Will Ming

Chapter 410 In the Rain

(Thank you for the reward of the hymn of the wind, and thank you for the monthly pass, please.)

Chapter 410 In the Rain ([-])

For the dozen or so swordsmen in coir raincoats who stopped in front of Li Xian, everyone's scalp felt a little numb. There was no other reason, because Li Xian's black knife pointed at their faces one by one, and the brave ones could still face Li Xian directly. While maintaining the same posture, one or two timid ones subconsciously reined in their horses and took a few steps back.

The raindrops made a clanging sound on the black knife, which seemed to be louder than the pouring rain, so that the swordsman in coir raincoat who stopped Li Xian subconsciously ignored the annoying autumn rain and focused all his attention on it. Focus on the black knife that seems to have magical power.

The leading swordsman frowned, as if he felt that the momentum of dozens of people on his side was suppressed by that one person with one knife, which made him a little annoyed. He knew that to kill Li Xian, he had to fight quickly, just ten miles away Then there was a cavalry from Yanyunzhai, no less than [-] in number, and the leader was Qin Qiong and Qin Shubao, whose reputation for bravery spread throughout the land of Henan.

Today's interception and killing of Li Xian, if you want to succeed, all you need is a quick word. If you delay for a long time, there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents.So he immediately yelled loudly, and he didn't know whether it was because of excitement or fear in his heart. When he shouted, his voice was a little hoarse and trembling.

Following his order, all the knights took out their crossbows. Their movements were very neat, obviously they were all well-trained elites.Dozens of crossbows were aimed at Li Xian, and then the triggers were activated almost simultaneously.The sound of chug chug rang together, and the Wuhou Liannu modified by the craftsmen of the Sui Dynasty could fire twelve crossbow arrows in a row. Within a range of 30 meters, this weapon was almost invincible.Dozens of crossbows and hundreds of crossbows shot out more densely than the rainstorm, spread like a fan, and the intersection point was on Li Xian's body.

Qingyuan opened the big black umbrella again from behind Li Xian, like a huge black flower in the rain, and with a bang, the big black umbrella fully opened in front of Li Xian.When the umbrella is unfolded, it is big enough to protect even the big black horse.The moment the big black umbrella was stretched open, the crossbow arrows hit it crackling.

The umbrella surface was under the blow of a torrential rain, coupled with the heavy wind and rain, Qingyuan's hand gradually became uncontrollable. She gritted her teeth and persisted. When she couldn't hold the handle of the umbrella, Li Xian suddenly took out something from her arms and stuffed it into her hand, and took the big black umbrella over at the same time.

Qing Yuan looked down and saw that the thing in her hand was a tin tube, about the thickness of a wrist, with a thin rope protruding from it.

"Sit tight!"

Li Xian said two words in a low voice, and then violently urged the big black horse to rush forward.He couldn't see the situation ahead, but the hand holding the umbrella had exhausted all his strength.The big black horse couldn't see the situation ahead, but it still obeyed the owner's wishes, spread its hooves and rushed forward.The umbrella is too big, and the resistance to rushing forward with the umbrella is huge. If it is an ordinary war horse, it may not be able to charge at all, and it may even fall backward in fear because it cannot see anything in front of it.

The big black horse rushed forward dozens of steps, and the knights standing in front finally became timid. Someone wanted to urge the horse to get out of the way, but was cut off by the leading swordsman in coir raincoat.

"Death to those who retreat!"

The man yelled loudly, and then threw the repeated crossbow that had emptied the crossbow box on the ground. He reined in the reins with one hand, tightly controlled the horse so that it would not escape, and then raised the horizontal knife with his right hand. He raised it up, as if he wanted to hit the big black umbrella with his horse, trying to block Li Xian.

Just a few meters away from colliding with the horse of the coir raincoat swordsman, the big black umbrella was suddenly retracted, and Li Xian yelled a word in a low and hasty voice.


So Qing Yuan violently pulled away the pull wire of the iron tube in her hand, and a large ball of fireworks spewed out with a puff.

This is something made by Flying Tiger's Fifth Part Two. It is used to send a signal for help. It can hit the sky tens of meters high, and then explode a large flower of gorgeous fireworks.It's just that Li Xian didn't let Qingyuan shoot the fireworks high into the sky, but aimed straight ahead and shot them out.

At the same time, Li Xian sank his body violently, and the big black horse, feeling the master's intentions, stopped immediately, and rubbed a few marks on the ground with its four hooves.

With a bang, the fireworks exploded on the leader of the coir raincoat swordsman. There were no beautiful and eye-catching fireworks, only a large ball of fire exploded on the coir raincoat swordsman.



The fireworks did not bloom brilliantly, but a ball of fire exploded, hitting the swordsman in coir raincoat on the chest. This was so sudden that everyone was startled.It's okay for people to be startled, but it's not a trivial matter for a war horse to be frightened.As soon as the fireball exploded, the nearby war horses immediately screamed and fled uncontrollably to the left and right.The knight on horseback was also taken aback, it was already too late to control the horse.

Several war horses escaped and there was a gap, Li Xian urged the horses to rush forward.The big black horse just stopped and started suddenly, without any difficulty.In the rain curtain, the big black horse rushing forward, like an ink dragon in an ink painting, rushed through the sky with a swish.

Li Xian handed the big black umbrella to Qing Yuan, and when the big black horse crossed the gap, he took advantage of the situation and wiped off a head.The blood in the neck cavity spurted out with a puff, intersecting with the rainwater.Within a few meters, the rain quickly turned red.The armor on the chest was blackened, and the coir raincoat was torn off. The swordsman was still in shock. He subconsciously looked down and was relieved to find that he was not seriously injured.

But when he came to his senses, the big black horse was already more than ten meters away.

"Stop him!"

The swordsman in coir raincoat shouted loudly, and then took the lead in chasing after him.

I don't know if it's because it's raining in the sky and I'm tired. After Li Xian rushed out, the rain gradually became lighter.The sky also became a bit brighter, the rain decreased, and the dark clouds became thinner. The near-night sky that could not be seen tens of meters away gradually dissipated, and the line of sight became much wider.Qing Yuan sat behind Li Xian, looking back from time to time, the swordsmen chasing behind did not shout, as if they were afraid of waking up.

They didn't dare to shout loudly, not because they were afraid of waking up, but because they were afraid of provoking the cavalry from Yanyun Village. There were five thousand fine cavalry waiting in formation less than ten miles away.

Competing for leg strength, when did the big dark horse lose?

Dozens of knights only chased for three or four miles before being dropped by the big black horse about a hundred meters away.It won't take long to continue like this, I'm afraid they won't even see the shadow of the big black horse.Horses have different foot strengths. After three or four miles, the distance between the dozens of horsemen and horses chasing after Li Xian became wider and wider. There were four or five people in the front, and they were thrown away one by one. The distance between the last person was about [-] meters.

Qing Yuan looked back at the cavalrymen gradually falling behind, she wiped the rain from her eyes and smiled.

"The big black horse, General, is really good. It can carry two people faster than those assassin's horses."

Li Xian also smiled, turned around and asked Qing Yuan: "You mean we can escape quickly?"

Qing Yuan blushed, and quickly explained: "I didn't mean that, I just... just really think that the general's horse is good, there is no other meaning, really not."

Li Xian laughed and said, "I don't blame you."

He looked at the pursuers behind him, and then said something that shocked Qing Yuan.

"Run for a while, and I'll kill back."



After chasing for six or seven miles, the leader of the group of assassins gradually gave up.The speed of the big black horse was really too fast, even though it carried two people on its back, it was still much faster than their war horse.This made him feel a little helpless, and then he whipped the horse's whip a little harder.

You can't run much further, just behind the high slope a few miles away, Qin Qiong's men and horses are waiting there, as soon as he sees Pei Xingyan's fireworks shooting into the sky, he will immediately lead his army to rush over.The coir raincoat swordsman knew he couldn't chase him any more. In case Qin Qiong's men found out, the dozens of men under him were not enough for five thousand cavalry to ride on.

Just when he was about to give the order to retreat, he suddenly found that Li Xian had stopped.

His first reaction was that something was wrong, there was an ambush.But now the line of sight gradually widened, and he could see the high slope several miles away, and the only places he could see were the two men and the horse, so where was there any ambush?

So he decided to take a gamble and rush over to talk, if there is anything wrong, just withdraw it immediately.So he didn't slow down, and the whips on the horse's buttocks became more dense.Within a hundred steps of chasing, he suddenly remembered something, which he had forgotten carelessly for a while, and when he remembered it suddenly, he immediately turned pale with fright.

It's just that he was a little slow in reacting, and an armor-piercing cone precisely got into his eye socket.

One after another, the armor-piercing cones flew over, and in just a moment, the five or six knights chasing in front were shot down one by one by Li Xian.

Li Xian said to Qing Yuan with a smile while firing an arrow: "When I was ten years old, I faced dozens of soldiers from the army alone. Not only did I not get injured, I even killed them all. Believe it or not? Although those soldiers It's just ordinary county soldiers, whose martial arts and equipment are far inferior to those dozens of people today, but I have never been picky about killing people. But at that time, I took the initiative. I set up ambushes, sneaked in, and poisoned them. Today, the assassin took the initiative. , so it's still slightly different."

He let go, and an assassin who couldn't stop in the future shot down.

The thirty or so people behind did not dare to approach, and they all reined in their horses and stopped.

"I believe!"

Qing Yuan clenched her fists.


Li Xian asked.

Qing Yuan nodded and said, "I really believe it!"

Li Xian hummed and asked with a smile: "Then let's go back, shall we?"

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