Will Ming

Chapter 411

(Thanks to Killsell, Huang Jiwei, Sven Marshal, Bingchen, csydfw for the monthly pass, today’s monthly pass is very powerful! Thank you Yaosyue, the hymn of the wind, for your reward! Please, ask for a monthly pass!)

Chapter 410 Seventh Ass Pain

The rain came suddenly and quickly, and the rain went away equally quickly. From the first drop of rainwater to the sky gradually clearing up, it took only half an hour.It didn't take long, but it rained heavily, and the wasteland was full of accumulated rainwater in depressions.The horseshoe stepped on the puddle, and the muddy water splashed high.

Li Xian grabbed the bamboo hat worn by an assassin, and then pulled it back. The black knife in his right hand wiped the man's neck. The blade cut the neck like tofu, and the dark red blood flowed back and forth with the knife. The action of cutting off the head poured out like a waterfall, and as the knife was pulled back and pulled on the neck, blood spattered everywhere.There were bloodstains on Li Xian's knife, hands, body, and even his face. He looked like a yaksha who had just crawled out of the pool of blood to take his life.

Carrying the head and chasing after him, Li Xian split the back of the assassin who was running in front with a knife, just like a butcher cuts a fat sheep. After the knife was cut, a long and narrow wound appeared on the assassin's back .The blade cuts in from the back of the neck, and cuts out from the lumbar spine. The entire spine is cut from top to bottom, just like lamb ribs that have been chopped open on the chopping board.

A spurt of blood spewed from the man's back, and he threw himself forward and lay on the horse's back, his two hands tightly wrapped around the horse's neck, refusing to let go, and the blood sprayed all the way behind him.He refused to let go, so his body would not fall off the horse, but his eyelids became heavier and heavier, gradually losing the strength to open them.He slowly closed his eyes, and the expression of fear and pain on his face gradually froze.Along with the stiff expression, his body was still there. After rushing forward a hundred steps, his body was molded on the back of the war horse like a sculpture.

Li Xian didn't pay any attention to that man, and let the horse drag the corpse and continue to charge forward.The stiff and cold body was still tightly hugging the horse's neck, and the body remained in this posture and disappeared far away from sight.I don't know how long it will take for the corpse to fall from the horse's back, or the horse's heart is tied to its master and has been running carefully not to let the master fall off.

Maybe, just maybe, in a few months, half a year, or even a year, people will still see this horse dragging a decomposed corpse slowly in this wilderness.From time to time, the war horse will turn back and rub its owner's arm that is still holding its neck, with dependence and love in its eyes.

The corpse lying on the horse's back like this may be the best destination.The war horse will carry its master on its back and wander around the world, and depend on a dead bone for life.

Nearly fifty assassins were shot by Li Xian's arrows and killed more than forty people one after another. The remaining few escaped far away. After all, he was only one person, so he could only look at those people far away with a little regret, but he thought in his heart that these people were much worse than he expected.

He reined in the big black horse and stopped chasing him, but when he was about to turn around, he saw a group of cavalry rushing forward, spreading out like a fan, just blocking the escaped assassins.

Li Xian sat on the big black horse and looked at the matter in front of him, then his eyes narrowed slightly.

At the front of that team of cavalry was a big flag with a large character Pei on it.

The escaped assassins were blocked by the cavalry, and immediately became panicked. They rode their horses and fled to the other side, but were blocked by the cavalry with no way out.A rain of arrows shot past, and the four or five people were immediately knocked to the ground.The cavalry rushed over and circled around those fallen horses. It seemed that under the rain of arrows, there were still people who were not directly shot to death.

Li Xian looked over there and sighed slightly in his heart.

I don't even want to leave anything alive for the investigation. Do you still want to leave a life alive to show your innocence?

Just thinking about this, he suddenly thought of another possibility, and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, thinking that if you really sent people to mess with me at this time, wouldn't today's murder in the rain be a bit boring?So he got off his horse, went to the corpse of an assassin, and opened the pants of the corpse with a knife. He looked at it and shook his head slowly, walked to another corpse, and cut the pants of the corpse again with a knife. After seeing it the first time, he nodded, and then cursed in a low voice.

"Yang Guang, you are such a fucking idiot. Sending these few people here, sincerely to cause trouble for me?"

The first body with the pants cut was stuffed, while the second had nothing.

When killing people, Li Xian felt that something was wrong. These assassins were far from the combat cooperation among elite soldiers.Now it seems that there are still a few eunuchs.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there are a few more prisoners captured alive under Pei Zi's banner.

Behind a certain high slope, a few armored soldiers who were prostrate on the high slope retreated quietly and made a gesture, and hundreds of knights in fine armor turned around and left immediately.They may feel that there is no chance to attack again, so they chose to withdraw wisely.But they didn't realize that just a few hundred meters behind them on another high slope, several people were crouching and watching their every move.Under the high slope behind those people, there were no less than three hundred swordsmen in green shirts on horseback, with solemn faces.The more than 100 knights in fine armor rode into the distance, and the green-clothed swordsman lying on the high slope took out a whistle from his arms and blew it a few times. The sound was clear and loud, like the crowing of an eagle. pass number.

In the direction where more than 100 soldiers withdrew, three miles away, there was a forest that survived the fire. Hundreds of swordsmen in blue shirts were hiding in the woods. After gesturing, everyone took off the hard bow hanging on the side of the saddle in an orderly manner. In the quiver hanging by their waists, all of them were fake armor-piercing cones.

Green shirt, steed, hard bow, armor-piercing cone.

The most important thing is that all the swordsmen in green shirts have a knife tied behind their backs, and a dragon is engraved on the handle. The lines are very simple, but they have both form and spirit, as if they are about to fly through the air.



Pei Renji ordered not to shoot people but to shoot horses, and captured the swordsmen in coir raincoats alive. A dozen or so soldiers got off their horses, beat those swordsmen with punches and kicks, and then tore off their clothes. They tied up those people like pigs, and dragged them to Pei Renji's horse.

"General, I asked, it doesn't look like a scout from Wagang Village."

A soldier clasped his fists and said, Pei Renji nodded and said, "Everyone will be escorted back to the camp for interrogation."

Then he raised his head and looked at the lonely Yiqi far away, and suddenly felt a bit of regret in his heart.He didn't even know what he was regretting, but the feeling of regret made him feel as if he had bet ten thousand dead flies in his heart, and he felt uncomfortable and nauseated.

At this time, the scouts who went to check suddenly cheered a few times, waved the flag in their hands from a distance, and then ran back to protect the man on horseback in the distance.Pei Renji clenched his fists, and then took a deep breath.

After Li Xian returned to the camp, he briefly asked about the attack, and then returned to his bed tent on the pretext of being tired.When he entered the door, he saw Ye Huaixiu's cold face and Jiaer's worried eyes.Seeing Li Xian coming in, Ye Huaixiu got up, and after saying that she had seen the lord, she walked away with a sullen face. Jiaer opened her mouth, gave a salute, and followed Ye Huaixiu away.

Li Xian knew that Ye Huaixiu was angry, so he went out without guards, but this was a bit too much. Ye Huaixiu was in charge of the fifth department of Feihu, and his main duty was not to spy on intelligence, nor to assassinate Poison, not to hide and ambush, but to protect Li Xian's safety.

But Li Xian was lost right under the eyes of the heavy guards, which made Ye Huaishu feel a little helpless while being angry.She asked the four guards who were secretly protecting Li Xian, and the five secret agents who supervised other secret agents but were in charge of Li Xian's safety. No one saw when Li Xian left the camp. It can be seen that if Li Xian wanted to, he could kill all the secret spies in the dark without showing any traces.

This made Ye Huaixiu feel a little frustrated. At the same time, she also knew that this was Li Xian reminding herself that the seemingly impenetrable guards were actually full of loopholes in front of real masters.

After she returned to her tent, she ordered to recall all the spies who had gone out to look for Li Xian.

Sitting on the chair, Ye Huaixiu looked at the two people standing solemnly in front of her and frowned slightly. She stretched out her hand and took a sip from the teacup. Her white and slender hands complemented the jade cup, making her look extraordinarily beautiful.

"If there is another time like this."

Sipping tea, Ye Huaixiu slowly raised his head to look at the two people in front of him and said word by word: "I can take the blame and resign from my position as the head of Feihu's five departments, and you can lie quietly in the grave." Sleep in your bag."

Ye Fanyun, the new head of the four guards, and Leng, the head of the five supervisors, also changed their expressions at the same time, then bowed their heads, not daring to explain or argue.

Ye Huaixiu looked at the two of them with eyes as cold as a knife.

The scene in the tent suddenly became a little cold, so quiet that the two of them could even hear the sound of their own breathing, and they both felt that the sound was extraordinarily loud, which made them a little flustered.

In the silent atmosphere, there was a crisp cracking sound suddenly.

Too crisp, too abrupt.

Ye Huaixiu still looked at Ye Fanyun and Leng Yi coldly, but the jade cup in her hand was suddenly crushed by her, with a bang, the tea splashed everywhere, and the broken cup fell to the ground, a shocking streak of bright red blood, It flowed down the palm of her hand and dripped onto her flawless white skirt like red plums in the snow.

Jia'er's face changed drastically in fright, and she rushed over to bandage the wound on Ye Huaishu's hand.Leng Yi was so frightened that the corners of his lips trembled a few times, while Ye Fanyun knelt down with a plop.



After taking a hot bath, Li Xian changed into a pure black robe, and his long hair with water droplets was tied behind his head. He looked very refreshing and clean.

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