Will Ming

Chapter 417 Pine Forest Town

(Thanks to Star Festival, Du Majin, you know you understand, Chic de Banzhuan, Assunsang's monthly pass! It's September, I hope everyone will continue to support tomorrow.)

Chapter 410 Seven Pine Forest Town ([-])

A night of autumn wind and leaves fell, covering the earth with a layer of scorched yellow. If it was a prosperous age, there would be no literati and inkstones who would come up with a few wonderful words in their hearts in this situation.During the Taiping period, even looking at a field of broken leaves, one could think of many colorful poems and songs.But now that the world of the Sui Dynasty has become so dilapidated, who is in the mood to look at the fallen autumn leaves and recite poems to fight against it?Even if he came up with a few words, I'm afraid that Xiao Suo's meaning of killing is stronger.

I don’t know how many literati were forced to pick up knives and guns to rebel against various rebels because of their livelihood. The hand holding the pen was changed to holding a knife.No matter how talented a literati is, he still needs to have a full stomach. If there is nothing in his stomach, he may not be able to think of any happy words if he racks his brains.

The Sui Dynasty established the country with martial arts, but Emperor Gaozu knew that the right way to govern the country was to focus on literature.It's just that the world was not yet unified at that time, and the status of military commanders was still higher than that of civilian officials.After Daye Emperor Yang Guang succeeded to the throne, the world was peaceful, and the status of literati became higher and higher.Yang Guang opened the imperial examination to increase the way of the court to select scholars, and won the unanimous praise of the poor scholars.

It can be said that Yang Guang is a man of great talent and strategy, and the several national policies he formulated at the beginning of his ascension to the throne were all extremely wise and correct.He is a great theorist, but by no means a great practitioner.

Within a few years, his ambitions were buried in the good mood of traveling in mountains and rivers.

Before ascending the throne, in order to win the appreciation and trust of his great ancestor Yang Jian, he deliberately acted like a simple and loving people.What I wear on my body is not silk and satin, but old patched clothes.The food they eat is simple and light, but it is not as good as that of ordinary wealthy households.

Maybe it was because he pretended too hard at that time, so after he ascended the throne, he got even worse and found them all.There are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of troops walking together, and daily life is even more luxurious to the extreme.Later, cruising on land could not satisfy his desire, so he ordered to build a dragon boat, and tens of thousands of boats would accompany him on the cruising.He even thought that one day he would travel to the sea to see if there are really fairy mountains overseas, and if there are really immortal medicines on the fairy mountains?

When the country was founded in the early Sui Dynasty, it was like the fresh green on the branches in spring. You can see the leaves growing every day, and the branches are full of green in just one spring.The decline of the Sui Dynasty was like the autumn wind sweeping across this towering giant tree, blowing off the remaining leaves overnight.

There are not many fallen leaves on the official road on the south side of Songlin Lake. There is no other reason. The wind blows from the northwest, so the fallen leaves can no longer float north.Perhaps it is because there have been no people around the pine forest lake in recent years, so the fallen leaves in the dense forest do not know how thick they are, and people step on them as soft and comfortable as stepping on cotton balls.

The convoy of Yanyunzhai's supply battalion passed by slowly, and the Wagangzhai scouts who were lying on a big tree to monitor the convoy were wiped out by the secret spies who had ambushed here two days ago.It stands to reason that the secret agents should stay here to monitor the [-] ambush soldiers in Wagangzhai. I don’t know what happened. They didn't know that an enemy army of tens of thousands of people was ambushing in the depths of the dense forest.

Not long after hundreds of spies withdrew, the Chinese army led by Li Xian also arrived at the shore of Songlin Lake.

The official road is in the middle, and on the north side is the shrinking Songlin Lake. Because it is a pool of stagnant water, it has gone through tens of hundreds of years. The lake looks green and beautiful, but if you get close, you can smell it. The fishy smell emanating from the lake.Fortunately, it's already late autumn. If it's midsummer, I don't know how many miles this stench will blow with the wind.

On the south side of the official road is a dense forest. Originally, this dense forest was next to Songlin Lake. When this official road was opened during Kaihuang years, all the trees growing along the lake were cut down. Too many trees were cut down. It is useless to abandon it in the wilderness. Just a family from Yuyang in the north who relocated southward due to the suffering of the Turkic wars in the south passed by here. Seeing that so much wood was lost, it was useless, so they stopped here to cut A small village was built from discarded trees.

Maybe he came from Yuyang, and still remembered the green cypresses and pines in the northern cold land, so the old patriarch named the village Songlin Town, which is the origin of the name of Songlin Lake in Songlin Town.

Now more than [-] years have passed, and there is no more common people in Songlin Town.

Only the dilapidated houses on the west side of Songlin Lake are left, with dilapidated walls and ruins, which look extraordinarily desolate, as sad as the dead branches and leaves in that place.

At this time, Li Xian was standing on the high slope outside the dilapidated village, looking at the dense forest not far away, slightly lost in thought.The area of ​​this forest is tens of miles, and there are many towering ancient trees in it, which have grown for hundreds of years, and two or three people may not be able to embrace them.

Especially near Songlin Lake, there is a crooked-necked weeping willow whose crown is so big that it can cover an area of ​​tens of meters.

So, looking at the forest, Li Xian said it was a pity.

He really felt that it was a pity that if these ancient trees were transplanted to other gardens, they would be a beautiful scenery, but now Li Xian had to destroy them.



After the troops from the supply camp passed by, less than half an hour later, more than [-] Chinese troops led by Li Xian arrived at the bank of Songlin Lake.He stood on the soil slope outside the abandoned Pine Forest Town, and murmured a pity.It's just that there was no pity on his face, and the slightly upturned corners of his mouth were enough to show that there was a little pride in his heart besides pity.

Then he raised his right hand and pressed it down.

The four thousand fine riders started immediately, divided into two teams, one south and one north, and rushed out along the periphery of the dense forest.After the galloping cavalry arrived outside the dense forest, they took off the hard bow, and then took out the feathered arrows wrapped in oilcloth from the quiver.Light the feathered arrows with a torch, and the cavalry of the four thousand-man squadrons will start to glow. It is a hot and cruel light that can burn everything.

Thousands of rockets shot into the dense forest, poking on the fallen leaves.I don't know what happened, the north wind had stopped early in the morning, but the rocket hit the fallen leaves, and the flames shot up all of a sudden.

The speed of the fire burning was a bit weird, even if the fallen leaves were dry, it would not form a sea of ​​fire in an instant.Moreover, the sea of ​​flames spread at an astonishingly fast speed. In just ten minutes, the flames had already shot up to the branches.The four thousand cavalry were divided into two teams, and they continuously shot rockets into the dense forest from the north and south sides. Each person only shot four or five arrows, and the fire surpassed the cavalry, so that the cavalry had to stop firing arrows and urge the horses to gallop. Rush to the front to shoot the rocket.

Wang Junke, who was in the deepest part of the dense forest, was pacing back and forth anxiously, looking north from time to time.Behind him, countless Wagangzhai archers were ready to go. As soon as the signal came, they rushed to the north side and nailed all the people and horses of Yanyunzhai on the official road to the ground with the feather arrows in their hands. .

"Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

Wang Junke said anxiously: "Could it be that Li Sheng fell asleep lying on the big tree?"

"How dare he!"

Li Wenxiang smiled and said: "You are good at everything. You are first-rate in martial arts and leading soldiers, but you are too hasty. Think about it, how cautious is Li Xian? This road is the most dangerous. He How could it be possible to rush over recklessly? It is estimated that the adults and horses of Yanyun Village will not come up until the troops of the Yanyun Village supply camp have finished walking."

"I always feel that something is wrong!"

Wang Junke thought for a while and said, "Why did Li Xian send the supply battalion to go first?"

He frowned and said, "Li Xian is also experienced in many battles. It's impossible for him to be so careless. You also said that he is cautious, how can a person who uses troops cautiously let the supply battalion go first, and is so far away from the main force of the rear team?" ? If you are caught in an ambush, the front camp will be set on fire, and it will be too late for his brigade to rush over to rescue him!"


When Li Wenxiang heard what Wang Junke said, he also felt that something was wrong.

"How can there be such a march? This is not considered sloppy, it is a complete idiot."

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!"

Wang Junke urgently said: "Send someone to the front to see if the people from Yanyun Village are cheating!"

Li Wenxiang nodded, turned around and walked quickly to the army to send someone to check. He was in a hurry and stumbled on a tree root exposed to the ground. on fallen leaves.Fortunately, the fallen leaves were thick enough, so the fall was not heavy.


Li Wenxiang was helped up by his own soldiers, and he couldn't stop spitting.

"A mouthful of dirt!"

Li Wenxiang scolded: "What a bloody backlash!"

While spitting, he wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand: "Hey... is this fucking dirt or bird droppings, why is it so black!"

It's just that he didn't care whether it was dust or bird droppings that he ate, and walked quickly to the army: "Cui Hui! Take a few people to the official road to see why the troops from Yanyun Village haven't come up yet ! That bastard Li Sheng hasn’t sent anyone to send back any news so far, so he couldn’t have been discovered and killed!”

He cursed loudly, feeling extremely bitter in his mouth.

His scout team, Cui Hui, led a dozen people and rushed to the north of the forest. Li Wenxiang watched Cui Hui and the others disappear into the trees, and then sighed. He looked at Wang Junke and asked: " You said, this time we have done more meritorious service, will the Secret Society make you and me a champion general?"

"Oh no!"

Before Wang Jun could answer him, Cui Hui ran back with his people in panic like a bereaved dog.

"Fire...fire...on fire!"

Cui Hui, who was pale, shouted out of breath, the panic in his eyes was like seeing a ghost.



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