Will Ming

Chapter 415 Pine Forest Town

Chapter 410 Pine Forest Town ([-])

There is no pine forest in Pine Forest Town. Although there is a large stretch of woods not far from the south of Pine Forest Town, there is not even a pine tree.There are no pine trees beside the Pine Forest Lake, but there are many old willows with crooked necks standing around the lake in strange shapes, like a circle of old and weak soldiers defending Pine Forest Lake.

There is no pine forest in Songlin Town, and there is no pine forest beside Songlin Lake. It is a bit curious where the word "pine forest" comes from. It's just that since the eighth year of Daye, the world has been in chaos. After destroying the rebels, but came up with an extremely idiotic method of fortifying the walls and clearing the wilderness, there was no more common people in Songlin Town, so even if they wanted to ask where the word Songlin came from, they couldn’t find anyone to ask.

It has to be said that the imperial court has never lacked smart people with unconstrained ideas.Henan and Hebei were the first places where riots broke out in the Sui Dynasty. Among them, the bandits in Hebei Prefecture, Boling area, and Dongping County and Jibei County in Dongjun County, Henan Province were the most powerful. The few big figures in charge of the government did not dare to show these memorials to Yang Guang, so they had to find another way.

Pei Ju, Yu Shiji, Pei Yun and the others are all smart people, so smart that even the emperor can play with them, what else can they think of, what can't they do?

As a result, the most stupid and idiotic strategy in history to deal with the rebels was freshly released under the discussion of several literati who did not understand the military.This method is extremely simple, and it is extremely taken for granted, and it is even more idiotic.

These big figures in the imperial court meant that the reason why the rebels burned like a prairie fire was because they were brutal and cruel by nature, looting and looting property everywhere, and kidnapping people to join the rebel team.They are the fire, and the people are the firewood. Only with firewood can the fire burn more prosperously. If there is no firewood, the fire will go out by itself sooner or later.Since they cannot be wiped out with soldiers, then their livelihood will be cut off and they will be starved to death.It has to be said that this is a beautiful and applauded good idea.So the courtiers applauded and celebrated for their own amusement, and they all felt that Kong Ming's rebirth would be nothing more than that.

This is the strategy that the courtiers came up with. They ordered the people in the village to be forcibly moved into the city or the fort to live in. No one or anything was left in the village, so that the rebels would have nothing to rob if they wanted to. , no matter how much you want to kill people, there will be no one to kill. As for wanting to rob food, the people are forced into the city, where are people growing food?

According to the analysis of the courtiers and adults, within a year, at most two years, those rebels will break up because they have no supplies, and there is no need for the officers and soldiers to encircle and suppress them.

But they never thought about where the people who entered the city lived?What to eat and what to use?With no one planting the fields, how many people will starve to death next year?The common people have nothing to eat, are they just waiting to starve to death?As a result, there were more and more rebels, and the strategy of strengthening the walls and clearing the country not only failed to eliminate the rebels, but forced more and more people to rebel.

The ingenious plan that the courtiers came up with ruined large tracts of fertile land and created more rebels. It has to be said that they were all heroes of the collapse of the Sui Dynasty.

Pine Forest Town has long been empty, and no one knows where the people are now.Maybe most of them are farming in Dongping County, maybe some of them went to the south of the Yangtze River, and maybe some of them went to Qilu to beg.

Songlin Town is named after Songlin Lake. The lake is not too big, with a radius of more than [-] miles. It used to be integrated with Juyeze Water Park. It was originally a trace left by the diversion of the Yellow River. Later, as the water gradually receded, Songlin Lake They lost contact with the water park, and I don't know how many years have passed, but now Songlin Lake is no less than hundreds of miles away from Juyeze Water Park, which shows how much harm the diversion of the Yellow River has brought to the people on both sides of the river.

Pei Renji brought 2000 troops to Songlin Lake and ordered them to stop, and sent someone back to tell Wang Qinian that he would send people to search the dense forest and ask the army to wait.

It's just that he let all the soldiers rest where they were. He personally led more than a hundred soldiers into the dense forest. After entering the forest, he asked the soldiers to stare at the people outside the forest, and then he walked into the depths of the forest by himself.After walking for about ten minutes, several people slid down from the tree and stopped him. The leader was a man with a scarred face who obviously recognized Pei Renji. He clasped his fists at Pei Renji and said, "I've seen General Pei."

"Who did Mi Gong send here to ambush?"

Pei Renji asked with a displeased face.

"It's General Wang Junke and General Li Wenxiang. The two generals are in front. Would you like me to take you there?"

Scarface asked with a flattering smile.

"No need."

Pei Renji waved his hand and said, "Go and tell Wang Junke and Li Wenxiang to get ready. After about half an hour, I will escort the baggage camp over. Li Xian's brigade will come up in an hour at most. After hours, I will block the way ahead and try to set fire to the camp. Wang Junke and Li Wenxiang will immediately lead the army to attack. To the north is Songlin Lake. No matter how good Li Xian's troops are at fighting, the formation cannot spread out. You also have to be beaten, don't spare your strength, attack vigorously, it's best to squeeze all the people in Yanyun Village into Songlin Lake."

"Songlin Lake is a dead lake. Don't worry, it is impossible for the navy from Yanyun Village to come. Li Xian miscalculated this time."

After Pei Renji finished speaking, he warned again: "None of my subordinates are cronies. We can only block the way forward by burning down the carriages in the supply camp. You must hurry up!"

"I see!"

Scarface clasped his fists and said, "I'm going to see General Wang and General Li right now, and promise to take your words with me."

"go with!"

Pei Renji waved his hand and said, "I can't delay for too long, otherwise it will arouse suspicion."



After Pei Renji returned to the army, he ordered to continue to advance, and the 2000 men and horses were slowly mobilized. His personal lieutenant, Hu Sanshan, came over and said in a low voice, "General, just now the captain of the supply camp, Wang Qinian, sent someone to urge him, saying that this place is dangerous. , can’t stay for too long.”

Pei Renji nodded and said, "I see. You can send a few more people to look for Pei Shan. He went to contact Pei Lin and hasn't come back yet."

"Subordinates obey!"

Hu Sanshan nodded, then steered his horse back to order his subordinates to do things.

Pei Renji looked back at the mighty team, thinking of his son Pei Xingyan for no reason.Thinking of his son, he couldn't help feeling deeply guilty.I said sorry to Pei Xingyan in my heart, my father can only do this for our Pei family.

Thinking of his hard work in the officialdom these years, Pei Renji's heart was full of desolation and emotion. Although he had some relationship with Pei Ju, the power minister at the time, he was not a direct descendant of the Pei family, but a branch of the Pei family. There were many gifts in his hand, but Pei Ju didn't help him at all.

Fortunately, Daye Emperor Yang Guang treated him fairly well, and he won a complete victory against the barbarian Xiang Siduo, and he was named Wu Benlang General and Jiayin Qing Guanglu Doctor.When the Sui army conquered Tuyuhun, he had outstanding military achievements, and he was awarded the title of Doctor Ziguanglu.Later, he led the army to defeat the person who tried to rebel in Baishan and Heishui, Dr. Jiazuo Guanglu.Afterwards, he conquered Goguryeo with Yang Guang and was granted the title of Doctor Guanglu.

It's just that since then, the emperor has rarely handled government affairs in person.The government is in the hands of Pei Ju, Yu Shiji and others. Although he also sent a lot of money, he just couldn't get an appointment.As Doctor Guanglu, he had nothing to do, and later, he was the doctor of Guanglu who assisted Yang Tong, the King of Yue, to stay in the Eastern Capital, Duan Da, the Taifu Minister Yuan Wendu, and the Prime Minister of the Eastern Capital, Qu Tutong. A generous gift was given, and this was the real shortage of Xingyang Tongshou, who guarded Hulao Pass to resist Wagang Village.

At this time, Yang Guang also thought of him, and named him the ambassador of Henan Province to arrest him.Asking him to lead the troops to wipe out the rebels in Dongjun, Pei Renji felt that his life had once again ushered in a peak period.

He originally wanted to lead the army to conquer Wagang and make a great contribution, so that he could stabilize his position. As long as he defeated Wagang Village, no matter whether it was Yue Wang Yang Tong who was in Dongdu or His Majesty in Jiangdu, he would look at him with admiration.

It's just that he didn't expect that because he underestimated the enemy and rushed forward, he was ambushed by Xu Shiji, the military strategist of Wagangzhai.After that, Li Mi mobilized the green forest troops to defeat the Sui general Liu Changgong in Baihua Valley, which had already formed a huge threat to the eastern capital Luoyang.It was impossible for Pei Renji to return to Dongdu, so he had to surrender Wagangzhai.At this time, after Li Mi mobilized his troops and defeated Liu Changgong, he began to run around to win over the green forest heroes on both sides of the Yellow River, trying to conquer the Eastern Capital in one fell swoop.

He was appreciated by Zhai Rang in Wagangzhai, and he valued him very much.Most of the people in Wagangzhai came from humble backgrounds. Pei Renji was born as an official, a famous general of the Sui Dynasty, and a doctor of Guanglu in the Sui Dynasty. Have a face.

Pei Renji stayed in Wagangzhai, and really gave Zhai a lot of good ideas.Li Mi arrived at Wagang Village.It was at this time that Pei Renji came into contact with Li Mi. Pei Renji firmly believed in Li Mi's identity as the true son of heaven, so after meeting secretly twice, he became Li Mi's man.After Li Mi left Wagangzhai, Zhang Liang was left as a close friend on the surface, but in fact, there was another Pei Renji secretly.

Li Mi didn't tell the truth to his subordinates a few days ago. He said that Pei Renji was from Wagang Village, and Zhai Rang only knew about it. Li Mi was naturally justified in doing so.On the surface, Pei Renji belonged to Zhai Rang, but in reality he belonged to him. He also thought that after defeating Li Xian, if there was a conflict with Zhai Rang in the future, Pei Renji might become the key to pivot.

It's just that he didn't expect it, and neither did Pei Renji.

Pei Xingyan actually voted for Yanyun Village, and Li Xian, the leader of Yanyun Village, wanted to rescue Pei Renji.

It was at this time that Wang Qinian, who sneaked into Wagangzhai, managed to get in touch with Pei Renji.At the beginning, Pei Renji did not immediately agree to Wang Qinian under the pretext of striving for security, but immediately agreed with Wang Qinian.

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