Will Ming

Chapter 412 Attack and the rear

(Thanks for rjtb's monthly ticket, please, tomorrow is the last day, please give strength, ask for brute force, ask for violence, ask for more and more support...)

Chapter 410 Second Attack and Rear Arrival

Regarding the fact that a person who wore a black robe and covered his head and face with a cloak and said that his butt hurts entered his big tent, Li Xian only mentioned it to two people, one was Ye Huaixiu and the other was Qin Qiong. After discussing in Xian's account for half an hour, Li Xian explained his plan to the two of them.Ye Huaixiu looked indifferent, but Qin Qiong's expression changed.Ye Huaixiu didn't think there was any surprise, but Qin Qiong felt a little unbelievable.

After the discussion, Li Xian sent someone to find Pei Renji, Pei Xingyan and his son.

Not long after, Pei Renji and his son arrived at Li Xian's big tent together. Li Xian gave them a task, and asked them to take three thousand cavalry to the camp of Wagangzhai to fight. , then retreat, the people of Wagangzhai retreat, then they will go back and continue to challenge.

Although Pei Renji and his son didn't know the purpose of Li Xian's arrangement, they didn't question a word.After the father and son got out of the big tent, they ordered three thousand cavalry from the headquarters, and went straight to the camp of Wagang Village.Pei Xingyan rode in front with a displeased expression on his face.Pei Renji glanced at him, then smiled and asked, "Yuan Qing, why do you seem to have something on your mind?"

Pei Xingyan sighed and said: "It's meaningless to fight this battle like this. Attacking is not attacking. I really can't cheer up such things as disturbing the enemy. If it is a real fight with real swords and guns, it will be enjoyable. The enemy invades us Retreat, the enemy retreats and I advance. Anyway, I can't do such a thing. Father, you will command this battle. I sleep in the rear. If I need to run, my father will send someone to tell me."

"Yuanqing, you..."

Pei Ren basically wanted to persuade him, but he didn't say anything in the end. Instead, he smiled and said, "You've been tired for the past few days. Anyway, there won't be any fierce battles today. It's just disturbing the enemy. You want to be in the rear?" It’s okay to sleep, if something happens, I’ll send someone to tell you.”

Pei Xingyan nodded and stopped talking.

Pei Renji knew what kind of temperament his son had, so he didn't care.

When the three thousand cavalry arrived outside the Wagang village, they began to call for battle. At first, no matter how the people in Yanyun village shouted and scolded, the people of Wagang village would not come out to fight. For the whole morning, Pei Renji kept sending people to call for battle while sitting on horseback. Pei Xingyan, on the other hand, lay down on a slope behind the team and fell asleep.He is a straightforward person, he is really not interested in this way of fighting, and he simply doesn't go to the battle.

The weather became cooler in late autumn, but the warm days were here, and the autumn air was crisp and covered with a blanket. Pei Xingyan slept soundly, snoring loudly, and many soldiers looked at him and grinned.

In the afternoon, perhaps Li Mi felt that the troops in Yanyun Village outside the camp were exhausted, so he sent Wang Junke to lead [-] cavalry out of the camp to make a surprise attack. For some reason, Pei Renji did not follow Li Xian's previous explanation, and did not He retreated immediately, but went to fight Wang Junke himself with a lance.

Pei Ren is also basically a brave man. Although his martial arts skills are not as good as his son Pei Xingyan's, a horse in his hand has been stained with blood. The men and horses in the village held their breath, and fought like a raging fire as soon as they confronted each other.

Pei Renji and Wang Junke fought together, and the two fought for more than [-] rounds, regardless of the outcome.After fighting for more than half an hour, the two of them were unable to do anything about each other.At this moment, Pei Xingyan, who was sleeping in the back, was called up, and in a daze raised the double hammers and rushed to the front of the formation to fight.As soon as he saw the blood with the hammer, he immediately regained his energy, rushing back and forth in the army formation with a yell, the more he killed, the more excited he was.

I thought there wouldn't be any fierce battles, so Pei Xingyan felt extremely boring after coming out this trip.Unexpectedly, after falling asleep, the two sides actually fought when they woke up.

Although he didn't know why his father didn't listen to the lord's military order, but these days really made him choke, so he just went to the battle to kill without thinking too much, but he killed heartily.Hearing that his father was fighting Wang Junke, Pei Xingyan was taken aback. He was worried that Pei Renji was not Wang Junke's opponent, so he immediately rushed over with a pair of hammers.

Wang Junke fought with Pei Renji for a long time, although he had the upper hand, he was unable to take Pei Renji's life with a single blow, and seeing Pei Xingyan coming to kill him with a hammer, he knew that he was definitely not the opponent of Pei Renji and his son, so he simply withdrew back with his troops.

After the battle between the two sides, Pei Renji ordered the troops to retreat back to the camp.

The next day, Li Xian ordered his father and son to fight again. Pei Renji vaguely guessed something in his heart, but he couldn't confirm it.He led his troops to call for battle again, this time it was the same as yesterday, the people from Wagang Village did not come out to fight for half a day in the morning.After waiting until noon, there was still no movement, so Pei Xingyan simply went to sleep again.

As a result, he fell asleep, and Wang Junke came out again with his troops.

The battle was still tied, and both sides withdrew their troops and returned to camp.

On the third day, Li Xian ordered Pei Renji and his son to fight again. This time Pei Renji paid attention, and found something wrong when passing through the supply camp.Today Pei Xingyan refused to go to bed no matter what he said, and waited all day, but the people in Wagang Village seemed to know that he hadn't slept, and no one played all day.

On the fourth day, Li Xian's order was slightly changed, and Pei Renji was asked to lead the army alone to call the battle, but Pei Xingyan was left behind and assigned another task. Pei Renji led the army away without saying anything.

On the fifth day, Li Xian suddenly ordered the withdrawal of troops!



Wagangzhai Camp

Elected by everyone as Wei Gong, in the tent of Li Mi, the military commander of Wagangzhai, more than a dozen capable generals are present, Zhang Liang, Wang Junke, Wang Bodang, Meng Rang, Hao Xiaode, Wang Deren, Li Shicai, Zhang Qian, Hei She, Baishe, Hu Luer, Li Deqian, plus Li Wenxiang.These people all successively admired Li Mi's name to join Wagang Village. The largest number of troops was more than [-], and the number of troops was less than a thousand. Originally, the combined strength of these people was no less than [-], but in order to ensure the stability of Wagang Village, Li Mi asked the thieves from various ministries to mobilize troops to stay on the outskirts of Wagang Village to prevent the Dongdu official army from attacking Dongjun.

Zhai Rang couldn't trust these newcomers, so they were not allowed to stay in Wagang. Li Mi knew what Zhai Rang was worried about, so he didn't care about it.Only tens of thousands of people were left to guard Wagang, led by his confidant Wu Heita, and the others followed him to Lei Ze.

"Secret Duke..."

Wang Junke glanced at Li Mi, thought about it carefully and said: "That's what I said, I never missed a word. Although he spoke quickly, I listened carefully."

Li Mi nodded with a smile and said, "I don't doubt that you have memorized every word. I was just thinking, what is Li Xian thinking? Is it too late to want to escape after so many days?" More? I think, nine times out of ten, it might be a trap set by Li Xian. And it's a clumsy trap, I can see through it with just one glance."


Wang Jun was puzzled and said, "Could it be that Mi Gong felt that Li Xian wanted us to chase after him?"

Li Mi nodded and said: "It's likely to be the case. Li Xian is just a reckless man. He has never read military books, but he is a bit smart. The higher a person stands, the farther he can see, and he can see farther. Only when you have the world in your heart can you be generous. He comes from a poor family, and his vision is only so high, so it will be difficult for him to come up with any clever schemes."

Hao Xiaode hesitated for a moment and said: "But Li Xian didn't give an order to make it clear, and even the news from Pei Renji was just speculation. Unless Li Xian had already seen through Pei Renji's identity, so Li Xian deliberately set up this game, let us go Jump inside."

"That's unlikely."

Li Mi waved his hand and said, "I wouldn't even have known about Pei Renji's matter if Dadi Zhai hadn't told me about it, and he's been in Yanyun Village for so long. Afterwards, I handed over the matter to Zhang Liang to contact alone, so that the news will never be leaked."

Zhang Liang immediately stood up and said: "The subordinates also feel that it is impossible. If Li Xian really wants to retreat, the reason why he hides Pei Renji from him is not because he has seen through him. It's just that Li Xian is suspicious by nature, let alone Pei Renji. It was Qin Qiong and the others who were also being kept in the dark. That guy Li Xian is as timid as a mouse, he doesn't trust anyone. It's like..."

Zhang Liang thought for a while, and made an analogy: "Just like the original owner of Ju Ye Ze, Zhang Jin called a virtue."

Thinking of Zhang Jincheng, who was invincible in various counties in Henan a few years ago, everyone couldn't help feeling a little bit embarrassed.

Li Mi glanced at Zhang Liang and said, "Then do you think Li Xian deliberately lured us to pursue him, setting up an ambush?"


Zhang Liang nodded affirmatively and said: "That guy Li Xian is very cunning, it may be a trap set by him. I also feel that Mi Gong's guess is almost inseparable."

Li Mi glanced at Zhang Liang appreciatively, and slowly said: "But Master Zhai rushed to Li Xian after guessing, if we don't drag Li Xian, it is not convenient for Master Di to do things, so even Li The trap set by Xian, we still have to catch up and fight this battle, we must trap Li Xian!"

Li Mi's eyes slowly swept across the crowd and said in a deep voice: "So, I plan to divide the troops into two teams, one team pursues, and the other team rears up. If Li Xian really has an ambush, I won't be afraid of him. I dispatched another team from Wagang Village the day before yesterday. An army of 10 has come, and now we have nearly 3 people here, and Li Xian's [-] people, are you still afraid of him?"

"Secret Duke Conspiracy!"

Everyone patted a very smelly flattery at the same time.

Li Mi smiled, and then asked: "Which one of you is willing to take the lead, and who is willing to support the rear?"

No one spoke, but they were all looking forward to receiving the errand of the Queen's support.The fighting power of Yanyun Village's troops is obvious to all. If it is a deadly battle, whoever is responsible for the charge and pursuit will inevitably lose a lot.Li Xianyou

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