Will Ming

Chapter 413 The person I least want to see

Chapter 410 The third person you don't want to see

At the end of October, Daye 12, the weather has become colder and colder, and the wind direction has changed to blow from the northwest. In addition to feeling a comfortable warmth around noon, the weather is cold in the morning and evening. People are upset.This year's winter seems to have come many days earlier, without warning.

On October 27th, when people woke up early in the morning, they suddenly found that the trees had become a lot ugly after a night of strong winds, as if they had been repaired with a razor.The fallen leaves are spread on the ground, and the soles of the feet feel very soft when walking on them, and there are light clicks and clicks.

The supply camp has been busy since the day before yesterday, and all the grain, grass and armor have been loaded into carts.Wang Qinian, the captain of the supply camp, had been busy for two days and two nights, and his already dark complexion became even more ugly.Fortunately, his original complexion was not very radiant, so the dark circles under his eyes were not obvious at all.

Finally, he supervised the soldiers to put all the things in order. After seeing that it was about half an hour before the general raised his account at dawn, Wang Qinian simply got into a cart loaded with fodder and went to sleep, telling the soldiers to remember to wake up Himself, he snored not long after he lay down.

Only a few minutes after falling asleep, Wang Qinian was woken up by someone.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked, and saw that the one who woke him up was Yunhui General Pei Renji, who was named a general.

"Old Wang, wake up!"

Pei Renji pushed Wang Qinian a few times, and when he saw that he was awake, he handed over his wine bag: "Why are you sleeping here? It's so cold, you don't have to worry about catching the cold! Come on, drink some wine to warm yourself up. "

Wang Qinian rubbed his eyes and said: "I have been busy for two days and two nights, and I hardly closed my eyes. I couldn't move when I saw this cart of fodder, and fell asleep as soon as I plunged into it. Don't tell me, lying here Why do you feel more comfortable when you are sleeping than lying on the bed? Am I born to be a cheap person?"

"You are tired!"

Pei Renji said: "What age are you? You are a few years older than me. If I don't close my eyes for two days and two nights, I'm afraid I'm worse than you."


Wang Qinian took a sip of the cold strong wine, and felt that the wine burned like a fire after it entered his mouth.As soon as my stomach warmed up, my body also became a little warmer.

"What does General Pei want from me?"

"I'll lead the rations."

Pei Renji said with a smile.

"Leadership food?"

Wang Qinian was taken aback, and then asked in surprise, "Why are you still receiving military rations today?"

Pei Renji said: "It's been five days in a row, and my lord has ordered me to take troops to the Wagang Village camp to call for battle. I think it's the same today, so I'll come first to bring out the general rations, and in less than half an hour, my lord will be there." There is still time to raise the account to discuss matters, and when the account increase is over today, I will directly lead the army and leave, saving time."

"Don't prepare to go out today."

Wang Qinian smiled and said: "Didn't you see that all the luggage has been loaded? My lord ordered me to order the luggage two days ago. After working all night last night, I finally finished loading it. I figured that the general will order to withdraw after a while. Now, you have the time to lead the army rations, why don't you go back and ask someone to pack your things."


Pei Renji said in surprise: "I didn't hear my lord mention it, don't you lie to me."

"How could I lie to you!"

Wang Qinian said solemnly: "I told you to pack your things. You can't go wrong. You can't unload the things in the car. It's just the same. When you go back and pack your things, don't tell me what I told you. If the lord finds out As I said, punish me for another crime of disturbing the morale of the army, and then I won't be able to walk around."

Pei Renji hurriedly said: "I know, I know, how can I hurt you?"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, his footsteps were a little strange.Wang Qinian looked at his back, smiled, and then lay down on the cart again, but this time he couldn't fall asleep, and looked at the floating clouds in the sky with a smirk, which was a bit thought-provoking.

Pei Renji walked quickly to the outside of the supply camp, just in time to meet some of his son Pei Xingyan's personal soldiers hurrying towards Li Xian's big tent, Pei Renji recognized them, and took a few steps to catch up and stop those soldiers.Seeing that it was Pei Renji, those soldiers hurriedly bowed to salute.

"Where is the Major General now?"

Pei Renji asked in a low voice.

"Major General..."

Several soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, no one dared to speak nonsense.The military law is ruthless, even if they know that Pei Renji is Pei Xingyan's father, they dare not talk nonsense.If the lord finds out, I'm afraid he will be engaged in military law immediately.

"Don't be afraid, you still can't trust the old man?"

Pei Renji smiled gently and said, "I'm just worried about Yuan Qing. Tell me, will this old man still harm you?"

The leader of the soldiers hesitated for a moment, looked around and there were few people, and then said in a low voice: "The young general obeyed the military order of the lord, and led two thousand cavalry to explore the way in the direction of Juyeze. We guessed that it was It’s not that the lord is about to order the troops to withdraw, otherwise why would you send people to investigate the way out?”

"Freeze said!"

Pei Renji said with a straight face: "Disturbing the morale of the army is a serious crime!"

The soldier quickly bowed his head, Pei Renji said: "What are you doing back here?"

The soldier said: "We have searched and marched two hundred miles forward, and there is no danger, so the major general sent me back to report to the lord."


Pei Renji waved his hand and said, "Go!"

He looked around, then walked quickly towards his big tent with a gloomy face, and after he entered the door, he called his personal soldier Pei Shan in, and then ordered in a low voice: "Go, go find him now." Pei Lin, tell Pei Lin and the others to set off immediately and wait in the woods northeast of Pine Forest Town, if there is a war, let him bring people to meet me!"

Pei Shan didn't know what happened, but was taken aback by Pei Renji's solemn and gloomy expression.

"Subordinates obey!"

He turned and ran out quickly.



Pei Lin is one of Pei Renji's trusted family generals. Pei Renji entrusts him to do all the secret affairs. A few days ago, the man who led more than a hundred fine armored knights to ambush behind Gao Po was Pei Lin. He never After entering Yanyun Village, even though Pei Renji and his son were both in Yanyun Village, he still wandered outside Yanyun Village with a team.

Pei Renji asked Pei Shan to look for Pei Lin, but Pei Shan took a few cronies and searched for a long time at the agreed place, but found no one. Instead, he found a lot of dense and messy horseshoes and tree trunks in the forest. The scars left by the sword and gun can still be seen on the body, so Pei Shan's heart tightened immediately.

He knew something must have happened and he had to go back and tell the general.So he turned around and ran out of the forest with a few cronies. When he got out of the forest, he saw a row of dozens of swordsmen in green shirts riding horses waiting there.The swordsmen in blue shirts held the crossbow in their hands, ready to pull the trigger at any time.

Pei Shan knew he was doomed, so he chose to commit suicide.

He yanked out the knife and stabbed himself in the heart. A crossbow bolt flew towards his wrist, and he couldn't grasp the horizontal knife. Then he turned around and ran into a big tree, and then two crossbow bolts shot through. His legs, when he sat up with difficulty and looked back, several people under him had been shot to death by the crossbow.

A swordsman in green shirt jumped off his horse, walked slowly to Pei Shan, squatted down, and broke Pei Shan's two arms and two legs with a calm expression.Then pinched Pei Shan's jaw and twisted it, and the jaw was taken off.The green-shirted swordsman looked at Pei Shan's terrified face, and said in a flat tone, "You can't do suicide, what else can you do?"

Pei Shan was put in a pocket and put on the buttocks of the horse and brought back to the camp of soldiers and horses in Yanyun Village. The swordsmen in green shirts changed their clothes after they captured Pei Shan. When they entered the gate, they smiled with the soldiers guarding the gate. When they greeted each other, someone asked what was in the pocket, and the leader of the swordsman in green shirt said with a smile: "A wild boar, I hunted it in the woods outside when I was bored. I will have time to eat stewed wild boar later."

Pei Shan could hear clearly, but he couldn't make a sound.

He knew he was back in the camp, but he wasn't sure where he was.He was bundled up and thrown into a sack, and looked like a pig indeed from the outside.Pei Shan resigned himself to struggling a few times, trying to arouse the guarding soldiers' ideas, even if he would not get out of trouble, at least he could alert the general.

But he was disappointed, the soldier guarding the gate slapped him twice with a spear, then smiled and said that he was not fat enough and let those people in.

After walking a not-so-long distance, Pei Shan was pushed off the horse and fell to the ground with a plop, which nearly knocked him unconscious. Then he felt that he was being dragged away and bumped into something. Knocked on his nose, blood came out all at once.When he felt his eyes light up, he was poured out of the sack.

After he got used to the light and slowly scanned the surrounding environment, he immediately widened his eyes in surprise, and his face became whiter than paper.

Because he saw a person tied to a stake in the tent, it was Pei Lin.

Just when a gust of wind blew, a corner of the curtain of the tent was lifted. He looked out subconsciously, and then saw many large carriages already filled with luggage.At the very moment when the door curtain was lifted, he seemed to have seen a skinny guy in iron armor get up from a carriage and walk away cursing.

"I told you to wake me up, but why didn't you scream!"

Pei Shan heard the man swearing, and then he was in a daze for a moment, and then he understood where he was.

He slowly retracted his gaze, and looked at Pei Lin again.

The one who was tied to a stake and grew up with him since he was a child

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