes around behind the person."

Li Xian's expression changed, he was thoughtful.


He repeated it in a murmur, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "It's impossible to be behind Xu Shiji, behind Chen Que'er or Xiong Kuo Hai? Chen Que'er is a sailor. Although Zhai Rang has many boats, he I'm not sure about defeating Chen Que'er's navy. And it's not from behind, but from the front. So Zhai Rang only has two choices, either go around behind me, or go around Xiongkuohai and Yuwen Shiji's back!"

Having said that, his heart gradually opened up.

"It stands to reason that Zhai Rang should go around behind me. But he doesn't know that I'm in Lei Ze, so he's more likely to go around behind Xiong Kuo Hai."

Li Xian's expression softened slightly and he said, "If it's really a detour behind Xiong Kuo Hai, then Zhai Rang might be surprised."

Ye Huaixiu smiled and said, "Zhai Rang didn't know that you came to Lei Ze, nor did he know that Chen Bing on the south bank of the Yellow River has not only a Xiong Kuo Hai, but also a Yuwen Shiji."

Li Xian couldn't hide his excitement and said: "Immediately send someone to tell Chen Que'er not to take care of the water army in Wagang Village, and immediately lead the troops downstream to join the Xiongkuo Sea. Although I don't know what Zhai Rang used He disappeared in front of Chen Que'er by some means, but I know that as long as Chen Que'er can get back in time, he might be able to steal Zhai Rang's back route."

Ye Huaixiu nodded and said: "Surprise soldiers, if you use them well, you can win by surprise. Sometimes you can change the name, or you can call it a lone army."

"Zhai Rang intends to accompany Wang Fubao to cross the river."

Thinking of this, Li Xian was not so relaxed: "I hope Chen Que'er can get there quickly enough."



Chen Que'er was fast enough, but he was still late after all.

The news that Chen Hu desperately brought back was one day and one night earlier than Li Xian's order. Even so, when Chen Que'er ordered the water army to move down the river immediately, Zhai Rang's men had already bypassed it. It is actually not easy for him and the [-] army to hide his tracks, but the golden cicada that Li Mi thought of this time is really beautiful when she escapes her shell.Chen Que'er's attention was all on those thousands of ships, who would have thought that such a big move was just a cover?

It took so much manpower and material resources, thousands of ships, and such a huge scale, it turned out to be just a cover-up. I have to say that Li Mi sometimes does things very boldly.

Zhai Rang's men suddenly appeared behind Xiong Kuohai's 1 horses, which surprised Xiong Kuohai.But Zhai Rang was also not very surprised, because he found that there was a huge fleet on the Yellow River.The news of Yuwen Shi and his refuge in Yanyun Village has not yet spread, and Zhai Rang did not expect that there are so many people here.

But Zhai Rang had no other choice. He had to take Wang Fubao's 6 troops to the south bank.

After getting behind Xiongkuohai's troops, Zhai Rang immediately launched a fierce attack without letting the soldiers rest. Liang Shitai led 1 horses and divided them into three groups to attack Yanyunzhai's camp on the south bank of the Yellow River.Xiong Kuohai looks like a thick guy, but his mind is actually very thin.Zhai Rang's army suddenly appeared

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