Will Ming

Chapter 402 Part 3

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Chapter four hundred and second three thousand round eight thousand

The first cold air was inhaled into the nasal cavity, mixed with a smell of blood, and in the smell of blood, there was also a faint smell of excrement and urine. This smell directly penetrated into Xiong Kuohai's brain, making him feel that his heart was getting stronger and stronger. Getting more and more restless, this feeling is very familiar to him. He just joined the army in the early years of Daye. When he smelled this smell for the first time, his hand holding Mo Dao couldn't help trembling violently.

Because there were too many dead people, in the area where the two sides were fighting, the naked eye could even see a faint layer of blood mist floating in the air at about the height of one person, and the blood on the ground seemed to be as if it had just rained.The soldiers' boots stepped on the blood pool on the ground, and the blood splashed high.Under the footsteps of the soldiers on both sides fighting back and forth, it was not only the blood that stained their boots, but also the feces and urine in the trousers of the dead bodies.

The lingering smell in Xiong Kuohai's nose was mixed in this way and then drifted out.He looked at more and more dead bodies on the ground, but his eyes became brighter and brighter as he smelled the stench.The agitation in his heart was not because of boredom and fear, but because he felt that he could no longer control his hands. He wanted to raise his knife and kill the crowd, so that the Wagangzhai soldiers who rushed up screaming would know what it means to kill .

He doesn't despise those recruits and veterans who urinate and poop before they die, because he knows that is a normal reaction that cannot be controlled.He even thought that if he had been cut off half of his shoulder with a knife, he would probably be in such a mess.

There's nothing to be ashamed of, no one has a heart of stone.

But on the battlefield, especially as a general, you must turn your heart into a stone, be colder and harder, instead of impulsively killing and living and dying with the soldiers under your command.Living together and dying together is a choice that is made only when facing a dead end. It is not yet a dead end, but it is very possible to kill a flat road in the seemingly steep dead end.

So Xiong Kuohai resisted the urge to attack with a knife, and calmly watched as the line of defense he set up was being pushed back by the people of Wagangzhai.The spearmen in the first three rows were almost dead. After initially blocking the opponent's fierce first wave of attacks, the three rows of spearmen also collapsed by two rows.

The spearman can be said to be the cheapest unit in the army, and it is also the unit second only to the cavalry in terms of movement speed.In order to pursue lightness, they only have a wooden spear with an iron tip in their hands, and only a thin layer of leather armor on their upper body, which cannot block knives at all.So once cracks appear in the gun array and fight with the enemy, the advantage of the spearman will be wiped out.The spear in his hand was too long, and it could stab the cavalry to death from a tall horse, but it had no advantage in close combat, because the weapon was too long, and once the enemy approached them, it would become clumsy.

The Wagangzhai soldiers who rushed up in the second wave were about 1000 fine armored infantry, which is rare in the Green Forest Daoyi Army, which is generally poorly equipped.Their upper body is covered with a thin layer of chain armor, which can block some feathered arrows from penetrating into their bodies.If you are lucky, you can even block the thrust of the spear.

The plain knives in their hands are very sharp, longer, wider and heavier than the standard horizontal knives issued by the soldiers of the Sui Dynasty.It is a medium-sized knife between the straight knife and the Mo knife. It is heavier than the straight knife and smaller and lighter than the Mo knife.

Obviously, this is the most elite infantry under Liang Shitai. He has been operating in Hebei for several years and then moved to the counties of Henan. After several years of looting, he created such an elite infantry.However, although the money cost him a little distress, he was still very satisfied with the fighting power of these more than 1000 elite armored plain swordsmen.In the several battles for territory with other rebels on the Green Forest Road, these more than 1000 elite armored plain swordsmen can be said to be invincible.

Once fighting in close quarters, the spearman is definitely not the opponent of the plain swordsman with fine armor.

Xiong Kuohai knew this, but he resisted the urge to order the spearman to be brought back, and watched coldly the soldiers under his command being chopped down one by one, his hand holding Mo Dao became tighter and tighter, It's so tight that sweat doesn't come out.

At this time, there was also the sound of humming horns on the Yellow River behind the army formation.Xiongkuohai knew without looking back that Wang Fubao on the north bank of the Yellow River had begun to cross the river.But he didn't have the mind to take care of the affairs over there at this time. He had no other choice but to trust Yuwen Shiji, and he could only give his back to this person who had just become a companion.As for whether Yuwen Shiji is credible, he can only gamble.

Nearly [-] spearmen resisted for more than an hour, and all died in a pool of blood.

The loss of nearly [-] fine armored plain swordsmen made Liang Shitai a little distressed, but he was also a little proud. Although he lost a lot of manpower, he still tore through the defense line of Yanyun Village.Without the barrier of the gun array, the remaining soldiers of Yanyun Village would be nothing to worry about.It only needs one more impact, and it will definitely penetrate the defense line completely.

Liang Shitai knew what his purpose was, he smashed through the defense of Yanyun Village, rushed to the river to meet Wang Fubao's men and horses to cross the river.As long as Wang Fubao's tens of thousands of troops come over, the two sides join forces and immediately attack Juye Ze, cutting off Li Xian's retreat, and Yanyun Village will undoubtedly be defeated.

Liang Shitai knew what he was going to do, and Xiong Kuohai also knew what he was going to do.



After killing all the eight hundred spearmen in Yanyun Village, Liang Shitai's fine-armored simple swordsmen stepped on the corpses and pools of blood, shouting slogans and continued to advance.What greeted them were hundreds of feathered arrows flying over. The archers behind the Yanyunzhai army began to throw them, trying to stop the footsteps of the soldiers in Wagangzhai. After two rounds of throwing, they overturned a hundred Pu The swordsmen failed to prevent them from entering the army formation, and the defense line of Yanyun Village was severely torn open.

Xiong Kuohai was still watching, without giving any orders.

Compared with his cruel calm, Liang Shitai became more and more excited.

"Spearman, go up, follow behind Pu Daoshou, press forward!"

He shouted loudly, as if he had seen the hope of victory.

The opening in Yanyunzhai's defense line was getting bigger and bigger, and the archers of the rear team had already retreated to the river bank.Almost all of Liang Shitai's men pressed forward, biting like a pack of hungry wolves.Xiong Kuohai watched his line of defense recede further and further back, while the morale of the troops in Wagang Village became stronger and stronger.The soldiers standing beside him looked at him with begging eyes, the meaning in the eyes pierced Xiong Kuohai's heart like a needle.


Wang Chongsheng, the leader of the Personal Brigade, couldn't bear it anymore, and cried out with red eyes.

"Don't wait any longer. Brothers have lost too much. They can hardly bear it anymore. More than 2000 people are carrying the attack of more than 1 people in Wagang Village. If you wait any longer, brothers will die. General, give me five Hundred heavy armor, I'll go there and push back the attack of Wagang Village! General, don't wait any longer!"

"hold on!"

Xiong Kuohai's tone was very blunt, blunt and inhuman.


Wang Chongsheng pleaded: "Wait any longer, people will really die."

"If you die, you have to wait."

Xiong Kuohai looked at the troops in Wagang Village and left a rear team of about 2000 people who did not rush forward, calculating the strength of his men.After another half an hour like this, more than half of the more than 2000 infantrymen of Yanyunzhai who had been on defense had been killed or injured, and the remaining half included [-] archers who were not capable of close combat at all.

"Let the archers board the ship, let the shieldmen and simple swordmen form a shield array on the bank of the Yellow River!"

The order issued by Xiong Kuohai again did not intend to let the prepared heavy armor attack.Wang Chongsheng gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, tears streaming down his face.The tears of a seven-foot man, what kind of sad and desolate taste should it be?

Liang Shitai roared loudly, ordering the soldiers to push forward.And the last thousand remaining soldiers in Yanyunzhai had no way to retreat, and behind them was the surging water of the Yellow River.So they resisted more and more fiercely. In front of the shield formed by the shield hand and Pu Dao hand, the corpses of Wagangzhai soldiers fell down layer by layer.

"What does Xiong Kuo Hai plan to do? Want to engage in a fight to the death?"

Standing on the bow of the big ship, Yu Wenyan, the general of Yuwen Shiji, frowned and asked.

"A fight to the death?"

Yuwen Shiji smiled, and looked towards the direction where Xiong Kuohai was standing, with an undisguised admiration in his eyes.

"He is not that stupid. The last stand is just a coincidence that appeared in a specific environment. The soldiers are not strong enough, the general's prestige is not enough, and the troops are not fierce enough. The last stand is just a joke. The appetite of the majestic sea It's huge, he wants to swallow all the attacking troops from Wagangzhai in one go."


Yu Wenyan exclaimed, looked at Yuwen Shiji and asked, "What is he using to swallow others?"

"Take the knife."

Yuwen Shiji smiled, and then ordered: "You take 3000 people off the boat, and Xiong Kuohai is so relieved to hand over his back to me. I can't let him feel that he has trusted the wrong person. Remember, once Xiong Kuohai If the ambush soldiers come out, you lead the soldiers to rush up, he is not strong enough, and he can't seal his pockets."


Yu Wenyan glanced at Bei'an and asked, "Dou Jiande's soldiers?"

Yuwen Shiji waved his hands and smiled, "Do you think Wang Fubao is an idiot? He's just putting on a show. He won't risk his life to make a fight until Yanyun Village and Wagang Village are really dead. The way across the river."



"Let the reserve team rush forward!"

Liang Shitai said angrily: "The trash, even after attacking for so long, they still can't reach the river bank, they are all pressed up, the river must be opened up before dark!"


The orderly responded, and then blew the horn.The [-] infantry in the rear got the order and began to slowly speed up and rush forward

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