Will Ming

Chapter 408 In the Rain

(Thank you Yaosyue, Feiyaya for the reward, and thank you for the monthly ticket that Yan weaves into poems)

Chapter [-] In the rain ([-])

Controlling a horse with an umbrella in the strong wind is controlling the most powerful and violent big black horse in the world, and it is holding the strongest and huge big black umbrella in the world. No matter what, this scene seems to have a different kind of domineering, It's just that Li Xian, a person who has never been willing to do useless things, doesn't know why he went crazy and stupid today, and even confronted the most unreasonable force of nature, the meaning of which may only be understood by himself clear.

If he had to find a far-fetched excuse for what he did, it would be because he was slightly unwilling and angry.In this world, people who can be indifferent to everything are either idiots or the Buddha of the Western Paradise. Li Xian can be calm in the face of danger, but he can't be free from greed, hatred and ignorance.

On the contrary, his current status and strength all stem from the three poisons mentioned by this Buddhist.He is insatiable, and in some cases he would rather not have enough.He is happy and angry, although he is not good at sex, but when he is angry, he kills, and when he is happy, he laughs.If he wasn't obsessed enough or crazy enough, how could he have come to where he is today?

After returning from Jiangdu, the hostility in his heart has not dissipated, that's why today's seemingly idiotic behavior with Liefeng Boli, maybe, this is just a release he thought in his heart.

After reining in the horse and holding the umbrella, Li Xian looked up at the gray sky, his brows seemed a little smug.

"Blue kite"

He closed the big black umbrella and handed it to Qing Yuan, then asked Qing Yuan and said something that made him laugh: "Isn't it suitable to be tired from carrying this big iron umbrella all day? If you are tired, you should be tired. I am lazy... ..."

He spoke two sentences very coherently, without even a pause in between, which made Qingyuan's heart feel a little warmer, and then she couldn't help but curse in her heart, the general is so lazy, so ignorant of compassion , the next life must be reborn as an old scalper, plowing the fields all day long.

Li Xian looked at the horse Qingyuan was riding, which was cowering in fear because of holding an umbrella, and frowned slightly, then said apologetically: "I only care about the affairs of the army, but I have never asked your sisters about their lives in Yanyun Village." But I'm still used to it. Although the horse you're riding looks tall and handsome, it's actually a bad horse, and I don't know who picked it for you. Go to Wang Qinian and ask him to choose a better one for you."

Qing Yuan was slightly taken aback, and thought to herself, does this count as caring for our sisters?

Looking at Li Xian's back, she subconsciously remembered that she used to follow Wen Jie, never leaving Wen Jie's side all day long, and she could say that she depended on Wen Jie and hated him at the same time.After following Li Xian, he was not in Juye Ze all day long. Today he went to the east to fight, and tomorrow he went to the west to fight fiercely. He didn’t see each other all day. The sisters couldn’t remember him, but it’s been a long time. , In fact, it will come to mind naturally.

what is this?

The two sisters once discussed this issue, and after some debate, they came to a conclusion, and then they were taken aback by the conclusion they came up with, and they were so surprised and confused that they had mixed feelings in their hearts.

Is this freedom?

This is the conclusion that the two of them came to after much deliberation and struggle.

It's just that this conclusion is not an affirmative sentence, but a question sentence.

Yes, they are not sure if this is freedom, and they have no idea what freedom is.

So when Li Xian suddenly sent someone to bring their sisters into the army a few days ago, both she and Huang Luan felt an inexplicable sense of fear in their hearts.I don't know why, they seem to be able to guess why some generals brought them here.

At this moment, Li Xian suddenly asked something that made her face change drastically.

"Qing Yuan, do you know what freedom is?"

Qing Yuan nodded subconsciously, then shook her head in a panic, she pursed her lips and bowed her head in silence, a blush suddenly appeared on her face covered by the scarf.

"Some people say that you look up and ignore the sky, and walk regardless of the road. Regardless of the impermanence of the weather, you don't respect the order of the world, laugh and scold at will. Eat when you want to eat, sleep when you want to sleep, live when you want to live, and die when you want to die." , this is freedom."

Li Xian asked: "Do you want this kind of life?"

Without waiting for Qing Yuan to answer, he smiled and said: "I also asked Huang Luan about this sentence yesterday, I don't know if she has told you, the reason why I asked you separately is because I want to know your true inner thoughts .If you ask both of you at the same time, you will tell the truth if you have to.”

"Does the general think such freedom is good?"

Qing Yuan didn't answer, but asked back.


Li Xian smiled lightly and said, "It's just that he is no longer a human, but a walking dead."

"Then why is the general still asking me?"

When Qing Yuan asked this sentence, her tone became a little sharp.

Li Xian was slightly taken aback, then smiled wryly: "You are still a little different from Huang Luan. When I was talking to her yesterday, she also asked me what the general thinks. Then she turned her head and left before I could answer. I just don’t want to imprison you by my side, you should have the right to choose freely.”

"If the general wants to drive us away, just say so."

Qing Yuan bit her lip and said.

Li Xian shook his head slowly and said: "Actually, the reason why I came to you two is because I suddenly discovered that not everything is under my control. If one day Yanyun Village is defeated, it may hurt you , this is not what I want."

Qing Yuan thought for a while and said: "Freedom, the most important thing is to be able to make decisions about the future, right?"

Li Xian nodded, but did not speak.

Qing Yuan hummed, but stopped talking.

The two walked in silence until they reached a high slope where they could see the Wagang Village camp from a distance, and they didn't talk any more.Just when we reached the high slope, suddenly there was a thunder in the sky, and then heavy rain poured down, and the grass ash floating between the sky and the ground was smashed to the ground in an instant, and could no longer fly.The rain was very sudden and heavy, as if the heavens couldn't bear the pollution of the world with grass ash all over the sky.

Qing Yuan unfurled her big black umbrella and poked at Li Xian's side naturally, with a meaningful arc drawn at the corner of her mouth.



Li Xian smiled, looked up at the big black umbrella covering his head, then looked at Qing Yuan, and then said softly: "The umbrella is big enough, it's not difficult to cover four or five people, why do you have to leave?" I'm that far away?"

Qing Yuan nodded, and walked under the big umbrella, half of her body was already wet, and the rain was still dripping down the cuffs.

Li Xian watched as a group of cavalry marched through the rain and gradually approached the Wagang Village camp under the rain.The suddenness of the rain was very satisfying. It not only washed away the blood stained on the armor during the fight just now, but also washed away the annoying grass ash. The cavalry took off their helmets one after another, letting the rain wash over their faces to their heart's content , The rainwater flowed into the nose, not only did not choke, but the breathing seemed to become much smoother.

I don't know who was the first to pull his neck and roar a few times, singing like a wolf in the rain.Immediately, all the cavalry howled, and some rhythm could be heard faintly.It's just that these people's yelling was chaotic, and a good song was sung by them with a bit of metallic sound.

"I am a wolf from the north, walking in... the boundless wilderness..."

Hearing this unattractive but heroic singing voice, Li Xian smiled proudly and said, "How is it? I taught them how to sing."

"It's raining heavily, and they just experienced a fight. Why did they go to attack the camp of Wagangzhai, why didn't they go back to rest? Such weather is not suitable for fighting, and the rain will last longer, The road is muddy and difficult, and they will not be able to increase their speed if they want to retreat."

Qing Yuan didn't answer the song, but asked a question solemnly after thinking about it.

Li Xian smiled and said: "The reason why they didn't return to the army and still marched in the rain is actually very simple, because I didn't give them an order to return to the army."

"The general is here, why not give it?"

Qing Yuan asked again.

Li Xian looked at the more than 2000 cavalry under his command who were struggling forward and said proudly: "I just want to see if one person can affect thousands of people by making a decision. Or can he not affect even one person? "

What she said was inexplicable, Qing Yuan naturally did not understand.

"I'm only taking you out to watch the fight. If Li Mi finds out about it, I won't let go of this opportunity. After a while, there will be thousands of soldiers from Wagang Village rushing over to kill me. Their feathers and arrows are like rain, and their knives and guns are like a forest. If It’s true, you and I may escape from death, are you afraid?”

"Is the general afraid?"

Qing Yuan asked.

Li Xian thought for a while and said, "Would you believe me if I said I'm not afraid?"

Qing Yuan nodded and said: "I believe! The general has such a big family business now, so he will definitely not be stupid and send him to death. The general is willing to take me out alone, so naturally he has already made arrangements. Since I won't die, what am I afraid of?" ?”

Li Xian said angrily: "Don't you say you are afraid? Don't you know that when a woman says she is afraid, a man will foolishly go all out?"

Qing Yuan said indifferently: "Because I know that the general will never work hard for me."

Li Xian shook his head and said, "Not necessarily, I'm also stupid sometimes."

Qing Yuan laughed, her eyes were extraordinarily bright: "Then I won't be afraid anymore."



Pei Renji glanced at his son, who was laughing and singing in the rain, and couldn't understand where his son's simple happiness came from.Even though he was already tired after a fight, how could he still be in the mood to laugh, how could he sing that song so hoarsely, despite the pouring rain.

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