Will Ming

Chapter 419 Pine Forest Town

Chapter 410 IX Pine Forest Town ([-])

The formation of the well-trained soldiers of the Sui Dynasty is changeable, and the formation of the cavalry has more than [-] kinds of changes, such as goose feathers, cones, and front arrows.According to different battlefields and different battle situations, the experienced generals will arrange the most suitable formation to defend against the enemy.At this time, the four thousand elite cavalry in Yanyun Village were in the wilderness, and Li Xian ordered the cavalry to form a basic multi-row square formation. This formation can be regarded as the basic formation for various formation changes.

If it is a heavy cavalry, this multi-row phalanx is also one of the sharpest attack formations.Light cavalry assaults are mainly in the form of cones, front arrows and other formations.Heavy armored cavalry attack, trampling forward neatly in this square formation is the most domineering.

Li Xian has no heavy armored cavalry under his command. With the current financial, manpower and material resources of Juyeze in Dongping County, it is already a bit difficult to feed an army of nearly 4000 troops. Even though Li Xian was envious of Luo Yi's 2 tiger armor, he didn't have enough money to build one now.Speaking of which, Luo Yi's tiger and ben heavy armor only has [-] cavalry, but the size of the entire team is nearly [-]!

Heavy armored cavalry must be extremely strong and burly, and the requirements for horses are even stricter. How can ordinary horses carry heavy armored soldiers weighing no less than three hundred catties?A knight's heavy armor weighs thirty to forty catties, a horse's full armor weighs several tens of catties, and a vigorous cavalry weighs one hundred and seventy to eighty catties, plus horses, horizontal knives, and other necessary equipment, the total adds up , nearly three hundred catties heavy.

Each heavy cavalry has at least two followers, who are responsible for maintaining and cleaning the armor and weapons of the heavy cavalry, and taking good care of the horses.Therefore, each retinue of heavy cavalry must have at least one nauseous horse to carry equipment.Adding in the logistics and logistics personnel, this calculation, five thousand tigers, the total force is actually no less than [-], and the total number of war horses and horses is even more.And the most important thing is that the heavy armor of the cavalry, the full armor of the horses, and the soldiers' salaries are too expensive, so high that the entire Sui can only support the five thousand tigers in Youzhou.

Regardless of the high cost of heavy cavalry, Li Xian prefers light cavalry that come and go like the wind.

After only waiting for about half an hour, the black army of Wagangzhai came surging amidst the billowing dust and smoke.The 6 army, covering the sky and covering the earth, can't see the edge at a glance, surging like a gray wave.Li Mi divided the [-] troops of the Central Army into five armies, front, rear, left, and middle, according to the marching practice of the soldiers of the Sui Dynasty.The former general Zhang Qian, the left general Meng Rang, the right general Hu Luer, and the rear general Hao Xiaode.His confidant Zhang Liang led an army of [-] troops to support him.

The 5000 men and horses of Zhang Qian, the former general Mingwei, all rushed to the front. Zhang Qian's 5000 men belonged to the outer battalion of Wagang Village, while Zhai Rang, Shan Xiongxin and others led the original Wagang Village. , belong to the inner camp soldiers and horses.Generally speaking, the combat power of the soldiers and horses of the inner battalion is much stronger than that of the soldiers and horses of the outer battalion.

Li Mi also wanted to hold the inner camp firmly in his hands, but although Shan Xiongxin and others seemed to respect him quite a bit, they refused to let go of the soldiers and horses in their hands, but Zhai Rang still obeyed him, He has repeatedly stated that after taking down Dongping County, he will retreat behind the scenes and hand over Wagang Village to Li Mi to take charge of it.

Therefore, although Li Mi looked down on the combat power of the soldiers and horses of the foreign battalion, now he had to rely heavily on Zhang Qian, Hu Luer and others.Although the men and horses under these people are not good at fighting, they are numerous and powerful.If you count the soldiers and horses stationed in various places, the total strength of Wagang Village is no less than 10,000+.

Stationed in Dongjun, plus Li Mi sent troops to attack Luokoucang, and there was a group of troops stationed in Baihua Valley, so this time the troops mobilized by Li Mi were only about half of the total troops in the eastward expedition to Yanyun Village. Ma Zhairang personally led 6 people to go around behind Li Xian to attack Xiongkuohai's troops.

Zhang Qian led [-] former soldiers and horses to rush forward, and suddenly saw the cavalry of Yanyun Village blocking the front like a black city wall. He didn't dare to hold back, so he immediately ordered the team to stop, and he went to ask Li Mi himself for instructions.

The other horse stopped. He thought that the thousands of cavalry left behind in Yanyun Village would never take the initiative to attack, but what surprised him was that what he thought was impossible became possible.

Li Xian didn't wait for the Wagang Village's front army to complete its formation, and glanced coldly at the other army's hastily approaching army, without the slightest worry on his face, he pointed the black knife forward and said loudly: "Kill over, Trample the former army in Wagang Village!"


The Jingjia Qingqi responded neatly, and then followed Li Xian's big black horse to speed up slowly.

Four thousand fine riders followed behind Li Xian and gradually increased their speed.The horse's hooves made a thunderous sound on the wilderness, and they rumbled against the ground to crush the former soldiers and horses in Wagang Village.



Zhang Qian was about to rush back to ask Li Mi for instructions, when he suddenly saw the broken cavalry from Yanyun Village rushing over.He immediately sent his own soldiers to report to Li Mi, and asked Li Mi to send troops to support him.

"Archers! Array!"

Zhang Qian shouted loudly.

Although the troops under him are not well-equipped and far less well-trained than those in the Wagang Village, they have experienced countless battles, and they are still much stronger than ordinary green forest bandits.He thinks that the combat power of the soldiers and horses under his command is at least much better than the farmers and refugees put together under the black society and the white society.

He wanted to show off in front of Li Mi, so he gave full play to his mental command.

"Pikemen, line up after the three arrows!"

He rode his horse and galloped in front of the army formation, and gave orders loudly.

"The cavalry behind Yanyun Village is only a few thousand, and we have an army of one hundred thousand!"

He cheered up his soldiers loudly: "Today is the day when Yanyun Village will be destroyed! In the future, Duke Mi will be successful in his career. You all have made great contributions to the dragon, and you will have a bright future in the future! Good men don't want to return home in good clothes ?Who doesn't want to be a marquis and a general?! Soldiers! Stepping on the bones of the enemy to achieve your fame and future!"

Zhang Qian has read books for several years, and also wrote first-hand articles, so boosting morale is far more elegant than Hu Luer and others, and he doesn't just shout monotonously a few times to kill, rush, and the like.He also participated in the imperial examination, but because he had no money to give gifts, although the essays were well done, the parallel four li six were quite neat, but it was far less beautiful than a bag of silver.Not surprisingly, he failed the rankings, but the uneducated son of a wealthy family in the same village won. In a fit of rage, Zhang Qian followed his clan uncle as a peddler in Saibei.

In the first year of Daye, the imperial examination system was established, and the status of literati was significantly improved. The young men who studied in the county school were also respected by the people.Zhang Qian took the initiative to cut off his studies and went to work as the most despised businessman. From this, one can imagine how intense the resentment was in his heart at that time.

In the social class of the Sui Dynasty, scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen were the most looked down upon.

It’s just that Zhang Qian’s luck was bad. The first time he went to Saibei, he brought some Sichuan brocade and tea bricks. He planned to exchange two bad horses and sell them for silver. Forcibly confiscated for military use, and did not give him a piece of meat. Zhang Qian was also angry. He contacted a few people, killed that Facao that night, and then fled into the barren hills to become a bandit. Who would have thought that in just a few years, he would He became a green forest tycoon with tens of thousands of soldiers.

He is a little more knowledgeable than the general leader of the rebel army, and he has read a few military books after he was born, so he also has some experience in military training, and he especially thinks that the training method of the army of the Sui Dynasty is the best.Just because he has read books, he knows that the world cannot be chaotic for a long time, and sooner or later there will be a time when there will be divisions for a long time, and the biggest thing about him is that he has self-knowledge, knowing that he will never achieve anything in the game of world hegemony, so he Decided to find someone who can achieve great things to assist.

He was one of the many people in the Sui Dynasty who firmly believed that Li Mi was the real man, so he firmly believed that he was on the right path.

The fine armored cavalry in Yanyun Village had already reached two hundred paces away. Looking at the elite black armored cavalry, Zhang Qian couldn't help but praise them sincerely in his heart.

Everyone said that Li Xian, the head of the Yanyun Village, was the best at using cavalry, and seeing the formation today, he knew that these cavalry were real veterans of many battles, and they must not be underestimated.


Zhang Qian shouted loudly.

With a buzzing sound, a feather arrow flew into the sky.Hundreds of archers loosened their bowstrings almost at the same time, and the feathered arrows first gradually lifted up into the air, and then accelerated down when they reached the highest point.Immediately afterwards, dense feather arrows smashed into the cavalry formation of Yanyun Village like hail, and dozens of cavalry fell off their horses.

Feathered arrows do far less damage to cavalry than to infantry.Horses galloping at high speed can often leave feathered arrows behind, and facing cavalry, the time for archers to shoot feathered arrows has become extremely hasty.From entering the shooting range to shooting the last arrow within one's ability, there is often only six or seven breaths of time.

In the second round and the third round of feather arrows, a hundred cavalrymen were shot down, and the archers had to quickly retreat to the back of the army formation.

"Gun formation!"

Zhang Qian ordered loudly: "Go up!"

At this time, the cavalry in Yanyun Village were less than fifty steps away from the army formation, and it would be too late if they did not change their formation.Following his order, more than 1000 spearmen rushed up and formed several rows of spears.

Seeing that the cavalry in Yanyunzhai were about to collide with the spear array in fifty steps, the big black horse in the front suddenly turned to one side and abruptly changed direction. Following the big black horse, thousands of cavalry actually completed a The turn that seemed impossible to complete turned out a very beautiful big arc, turned a [-]-degree turn, and changed from directly facing the Wagangzhai army formation to rushing parallel to the army formation.


Li Xian shouted, and then took the lead to take down the crossbow, and pulled the gun towards the Wagangzhai spearman who was less than twenty steps away after turning.

In an instant, the crossbow arrows were like a torrential rain.

The fine armored cavalry who slid across the Wagangzhai army formation in parallel,

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