Will Ming

Chapter 401 Recruits and Veterans

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Chapter 340: Recruits and Veterans

The archers in Yanyun Village have already lined up, and all the archers who can be mobilized have been mobilized. According to Xiong Kuohai's order, each person will only shoot three arrows, and then most of the archers must retreat to the camp. Stay with your hands and gather in the rear. Once the people from Wagangzhai break through the line of defense, they must be suppressed with feather arrows.

Liang Shitai divided 1 horses into three teams, and the cavalry attacked the left wing of the Yanyunzhai army. After trying to break through the left wing of the defense line, the cavalry took advantage of the situation and created a situation where the bead curtain was rolled up. The main force attacked from the front, leaving 2000 men and horses as the rear team support.He handed over the cavalry to his lieutenant general Wan Baoshan, who personally commanded the infantry to attack.

"Behind the people in Yanyunzhai is the Yellow River!"

Liang Shitai rode on his horse and shouted loudly: "They have no way out, brothers, we have tens of thousands of troops, even if we are crowded, we will squeeze the people of Yanyunzhai into the Yellow River. Kill them, don't leave them a way out. Just If you win this battle, the tens of thousands of mu of fertile land in Dongping County are waiting for you to share. The master has a military order, and there are no rules for this expedition. Whatever you rob will be yours. Just block those on the bank of the Yellow River. Kill all the enemies in front of you, and the rich Dongping County belongs to you!"

He pointed forward the thick-backed plain knife in his hand: "There are only a few thousand of them, and each of you can drown them by spitting. Kill them and don't embarrass me! The master is watching behind you, The reward for the whole car is right next to the head, if you kill one person, you will get ten guan rewards for the meat, if you kill two people, you will get thirty guan rewards, if you kill five people, you will be rewarded with [-] guan rewards for the meat!"

He yelled loudly, trying his best to stimulate the killing intent of the soldiers in Wagang Village.

"Since a man joins the army, he should seek fame. Where is the fame? It's on the knives in your hands!"


He shouted loudly: "Beat the drum, cheer!"

More than a dozen huge cowhide war drums started to beat, and the rumbling sound of the war drums resounded through the sky.The first wave of more than 2000 Wagangzhai soldiers screamed and killed them, each and every one of them seemed to have been beaten to death.Although they are tired, this battle is not so difficult in their opinion.Their strength is several times that of Yanyunzhai's troops, and Yanyunzhai's people are not prepared enough to fight in a hurry, and they have to guard against the [-] troops of King Fubao of Hebei. The advantage is all on Wagangzhai's side. a battle.

Xiong Kuohai stared at the enemy who was pressing down like a tide in front of him, and his hand holding Mo Dao became tighter and tighter.He joined the army in the early days of Daye, and later joined Li Xian, and fought for more than ten years. He was no longer like a recruit who was trembling nervously when he went to the battlefield for the first time.Just because this battle is so special, the future of Yanyun Village seems to rest on his shoulders.He was indeed nervous, but there was an indescribable excitement mixed with the tension.


When the men and horses in Wagangzhai rushed to about [-] steps away from the army formation, Xiong Kuo Haimeng shouted: "Throwing! Shoot!"

More than 1000 archers sent out their feather arrows almost at the same time, and the bowstrings rang together.The thrown feather arrows flew high into the sky, as dense as locusts.All of a sudden, the dense feather arrows rose up in the sky, even blocking the sun. The dense feather arrows in the sky and a large shadow on the ground rushed forward quickly, and then among the soldiers in Wagangzhai, the rain of arrows It overlaps with the shadow on the ground.

Feather arrows smashed into the crowd like a rainstorm, and the Wagangzhai soldiers with shields ran forward like crazy.They all know that when faced with a feathered arrow, they can only run forward to minimize the probability of being shot.The thrown feather arrows are not accurate at all, but the cover-type strikes are more powerful.

Feathered arrows fell into the crowd like rainstorms hitting a pond.However, when the raindrops fell into the pond, the splashes were still water droplets, and when the feather arrows smashed into the crowd, the splashes were blood.

A soldier from Wagangzhai ran forward screaming with his shield on his head. There was no murderous intent in his shouts. On the contrary, the vibrato betrayed his true feelings.Feathered arrows hit his shield with a bang, and it felt like death was knocking on the door of the house.With only one layer of leather-wrapped boards separated, death is so close.

His cry was to cheer himself up. It was his first time on the battlefield, and he joined the Wagangzhai army with a piece of bun in his arms, and he also had a beautiful dream of fame but won it immediately.What Liang Shitai said just now made his blood boil, and he felt that his mind was buzzing, and only the idea of ​​rushing forward was left.


He shouted loudly in his heart: I want to kill someone!

As long as you kill five people, you can become a brigade leader, leading 100 people under your command. If you really succeed, then you will be the first official in the village, and you will be envied by those who bully you.

His footsteps are getting faster and faster, almost as fast as his heartbeat.

When the sound of the feathered arrow hitting the shield above his head ended, he knew that the first round of throwing by the archers in Yanyun Village was over.Putting down the shield, he looked around and found that several of the people who ran with him at the beginning were gone. He didn't dare to look back, because he knew that those companions had already fallen to the ground and could no longer stand up again. .Even those who were injured and survived could not escape the footsteps of their companions who ran up from behind.On the battlefield, no one has mercy.

At this time, he remembered the advice of the fellow veteran who took good care of him.

When attacking forward, the archers on the defensive side usually have at least three salvos.The first round is throwing, aimless throwing, whoever is unlucky will die.At this time, try to bend over and run, holding the shield, and never take the shield down.The second round is flat shooting, and the third round is shooting. At this time, whoever rushes to the front will be unlucky.So if you don't die after the first round of throwing, then you must find someone to hide behind him, so that you will never be hit by a flat arrow.

Thinking of this, he immediately looked forward.

In front of him was a thin-looking figure, running a little staggeringly. Seeing that the soldier's shoulders were so narrow, and the hand holding the shield trembled so much, he was a little dissatisfied with the companion he had chosen.Obviously that soldier is still a child, at most no more than fourteen or fifteen years old, can his immature body block the feather arrows for himself?

Just when he was about to switch to another person to follow, he suddenly saw his companions in the front fall down one after another like wheat cut by a sickle, people were torn off layer by layer by feather arrows, and the wailing shook him My ears ached.He knew that he had no chance to choose again, so he quickly ran a few steps to catch up with the thin figure.Feathered arrows flew densely, and sometimes the sound of swishing whizzed close to the ears.

I don't know what's wrong, he is usually very kind, and he didn't even dare to stare at the slaughtered pig. He grabbed the young soldier in front of him, and he pulled the soldier hard to prevent him from running forward.The soldier with no fluff around his mouth looked back at him in surprise, and found that it was the big brother who had given him half of the bun this morning.

He didn't understand what the other party meant, and thought that the other party was pulling him because he was afraid of getting hurt.

"Brother, why are you pulling me?"

The young soldier turned around and asked.

Looking at the child's immature face, he hesitated and said three words: "I'm sorry."

At this moment, the young soldier's body trembled violently, and a feathered arrow shot at his chest. The young soldier lowered his head to look, and then burst into tears in fright.Soon, the second and third feathered arrows flew over, and the puffing sound continued, and no less than six or seven feathered arrows were inserted into the young soldier's body immediately.Before he died, the young soldier finally understood why this kind-hearted elder brother held him back. He gave himself half a bun but took his own life.

The resentment and anger in the young soldier's eyes before he died startled him. He glanced at the young man guiltily, and said sorry in his heart, if there is another life, I will block your arrows.The boy's warm blood splashed all over his face, and he wiped away the blood, not looking at the limp corpse again.

He took a deep breath, and just as he calmed down, he suddenly realized that he had already rushed to the front, and all his companions who ran in front of him had already gone down.The moment he woke up with a start, his heart immediately jumped violently.In an instant, his face was pale with fright.

The third round of volley was a slam shot, and the arrows were densely packed like fists!

Thinking of the advice of the fellow veteran, his clothes were immediately clogged with cold sweat from fright.

I need to find someone to block the arrows for me!

This idea popped up in his mind uncontrollably.So he turned and wanted to retreat behind his companions.But at this moment, he suddenly felt his clothes tighten behind him.I don't know why he reacted so quickly at this time, he immediately understood that someone was grabbing his back clothes, and someone was going to use himself as a shield!

He turned his head and glared, so he saw the fellow veteran who took good care of him.


He heard the veteran say these three words, and then the third round of feathered arrows from Yanyun Village arrived.It was true as the old soldier from the same village said, the arrows gathered were as dense as a huge fist, hitting him hard, and in a short while, a layer of spikes grew on his body.The dense feather arrows pierced his body, and the dream of killing people and gaining fame was suddenly awakened at this moment.

After waking up from a dream, one can no longer dream.



The soldiers who rushed over from Wagangzhai were smashed down one floor by the arrows shot, and the corpses filled with arrows fell to the ground one after another. More than 1000 archers fired three salvos, and at least seven or eight hundred Wagangzhai soldiers were shot to death.Most of the dead were recruits, because

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