Will Ming

Chapter 405 Autumn Fire Liaoyuan Horseshoe Disease

(Thank you for the monthly ticket of the cottage idler, and thanks to Sima Xiayu, Urban Forest, Beihai, Yaoyue, Yushi Zhongcheng, for Liu Dashen, the night shift angel, and the rest of the rewards, please.)

Chapter [-] Autumn Fire Liaoyuan Horseshoe Disease

When people in the world talk about autumn, they often add a word of gold in front of it.One of the meanings of golden autumn is that the scenery, vegetation, and crops have all turned golden yellow, and it seems that there is still a kind of grace in the chill.The second meaning refers to the storage of autumn grain. The people have surplus grain in their own granaries, and when they have harvested, they can count as some money income, so autumn is a favorite season for the people.

However, since the eighth year of Daye, the counties in Henan, once known as the granary of the Sui Dynasty, have gradually become depressed.Let alone a good harvest, most of the fertile fields have turned into wilderness. The weeds are waist-deep, and the grass seeds are harvested in abundance. As long as the bleak autumn wind blows, a thicker layer of fresh green will emerge next spring next to the withered weeds. .It's just that this new green is not a pleasant green like the rejuvenated wheat, but an annoying green.

Weeds are easier to feed than crops. As long as there is a rain in spring, the weeds will grow like crazy, and their exuberance is a kind of abnormal prosperity.

I don't know whether it was a naughty child or those thieves who casually killed people who lit a fire. When the autumn wind blew, the fire was astonishingly large. The prairie fire burned for two days and three nights before gradually extinguishing. When the wind blows, it is like a sandstorm.

Grass ash is a good fertilizer, but now there are very few people farming in the counties of Henan.No matter how good the grass ash is, if no one plows the ground or sows the seeds, next year the grass ash will feed the weeds.

A group of about a thousand cavalry marched slowly on the gray official road paved with grass ash. The team walked very irregularly, like a flock of unattended sheep, and the soldiers on horseback were also He looked listless and groggy, as if he could fall off his horse at any time. The cavalry of 1000 men, the front team and the rear team were out of touch, and they were pulled out for several miles. They didn't have the mighty look that a soldier should have.

The cavalry at the front of the line held up a large banner, and the soldier squinted his eyes to look at the road, even so, the corners of his eyes were still covered with grass ash.Walking with the wind, the grass ash follows the team, how annoying it is, the annoyed person can't wait to urinate into the ocean to wash away the grass ash.He hugged the flagpole in his arms, barely ensuring that the flag would not fall down.Looking up the pewter flagpole with a thick forearm, the handwriting embroidered on the gray cloth flag can barely be discerned.


The leader of this pair of cavalry is none other than Wei Liu'er, a big thief who has just taken refuge in Wagangzhai, and is also a famous green forest hero on both sides of the Yellow River.When his troops were at their peak, they had more than 30 troops, and the area around Qinghe County, Hebei Province was also flourishing.Last year, Wei Liuer was instigated by Zhang Qian, another big thief on Lulin Road in Hebei Province, and joined forces with Hao Xiaode, Li Deqian, Li Wenxiang, Hu Luer and other six or seven forces to gather nearly 30 troops to attack Qinghe County, Qinghe County Cheng Yang Shanhui was originally an extremely brave general, but he was fearless in the face of [-] rebel soldiers.

While fighting with more than 10,000 soldiers from Qinghe County, he sent people to invite the Sixth Army to arrest the old general Yang Yichen, the ambassador, and Guo Xuan, the general guard of Zhuo County at that time, to send troops.It's just that Guo Xuan was haunted by Dou Jiande and couldn't escape, so she couldn't rush to Qinghe to help.Yang Yichen heard that the thieves were approaching menacingly, so he brought more than [-] officers and soldiers to rescue Qinghe.After merging Yang Shanhui, less than [-] officers and [-]+ green forest rebels fought in Qinghe County. Although Yang Yichen had few troops, he fought with great momentum. Within a month, they fought against the rebels in thirteen formations, and won thirteen formations in a row. The coalition composed of six or seven heroes was beaten to pieces and suffered heavy losses.

In less than a month, Yang Yichen defeated the rebels. With less than 13 officers and soldiers, he killed more than 13 rebels and captured more than [-] rebels.The leaders of the rebel armies from all sides were defeated and fled.Yang Yichen has a practice in marching and fighting, that is, he never takes prisoners. [-] surrendered soldiers were beheaded by him one after another, and blood flowed into rivers on the land of Hebei.

Since then, Yang Yichen's nickname of "Yang Beheaded" has become more resounding, exuding a palpitating smell of blood.

Of the 5 horses that Wei Liu'er managed to save, only less than 4000 were killed, which is considered to be a relatively large one.After he was defeated in Qinghe County, he was chased and killed by Yang Shanhui, but he fled into the mountains to escape.He had been hiding for nearly a year. I heard that Yang Yichen was transferred back to the Eastern Capital by Yang Guang to serve as Minister of the Ministry of War.

Today, Dou Jiande's family dominates the green forest roads in Hebei, and Xu Yuanlong also occupies a lot of land. If water can't get in, outsiders can't get a foothold.Wei Liuer had no choice but to cross the south of the Yellow River and go down to grab a piece of land to settle down. Only after entering Dongjun County did he realize that the military adviser of Wagangzhai is the famous pu monkey Li Mi. Vote for Wagang.

Li Mi's greatest ability is his open mouth, no matter who comes to him, he will show a lot of importance, and will never make people feel that he has been treated coldly.Moreover, Li Mi's biggest advantage is that he can be appointed as an official. Anyway, it is a free reward. He is happy to give each of his subordinates the official position of a general. In the end, there are so many generals in Wagangzhai that he can't even remember how many there are. .

Wei Liu'er did remember that he was sealed by Li as General Mingwei.

It's just that Wei Liu'er has taken refuge in Wagang Village for more than half a month, and Wei Liu'er still doesn't know what level of military general he is, General Mingwei.

Wei Liu'er rode on the horse and looked around, spat out a spit full of ashes and cursed: "Li Wenxiang, that bastard, Mi Gong asked him to patrol the southeast of the camp, and I patrol the northeast to guard against the Yanyun village. The grass is tall and thick, sneaking up and attacking, I dutifully lead the soldiers to patrol every day, Li Wenxiang is fine, what a fool, he set the weeds on fire with his mother's torch, and what the hell is he talking about once and for all!"

He spat again and continued to scold: "The most annoying thing is, after that bastard was defeated last year, there were only less than 2000 people left. Just because he came half a month earlier than Lao Tzu, Mi Gong actually blocked him as well." What are you showing off to the general?"

He turned around cursingly and asked Zhang Zaixing, who was in charge of his own soldiers, "Tell me, is Lao Tzu, General Mingwei, the bigger one, or Li Wenxiang, the bastard's grandson, General Yangwei, who is bigger?"

"Of course it's General Mingwei!"

Zhang Zaixing said solemnly: "I asked Zhao Xiaosan, Mi Gong's personal soldier, and he told me that the generals sealed by Mi Gong are in order of Wu Hu Ying Ming Yang. The third rank is General Wu Ben, and the fourth rank is General Wu Ben. General Huben, from the fourth rank is General Yingyang, from the fifth rank is General Mingwei, and from the fifth rank is General Yangwei."

"Wang Bodang is a general Wu Ben. If he is a great general Wu Ben, he will be on the third rank."

Wei Liu'er thought for a while and said: "From the third grade, there is a fart. It's not because Li Xian, the head of Yanyun Village, almost shot to death with an arrow. Fifteen thousand vanguard elite soldiers escaped after a battle. There are less than 3000 people, and the official university can be useful, not just a useless one. If I were replaced by Lao Tzu as the vanguard general, would it be so embarrassing?"

Zhang Zaixing quickly said: "Don't talk about Wang Bodang, even Shan Xiongxin, the champion general of the second rank, is more than a step behind you. It's just that they are all old people from Wagang Village, and they took advantage. In addition, when Duke Mi was in trouble, it was Zhai Rang who sent troops to help, and Duke Mi will never forget this friendship."

"The thing I don't like the most is Zhai Rang, general, don't you think that Zhai Rang already regards himself as the emperor? Mi Gong respects him, respects him as the master of Wagang Village, and listens to his orders. That's secret. Fairness and righteousness! However, Na Zhai Rang has no self-knowledge at all. It is said that he was polite to Mi Gong at first, but later Wagangzhai had more and more people, but he became more and more arrogant, and even pointed fingers when talking to Mi Gong. "

Zhang Zaixing said dissatisfiedly: "All the heroes from all walks of life who came to Wagang Village, let me calculate, Meng Rang, Hao Xiaode, Wang Deren, Li Shicai, Zhang Qian, Heishe, Baishe, Hu Luer, Li Deqian, plus Li Wenxiang, which one is not An all-powerful figure? Which one is not a hero who ruled the world? Did everyone come to Wagang Village because of Zhai Rang's face?"

"I bother!"

Zhang Zaixing spat and scolded: "I just look at the injustice, why should everyone come to seek refuge with Mi Gong, but only look at Zhai Rang's face?"

Wei Liu'er curled his lips and said: "Zhai Rang is the master of Wagang Village after all, and what I dislike the most is that Shan Xiongxin, who is clearly a dwarf, but still prefers to pretend to be a big guy, and keeps his face all day long as if he is the real one." He looks like the master of Wagang Village. Look at his virtues before the division of troops, and he still dislikes the official position that Duke Mi made for him, what a fucking bully!"

Zhang Zaixing flattered a few more words, and couldn't help asking curiously: "General, why did Mi Gong suddenly order troops to patrol outside the camp a few nights ago? Did Mi Gong get any news? The people in Yanyun Village To attack?"

"who knows!"

Wei Liu'er took off the wine bag, rinsed his mouth, spat out ashes and cursed: "Damn it, inspector, isn't it our brother who suffers? And that Li Wenxiang who suffered a thousand knives is really not a damn thing, Why didn't he burn his own crotch by setting it on fire?"

While cursing, Zhang Zaixing was stunned for a moment, then asked uncertainly: "General, is the wind getting stronger ahead?"

Walking along with the wind, how could the wind in front become stronger?

Wei Liu'er followed Zhang Zaixing's instructions and looked forward, his eyes widened sharply: "Where is the mother's wind, blow the horn, blow the horn quickly, the enemy is attacking!"



Pei Xingyan persuaded Li Xian to lead his troops to attack the camp of Wagangzhai. Li Xian saw that his morale was good, so he gave him three thousand cavalry and told him to feign an attack, just to test out Li Mi's reality.Pei Renji begged Li Xian again and again, saying that he was willing to lead the army to attack with his son Pei Xingyan, in exchange for the shame of Xue's defeat at the hands of Wagangzhai.

Victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs, and I don't know how he remembers a losing battle so viciously, and often mentions to others that sooner or later he will have revenge.At first, everyone persuaded him a few words, and put everything aside.

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