Will Ming

Chapter 416 Pine Forest Town

(Thanks to eva05, the unfeeling monthly ticket of the old man in the setting sun, and thanks to Yaosyue for the reward, please.)

Chapter 410 Six Pine Forest Town ([-])

Several scouts from Wagang Village climbed up several big trees. Although most of the leaves were torn off and spread on the ground after a cold autumn wind swept by, fortunately, the forest was dense enough, so The scouts hiding in the treetops rely on camouflage, and they will never be discovered unless they look carefully.

They stared intently at the people and horses of the Yanyun Village's supply battalion slowly passing by the official road by the forest, and watched the carriages roll over the fallen leaves and move forward.The scout headed by him was a man with a scarred face. His name was Li Sheng, and he was also Pei Renji's personal soldier. Pei Renji left him in Wagang Village before going to Yanyun Village, so that he could have someone to contact him in the future.

Because of Pei Renji's relationship, although Li Sheng didn't do well in Wagangzhai, he has been promoted to a lieutenant with 300 people under his command, which is better than when he was just a team deputy by Pei Renji's side. The could not have been better.

Every man has ambitions, including eunuchs.

Li Sheng is also ambitious, he wants to stand out.He was not from a wealthy family, and although he claimed to be a descendant of the parachutist Li Guang, he had no relationship with the Li family in Longyou.When he joined the army for the first time, he also had the lofty ambitions of fame and fame, but after several battles, he survived by chance and found out that fame and fame are just a beautiful lie used by the court to deceive the people to work for it. That's all.

A child from such a poor family like him, unless he is lucky enough to be appreciated by His Majesty the Emperor like Luo Yi, the chief executive of Youzhou, otherwise it would be tantamount to wishful thinking.Pei Renji was kind to him and kept him by his side all the time, but his surname was Li, not Pei, so even in terms of contribution to Pei Shan, Pei Lin was far behind him, but he still climbed much faster than him.

If Da Sui's officialdom was fair enough, it would not be difficult for him to be promoted to a general based on his military achievements.Even if you stay in the place, it is still possible to change the official position of a county magistrate.

But after narrowly escaped death, he was just a deputy in the personal army after all.

Pei Renji left Wagangzhai and left him behind. Li Mi promoted him to be a scout captain, and he was in charge of [-] scouts who were even more skilled than him, which made him respect Li Mi very much.But he also understood that if it wasn't for Pei Renji's relationship, he would still be nothing in Wagang Village.

Therefore, in order to climb higher in the future, he knew that he had to help Pei Renji do a good job in today's big event.As long as Pei Renji made great contributions, he would follow suit.If Pei Renji failed, I'm afraid that he would also be unable to escape the fate of being implicated.

Li Sheng, who knew this well, remembered every word Pei Renji said to him just now.Then he quickly ran back and relayed these words verbatim to Wang Junke and Li Wenxiang, and Wang Junke sent him back to monitor the people in Yanyun Village.

Li Sheng stared at the slow-moving convoy on the official road without blinking his eyes. While he was waiting for the convoy to run out, as soon as the Yanyunzhai brigade appeared, he would immediately send someone to the depths of the woods to tell Wang Junke and Li Wenxiang.

The 1 people sent by Wagang Village to ambush here did not dare to get too close to the official road, because they knew that Yanyun Village's scouts were equally powerful. All the preparations Migong has made for today will come to nothing.

Both Wang Junke and Li Wenxiang knew that although Li Mi seemed to be a handsome and kind person, but if something went wrong, Li Mi would never hesitate to kill someone.Compared with Xu Shiji, the previous military adviser in Wagangzhai, the biggest characteristic of the new military adviser Li Mi is that he doesn't feel sorry for the death of a few people, and he doesn't feel sorry for the death of tens of thousands.

Before the scouts sent back the news, Wang Junke and Li Wenxiang absolutely did not dare to be careless.The soldiers all had wooden sticks in their mouths to ensure that they would not make any noise. Although their hiding place was far enough from the official road, they still tried to be as careful as possible.Because the forest is too dense, there are 1 of them without cavalry, more than half of them are archers, and a small half are cheap but fast-moving spearmen.

Li Sheng stared at the official way, he knew that today's battle seemed to be directed by Migong himself, but in fact the victory or defeat was carried on his shoulders. This vital identity made him feel very proud and very disturbed .Just because he was too focused, he didn't see that in the grass more than ten meters away from him, a few people looked up, and then aimed the delicate crossbow in their hands at the arrow on the tree. Several Wagangzhai scouts.

Li Sheng, who was holding a tree branch, suddenly felt a pain in his calf, and then he didn't feel anything.He subconsciously looked down, only to find that there was an extra crossbow bolt on his leg.It was clearly nailed deeply into his calf, and blood was already dripping down his pants, but he didn't feel any pain.

This made him turn pale with fright, he immediately wanted to shout out, but he found that there was no sound in his throat, the poison refined by Dugu Ruizhi, the head of the fifth part of the flying tiger and the second part of the flying tiger, was more powerful than the poison of the five-paced snake Ten times higher, the poison on the crossbow instantly made him lose all consciousness and the ability to shout.

Li Sheng only felt that his eyes were darkened, and he could no longer keep the branch in front of him.

Before landing, he had already turned into a corpse.

More than a dozen secret spies rushed over and dragged the corpses of several Wagangzhai scouts who fell on the ground into the grass to cover them, and then they quickly evacuated from the dense forest.

At this time, all the supply camps in Yanyun Village had passed.



Pei Renji calculated the time, and estimated that Wang Qinian's supply battalion had almost walked out of Songlin Lake, and the road would become wider if he went further, and it would be extremely difficult to stop him.So he decided to act, he ordered two thousand recruits to stop advancing, the rear team became the front team, and the whole army turned around and assembled on the official road.

Although the recruits did not understand this military order, they still carried out the general's order.The soldiers have no complaints about obeying orders. After a year of training, they already know that on the battlefield, the general's orders must be carried out thoroughly, cleanly and quickly.

Pei Renji took more than 100 of his own soldiers to the rear team, and stood in the middle of the official road waiting for the convoy of the supply battalion to come up.He led the army to open the way for the convoy of the supply battalion. The distance between the two teams was less than two miles, so it didn't take long for the first carriage to arrive in front of them.

It happened to be blocked at the turn at the end of Songlin Lake, so Pei Renji could see the endless snake-like team in the supply camp.Seeing that the first carriage had arrived three hundred steps away, Pei Renji smiled happily.

"Hu Sanshan, take a few people to stop the first carriage!"

Pei Renji ordered loudly.

His confidant Hu Sanshan immediately led two people to meet the first carriage and walked over. Hu Sanshan deliberately slowed down his pace. When he reached the first carriage, the carriage was about a hundred steps away from Pei Renji's men and horses. within.At this distance, there is no problem in throwing feather arrows.

"Why did you stop?"

The soldier of the supply battalion who was driving the carriage jumped out of the carriage and asked with a frown.

Hu Sanshan smiled and said: "There is a fork in the road ahead, our general asked me to come over and ask General Wang, do you turn left or right?"

"Don't you know where General Pei is going?"

The soldier driving the car asked alertly.

"Of course I know!"

Hu Sanshan smiled and said: "General Pei asked me to ask which way your supply camp is going. How could General Pei not know which way he was going? I'm sorry I didn't make it clear just now. In this way, turning left in front is a sinister Hell, turning right is still the underworld, how are you going to go?"

The soldiers of the supply battalion were stunned for a moment, and soon understood: "You are going to rebel!"

His hands subconsciously touched the handle of the knife at his waist, but Hu Sanshan's movements were a little faster than him.

"Rebellion? I'm not from Yanyunzhai, so I'm a rebellion!"

Hu Sanshan drew out his knife much faster than the soldiers of the supply battalion.When the soldiers in the supply battalion had only half drawn out their knives, Hu Sanshan's knives were already in their hands.He smiled viciously, but he didn't slash at the soldiers of the supply battalion. Instead, he turned sharply and cut down the two soldiers he brought with him one by one, and then ran back quickly.

This was so sudden and unbelievable that the soldiers of the supply battalion were dumbfounded, but they didn't know how to deal with it.In any case, he never thought that Hu Sanshan killed the two subordinates he brought.This is completely unreasonable, why is this?

Before the soldiers of the supply battalion could figure it out, Hu Sanshan's shout had already rang out.

"The supply camp rebelled and killed people! It's not good! Wang Qinian of the supply camp rebelled! He killed our people and wants to take food and grass to Wagang Village!"

His voice was so loud that it spread far, far away.



Pei Renji knew that it was extremely difficult to say, but also very simple to say, to let these personal soldiers and the heavy battalion do it.The recruits have a more blind obedience. As long as someone takes the lead in doing something, the recruits will subconsciously follow others to do it. Pei Renji, who has led many soldiers, is very sure of this, so he has long thought about how to do it.

Those two soldiers hacked to death by Hu Sanshan were necessary sacrifices.In order to be able to achieve the final victory, sacrifice is inevitable.

Pei Renji would never feel sad because of the death of two soldiers. As an ambitious person and a person who has led the army for many years, his heart has long since become cold and hard.

"Wang Qinian of the supply camp rebelled!"

Pei Renji yelled loudly, then turned around and ordered: "Everyone, get on your horses and get ready to fight! Archers, obey my order, tie the arrows with cloth and light them, and prepare to stop the troops from the heavy camp from attacking."

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