Will Ming

Chapter 414 Pine Forest Town

(Thanks to bluemagic, this year's little eighteen, for the monthly pass of Liu Dashen and Manjusri Tianzun! Today is the last day of August, everyone open the personal center to see if the monthly pass has not been voted yet? It is a waste if you don't vote. The chrysanthemum was exploded... This is the daisy that will be listed on the monthly ticket list for the first month, can you bear it...)

Chapter 410 Pine Forest Town ([-])

Pei Renji didn't wait for Pei Shan, his confidant, to come back. He walked into Li Xian's big tent with apprehension, looked around subconsciously, but found nothing unusual.Qin Qiong and several generals were talking in a low voice, while Ye Huaixiu stood aside with a smile on her face, and Wang Qinian stood beside her talking endlessly, causing Ye Huaixiu to purse her lips and smile.

Seeing this scene, Pei Renji heaved a sigh of relief, then walked to his place and stopped.Qin Qiong and the others greeted him with a smile, still kind and gentle, but Pei Renji didn't know what was wrong with him, looking at the smiling faces of Qin Qiong and the others, he always felt that there was a hint of sarcasm and hatred in it.

Li Xian hadn't come yet, looking at the empty seat in the middle, Pei Renji's tension became more and more intense. He wanted to find some topics to talk about, and wanted to talk to other people to ease his mood. He concealed his uneasiness, but he opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

Qin Qiong saw that his face was a little ugly, and asked him if he didn't have a good rest.Pei Renji quickly explained a few words, saying that he really didn't fall asleep all night thinking about the war.

Qin Qiong smiled and said to relax, the lord has already made arrangements, and Wagang Village is nothing to worry about.

This sentence was obviously nothing, it was just a very common piece of comfort, but it changed in Pei Renji's ears. He always felt that Qin Qiong's words meant something else.

While feeling uneasy, Li Xian stepped into the large tent.More than [-] generals above the rank of generals immediately stood up straight, and then gave a standard military salute.Li Xian returned the military salute, and then sat down on the chair in the middle.Pei Renji took a peek and saw that Li Xian had already put on his armor, his expression was calm, and he didn't look at him too much.It's just that he couldn't calm down in his heart, so he didn't even realize that his right hand was unconsciously placed on the handle of the knife, and he was holding it so tightly.

Li Xian glanced at the crowd and said: "The evening before yesterday, the secret agents of Flying Tiger's Five Division rushed to send news that Zhai Rang, the leader of Wagang Village, used a golden cicada to escape the shell to bypass Chen Que'er's navy. The day and night march had reached the back of Xiong Kuo Hai. When the news came from the spy, Xiong Kuo Hai and Yuwen Shiji had already fought two battles with Zhai Rang. Although they won both battles and killed more than [-] enemies, Zhai Rang has cut off the connection between Xiongkuohai's headquarters and Juye Zebenzhai, and cut off the food road of Xiongkuohai, the situation is very urgent."

"So, I plan to go back to the army immediately to rescue Xiong Kuo Hai. I didn't mention this matter to any of you because it was too sudden and important. I was afraid that it would affect the morale of the army. If the soldiers knew that the rear was unstable and the morale of the army was lax, It’s not going to be a good fight.”

Li Xian glanced at Pei Renji and said: "Pei Renji, I asked you to lead troops to beg Li Mi's army to call for battle every day, in order to confuse Li Mi. We must not let Li Mi see our withdrawal, otherwise the army will inevitably have a lot of trouble." loss."

"My subordinate understands!"

Pei Renji leaned over and said.

He trembled in his heart, but soon calmed down again.He said in his heart that what he did should be concealed, otherwise Li Xian would not explain anything to himself.

Li Xian said to Qin Qiong again: "The army must be evacuated immediately, and the matter of ending the rear is the most important thing. I plan to let you lead the army to suppress the rear. Think carefully about what you need. You can discuss it today." Bring it up, and I will find a way to help you solve it. Whether it is insufficient troops, or armor, food and grass, I will make up for you."

Qin Qiong clasped her fists and said, "Although the lord gives orders, all subordinates will obey them!"

Li Xian hummed and said: "Although our Yanyun Village has begun to take shape, we have won many battles in the past two years. The former enemies in Dongping County, Qi County, and Lu County have all been wiped out. Defeated. So I somewhat overestimated our own strength, with the current strength of our village, it is not enough to start a war on the third front."

"Li Mi to the west, Wang Fubao and Zhai Rang to the north, and Wang Bo, Zhishilang, to the east."

Li Xian sighed and said: "Now our Yanyun Village's battle line is too long and spread too wide, and the troops are divided and the forces are dispersed. This strategy has been wrong from the beginning. I have been thinking about it for the past two days. Defeating all the enemies, after much deliberation, I still feel that fighting on the three fronts at the same time, trying to defeat the invading enemies on the three fronts at the same time is really wishful thinking. So I plan to withdraw my troops, concentrate on defending the foundation of Dongping County, and then look for opportunities. Break them down one by one."

"If you have any objections, you can also talk about it."

Li Xian looked at his generals and said.

The generals below looked at each other in blank dismay, no one knew that things would develop to this point.These generals in Yanyunzhai were all proud and arrogant. Now that Li Xian said that he was going to retreat, he couldn't help but feel a little hard to accept.But thinking about it carefully, what Li Xian said is true.In the war on the third front, the troops are too scattered, and it is impossible to complete the battle against the enemy, and can only drag on the war for a long time.

The longer the delay, the worse it would be for Yanyun Village.

Li Xian saw that there was no objection from the crowd, so he said: "Qin Qiong, you lead the troops in the rear, and I will supply you with two thousand cavalry. I will tell you later which way we go back to Juyeze."

Qin Qiong clasped her fists and said, "This subordinate obeys orders."

Li Xian hummed and said: "Wang Qinian, your supply battalion has to go first, and you can't fall behind the brigade. If you think about it, if there is any insecurity, I will solve it for you."

Wang Qinian hurriedly went out and said: "My lord, all the luggage and goods have been loaded and can be transported at any time, but... it's just that the soldiers and horses in my luggage camp are too small, there are only 3000 people in total, and we need to divide the troops to escort the carts." Coordinating back and forth, it’s really powerless.”

Li Xian hummed, frowned slightly and thought for a while.

"Pei Renji!"

Li Xian suddenly called out.

Pei Renji was startled, and his heart skipped a beat.He hurriedly stepped out, clasped his fists and bowed, "This subordinate is here."

Li Xian ordered: "I plan to transfer the cavalry of your headquarters to Qin Qiong to supplement the troops as the rear of the army."

When Pei Renji heard these words, the fear that had been suppressed in his heart came out again uncontrollably.His hand touched the handle of the knife subconsciously again, and he lowered his head to hide the frightened expression on his face.He had more than 2000 cavalrymen under his command, all of whom were truly elite soldiers. These 2000 cavalrymen were all taken away by Li Xian at once. The first thing he thought of was whether this was a signal that Li Xian wanted to attack him.

Just as he was thinking, he heard Li Xian continue to say: "I will allocate 2000 troops from the recruit battalion to you, and you will lead the troops to protect the supply battalion and retreat first. You must not make any mistakes, understand?"


Pei Renji was surprised for a moment, then immediately lowered his head and cupped his fists and said, "Your subordinate obeys!"


Pei Renji was overjoyed in his heart, and said Li Xian, why are you such an idiot for the military order today?Let me protect the supply battalion and evacuate first, okay, okay, this job is so good!



Pei Renji personally selected 2000 troops from the new barracks. Although these people have been trained in Juye Zebenzhai for more than a year, this is the first time they have entered the battlefield. Ten thousand people simply did not get the chance to fight.

Not being able to go to battle to kill the enemy, some people are depressed and some are happy. The depressed people feel that they have lost a chance to make contributions.No matter how well the recruits are trained, if they don't really go through a few bloody battles, don't carry a few lives in their hands, and don't see death in their eyes, they still won't be able to transform into a real elite after all.

More than 2000 people of Pei Renji's followers were transferred by Li Xian to supply Qin Qiong. Pei Renji should be depressed and angry, but he didn't show any signs of being unhappy.

Because Pei Renji was really not unhappy, on the contrary, he was extremely happy.

The more than 2000 cavalry under his command are all veterans of the original Yanyun Village. These people are loyal to Li Xian, and it is impossible for him to buy them all no matter how much he favors them.As a general, it is definitely not a good thing for a general to command the army under him.The recruits are different. They have never been on the battlefield, never seen a dead person, and have never had blood on their hands, so they are extremely dependent on the generals. Pei Renji is happy that these recruits can be controlled.

The recruits were inexperienced and didn't know the complexity and dangers of the battlefield. Pei Renji only needed to assign his own soldiers to serve as brigade commanders, low-level officers like captains, and soon, this team could be firmly grasped by him. hand.Having an army that is absolutely loyal to oneself is undoubtedly the happiest thing in this troubled world. 2000 people is not much, but if they leave Yanyun village in the future, they can be regarded as some capital in their hands.

So after busy selecting two thousand recruits, he suddenly remembered that Pei Shan hadn't come back yet.

He ordered one of his confidants to lead the brigade to take a few people to search the woods over there, but before they left, Li Xian sent someone to urge him to go on the road.The men and horses of the supply battalion have already been dispatched one after another, how can he, the new general of the grain guard, still hang on?

In desperation, Pei Renji arranged for people to find Pei Shan, and at the same time ordered the army to move out.

After the carriage convoys of the supply camp left the camp one after another, Pei Renji led two thousand recruits to the front of the convoy.When passing through a forest, he sent a few soldiers to take advantage of the chaos and leave the team on the pretext of letting the soldiers go in to search in case someone was ambushing, and went secretly to Wagang Village.

Although Pei Shan did not rush back, which made him a little uneasy,

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