Will Ming

Chapter 409 In the Rain

Chapter [-] In the Rain ([-])

Li Xian rode a horse and carried Qing Yuan all the way, running in the boundless rain, looking a little embarrassed, but neither Li Xian nor Qing Yuan felt any distress, but had a hearty feeling.This feeling is a little strange, even a little silly.

When the two were galloping, Pei Xingyan was also galloping with more than 2000 cavalry.

Pei Xingyan is a straight-tempered person and even a little silly in character. He is a desperate Saburo who will get excited and yell when he starts a war. He needs to bother thinking about something.

Before joining Yanyun Village, his father Pei Renji was the one who decided everything. He only had to do things according to his father's orders, and he didn't have to think about whether he should do it or not.Because one of the things he firmly believed in was that his father would never harm himself.After arriving at Yanyun Village, he made sure of one more thing, that is, the boss will never harm himself.

That's why he didn't bother to think about whether today's battle was unnecessary.

Li Xian told him to let him test Li Mi's reality.If Li Mi leads the army to attack recklessly, it proves that he has no ghosts in his heart. He didn't play tricks to let Zhai Rang copy the back of Yanyun Village, and he wasn't delaying time.If Li Mi can't hold on, it proves that Li Mi has a ghost in his heart, and he is just delaying time.

So Pei Xingyan came with three thousand cavalry, met Wei Liu'er and killed him with a hammer.

Then he arrived outside the Wagangzhai camp, and then the Wagangzhai army rushed out, so he turned his head and ran, running neatly.

He never thought about whether this attack was a little pointless?

Is it necessary to do this test?Is it necessary to explore Li Mi's reality?

Why bother to test?

Wagang Village must be splitting up to copy the back route of Yanyun Village. The only thing that is uncertain now is whose back route Li Mi plans to copy, whether it is Li Xian's side, Chen Que'er, or Xiong Kuo Hai.But that's enough, Li Xian only needs to respond, either to defeat Li Mi's team in a decisive battle as soon as possible, or return to the army immediately to join Chen Que'er Xiong Kuohai, why take off his pants and fart?

According to Li Xian's temperament, he will definitely not return without success. Even if he wants to withdraw, he will win a beautiful battle before withdrawing.He's never been one to be indecisive, and he never does anything that doesn't make sense.So why is he doing this?What is the significance of this dispatch?

Pei Xingyan was straightforward, so he didn't bother to think about it.Since the general asked him to fight, then he would fight, it's that simple, there is no need to think about what should or should not be.He is used to being lazy. When he was an officer, he listened to his father's arrangements for everything. Now, as a member of Yanyun Village, he listens to Li Xian's arrangements.

He didn't want to think about it, it's understandable.

But who is Pei Renji?Pei Renji was also a well-known general in the Sui Dynasty. After so many years of struggling in the imperial court, he climbed to the position of General Lang step by step. How could he not think about how much thought he had put in and how many intrigues he had gone through?To not think about it, or to pretend not to think about it?

It is impossible for him not to know that this dispatch of troops is meaningless.

Li Xian ordered the expedition this time, maybe he just wanted to see if Pei Renji thought about it, what did he think about it.There is no doubt that Li Xian saw what he wanted to see.But Pei Renji was still in the dark, he didn't know what Li Xian wanted to see, and he didn't know what Li Xian didn't want to see.

But anyway, the team withdrew.

So Pei Renji was a little overjoyed, and took three thousand cavalry to attack the Wagangzhai camp, even if it was a feint attack, how could he rest assured?Although it was a bit embarrassing to withdraw, after all, there was no need to fight this unnecessary battle.He thought about this, then thought about why this battle was fought, and then thought about whether the general's order was to test Li Mi or someone else?

Thinking of this, his face became uglier than paper.

Just when Pei Renji thought in his heart whether he had made a fatal mistake, suddenly one of his personal soldiers urged his horse to catch up and posted a few words in a low voice.The wind was heavy and the rain was heavy, the sound seemed intermittent, and it seemed to be faintly audible, and the scouts found that... at every turn...

After hearing this, Pei Renji's eyes changed, and he nodded vigorously.



Li Xian rode a big black horse forward in the rain, the rain washed against the black armor and made a tinkling sound, then the rain flowed down the black armor and onto Qing Yuan in front of him.Maybe the wind in October was too cold, and the rain in autumn was too cold, so she was shivering a little.

"It's cold?"

Li Xian asked.

Qing Yuan shook her head, but did not answer.

Li Xian didn't ask anymore, but urged the big black horse to run faster.The big black horse is extremely handsome, although it carries two people, it doesn't seem to feel heavy at all.It was just running in the rain, and the ground was full of water, so although it ran fast, it was not as stable as it used to be.

"Hold on for a while, and you'll be back in the camp soon."

Li Xian felt that Qingyuan in his arms was trembling more and more, so he couldn't help comforting her.But Qingyuan shook her head again, then turned to look at Li Xian, the rain was very cold and the wind was very cold, but her face was not pale from the cold, but had a heart-stirring blush on the contrary.

"I'm not cold."

Qing Yuan lowered her head after saying this, looked at the big black umbrella in her arms and said to herself, "It's just that I've never been hugged before."

Li Xian was startled, then smiled awkwardly.

"Your horse is too slow. I brought you out this time, just to ask you whether you plan to stay or leave. You and Huang Luan can make up your own mind. By the way, let's see if someone has done something to me thing. I don’t want too many people to know about it before I confirm it, so I didn’t bring any followers.”

Li Xian patted the big black horse, and continued to explain: "So if the enemy is really coming, then we can only run, there is no ambush as you imagined, and there is no backup. There is no one beside me except you, Qin Qiong The men and horses are still waiting more than ten miles away to meet Pei Xingyan, so we can only run...your horse is slow, so I have to wrong you and me to ride a horse."

He explained patiently, but his words were a bit confusing.

Qing Yuan nodded and said softly: "I know, I just feel uncomfortable."

Li Xian thought for a while, then lowered his head and said, "Then you won't get used to it for a while, and there is no other way now. In fact, it's not that there are other ways, but you will be even more uncomfortable if you do that."

Qing Yuan asked curiously: "What way?"

Li Xian smiled awkwardly and said, "You sit in the back and I sit in the front. This way, it's not me hugging you, but you hugging me..."

Qing Yuan was stunned, her blushing became more thorough.

After Li Xian finished saying this sentence, he was a little annoyed, because this sentence was more or less ambiguous. He didn't want to tease a girl at this time, but his temperament was like this, and it was natural for him to say this sentence. It was too much to wake up.

Sure enough, Qing Yuan fell silent after hearing this sentence, she didn't know if she was angry or felt more embarrassed.But for some reason, Li Xian suddenly felt that the body sitting in his arms seemed to have undergone some changes, maybe it was just an illusion, he felt that Qing Yuan's body had become much softer than before.Because of embarrassment before, Qing Yuan sat in his arms and her body was tense, so she was inevitably a little stiff, but now for some reason, the stiffness suddenly disappeared...

Li Xian couldn't say anything more, he raised his head and looked ahead, trying not to think about what he said before.Since the number of people under his command has increased, in fact he has tried his best to restrain himself, usually acting more majestic and solemn, maybe it is only him and Qingyuan today, so he has no scruples in speaking.

Li Xian was annoyed about his mistake, and wondered if he should explain it.

At this time, his brows were raised suddenly, and then he cast his gaze deep into the rain curtain. From his slightly wrinkled brows, an uncontrollable burst of anger and murderous intent overflowed.



The rain curtain is too heavy like a secluded forest, and things in the depths of the secluded forest cannot be seen, but today it is windy and rainy, and the sky is gradually getting dark. People feel palpitations, and they can't see anything clearly tens of meters ahead.

Li Xian frowned and looked into the depths of the rain curtain ahead, then slowly put his hand on the handle of the black knife at his waist.

Feeling the loosening of her embrace, Qing Yuan subconsciously raised her head to look at Li Xian, and her body stiffened again with just one glance.Then she sat up straight and tied the big black umbrella behind her back, then put both hands on Li Xian's shoulders, turned over suddenly, turned around in mid-air, and sat behind Li Xian.

The reason for this is because she felt a murderous look on Li Xian's face.

So she immediately rolled over to Li Xian's back, because she knew that if she sat in front, Li Xian would be slower to draw his sword, and would have more scruples.

Li Xian didn't stop Qing Yuan, on the contrary, he was very satisfied with this woman's clear mind.

He held the handle of the black knife and kept his eyes on the front.

Suddenly, several crossbow arrows pierced through the rain curtain and flew over quickly. Because the rain was heavy and the sky was dark, the crossbow arrows were not noticed until they were very close.It came suddenly and quickly, but Li Xian still didn't seem to notice it, and didn't pay attention to it at all.

At this moment, the half-opened big black umbrella stood in front of Li Xian. Although the crossbow arrows were fast, they couldn't pierce the solid black umbrella.After blocking the crossbow arrows, Qing Yuan quickly retracted the black umbrella. She was afraid that if the umbrella was retracted slowly, it would affect Li Xian's ability to see the situation ahead.

There were only a few crossbows, and apparently the other party had only discovered Li Xian, so he fired hastily and pulled the trigger.Just for a moment, both sides

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