Will Ming

Chapter 418 Pine Forest Town

Chapter 410 Eight Pine Forest Town ([-])

The sea of ​​flames was raging, like the wrath of heaven, and the flames of the burning forest jumped up to the treetops, as if they could reach the sky and burn through the sky.The [-] Wagangzhai soldiers ambushing in the depths of the dense forest, when they found the forest was on fire, it was too late to rush out.Surrounded by a sea of ​​flames, swallowing from the outside to the inside, no matter where they rushed, there was a high wall of fire blocking them.

The wailing of people in despair is so stern that it will break your heart. People are running crazily, from east to west, from south to north, and the soldiers of Wagangzhai running back and forth in the thick smoke soon become breathless. Difficulty, thick smoke got into the throat, everyone was coughing violently, and every time they coughed, they would cough up a big mouthful of black things.

Some people took off their leather armor, tore off their clothes, blocked their mouths and noses, and rushed out. They just got into the sea of ​​flames, and their hair was immediately ignited, followed by their clothes. It was difficult to extinguish the flames.The soldier who was on fire rolled all over the ground, but rolling back and forth on the thick fallen leaves, not only did not crush the flames on his body, but also ignited the fallen leaves.

Countless people of fire wailed in the thick smoke. They ran back and forth desperately, but because of running, the flames on their bodies burned more and more intensely.

Some people couldn't hold on and fell to the ground, and were burned alive not long after.Roasted human oil sizzled out from the burning flesh, and after a while, the wailing sound disappeared, the corpse became scorched black, fingers and toes began to fall off, exposing the roasted black bone tips inside.

Wanting to escape in the billowing smoke, especially if they are in the deepest part of the dense forest, no matter where they run, they will not be able to escape in a few minutes. Even if they can escape in a few minutes, their lives are not many Minutes so long.Thick smoke penetrated into the lungs, people gradually suffocated, their bodies became heavier and heavier, and their thinking became more and more dull. Once they fell down, no one would have the possibility to stand up again.

Someone was so quick that he poured water on his clothes, covered his mouth and nose, and rushed out.There were also people who made a mistake in their busy schedule and poured the wine from the flagon on their clothes, and they were quickly ignited as soon as they rushed into the fire.

The clothes were wrapped around his head. After the flames burned, the soldier who had gone wrong tore off the clothes like crazy. Every time a piece of burning clothes was torn off, a layer of fleshy skin would stick off his face.After he tore off the clothes covering his head, the fleshy skin on his face was also torn clean.

The pink meat was exposed, without the cover of the skin, it immediately turned red when the flames roasted it, it looked like cooked shrimp.Soon, the redness turned into scorched black, and he was sizzling, but he didn't die immediately, his two hands were still crazily scratching his face, and as his hands slapped and scratched his face, The eyelids stuck to his hands were peeled off.

Without eyelids, his eyes look extra large.

If you look closely at his eyes, you will see that the flames reflected in his eyeballs are still beating violently.

Wang Jun was the first to rush out, and his luck was much better than that of Li Wenxiang.Li Wenxiang was only 1 minute slower than him running out. He just ran back and grabbed the horizontal knife and wine pot hanging from the tree branch. When Wang Junke looked back, Li Wenxiang had disappeared in the billowing smoke He was no longer seen.

While running, Wang Junke poured all the water in the water bag on top of his head, then covered his face with his hands and ran out like crazy with his head down.

He ran fast, but when he rushed to the edge of the woods, he was blocked by the raging fire.The soldiers following him were wailing in fright, grabbing Wang Junke's clothes, and kept wailing, General, save me, General, save me.Wang Junke kicked him away, then rushed over and grabbed the soldier's hair. He drew out the horizontal knife and wiped it back and forth on the soldier's neck. The artery was cut open, and blood spurted out like a waterfall.

Wang Jun could let the soldier's blood spray on his body as much as he wanted, and he even felt that the blood was hot.When no more blood spewed from the soldier's neck, Wang Junke also turned into a blood man.

He gritted his teeth, lowered his head and slammed into the sea of ​​fire.

Standing in front of Wang Junke was a river of fire that was more than ten meters wide. He was like a drowning man, flailing his hands in the river of fire, trying to grab a straw that could save his life.

He is ruthless and decisive enough, so his luck is better than most of the Wagangzhai soldiers, and he is also the first person to rush out of the woods alive.

And when he rushed out, his blood-soaked iron armor was already burning red.Wang Jun didn't have time to think about it, and plunged into the steaming pine forest lake.

The lake water was very smelly, but Wang Junke poured a few mouthfuls into his mouth as if he was drinking fine nectar. The sticky stuff in his throat was washed into his stomach by the dirty water, but he felt extremely smooth and refreshed.There is nothing more satisfying than being able to breathe now.

He swam forward with all his strength, and then climbed into a small boat abandoned by the villagers of Songlin Town.Lying in the boat, Wang Junke gasped heavily like a revived zombie, and after only a few tens of seconds, he couldn't help but began to vomit.

When he felt that he had regained some strength, he began to take off the iron armor on his body with difficulty.Clothes have been glued to the iron armor, and fleshy skin is glued to the clothes.

After exhausting all his strength, Wang Junke finally took off the armor.He was in a mess like a scorched sheep, lying on the boat and breathing heavily.Most of the skin on his body was glued off when the armor was removed, including his face.

He was lying there, but he couldn't feel any pain in his body at this moment.

After a while, he struggled to sit up and looked at the sea of ​​flames not far away, looking at the raging flames flying into the sky, he suddenly laughed out loud, the laughter was so smooth and excited.

"I am blessed with a life! I can't die! Haha! I can't die!"

He shouted and laughed excitedly, like crazy.

But when he was laughing wildly, a crocodile hiding in the water jumped out and bit his head, the boat turned over, the crocodile kept shaking Wang Junke's head violently, Blood flowed down its fangs like a stream.

The crocodile, which came from nowhere, chewed its mouth, and there were several crisp sounds of bones breaking.At this moment, another crocodile jumped out of the water and bit Wang Junke's thigh. The two crocodiles began to snatch the fresh food. With a click, Wang Junke's body was torn into two pieces. The viscera fell to the surface of the water with a clatter, staining the dirty lake red.



The cavalry that Li Xian ordered to ignite the fire had quickly withdrawn. As the fire got bigger and bigger, the soldiers kept retreating. Since the fire started, Li Xian, riding on the big black horse, has only seen one person rushing from the dense forest. come out.Seeing that figure leap into the Pine Forest Lake, Li Xian couldn't help admiring that this person was really lucky.

He subconsciously took out the clairvoyance contained in the deerskin bag, and then looked at the place where the man fell into the water.Seeing the dark man climbed into a dilapidated boat, when Li Xian was still admiring the life of this man, the crocodile jumped out and bit the man's head.

Then Li Xian saw that person's body being swung by the crocodile's huge mouth, limp like a boneless earthworm.After that, he saw the man being dismembered by two crocodiles.

Li Xian didn't expect that there was such a murderous thing in this dead lake, so he was also taken aback, and secretly rejoiced that he was not too close to the shore of Pine Forest Lake just now.

The action of the crocodile rushing to eat is as fast as lightning, and it is impossible for people to avoid it.

Li Xian put down his clairvoyance slowly, and murmured that it was a pity again.

Seeing that the sea of ​​fire has become a trend, even if it rains heavily at this time, it will not be able to extinguish the fire in a short while.Immediately, Li Xian ordered the army to move out, bypassing the sea of ​​fire to join Wang Qinian's men.He knew that Li Mi's pursuers would catch up in a short time, and this place was not a good place for a decisive battle.If Li Mi's army came at this time and Li Xian's men fought with their backs facing the sea of ​​flames, there would be no way out.

Li Xian has always dismissed things like fighting back, let alone fighting back.

The official road cannot be left, so the army detoured to the north, bypassing the Songlin Lake with a radius of more than [-] miles, and at the same time, Wang Qinian's supply battalion also detoured to Li Xian on the other side. .It's just that after his convoy left the official road, it was extremely difficult to travel in the wilderness, and the speed was slower than walking. The anxious Wang Qinian's forehead was covered with sweat.

How can it be a short while to go around the Songlin Lake with a radius of more than [-] miles?

After Li Xian personally led the four thousand elite cavalry, the large group of infantry rushed forward.Countless living creatures like hares in the wilderness were scattered and fled in a hurry.The soldiers rushed forward frantically along the shore of the lake. From time to time, they looked up at the black line that was faintly visible on the other side of the lake. That black line was the troops of Wang Qinian's supply camp.

The soldiers were rushing forward, and some people tripped over the gravel from time to time, but they immediately got up and continued to rush forward, because they all knew that today's battle was a matter of life and death.

After rushing out for four or five miles, the scouts caught up from behind and reported to Li Xian out of breath that the Wagangzhai army led by Li Mi himself had arrived behind him, less than five miles away.Li Xian looked at the blood on the scout, and knew that he also escaped from death and came out to report the military situation.There were no less than a hundred scouts who stayed in the rear to monitor the Wagang Village, but now he was the only one who came back alive.

Li Xian calculated the time, thought for a while and ordered: "The infantry continue to move forward, and they cannot stop until they meet Wang Qinian's supply camp. No matter what happens later, they must not stop!"

He touched the handle of the black knife at his waist, and ordered loudly: "The cavalry follow me!"

Li Xian turned the big black horse and looked at the dust that could be vaguely seen behind him.

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