Will Ming

Chapter 407 The umbrella doesn't move!

(Thanks for drinking without a blind date, lif504's monthly ticket, and thanks to Da Ziwei, the reward of Praise of the Wind, please continue to ask.)

Chapter [-] The Umbrella Doesn’t Move!

Qingyuan was obviously relieved when she heard that Li Xian was not talking about the big black umbrella, she pulled up the gauze covering her mouth and nose, thinking what happened to the general today?His speech made people sound completely confused, and he didn't know if he was just expressing emotion, or he had realized something in his heart.

If it is enlightened, then what is enlightened?

Qing Yuan couldn't figure it out, but she was a woman, and a sensitive woman, so she could feel something disturbing in Li Xian's words.

"The umbrella was crooked by the wind because the strength of the hand is not strong enough. If the hand holding the umbrella is loose, the umbrella will naturally be crooked. Then start to hold it tighter from today. If the umbrella is strong enough, it will be fine no matter how tight it is. The umbrella is not strong enough, so if it is broken, don’t be blown crooked by the wind.”

"I'm not talking about the umbrella in your hand, I'm talking about the umbrella in my hand. I have many, many umbrellas, so inevitably one will not be strong enough."

Thinking carefully about what Li Xian said just now, Qing Yuan suddenly thought of what was disturbing in it. It was murderous, very thick murderous.

On the battlefield within sight, the two sides fighting have gradually decided the winner.Li Xian's eyes also moved away from the big black umbrella behind Qing Yuan, and returned to the fighting scene in full swing on the battlefield.Yanyunzhai besieged Wei Liuer's thousand men with three thousand elite cavalry. In fact, the outcome was already doomed from the moment the war started.

Wei Liuer's command was not incorrect, but after all, the difference in strength was too great.

He divided his cavalry of about 800 men into two teams, and then ran out in opposite directions. The separated cavalry was like two gates opened, letting the elite cavalry of Yanyun village pass.But he didn't expect that Pei Xingyan, the leader of Yanyun Village, was so stubborn that he led his troops and only chased after him, completely ignoring another cavalry team of more than 300 people.

Wei Liu'er rushed forward while scolding his mother. He originally wanted to brush the side of the cavalry in Yanyun Village and rush to the back of the cavalry in Yanyun Village.It's a pity that Pei Xingyan obviously didn't intend to let him go, and led the cavalry in hot pursuit.Pei Renji saw that there would be no further changes in the battle situation, so he simply sent out 1000 troops, and he personally led the cavalry to surround the other half of Wagang Village.

Wei Liu'er was so angry that his teeth were itchy, and while running, he scolded Pei Xingyan's eight generations of relatives in one go. It's just that this kind of abuse of the weak can not only calm down his inner anxiety and fear, but there is nothing else. None of the effects.Even if he abuses and curses, Pei Xingyan will not be cursed to death by him. If reciting Amitabha Buddha at this time is effective, Wei Liuer will never hesitate in the slightest. If he comes out, the people in the world will almost die of Amitabha Buddha.

The last time Wei Liu'er fled in such a panic was when Yang Shanhui chased him from behind after his defeat in Qinghe County last year.If Yang Guang, the emperor of Daye, was not trapped in Yanmen by the Turks later, and Yang Shanhui personally led the army to the north to rescue him, he would have already ascended to the Paradise of Paradise that time.


Wei Liu'er only had this thought in his mind at the moment, it would be best if he could have two wings.

But there is a saying that nine out of ten things are not as good as time, Wei Liu'er can't really get out two wings to soar into the sky like a thunderbolt, and he has no good luck to become that one out of ten.Pei Xingyan's horse is the famous Turkic breed Telepius given to him by Li Xian. It is a BMW bred by the combination of famous Turkic horses and Khitan famous horses. Li Xian once said a word when he first came to the grassland, horses are not human beings, and hybrids are not necessarily bad This thing, Pitt Lepi, was a coming-of-age gift from Ashina Quhu to his only son Ashnabutuo.

The coming-of-age ceremony on the prairie is different from that in the Central Plains. Men in the Central Plains tie their hair up as a symbol of adulthood, while men in the prairie have it much earlier.It is a pity that Ashina Quhu was killed in Yanshan by Shibi Khan Ashina Duoji Shiyin. His son was strangled to death with a white silk by Yang Guang's order, and his wife committed suicide. Only this horse lived well. down.

Wei Liuer's horse is not bad, and it is also a famous grassland breed, but it is still a bit slower, and after only running for three or five miles, it is gradually overtaken by Pei Xingyan.

"Oh shit!"

Wei Liu'er turned around and took a look, and saw that hundreds of cavalry under him had been thrown away by him, and Pei Xingyan's cavalry had also been thrown away by Pei Xingyan. The two teams were now fighting behind him, but Pei Xingyan followed behind him alone. Hot on the heels.

Wei Liu'er was not someone who could be bullied. Seeing that Pei Xingyan was getting closer and closer, he reached out and took off the hard bow behind his back, drew the bow and shot it with an arrow.When Pei Xingyan heard the sound of the bowstring, he immediately leaned over, and the arrow whizzed past his helmet.It was only when he got up that the second feathered arrow arrived again. Because it was slightly deflected by the wind, the feathered arrow hit his left shoulder. The iron armor blocked the feathered arrow, but the arrow was still hanging on it.

This arrow aroused Pei Xingyan's murderous aura, and he threw out one of his copper hammers with a howl.It's just that the accuracy of his throwing the hammer is really not flattering. He clearly aimed at Wei Liu'er's back, but he hit the horse's ass with the hammer.The horse screamed violently, screamed in pain and jumped forward, but the hammer was too hard, and the horse couldn't hold back and fell to the ground with a plop within a few steps.When I looked at it again, the horse's buttocks were smashed and collapsed into a bloody pit.



Pei Renji killed half of Wei Liuer's cavalry, and hurriedly led people to chase Pei Xingyan.Knowing the son is like the father, he knows his son's temperament too well, knowing that once the fight starts, the kid will lose his mind, how can he rest assured?After defeating the enemy army, Pei Xingyan immediately turned around and led his troops to chase Pei Xingyan.A few Wagangzhai soldiers who survived by luck fled back immediately, maybe they were all glad in their hearts that they had recovered their lives before the gate of hell.

When Pei Renji led the cavalry to catch up, the 400 cavalry under Pei Xingyan's command had already defeated the half of the cavalry led by Wei Liuer. More than 300 cavalrymen were killed, and more than [-] people were killed, and less than a hundred people knelt down and surrendered.After catching up, Pei Renji glanced at the surrendered soldiers who were kneeling on the ground with their heads in their hands, frowned and ordered: "Kill them all, don't keep any of them."

Biejiang Cheng Chong was stunned when he heard this order, and then reminded: "General, my lord has issued a military order that the surrendered troops in Wagang Village will not be killed, in case no one dares to surrender again in the future."

"How do you know if any of these people surrendered on purpose? Just to sneak into our Yanyun Village army to spy on information? I am the general of today's battle. Are you going to disobey the military order?"

Cheng Chong had no choice but to order the beheading of the more than 90 surrendered soldiers.

The more than 90 heads here have not been chopped off yet, but Pei Xingyan has already galloped back with a bloody head in one hand, laughing and galloping.He threw Wei Liu'er's head on the ground, and said to Pei Renji proudly, "This man's abilities are ordinary, and he was smashed to death by me if he couldn't stand me three or five times."

Pei Renji looked at the ground, and sure enough, he saw that Wei Liuer's head had been swollen.Judging by the size of the blood hole, it was obvious that he was killed by a hammer.

"Father, how are you doing?"

Pei Xingyan wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked.

"I was anxious to chase you, and I left a few, but it's nothing, just a few, and not a single general left."

When Pei Xingyan heard what his father said, he immediately said: "How can father let go of a few cavalry from Wagang Village? If they rush back and report to Li Mi, they can't wait for us to kill them. The camp of Wagang Village has already set up defenses." , it will be difficult to win easily!"

"My lord did not let us win!"

Pei Renji said angrily, "If I didn't worry about your hurrying over, how could I let a few people go?"

Pei Xingyan sighed, and suddenly saw more than 90 headless corpses kneeling on the ground. When he found it, the last head fell on the ground. When he saw this scene, he immediately screamed: "Father! , Didn’t your lord order that no captives should be killed without his military orders? How did you forget? If the news of killing captives spreads, who else in Wagangzhai would dare to surrender?”

"Are you teaching me a lesson? Don't say kill a few surrendered soldiers. If one day breaks Wagang Village for my father, I will definitely kill everyone in Wagang Village."

Pei Renji said with a straight face.

Pei Xingyan didn't dare to say any more, so he simply pulled his horse and left to rectify the troops.Pei Renji looked at his son's back, and suddenly raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of guilt.It's just that the guilt in the eyes was fleeting. No one saw it, let alone noticed that Pei Renji's hands were still trembling slightly.



Qingyuan recollected what Li Xian said before, and almost subconsciously untied the big black umbrella from her back. She was riding on a tall horse, and her body looked even smaller. The umbrella opened with a bang, making her even more graceful and thin.

In the howling wind, Qing Yuan opened the big black umbrella. She didn't know why she did such a stupid thing. As the black umbrella bounced away with a bang, instead of clenching the umbrella handle tightly While holding the big black umbrella steady, he couldn't control it when the wind blew, and he fell off the horse directly.

The big black umbrella is a bit too big after unfolding, and the strength of the windbag on the umbrella is so great. If she stands on the ground, she may be able to guarantee that she will not be taken out by the umbrella. Sitting on horseback, her feet have no roots, and her body is so light , it is normal to be carried by an umbrella.

The person floated backward with the umbrella in hand, but her feet were still hooked on the stirrups and she couldn't break free.Seeing that he was about to turn over like this, even if he didn't die, he might have broken his leg.

At this moment, the big black horse carried Li Xian and jumped to Qing Yuan's side. Li Xian reached out and grabbed the umbrella handle, let go with a low cry, and dragged Qing Yuan's back with the other hand, straightening her upright. .

The black umbrella was in Li Xian's hands, the wind and the umbrella did not change, he

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