Will Ming

Chapter 403 Violent as a Tiger

Chapter [-] Violent as a Tiger

With the strength of a jug of new wine, Yuwen Shiji went crazy on the bow of the five-toothed ship in the surging Yellow River, and said a few unclear words, perhaps only he himself could understand the meaning.What stabs a bloody hole, what kills a mess, what stabs one knife after another.

And in front of his eyes, the three thousand heavy armor under Xiong Kuohai's command stepped forward, and the heavy and sharp Mo Dao in his hand slashed down, one after another.

Liang Shitai's deputy, Wan Baoshan, was born as a lone thief, and he has a well-known reputation in the world for his martial arts skills.He grew up in a poor family, and when he was six years old, he was sold by his own father to a rich family as a slave. When he was 16 years old, that spring was the season when the grass was green and the flowers were blooming, but he lost two cattle from the rich family. All because he stole alcohol for the first time and got very drunk.

After waking up and found that the cattle were gone, Wan Baoshan was shocked. Thinking of the taste of the whip of the rich family owner, he was terrified. At that time, he only thought that if the cattle were not found, the owner would beat him to death.Frightened, Wanbaoshan ran fifteen miles on foot, and found the two old scalpers he had lost in a col. One was still intact and tied to a big tree, and the other had been skinned, deboned and cut into pieces. Chunk cramped out of the pot and was cooking on the fire.

The seven beggars held broken bowls and looked at the steaming pot of beef with a smile on their faces. Their faces were full of anticipation, and they were so greedy that they couldn't stop drooling.

Seeing that the cow died, Wan Baoshan burst into tears.

Hearing his cry, the seven beggars came over, some threatened him viciously, some persuaded him to eat meat together, after Wan Baoshan was pushed a few times, he suddenly found a sharp bone-cutting knife thrown by the beggar beside the iron pot .He rushed over even rolling and crawling, not knowing where the courage came from, and stabbed one beggar to death with a single knife, then grabbed the sharp knife and looked at the remaining six beggars in horror, the young man's body was still trembling.

When the beggar saw that he had snatched the knife and killed someone, he was terrified at first, but he bullied the Wanbaoshan boy, and the six picked up sticks and besieged him.Wan Baoshan has been strong since he was a child, and when he has nothing to do, he fights with cattle. He comes up brutally and stabs three people to death in one breath. The remaining three are frightened and run away. He chased after him and stabbed two of them to death one after another, but the last one had already escaped far away.

Wan Baoshan killed six people, and only after he calmed down did he realize that he had committed a capital crime.Although the law of the Sui Dynasty forbids slaughtering cattle, those beggars are also guilty, but he killed people, and there were six of them. After thinking about it, he thought that if the beggar hadn't left, maybe he could still It is possible to hide this matter, but one person escaped, and the crime of murder cannot be concealed no matter what.

Sitting on a big rock, being blown by the mountain wind, Wanbaoshan gradually calmed down. He knew that he would never go back to the old days, and he was afraid that he would die in the end.It's just that I don't have any money on me, so where can I escape?

Sitting until dark, he felt hungry, and ate most of the beef that had been boiled in the iron pot for nearly a day, and his stomach was full, and his heart suddenly became brighter.He thought to himself that he killed someone anyway and ate the beef from the owner, so what else is there to be afraid of?He simply walked back to the rich family's house, killed more than a dozen members of the rich family one by one, robbed a lot of money, and then left the country.

Later, Wanbaoshan was ambushed by the government when he was killing people in Jiedao. He killed three or four officials and got two arrows in his body, but was rescued by Liang Shitai who happened to pass by with hundreds of horse thieves. Worshiped Liang Shitai as the eldest brother.He is loyal, although he is vicious, he respects Liang Shitai extremely, and he will do whatever Liang Shitai asks him to do.

Today, Liang Shitai asked him to take 400 cavalry to attack the left flank of Yanyun Village's troops, but the Yanyun Village's troops had a strong spear formation, and they lost [-] troops but failed to break through the enemy's formation, Wan Baoshan felt very angry.At this moment, Xiong Kuo Hai led [-] heavy armors to surround them from behind, the back road was blocked, and the rear team was killed.

When Wan Baoshan was in a hurry, suddenly a messenger came and said that Liang Shitai had asked him to take the cavalry to drive away the heavy armor of Yanyun Village. Is there a follow-up arrangement? What if we can’t rush through.”

The soldier who sent the order said: "General Liang said, if you can't rush, everyone will die together."

Wan Baoshan's heart was shocked, he had no choice but to lead the remaining less than [-] cavalry to attack the heavy armor in Yanyun Village.He is a person who values ​​righteousness very much, and he said in his heart that how can the eldest brother die, if he wants to die, I must die first.



Xiong Kuohai was killing with ease, and the Mo Dao fighters who had suffocated their killing intent followed behind him, and suddenly hundreds of war horses rushed over from the front, brandishing horizontal swords and long spears, and came to kill .About a hundred steps away, the cavalry fired a burst of feathered arrows. Although their archery skills were not superb, but they were lined up with heavy armor, many people were hit by the arrows.However, the feathered arrow was extremely difficult to break through the thick layer of armor on the Mo Dao handmen, and there was a clanging sound for a while, but no one was shot over.

This burst of feathered arrows not only failed to kill anyone, but instead aroused the hostility of Yan Yun's heavy armor.Xiong Kuohai casually removed the feather arrows hanging from the chain armor on his chest, pointed forward with the Mo Dao and shouted loudly: "Kill those cavalry!"

The heavy-armored Mo Daomen in a neat line shouted, and then took a big step forward at the same time.The Mo Dao in their hands fell almost at the same time, and the remaining Wagang Village infantry in front of them were immediately chopped into several pieces.The heavy armor lined up, rolling forward like a heavy armor, and no one could stop their slow but steady and heavy steps.

A cavalry soldier from Wagangzhai arrived first, and slashed at the head of a heavily armored swordsman.The Mo Dao who was facing him raised his saber to block it, but before the cavalryman could withdraw his saber, another Mo Dao strode forward and cut off the two front legs of the horse with a single saber.The cavalryman in Wagangzhai fell off his horse with a scream and struggled to stand up, but the heavy armor around him had already raised his Mo Dao again.

Cut the horse with one knife, and the head falls to the ground with another knife.

Wan Baoshan saw that his own soldiers were being killed, a wave of anger rushed up from his heart, he shouted loudly, and swung the Pu Dao in his hand to kill the most powerful heavy armored Mo Dao on the opposite side.

Xiong Kuohai cut off the horse's head of a cavalry horse with a knife, and the blade kept on removing one of the soldier's thighs. The headless horse fell to the ground with a plop, and the legless cavalry wailed on the ground. roll.Xiong Kuohai stepped forward, stepped on the soldier's chest, and with a bang, this foot actually directly crushed the cavalryman's chest into a pit, breaking his ribs.

Wanbaoshan arrived just at this time, held up the simple knife and slashed down.When Xiong Kuohai saw the knife slashing at his shoulder, instead of dodging, he took a big step forward.He is very tall and burly, with a thick back and waist, standing on the ground is not much shorter than Wanbaoshan who is riding a tall horse.

Xiong Kuohai took a big step forward, and his shoulder hit the side of the war horse heavily.

This blow was so powerful that the horse couldn't bear to move sideways for a few steps and couldn't stand still. The horse let out a wail, and then rolled over on the ground.Hitting the horse with the shoulder, pushing the horse sideways four or five steps away, this kind of domineering power, I am afraid that there is no other person in this world except Xiong Kuo Hai.

Wan Baoshan jumped down before the horse overturned, and slashed at the top of Xiong Kuohai's head with a volley.

Xiong Kuohai sneered, and swung the handle of Mo Dao upwards with one hand.With this swing, the saber was like a huge crescent moon, and with a crisp sound, Mo Dao slammed into the Pu Dao of Wanbao Mountain fiercely from bottom to top.The crisp sound of this collision almost burst people's eardrums, and a ball of sparks exploded at the place where the two knives collided.

Wan Baoshan yelled, the tiger's mouth burst, and he could no longer hold the handle of the knife. The simple knife flew into the air with a whoosh, and flew tens of meters far away. The upper half of the simple knife flew out even more Far away, the broken knife just happened to poke on the head of an infantryman in Wagang Village. The broken knife without the tip still pierced in hard, cutting the skull, and a small section of the blade came out of the nose.

Wan Baoshan's weapon was thrown away by Xiong Kuohai with one move, and his hands were ripped apart!

Xiong Kuohai sneered, and strode towards Wanbao Mountain: "Vulnerable, can that broken thing of yours be called a knife?"



Wanbaoshan can throw cattle with bare hands. At the age of 16, the old scalper from a wealthy family was tamed by him, which shows his strength.He never thought that the weapon in his hand would be smashed into the air with a single stroke, let alone that his mouth would be shattered with a single stroke.

He looked at his hands that were still bleeding, and instead of being timid, he aroused his unyielding violence. He raised his head suddenly, and roared towards the majestic sea, like a bird descending a mountain. Brutal bear.

Xiong Kuohai ordered the heavy armor to continue rolling forward, forcing the hundreds of cavalry to retreat again and again. In only ten minutes, more than half of the cavalry were cut down by Mo Dao, and no one left a whole body.Yan Yun's heavy-armored Mo Dao hand kills people, and he always kills with one knife.In front of the footsteps of the heavy armored infantry, there were half corpses.

They stepped forward on the internal organs and corpses of the enemy, stepping on puddles of muddy meat under their feet.

"The weight of your knife has the upper hand, if you have the ability, dare to fight me with bare hands!"

Wan Baoshan shouted loudly, his voice was like the roar of a wild bear.

Xiong Kuohai saw that the heavily armored sword array had already pushed forward, and the 3000 troops sent by Yuwen Shi divided into two teams, wandering back and forth around the periphery, killing some Wagangzhai soldiers who escaped from the sword array occasionally .The situation of the battle has been completely reversed, and none of the more than [-] troops attacking Wagangzhai can escape.

Seeing that the overall situation has been decided, Xiong Kuohai laughed loudly and said: "I can still be afraid of you?"

He poked the Mo Dao on the ground, strode towards Wanbao Mountain and said, "Come on, I want to see how many catties you have."

Wan Baoshan roared, lowered his body, and slammed into Xiong Kuo Hai. Xiong Kuo Hai let out a good cry, lowered his body, and stretched out his arms.Two people bowed their heads and stretched out their hands, like two cows

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