Will Ming

Chapter 404 A Secret That Shouldn't Be Said

Chapter [-]: Secrets That Shouldn’t Be Said

Xiong Kuohai stood there holding half of his body in one hand. In front of his feet were the viscera that fell to the ground when the Wanbao Mountain was torn apart. He could not tell the difference between the heart, liver, spleen and lungs. The most conspicuous thing was a pile of sticky and bloody intestines. There was a foul smell.This tearing was crisp and sharp, and it seemed too violent and barbaric, but on the battlefield, nothing could deter the enemy more than this.

Seeing Wanbaoshan being torn apart, the surviving Wagangzhai cavalry involuntarily let out an exclamation.Those Wagangzhai infantry who were retreating under the weight of the heavily armored Mo Dao hand were so scared that they sat down on the ground.Xiong Kuohai walked to the front carrying two bloody corpses. The Wagang village soldier who was closest to him was trembling with fright, sat down on the ground, and couldn't help but began to vomit.

Throwing the two broken corpses on the ground, Xiong Kuohai casually wiped the blood on his hands.

He stretched out his right hand, and the soldiers immediately pulled out his Mo Dao from the ground and put it in his hand.Xiong Kuohai swung the Mo Dao in a circle and held it in his hand, then let out a roar like a tiger: "Who dares to fight me!"

The roar of the tiger was so violent that the trembling and retreating Wagangzhai soldiers in front of him were so frightened that they pissed their pants.At this time, in their eyes, Xiong Kuo Hai was still alone, but clearly a beast.To tear apart a member alive, this kind of extremely domineering, brutal, and extremely violent thing, normal people can't face it calmly.

Xiong Kuo Hai, who was more than two meters tall, stood there with a knife, like a peerless god of evil.

Many of the courageous soldiers who were killed were unable to stand up, and many of them sat on the ground and vomited profusely until they could no longer vomit, but they were still retching. The courageous ones could still stand up. As he spoke, his legs were trembling involuntarily.The Wagang village soldier at the front was a boy who looked no more than fifteen or sixteen years old. He looked at the two corpses thrown on the ground by Xiong Kuohai with a pale face, and was so frightened that he burst into tears.He vomited as he cried, until he was covered in sticky stuff.

The stench in the air was getting stronger and stronger, and the smell that got into the nose did not dissipate for a long time.

Relying on the absolutely powerful five-toothed ships and Huanglong clippers of the Sui Navy, Yuwen Shiji's troops had already blocked the river course, and Wang Fubao's troops retreated to the north bank after only a tentative attack for a while. The small boat couldn't even stop the collision of the big five-toothed boat. Although Yuwenshi and his men were not regular sailors, the people who controlled the boats were all from the Jiangdu navy, and the role of the archers was very important as the warships blocked the river. The archers of the government soldiers are well-trained, and they are condescending on the big ship. Wang Fubao's state army can't get close at all.

Seeing that the state army on the north bank did not plan to attack violently, Yuwen Shiji simply let his flagship dock, disembarked and mounted a horse, and led a team of personal soldiers to search for Xiongkuohai.He dispatched another [-] soldiers to disembark to block the retreat of the people in Wagang Village.When he rode his horse to the front of the formation, he happened to see the scene where the majestic sea split into Wanbaoshan.

Seeing the cruel and bloody scene, even the battle-tested Yuwen Shiji couldn't help but gasped.He felt a churning in his stomach, and a disgusting feeling rushed out.

Yu Wenyan looked at Xiong Kuohai and sighed: "Unexpectedly, there are such fierce generals and soldiers in Yanyun Village. The three thousand heavy armored swordsmen are from a county as rich as Qi County. It may not be able to support them. The subordinates can't figure out how General Li built up this heavy armored infantry."

Yuwen Shiji sighed and said: "Where is the team he spent money to build? All the heavy armored equipment and armored equipment were snatched back from Liaodong. Among them, 2000 people were from the army. They all belong to the imperial court, that is, Xiong Kuo Hai, who gave birth to an enemy general, was also a military captain of the Sui Dynasty, and he followed Li Xian when he first conquered Liao."

He looked at Xiong Kuo Hai, and couldn't help sighing: "The court of the Sui Dynasty has never lacked elite soldiers. If the 30 government soldiers hadn't been buried in Liaodong, the Sui Dynasty would not have been corrupted to this extent. Like Xiong Kuo Hai. A person from a poor family, no matter how great his ability is, is not reused in the court, and the court discards it like a shoe. But Li Xian got it as if he had found a treasure, and treated him as a national scholar. Repay it with a national scholar."

"Back then in Liaodong, I never thought that that young man, who was still young, would have the status he has today. When I first met him in Liaodong, he had only eighteen riders under him. Although they were all brave, they were no more than a group of reckless That's all. Now Yanyun Village has one hundred thousand soldiers, and it's only been a few years."

"Shifei for three days, look at it with admiration!"

Yu Wenyan sighed with emotion: "Xu Gong's words...don't forget, my lord."

Hearing Yu Wenyan suddenly say such a sentence, Yuwen Shiji's face changed, and he nodded immediately: "I will not forget what my father said. So, when we first arrived in Yanyun Village, we should ask more Just do your best. If you don't work hard, how can you win people's trust?"

Yu Wenyan nodded and said: "What the young master said is true, the subordinates will keep it in mind."

Yuwen Shiji hummed, and looked at the Wagang Village soldiers kneeling and surrendering in the distance, he shook his head with some disinterest: "Go back to the boat, the vanguard army in Wagang Village no longer exists. But the good show has just been staged, and after the arrival of the follow-up brigade from Wagang Village, I'm afraid Xiongkuohai won't win so easily."



Xiongkuohai fought a beautiful battle on the bank of the Yellow River, so he was naturally happy.But Li Xian in Lei Ze was not happy at all. The person sent to contact the Xiongkuo Navy had not returned yet, so he didn't know what the situation was like there.Rarely, he paced back and forth in the big tent with a serious expression on his face.

In the big tent, Qin Qiong, Pei Renji, Hou Junji, Pei Xingyan, Hongfu Zhang Wancheng, Ye Huaixiu and others were all there.


Pei Renji stood up and said, "My subordinates feel that since Li Mi wants to delay time, let's just fight over. Li Mi's soldiers are only [-] to [-], and we have [-] elite soldiers. It is not difficult to win. thing."

Qin Qiong also said: "If you do the opposite, the subordinates also feel that they should fight over."

Li Xian nodded and said: "I called you here today to discuss this matter. On the surface, Li Mi sent people to call for battle every day, but in fact he arranged the camp like an iron bucket. He had already made up his mind. If Zhai Rang can't win, he won't fight us."

"However, the longer we wait, the worse it will be for us."

Ye Huaixiu said: "Tomorrow, you might as well send a team to pretend to attack and see how Li Mi reacts. If he can't hold on, then it's a fact that he's waiting for Zhai Rang's news. If so, it really can't Wait any longer. After Li Mi's side is dealt with, the army will immediately return to the division to support Xiong Kuo Hai, to ensure nothing is lost."

Pei Xingyan immediately stood up and said: "This subordinate is willing to lead a team to call for battle tomorrow. If Li Mi doesn't dare to go out, this subordinate will directly demolish the camp in Wagang Village!"


Pei Renji said displeased: "Why can't you change your impulsiveness?"

His father reprimanded him, but Pei Xingyan dared not answer.He subconsciously rubbed his buttocks and smiled mischievously, and said repeatedly: "I remember, I remembered. Impulsivity was a mistake, the board my lord hit is still hurting, how could I forget?"

Li Xian smiled and said: "Since you are willing to defeat it, it doesn't matter. I will send you 3000 troops tomorrow, and I will ask Brother Qin to lead the army to support you. Just remember not to be reckless, if you fall into it, no one will rescue you."

"My subordinate understands!"

Pei Xingyan said quickly.

Li Xian smiled and asked: "Why, can your ass ride a horse?"

"Why not!"

Pei Xingyan patted his butt twice hard and said loudly: "Don't say it's just twenty army sticks, even if you beat me with two hundred army sticks, my lord, as long as I have one breath, I can climb on the horse's back, as long as I get on the horse's back can kill the enemy."

"well said!"

Li Xian clapped his hands and praised: "A man should have such arrogance. Since you are willing to fight, tomorrow will be up to you. The only thing is, if you lose, don't come back to see me."

"How could it be possible to lose!"

Pei Xingyan raised his head and said: "To fight Wagang Village, the subordinates always have endless energy!"

Everyone knew why he had such a big prejudice against Wagang Village. When his father Pei Renji led an army to attack Wagang Village, he was defeated by Xu Shiji's tactics. Pei Xingyan escaped and Pei Renji was captured.It's just that later Xu Shiji, Cheng Zhijie and others all took refuge in Yanyun Village, but it was so, Pei Xingyan still had a lot of resentment towards Wagang Village.At the beginning, he walked thousands of miles with hunger and hunger, and he was really like a beggar fleeing.He has suffered so much, so he has been thinking about destroying Wagang Village in order to relieve his anger.

Hearing what his son said, Pei Renji's face changed. He lowered his head, his face slightly ugly.I don't know if it's because he felt embarrassed when he mentioned this, or he thought of something else.

"This subordinate is willing to go with Yuan Qing!"

After being silent for a while, Pei Renji suddenly raised his head and said, "My lord, please fulfill me!"

His face was solemn and slightly flushed.Obviously, he was very excited, and he didn't know if the defeat of Wagang Village was a knot in his heart that he couldn't get rid of.

Seeing him like this, Li Xian didn't immediately agree.

After a while, Li Xian nodded and said, "That's fine, father and son are fighting together, and Li Mi is no match for your father and son."

After saying this, he turned around and walked towards the map, but no one saw him. When he turned around, he exchanged glances with Ye Huaixiu. Ye Huaixiu nodded slightly, and nodded without showing any signs.In the brief intertwined sight of the two, only the two of them knew the meaning.

Ye Huaixiu got up slowly, pondered for a while and said: "Our Flying Tiger Secret Agent is responsible for investigating intelligence. When the army is fighting, the secret agent goes first.

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